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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Allele mining for phosphorus starvation tolerance gene (pstoli) in wild species of rice
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Thakur, Shiwali; Neelam Kumari
    In present study, 182 accessions of Oryza rufipogon having different countries of origin along with O. sativa cv. PR114, PR121, PR122, PB3 and Vandana (positive control) were screened with flanking, co-dominant and dominant (InDel specific) markers to assess the variability throughout 90 kb insertion region of Kasalath. Previously reported SSRs markers OsPupK-4, OsPupK-05, OsPupK-20, OsPupK-29, K-41, K-42, K-43, K-46, K-48, K-52, and K-59 were applied. Based on analysis, it is inferred that most of the O. rufipogon accessions under study had 90 kb insertion present, whereas O. sativa cv. PR114, PR121, PR122 didn't have amplification with K-46, a diagnostic marker for PSTOL 1. Further, the primers were designed for full length amplification of PSTOL 1 gene (1 kb) and sequencing of 69 representative accessions of O. rufipogon with Vandana were performed. Sequence alignment led to the detection of 74 single nucleotide polymorphism among O. rufipogon accessions when compared to Vandana/ Kasalath. Out of this, 21 turned out to be false positives on manual curation and ultimately fifty three true SNPs were observed in the transcribed region of PSTOL1 gene. Transitions were more common than transversions. There were 39 transitions and 14 transversions observed. The most common SNP was A/G SNP. Based on the nucleotide diversity, a total of 17 haplotypes were formed. Haplotype II forms a major group with 41 accessions of O. rufipogon including Vandana and Kasalath whereas other 16 Haplotype groups had O. rufipogon accessions ranging from 1 to 3. Further, protein sequences were also studied in order to detect if any functional variation is pressent. A total number of 28 conversions for amino acid at different positions with comparison to reference sequence were found. The most common SNP was Lysine/Arginine. Validation of O. rufipogon accessions carrying PSTOL1 gene was done in P-deficient soil along with checks and it was found that O.rufipogon accessions had higher tolerance against P starvation when compared to check Vandna under stress conditions. F1 plants were generated by cross-pollination between cultivars and O. rufipogon accessions in order to transfer the novel alleles of PSTOL1 gene to elite cultivars. Thus, this study found out that allelic variation for locus PSTOL1 is present in Wild germplasm.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Online buying behaviour of college going students in Ludhiana city for apparel products
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Ishneet Kaur; Grewal, Sumeet
    The present investigation was undertaken to study the online buying behaviour of college going students in Ludhiana city for apparel products. The present study was conducted in three different colleges of Ludhiana city. A sample size of 180 respondents comprising of thirty boys and thirty girls from each college were purposively selected. A Questionnaire was used for collecting data regarding their socio economic profile, online shopping experience and satisfaction from online buying. The results of the investigation were interpreted using percentages, mean scores, Z-tests and chi-square. Based on the results of the collected data, the most preferred apparel product for online shopping was footwear by the male and female respondents. Significant difference was observed for male and female respondents regarding amount of money spend on single purchase and brand preference. Male respondents tend to spend more amount of money for online buying than female respondents. Majority of female respondents visit retail stores before final purchase. Majority of female respondents discuss with their friends and family after receiving the product as compared to male respondents. The most preferred online shopping site by male and female respondents is flipkart.com and the most preferred feature of online shopping site is privacy and security. Significant association was found between annual household income and annual online buying, brand preference. There was significant association between age of the respondents and mode of payment and main barriers which affect frequent buying. Majority of male had high level of satisfaction. The female respondents had both high and medium level of satisfaction from online shopping.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of seed treatment with proline and salicylic acid on germination in tinda (Citrullus vulgaris L.) cv. S-48 at different temperatures
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Parcha, Dimple; Gupta, Namarta
    The effect of seed treatments with proline and salicylic acid on some physiological and biochemical parameters of tinda (Citrullus vulgaris L.) cv.S-48 seeds were studied. Seeds of tinda were treated with different concentrations of proline (1mM, 5mM, 10mM and 20mM) and salicylic acid (0.1mM, 0.5mM, 1mM and 5mM) for 5 hours at 25°C and 20°C. After 12 days of germination, seedlings were collected for physiological and biochemical examination. All the seed treatments increased the physiological parameters such as percent germination, seedling length, fresh weight, dry weight, vigour index I and II and speed of germination as compared to control. The treatments decreased the electrolyte leakage as compared to control and increased biochemical parameter like total soluble sugar, proteins, activity of antioxidant enzymes like catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase as compared to control at both the temperatures. Hydration and warm water treatments also increased different physiological and biochemical parameters. Proline 20mM was more effective than proline (1, 5 and 10 mM). Similarly, salicylic acid 1mM was effective maximally among salicylic acid concentrations (0.1, 0.5 and 5 mM) at both the temperatures.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of instant maize porridge using extrusion technology
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Sidhu, Arshpreet Kaur; Baljit Singh
    A study was carried out to develop instant maize porridge using a co-rotating intermeshing twin screw extruder. Maize variety PMH1 was ground into flour and extruded. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to study the effects of feed moisture content, screw speed and barrel temperature on response variables. Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD) with moisture (12-16 %), screw speed (300-500 rpm) and temperature (120-180oC) as independent variables produced 20 different combinations. Each of these combinations were used to investigate the effect of these variables on specific mechanical energy (SME), bulk density (BD), water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI) , colour (L*, a*, b*) and overall acceptability. The response 3D graphs were plotted as a function of two variables to show the effect of process variables on the physical and functional properties of the developed instant maize porridge. An optimization of the process variables was attempted for maximum desirability. Numerical and graphical optimization techniques were used to get the optimized conditions. The optimized conditions for preparation of instant maize porridge were 14.5% moisture, 345.6 rpm screw speed and 170.9oC temperature. Storage studies were conducted for 4 months and the parameters analysed were moisture, water activity, free fatty acids and overall acceptability. It was concluded that the developed instant maize porridge could be stored in low density polyethylene bags at ambient conditions with maximum retention of organoleptic quality.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Microwave and chemical assisted pretreatment of rice straw for bioethanol production
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Jaspreet Kaur; Taggar, Monica Sachdeva
    The present study was carried out to develop a process for bioethanol production using microwave chemical pretreatment of rice straw. The comparative studies on different pre-treatment methods of rice straw viz. microwave acid and microwave alkali (at 480 W for 10 min), acid autoclave (for 30 and 90 min) and alkali autoclave (for 30 and 90 min), revealed that acid autoclave pre-treatment (90 min) recorded significantly lowest mean hemicellulose content of 7.53 per cent and microwave alkali pre-treatment (480 W-10 min) recorded significantly lowest mean lignin content of 4.36 per cent. Significantly highest mean cellulose content of 44.56 per cent was recorded in acid autoclave pre-treatment for 90 min. Based on these studies, a two step pre-treatment process involving acid autoclave pre-treatment, followed by microwave alkali pre-treatment for the removal of hemicellulose and lignin, respectively was selected for further studies. The reaction conditions were optimized by using Response Surface Methodology. The optimized conditions for acid autoclave pre-treatment were observed to be 1.90 per cent acid concentration; 51.85 min time and 17.51 soild:liquid ratio. The maximum release of reducing sugars i.e., 16.94 g per 100 g straw and minimum release of furfurals i.e., 0.93 g per 100 g straw was observed under these conditions. The optimized conditions for microwave alkali pre-treatment were observed to be 3.75 per cent alkali concentration; 9.16 min time and 475W microwave power. The lignin content of 2.96 per cent was observed in treated straw under these conditions. Scanning electron microscopy revealed extensive damage of silicified waxy surface and the disruption of the cell wall structure of rice straw after two step pre-treatment process. The cellulase from A. niger was used for enzymatic saccharification of pre-treated rice straw and the reducing sugar content was recorded to be maximum (63.66%) at 72 h after incubation. The maximum ethanol content of 1.16 g and 0.48 g was produced by the fermentation of hydrolysate obtained from enzymatically saccharified and acid autoclave pre-treated rice straw at 120 h after incubation, respectively. A two-step pre-treatment process was thus, an efficient pre-treatment method for bioethanol production.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Identification of biochemical traits for aphid resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Batra, Nivesh; Kamaljit Kaur
    The present investigation was carried out to identify the biochemical traits responsible for aphid resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). For this study, genotypes resistant to aphid attack viz. EC-492253, EC-492255, EC-492350 and BCU-423 and susceptible towards it i.e. PL-426 were taken. The activities of defensive and antioxidative enzymes viz. polyphenol oxidase (PPO), phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), superoxide dismutase (SOD), β-1, 3-glucanase and chitinase were determined in flag leaves and grains of barley genotypes during different stages of development. Various biochemical constituents i.e. total phenols, total soluble proteins, free amino acids, sugars and tannins were also estimated. The higher activities of PAL, SOD, PPO, β-1, 3-glucanase and chitinase in the flag leaves and grains of resistant genotypes showed their important role against aphid attack. The higher content of total phenols and tannins in the flag leaves and grains of resistant genotypes might attribute towards pest resistance. The higher contents of total soluble proteins, free amino acids and sugars in the flag leaves of susceptible genotype could be responsible for making it a better host for the aphids.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Biochemical traits of microalgal isolates from water logged area of South-west Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Dalveer Kaur; Taggar, Monica Sachdeva
    Five microalgae designated as MA-1, MA-2, MA-3, MA-4 and MA-5 were isolated from the waterlogged areas of district Muktsar to identify the most potent strain(s) for biofuel production. On the basis of morphological characterization, these microalgal isolates were found to be round, green coloured and unicellular in structure and were tentatively identified as Chlorella. The studies on the effect of salt concentrations, viz. 0.03, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 M NaCl on the growth of microalgal isolates and C. sorokiniana (standard) revealed that the growth and viable cell count of all the isolates decreased with an increase in salt concentrations. The isolate MA-1 showed maximum growth (A600nm) and viable cell count of 3.26 and 175.2×105 cfu ml-1 at 0.03 M salt concentration. The mean total carbohydrate and lipid content of all microalgal isolates increased up to 0.1 M salt concentration and declined thereafter. The maximum total carbohydrate and lipid content of 20.34 and 18.41 per cent at 5th and 7th day after culturing was observed in isolate MA-1 at 0.1 M NaCl concentration, respectively. The total soluble protein and total chlorophyll content in all the microalgal isolates decreased with an increase in salt concentrations. In isolate MA-1, the maximum total soluble protein content of 10.22 per cent was observed at 0.03 M salt concentration and 7 DAC, while the maximum total chlorophyll content of 21.06 mg g-1 dw was observed at 0.03 M salt concentration and 5 DAC. Hence, higher accumulation of total carbohydrate and lipid content in isolate MA-1 under salt stress suggests that this isolate can be potentially used for biofuel production.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of exogenous phenolic acids on antioxidative defense system of wheat seedlings under salt stress
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Harsimran Kaur; Bhardwaj, Rachana D.
    In the present study, effect of exogenous phenolic acids on antioxidative defense system of salt stressed wheat seedlings was investigated at 7th day of growth. Electrical conductivity of 10 dS/m was used for imposing salt stress. For observing stress mitigating effects of various phenolic acids, 20 ppm of ferulic, 10 ppm of caffeic, 10 ppm of p-coumaric, 5 ppm of salicylic and 15 ppm of sinapic acids were selected for biochemical studies. Catalase and POX activities were upregulated in the stressed shoots of salt tolerant cultivar by the exogenous use of caffeic and sinapic acids. In comparison to stress, APX activity was also upregulated in stressed seedlings of both cultivars by exogenous use of caffeic and sinapic acids. In stressed seedlings of salt sensitive cultivar, MDHAR activity increased by exogenous use of caffeic, p-coumaric, salicylic and sinapic acids. In roots of Kharchia Local, use of ferulic, para-coumaric and caffeic acids resulted into upregulation of GR activity, whereas in salt sensitive cultivar only caffeic acid caused upregulation of this enzyme. Total phenols also increased in salt stressed seedlings of both the cultivars on application of ferulic, caffeic and salicylic acids which was partially attributed to the downregulation of PPO activity. Proline content increased in HD 2329 by use of different exogenous phenolic acids whereas, in Kharchia Local use of sinapic acid led to enhanced proline content. Glycine betaine content was increased by use of different phenolic acids in the stressed roots of Kharchia Local. On the other hand, exogenous application of sinapic acid led to enhanced glycine betaine content in salt sensitive cultivar. In the shoots of both cultivars, MDA content either decreased or remained unaffected whereas H2O2 decreased in both cultivars by exogenous use of different phenolic acids.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Antioxidant response to salt stress in rice cultivars
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Sukhmanjot; Sharma, Neerja
    The present study was carried out to identify the key components involved in the amelioration of osmotic and oxidative stress caused by salinity in rice. Three salt tolerant genotypes: CSR 27, CSR 30 and GSR 113 and three salt sensitive genotypes: IR 8, IR 64 and Pusa 44 were grown hydroponically and 21 day-old seedlings were exposed to 6 and 12 dSm-1 salt stress. The decrease in the length and dry weight of shoot, root, total chlorophyll and chlorophyll a in tolerant genotypes was significantly higher than sensitive genotypes with increase in salinity after 7 days after salinity treatment (DAS). Chlorophyll b was found to be higher in sensitive genotypes at12 dSm-1. The activity of antioxidant enzymes viz. peroxidase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase was found to be higher in tolerant as compared to sensitive genotypes on exposure to salt stress from 0 to12 dSm-1 after 7 DAS. Activity of superoxide dismutase remained unchanged in tolerant while it was found to be decrease in sensitive genotypes with increase in salinity. H2O2 content was maintained at steady state in tolerant while higher content was observed in sensitive genotypes. The compatible solutes viz. total phenols, flavonoids, total sugars and reducing sugars increased in tolerant as compared to sensitive genotypes under salt stress. Proline and starch content were higher in sensitive as compared to tolerant genotypes. Amino acid content was unaffected in tolerant while it was higher in sensitive genotypes. The ascorbate and total glutathione content increased in tolerant as compared to sensitive genotypes. Malondialdehyde content and electrolyte leakage were higher in sensitive as compared to tolerant genotypes. The increase in Na+/K+ ratio in response to salinity in tolerant was lower as compared to that in sensitive genotypes. Thus, it was concluded that higher activity of antioxidants and compatible solutes led to co-ordinated and regulated response of tolerant genotypes to overcome salt stress.