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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Relationship of Mental Health with Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Amandeep Kaur; Kang, Tejpreet K.
    The study was conducted to assess the ‘Relationship of Mental Health with Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents.’ The study was based on 240 adolescents (i.e. 120 rural and 120 urban) in the age range of 16-18 years. The sample was randomly drawn from four Government Senior Secondary Schools purposively selected from rural as well as urban areas of Ludhiana district. Self-structured general information sheet was prepared to collect the general information of the adolescents. Mental Health Battery by Singh and Sengupta and Suicidal Ideation Scale by Sisodia and Bhatnagar were used to assess the mental health and suicidal ideation of the respondents respectively. Results revealed significant differences in mental health of the respondents. Boys were scoring better than their female counterparts in majority of the dimensions as well as in overall mental health. Significant locale differences existed between rural boys and girls. In suicidal ideation gender differences were found to be significant among rural boys and girls whereas non-significant differences were seen among urban boys and girls. Significant locale differences existed between rural and urban adolescents. Emotional stability, overall adjustment, self-concept, intelligence and better overall mental health made a negative contribution towards suicidal ideation as compared to autonomy and security-insecurity which made a positive contribution towards suicidal ideation among adolescents. In demographic variables, family size and presence of male and female sibling were having a significant and positive relationship with mental health whereas family income was having a significant and negative relationship with the dimension of mental health among adolescents.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Design and development of aloe vera leaf gel extraction machine
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Gajbhiye, Ankit; Gupta, S. K.
    The aloe vera gel extraction machine consists of auto adjustable grip rollers, mouth piece or front edge cutter, scrapping blades and a driving unit. The grip rollers were provided with inclined trapezoidal teeth to increase the friction between aloe vera leaf and rollers. The design parameters of the machine were dimensions and speed of grip rollers, spring tension for mouth piece and clearance of scrapping blades. The jagged edges were cut as the leaf passes through mouth piece and grip roller pushes it against scrapping blades which removes upper and lower rind. The machine was tested for its performance at different roller speed. The crude gel recovery was maximum at 59.7% was found at the speed of 75 rpm and greater than 20 mm leaf thickness. The minimum residual gel percentage i.e. 5.19% was found at 75 rpm and greater than 20 mm thickness. The highest gel expulsion efficiency i.e. 94.8% was obtained at 60 rpm with leaf having thickness greater than 20 mm. It was inferred that for getting maximum crude gel recovery, minimum residual gel percentage, highest expulsion efficiency, the leaves should be fed at 75 rpm roller speed for greater than 20 mm leaf thickness.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Opinion of students and teachers regarding rural agricultural work experience and experiential learning programme of PAU, Ludhiana
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Shachi Singh; Prabhjot Kaur
    The present study entitled ‘Opinion of students and teachers regarding Rural Agricultural Work Experience and Experiential Learning Programme of PAU, Ludhiana was undertaken with the objectives to study the opinion of students regarding RAWE and ELP, to determine the satisfaction level of the students, to study the problems faced by the students and teachers during RAWE and ELP and to seek suggestions from the students and teachers to make RAWE and ELP more effective. One hundred and fifty students who had undergone RAWE Programme during the year 2014 and 2015 and two teachers from each discipline of College of Agriculture who were associated with RAWE programme were selected randomly. Findings of the study revealed that majority of the students were agreed to the different aspects of RAWE programme such as village attachment, Experiential learning I, Experiential Learning Programme II and Report writing. Majority of the students had high satisfaction level regarding various aspects of RAWE programme. Significant association was found between residence of students and their level of satisfaction for ELP II. A significant association was found between family occupation of students and their level of satisfaction for ELPII. It was revealed that majority of the teachers did not face problems on a larger level although some problems were evident. Teachers suggested that proper transport facilities and sufficient fund should be provided to make this programme more effective.