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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Ultra-processed food consumption in relation to noncommunicable diseases among urban households from varied socio-economic groups
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Ashna; Dr. Harpreet Kaur
    A research study was carried out to analyze the Ultra-processed foods (UPF) consumption in relation to non-communicable diseases among 105 urban households, out of which 35 belonged to each lower-middle , upper-middle and upper socio-economic strata (SES). Health and nutritional status were assessed using various parameters such as anthropometry , biochemical , food and nutrient intake. The required information was collected through a pretested questionnaire by personal interview technique. Results revealed that upper SES households spent 18.21 percent of their total food expenditure on ultra-processed foods, whereas for lower-middle and upper-middle SES it was 7.22 and 10.39 percent. The consumption of Ready To Cook snacks, fruits/vegetable based juices, breakfast cereals, breads and biscuits was significantly (p<0.05) higher among upper SES , followed by lowermiddle and upper-middle SES. Whereas, food items such as fast-food chain items , flavoured butter and margarine , and sweets were found to have a non-significant difference in consumption pattern. Among elderly men and women it was inferred that maximum intake was from the breads and biscuits category from all categories of UPF. Significantly (p<0.05) higher intake of food groups such as milk and milk products, fruits, and other vegetables was observed among upper SES, whereas consumption of Green leafy vegetables was inadequate among all SES groups as the intake ranged between 5.98 ±2.87to 24.56±2.79g/day. Percent energy, total fat and sodium contribution from UPF was significantly higher in upper SES groups. Weight, hip circumference, body fat percentage, and muscle mass were higher among upper-middle and upper SES groups. Fasting blood glucose levels were higher in lowermiddle SES elderly subjects, whereas total cholesterol and LDL-C were higher in Upper SES subjects. A positive and significant (p<0.05) correlation was found among percent energy contribution from UPF with weight, body mass index, waist circumference and body fat percentage. Percent sodium contribution from UPF depicted a correlation with the systolic blood pressure of the subjects whereas, correlation between total fat intake from UPF with body fat percentage, visceral fat and serum triglyceride levels was also observed. The study concluded that higher consumption of UPF found among the higher SES households may be the reason for higher weight, total cholesterol and LDL-C that can lead to higher incidence of obesity and non-communicable diseases. Hence, there is an urgent need for the implementation of educational programs that target higher SES individuals, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet and the health risks associated with excessive ultra-processed food consumption.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Response of soil and foliar applied zinc on wheat and its residual effect on moongbean
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Manjot Singh; Dr B. K. Yadav
    Micronutrient deficiencies have rapidly emerged as a significant human health concern, particularly in developing nations. Zinc (Zn) is a basic ingredient and regulatory co-factor in enzymes and proteins involved in many metabolic activities. It is vital for both animals and plants. The experiment was conducted during the Rabi 2020-21 and Kharif 2021to study the response of soil and foliar applied zinc on wheat and its residual effect on moongbean. Soil and plant samples were analysed by standard methods. The present study results revealed that plant growth parameters such as plant height, spike length, test weight, grain and straw yield of wheat significantly differ among wheat cultivars and increased by spraying of 0.5% ZnSO4.7H2O along with 1% urea at the time of booting + grain filling stages. Macronutrients (N, P, and K) and micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn) content in wheat grains significantly varied among wheat cultivars. The macronutrients (N, P and K) and micronutrients (Fe, Cu and Mn) content in wheat grain and straw was non- significant due to spraying of Zn fertilizer irrespective of the source, however, Zn content in grain and straw varied significantly due to spraying of Zn fertilizer irrespective of the source. The soil chemical properties (pH, EC and OC), macronutrients (N, P and K) and micronutrients (Fe, Cu and Mn) showed nonsignificance and soil available Zn showed significance difference between two cultivars (PBW 725 and PBW 658), under different Zn treatments and time of spray. The residual effect of different Zn sources and time of application on soil chemical properties and available nutrients were also non-significant after succeeding moongbean crop. However, available Zn was significantly higher with applied Zn @ 5kg ha-1 in soil (T1). Similarly, the plant growth parameters and Zn content in succeeding moongbean was significantly higher with applied Zn @ 5kg ha-1 in soil (T1) as compared to other methods of Zn application. From the present study it is concluded that wheat variety PBW 725 showed the highest yield attributes, yield, Zn content and among all the Zn treatments, treatment T5 (2.5 kg Zn ha-1 applied in soil + 0.5% EDTA- Zn +1% urea - foliar spray) exhibited superior performance. Whereas, treatment T1 (5 kg Zn ha-1 -applied in soil) has the most beneficial residual effect on succeeding crops (moongbean) in terms of growth and yield.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Prototype Feasibility Evaluation of Tractor Operated Green Pea Crop Harvesting System
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Gill, Gagandeep Singh; Dr. Rajesh Goyal
    In Punjab, pea crop is cultivated in an area of 43,860 ha. Due to lack of mechanization for harvesting and threshing of green peas, farmers have to depend on labour for picking of pea pods. To increase the area under pea cultivation, there is a need of mono picking varieties of pea crop and machines for harvesting and threshing of pea crop. To access the mono picking characteristics of pea variety (PB-89), studies on physical characteristics (plant height, pod maturity, number of pods per plant, weight of pods per plant, weight of peas per pod, angle of repose and bulk density of green pea crop) with different sowing dates was observed. Efforts has been done by Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana for harvesting, threshing and depoding of green pea crop by developing tractor operated green pea crop harvester and thresher cum depoder. The developed tractor operated green pea crop harvester consists of header, conveyors, hydraulic motors & actuators, supporting roller and wiping roller, chain and sprockets unit and jack mechanism for fitting with tractor. As the green pea harvester moves in the field the rotating reel strips out the green pea crop and wiping roller conveys the green pea crop to conveyer. The pea crop harvester was evaluated in terms effective field capacity (ha/h), fuel consumption (l/h), crop left over by machine (%), machine throughput capacity (kg/h), damage to crop (%) and efficiency of machine (%) at different independent parameters like forward speed 1.26 km/h (S1) and 1.90 km/h (S2), reel rpm 240 rpm (RR1), 200 rpm (RR2) and 160 rpm (RR3) and number of fingers 18 (F1) & 25 (F2) mounted on reel of header. Forward speed showed significant effect on fuel consumption, effective field capacity, crop left by machine and efficiency of machine. The maximum efficiency (83.62%) of green crop harvester having minimum damage (2.29%) and minimum crop left in field (14.04%) was observed at a forward speed of 1.26 km/h (S1), number of fingers mounted on reel 25 (F2), and reel rpm 200 (RR2). Physical characteristics of pea variety shows that PB-89 variety cannot be harvested once as it matures in stages.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of nutrition and planting distance on yield and quality loose flower production in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Maan, Ravinderpal Singh; Madhu Bala
    The study was conducted on "Effect of nutrition and planting distance on yield and quality loose flower production in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.)" at Research Farm, Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during the year 2020. Rooted cuttings of chrysanthemum variety "Punjab Shingar' planted at different spacings (40×30cm, 40x40cm and 40×60cm) were subjected to application of different nitrogen levels (control, 30, 40 and 50 kg/acre). The experiment was laid out in Split plot design with three replications. The observations were recorded on all the vegetative and floral parameters. The result revealed that the maximum plant height (52.52cm), flowers/plant (90.54), shelf life (7.66days) and yield/acre (74.96q) were observed with nitrogen @ 4Okg/acre, whereas, nitrogen applied @ 50 kg/acre resulted in the maximum plant spread (43.14cm), branches/plant (7.30), and flower diameter (5.82). With respect to the spacing treatments, the plants planted at 40x40cm resulted in the maximum flower yield/acre (66.97) Spacing level 40x60 cm resulted in the maximum plant spread (40.36), branches/plant (6.50), flower/plant (86.80) and flowering duration (36.92). From the present study, it can be concluded that chrysanthemum plants fertilized with nitrogen @ 40 kg/acre with 40x40 cm spacing is an ideal combination of fertilization and planting distance for producing maximum yield and quality loose flower of variety "Punjab Shingar".
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of planting time and harvesting schedule on productivity and quality of Japanese mint varieties
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Arshdeep Singh; Kalra, Vajinder Pal
    The present investigation entitled „Effect of planting time and harvesting schedule on productivity and quality of Japanese mint varieties‟ was carried out at Research farm, School of Organic Farming, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during spring season of 2023. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications, keeping combinations of three planting times (15th January, 30th January and 15th February) and three varieties (CIM Unnati, CIM Kranti and Golden (Local)) in main plots and two harvesting schedules (130 DAP and 145 DAP) in sub plots. The soil of the experimental site was loamy sand in texture with slightly alkaline soil reaction (pH- 7.85) and normal electrical conductivity (0.27 dS m1), low in organic carbon (0.34%) and available nitrogen (115.4 kg ha-1), medium in available phosphorus (18.2 kg ha-1) and potassium (160.5 kg ha-1). The results showed that Japanese mint planted on 15th February recorded significantly higher growth parameters, fresh herb (267.4 q ha-1), dry herb (79.1 q ha-1) and oil yield (176 l ha-1) as compared to 15th January planted crop but at par with the crop planted on 30th January. The variety „Cim Kranti‟ recorded significantly higher plant height (93.7 cm), stool population (63.6) and dry matter accumulation (856.2 g m-2) followed „CIM Unnati‟ and „Golden (Local)‟, consequently resulting in significantly higher fresh herb yield (265.6 q ha-1) and dry herb yield (77.7 q ha-1) over „Golden (Local)‟ but at par with „CIM Unnati‟. However, „CIM Unnati‟ variety produced significantly higher oil yield (200.9 l ha-1) with increase of 66.7% and 20.3% over the „Golden (Local)‟ and „CIM Kranti‟, respectively. Moreover, significantly higher fresh herb yield (264.7 q ha-1), dry herb yield (77.1 q ha-1) and oil yield (174.2 l ha-1) were recorded with harvesting the crop at 145 DAP, while significant reduction to the tune of 17.6%, 17.4% and 15.1% in fresh herb, dry herb and oil yield, respectively was recorded with early harvesting at 130 DAP.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Nutrient Profiling of Packaged Snack Foods Carrying Nutrition-Related Claims
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Bhatnagar, Amisha; Choudhary, Monika
    The present study was undertaken for nutrient profiling of packaged snack foods carrying nutrition-related claims. Two major objectives such as examination of packaged snack foods carrying nutrition claims with respect to nutrition labelling and comparison of nutritional quality of packaged snack foods with and without nutrition-related claims were framed to accomplish the objectives of the study. The study was conducted in three phases which were categorisation of packaged snack foods using nutrient profiling model (NPM), nutrient profiling of packaged snack foods for evaluation of nutrient content claims and complacency with respect to nutrition label and nutrient comparative claims. For this, a total 53 products were selected with 15 brands. Out of total, one was international while 14 were national brands. The selected samples were categorised into different groups through nutrition label on packaging as per the major ingredients enlisted on the nutrition label such as cereal/pseudocereal based, millet based, vegetable based, pulses/legume based, etc. Another categorisation was done using nutrient profiling model given by WHO taking into consideration threshold levels of sodium, sugar, total fat and saturated fat. The findings of the study revealed that out of total products, 14 products were having sodium content above threshold levels, 7 products were having sugar content above threshold levels, 31 products were having total fat content above threshold levels and 13 products were having saturated fat content above threshold levels. The range of nutrient claims was 1-10 in the selected products. While, the range of health claims was 2-7. The type of nutrient claims present in the majority of packaged snack foods were “protein rich” and “fiber rich”. In terms of nutrient content claim, a significant (p≤0.01) difference was observed in the values of nutrients analysed through laboratory methods in comparison to the values given on nutrition label in majority of the products. With regard to nutrient comparative claim, nutrient profiling of six packaged snack foods with claim and analogous packaged snack foods without any claim through laboratory analysis were compared. The finding revealed that the values of nutrients such as calcium and protein in beetroot masala chips (brand 1), protein in quinoa masala puffs (brand 5), multigrain puffs (brand 5) and roasted millet puffs (brand 11) were significantly (p≤0.01) higher in comparison to analogous foods. The total fat content in purple sweet potato chips (brand 9) and ragi bhujia (brand 5) was significantly (p≤0.01) lower in comparison to analogous foods.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Effect of pruning level and time on growth and flowering of ornamental climbers
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Parteek Singh; Dhatt, K.K.
    The study entitled “Effect of pruning level and time on growth and flowering of ornamental climbers” was carried out at Research Farm, Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab during 2022-2023. The present study was planned with the objective to standardize the pruning time and level of ornamental climbers. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications to study the different pruning time (2) and pruning levels (4 bud stage, 8 bud stage, Tip pruning and control). The optimal pruning time for Adenocalymma alliaceum was late September, that resulted in early bud initiation, bud sprouting, flower bud initiation, and flowering (40.20 days). Plants pruned at the 8-bud stage (L3) took minimum time to leaf bud initiation (22.41 days), leaf bud sprouting, and time to flowering (48.33 days). For Petrea volubilis, late January pruning resulted in minimum time for leaf bud initiation, bud sprouting, leaf sprouting, flower bud initiation, and flowering (47.16 days). In Petrea volubilis pruning at the 4-bud stage was early to leaf bud initiation, bud sprouting, leaf sprouting, and flower bud initiation (45.33 days). In Quisqualis indica, late March pruning leads to the least time for flower bud initiation (46.00 days) and flowering (64.58 days). Leaf bud initiation (5.33 days), bud sprouting, leaf sprouting, flower bud initiation (52.25 days), and flowering (70.83 days) was earliest in plants pruned at 4 bud stage (L2). Pruning at 4 bud stage in Pyrostegia venusta has same trend as in Quisqualis indica with maximum leaf length, width and area.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Characterization and Utilization of Moringa Seed Flour in Value-Added Food Products
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Diksha; Rehal, Jagbir
    The present study aimed at characterizing and utilizing moringa seed flour in value-added food products like cheela instant mix and muffins and to study physico-chemical, phytochemical characteristics and storage stability of the prepared products. In this study, moringa seeds were dehulled, further they were subjected to debittering and defatting treatments and converted to flour. Detailed analysis of nutritional, phytochemical and anti-nutritional studies of the moringa seed flours were performed followed by their utilization in value added food products. The seed flour obtained after defatting and debittering treatments exhibited better nutritional profile and mineral composition. The three flours also when evaluated for their functional properties showed that debittering and defatting resulted in higher oil and water absorption capacities, swelling power, foaming capacity and water solubility index. The anti-nutrient profile of debittered moringa seed flour was the best suited as there was significant (p< 0.05) reduction of major anti-nutrients like tannins by 50.29 per cent, phytates by 42.65 per cent and saponins by 43.15 per cent. The changes in the peaks of the FTIR studies done for the raw, debittered and defatted fours corroborate the results of these findings. Different formulations of cheela instant mix and muffins were prepared by replacing gram flour and refined wheat flour respectively at different levels (0 to 50%). The value-added product- cheela instant mix having 40 per cent debittered moringa seed flour showed best acceptability on the basis of sensory scores. The cheela instant mix when stored in laminates at ambient temperature exhibited good shelf life of three months of storage period studied whereas muffins obtained by incorporation of 40 per cent debittered moringa seed flour achieved maximum overall acceptability and showed a shelf life of 15 days at refrigerated temperature when stored in blister packs. These value-added products will help in increasing the consumption of moringa seed flour in our daily diet and at the same time lend its enhanced nutritional benefits.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Recovery and characteristics of starch from quinoa cultivars
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Sharma, Chahat; Agarwal, Antima
    The present study primarily focuses on “Recovery and Characteristics of starch from quinoa cultivars”. The objective was to observe the properties of quinoa starch extracted from different quinoa cultivars, to characterize the isolated starch for physicochemical and techno-functional properties and to assess the structural behaviour of isolated starch. Five quinoa cultivars EC507738, EC507739, EC507743, EC507747, EC507749 were procured from the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Quinoa grains of different cultivars EC507738, EC507739, EC507743, EC507747, EC507749 were assessed for physical parameters such as bulk density, true density, porosity and kernel weight. Yield of starch was also estimated for each quinoa cultivar. Isolated quinoa starch was assessed for color characteristics. The physical properties of such as bulk density, tapped density, true density, porosity, angle of repose, Hausener and Carr’s index were also estimated for each quinoa starch cultivar. Isolated quinoa starch were also assessed for proximate analysis, quinoa cultivar EC507749 exhibited significantly higher value for amylose while EC507738 showed highest content of amylopectin. Functional characteristics of quinoa starch such as water absorption capacity and water solubility index was higher for quinoa starch of cultivar EC507747, maximum value oil absorption capacity, swelling power, paste clarity, gelling power, least gelation was displayed by cultivar EC507749. Texture analysis of gel of quinoa starch cultivar EC507738 showed maximum gel strength. The SEM and particle size distribution observation revealed the sphere-like morphology in the cultivar of quinoa starch EC507749 and the most disintegrated and smaller particle size in cultivar of quinoa starch EC507743.The Xray Diffraction revealed that all of the quinoa starch cultivars displayed the A-type crystalline organization patterns characterized by the prominent peaks and quinoa starch of cultivar EC507749 showed highest crystallinity of starch granules. All the five quinoa starch cultivars EC507738, EC507739, EC507743, EC507747 and EC507749 were observed to have similar spectrum with the band located in the region between 3000-3600 cm−1, 2800-3000 cm−1, 1600-1700 cm−1, 1500 and 1600 cm−1 and 1000-1200 cm−1. The quinoa starch cultivars EC507738, EC507739, EC507743, EC507747 and EC507749 were distributed in four quadrants to investigate the correlation among variables, the PCA plot revealed a clear treatment EC507749 and EC507743 in quadrant 1, depicting a positive correlation between them. Quinoa starch is a novel source for improving food products since it can add to the functional qualities of food, such as texture, sensory aspects, and nutritional value.