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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Horticultural and molecular evaluation of tomato lines for multiple disease resistance
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Rane Omkar Harikrishna; Jindal, Salesh Kumar
    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) can be grown throughout the year but its production is hampered due to attack of several diseases. In tropics and subtropics, tomato leaf curl disease (ToLCD), late blight (LB) and root knot nematode (RKN) are the major diseases, which can cause 90-100 percent losses of yield and quality. Hence, six genes (Ty-1, Ty-2, Ty-3, Ph-2, Ph-3 and Mi-1.2) were pyramided from different parents to accomplish resistance against ToLCD, LB and RKN. In the present investigation, 132 lines of BC2F6 population were screened for resistance to multiple diseases along with horticultural traits. The popular released cultivar ā€˜Punjab Chhuharaā€™ was used as a common susceptible control for all the three diseases and resistant controls include Punjab Varkha Bahar-4 for ToLCD, LBR-10 for LB and NR-14 for RKN. Natural, artificial and marker aided screening were carried out for identification of disease resistant lines. In 2019-20, horticultural evaluation of advance breeding lines along with screening for multiple disease resistance under natural and artificial conditions was done. During 2020-21, marker assisted screening against diseases was employed. Out of 132 lines screened, 5 lines viz. PDRT-104, PDRT-118, PDRT-122, PDRT124 and PDRT-125 were found to be resistant against all the three diseases viz. ToLCD, LB and RKN along with better horticultural traits. The lines namely PDRT-145 and PDRT-154 possessing resistance against ToLCD and RKN and the line PDRT-1 possessing resistance against LB and RKN. Among these lines, PDRT-104 and PDRT-122 were found to be possessing all the six genes (Ty-1, Ty-2, Ty-3, Ph-2, Ph-3 and Mi-1.2) with average yield of 3.07 and 3.44 kg/plant, respectively. Whereas, the lines PDRT-124 and PDRT-125 were found to possesses five genes (Ty-1, Ty-2, Ty-3, Ph-2 and Mi-1.2) with average yield of 3.04 and 2.78 kg/plant, respectively. The multiple disease resistant lines found in the present study could be evaluated at multi-site for their commercial exploitation and can also be considered as potential candidates in resistance breeding programmes of tomato crop.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Identification of quantitative traits loci (QTLs) for popping traits and kernel size in maize
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Sukhdeep Kaur; Rakshit, Sujay
    Popping traits play an important role in the utilization of popcorn. In this study, the F8 RILs population derived from HKI PC4B (Popcorn) Ɨ CML 269 (Normal corn) was characterized for seed and popping traits, and sufficient genetic variability was observed in the RILs and the parents for target traits. The best performing RIL(s) in specific environments like RL4, RL51, RL73 were identified using AMMI analysis. A few RILs were found to be superior to those of parents representing their possible use in popcorn breeding. QTL mapping (CIM algorithms) identified a total of 15 QTLs. Out of these QTLs, five QTLs for traits TW, PEV, PPand FV were mapped consistently across the environments on chr 3, 5, 6 and 9, respectively (R2 16.60 ā€“ 29.50 %). A total of 10 QTLs identified were environment specific. Two QTLs each for TW, PEV, PP; one QTL for FV were reported on chr 1, 2, 4, 7and 8, respectively. Based on the average values of the traits, three more QTLs were identified for PP, FV and PEV on chr 3 and 1 (R2 4.71 ā€“ 11.06 %). MetaQTL approach integrated QTLs from the earlier studies using BioMercator v4.2. A total of 10 metaQTLs were identified and 229 genes were shortlisted in these regions on expression basis (nineteen genes selected using KEGG pathways). The four metaQTLs were considered important for popping traits having 5-8 QTLs clustered in regions. The QTLs for PEV (two) and seven metaQTLs for traits PP, TW, PEV, FS were observed at chr 1, earlier also QTLs and metaQTLs were reported on chr 1. Therefore considered as an important region in enhancement of popping traits
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Characterization, population dynamics of Streptomyces spp. and management of potato scab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Sabhikhi, Hardeep Singh; Hunjan, Mandeep
    Scab of potato caused by various Streptomyces spp. has assumed serious proportions in certain potato growing regions of Punjab. A total of 2060 acres were surveyed during this study, out of which 490 acres were having scab infection. Maximum disease severity was observed in Kapurthala (7.9%), followed by Ludhiana (6.3%) and Jalandhar (6.2%) districts. During the surveys, it was observed that common scab type of symptoms were the most prevalent (89.7%), however disease induced by multiple type symptoms was viz., pitted or raised corky lesions was more severe. One hundred seven isolates of Streptomyces were collected, and characterized biochemically, pathotypically and genetically. All the Streptomyces spp. isolates could utilize hexose sugars, but not pentose sugars and most of the isolates produced melanoid pigment, an important virulence factor of this bacterium. Multiple antibiotic resistance was observed in 20 isolates. Pathotypic bioassay of Streptomyces spp. isolates revealed that Kufri Pukhraj had the highest virulence frequency (81.3%) while K. Himsona had the least (40.2%). Ninety six isolates were confirmed pathogenic. The 16srDNA amplification confirmed the identity of the genus, whereas sequence analysis of nine representative isolates revealed that Strep101 belonged to Streptomyces acidiscabies, Strep102 to reticuliscabiei, while Strep131, Strep137, Strep143, Strep145, Strep154, Strep170 and Strep173 to scabiei. All isolates were further characterized on the basis of pathogenicity genes, txtA and nec1.The txtA gene from Punjab isolates either matched with S. scabiei or S. turgidiscabies No txtA amplification was observed in S. acidiscabies, Strep101 and S. reticuliscabiei, Strep102. The nec1 gene was amplified in 84 out of 96 isolates and no nec1 was detected in S. reticuliscabiei, Strep102. Genetic fingerprinting carried out by using 17 RAPD primers clustered these into eight genetic groups. Many genetic groups had multiple virulence groups and vice-versa. To identify resistant donors, 41 potato germplasm lines were screened using representative isolates of different virulence groups. Most of the lines were susceptible to moderately susceptible. Three crop rotations viz., fallow-rice-potato, summer moong-rice-potato and sunhemp-rice-potato showed maximum per cent decrease in the population of Streptomyces spp. in soil and scab severity on potato tubers. Using disease free seed tuber or early harvesting of potato from scab sick field also observed that to reduce scab effectively. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of different chemicals against S. scabies showed that Streptocycline, streptomycin, boric acid and copper sulphate were effective. However, tuber seed treatment with chemicals viz., Kocide@0.2% and Streptocycline@100 ppm and antagonist Streptomyces spp. strain S25 and S27 had negative impact on the germination of potato seed tuber. For the management of scab, complete package involving use of tolerant cultivars, disease free seed or seed treatment, and cultural practices have to be followed.
  • ThesisItemRestricted