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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Association of Defense Mechanisms with Anxiety, Depression and Stress among Adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Vaishali; Vig, Deepika
    The present study was undertaken to examine the association of defense mechanisms with anxiety, depression and stress among adolescents. The total sample comprised 240 adolescents studying in class +1 and +2. The sample was selected randomly from Government Senior Secondary Schools of Ludhiana district of Punjab and equally distributed across two genders( males= 120 and females=120). A self- structured personal information sheet, Defense Mechanisms Inventory (Mrinal & Singhal 2012) and Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale (Bhatnagar et al 2020) were used to collect relevant information from the respondents. The results revealed that major proportion of adolescents were at high level of using defense mechanisms and only 5 per cent were at low level.Girls were found to be using defense mechanisms at higher frequency than their counterparts.Majority of adolescents had low level of anxiety, depression and stress. Furthermore, significant gender differences were observed in overall anxiety, depression and stress where in more boys were found to have better mental health as compared to girls. Overall defense mechanisms were found to be non-significantly correlated with overall anxiety, depression and stress except one dimension of defense mechanisms viz. „Turning Against Object‟ which was found to be significantly and positively correlated with anxiety and stress among rural boys. The regression analysis brought light a non- significant contribution of defense mechanisms towards anxiety, depression and stress among adolescents.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Communication behaviour of dairy farmers in Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Vaishali; Gupta, Ritu Mittal
    The present investigation was conducted to analyze the communication behaviour of dairy farmers in Punjab. The aim of the study was to analyze the communication behaviour along its different parameters i.e. information seeking, processing and dissemination behaviour besides the constraints faced by dairy farmers to access the various information sources. A total of 160 dairy farmer (male and female) from three socio-cultural zones of Punjab who had at least four milch animalsconstituted the sample for the study. Data were collected through a well-structured and pre tested interview schedule. Gender desegregated role performance in dairy shows that males were more responsible for the dairy activities like feeding, breeding, animal health care, marketing while in the activities like finance, shed house cleaning, milk sale and produce records female‟s involvement was more. Information seeking was found to be associated with gender while information processing was associated with family type and information dissemination was associated with marital status. Overall communication behaviour of majority male dairy farmers lies in the medium level while female dairy farmers had low communication behaviour. Information seeking, information processing, information dissemination and communication behaviour all were found to be significantly related to each other. Communication behaviour was found to be significantly related with age and qualification. Female respondents faced personal, technical/ organizational as well as psychological constraints significantly more than their male counterparts. Therefore, innovative strategies using IT and social networking sites should be chalked out to provide information to females as well so that information is effectively transferred and readily accepted by dairy farming families.