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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Status of Ludhiana Knitwear Industry using Elastane Blends
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Simran; Kapila, Prerna
    The present study was conducted on a sample of 40 micro, small and medium manufacturing units using elastane yarn as a raw material. Random sampling technique was used to select the industries after obtaining the relevant data from District Industries Center, Ludhiana. The data was collected from owners of the industries using a self-structured interview schedule and the results were analysed using percentages, arithmetic mean and weighted mean score. Majority of units belonged to small scale and were started with an initial investment of approximately Rs. one lakh and worked as a proprietorship firm. Stitching was an operation performed in house by all the industries, closely followed by designing of garments performed in-house by 80 percent of industries and knitting performed in-house by 45 % industries. It was seen that only 45 per cent of the units were product specific manufacturing units and 90 per cent units did low cost mass production. The most commonly produced apparel using elastane was tshirt and 80 per cent of the units were manufacturing under their own brand name. The level of certification among industry was extremely low and profit margins were only 5-10 per cent 70 per cent of the units. The export was done to countries like Dubai, Europe, U.S.A and Canada. High fluctuation in prices of raw material and delayed payment from buyers along with instability of skilled labour and high cost of electricity were some of the most prominent challenges faced by the industry.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Use of bioinsecticides in compost for button mushroom cultivation
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Simran; Sharma, Shivani
    Agaricus bisporus is the most commonly cultivated edible variety in the world which possesses an ability to grow on agricultural wastes. Therefore, the present study has dealt with the use of pre botanical insecticides such as neem powder, vinegar, castor powder and two biological insecticides such as Bacillus thuringiensis and Beauveria bassiana to study its effect on mycelial growth of A. bisporus on PDA medium and wheat straw based compost. Maximum growth of 55mm and 29mm was recorded with neem powder on PDA and compost respectively. However, vinegar and Bacillus thuringiensis also showed significant mycelial run on PDA as well as compost. The natural insecticides were supplemented @0.5 to 4.5% (w/w) in ready compost and spawned @1.0% in compost. The supplementation of neem powder @1.5% showed significantly improved yield potential 43.40% and increased number of fruit bodies 37.55%. In case of castor powder (0.5 to 4.5% v/w), supplementation @ 4.5% (v/w) showed an increase of 23.22% in yield of button mushroom. An increase upto 20.23% and 46.42% in yield and fruit bodies was observed when vinegar was supplemented @2.5%. Bacillus thuringiensis supplementation @2.5% showed maximum yield potential 33.96%. Similarly, Beauveria bassiana was supplemented at a population of 3.4×107 cfu/ml @0.54.5% (v/w) in compost which significantly improved the yield upto 14.44% and 12.62% when Beauveria bassiana was supplemented @1.5% and 0.5% at the time of spawning. Thus, it was concluded from our study that plant-derived products can be recommended to substitute for synthetic chemicals in the commercial production of edible mushrooms.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Influence of late-season nitrogen applications on yield and quality of happy seeder sown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Simran; Jayesh Singh
    The experiment entitled “Influence of late-season nitrogen applications on yield and quality of happy seeder sown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)” was conducted at Ludhiana and Kapurthala during 2019-20. The soil of Ludhiana was loamy sand and that of Kapurthala was sandy loam in texture, low in available nitrogen, organic carbon and medium in available phosphorus and potassium. The experiment which consisted of 15 treatments was conducted in RCBD with three replications. The treatments included a control (T15) and a check in the form of recommended dose of N (T1). All the other 13 treatments were supplied with equal dose of recommended N upto maximum tillering stage. Treatments T2 to T5 included additional soil based application of 15 or 30 kg N ha-1 (T2 and T3) at anthesis and their repeated application at grain milk stage (T4 and T5). Treatments T6 to T11 were based on foliar application of urea @ 3 or 6% at anthesis (T6 and T7) or at grain milk stage (T8 and T9) and their consecutive application at anthesis and grain milk stage (T10 and T11). T12 and T13 included additional foliar application of water at anthesis or at grain milk stage and in T14, water was sprayed at both anthesis and grain milk stage. The maximum plant height, dry matter accumulation, LAI at harvest at both the locations was observed in T11. T11 recorded the highest yield attributing characters and highest grain, straw and biological yield which is statistically at par with T10. The quality aspects including protein content, gluten content and hectolitre weight was maximum in T11 and was statistically at par with T10. So, spraying 6% urea both at anthesis and at grain milk has lead to good quality protein content along with higher yields of wheat. N content in flag leaf, middle leaf, spike, stem, grain and straw of wheat was found to increase significantly with two consecutive sprays of 3 and 6% urea at anthesis and grain milk stage over the treatments based only on soil application of N. Single spray of urea @ 6% concentration at anthesis stage proved beneficial in improving protein content and yield over its application at grain milk stage in happy seeder sown wheat. Foliar application of 6% urea at anthesis and grain milk stage increased the chlorophyll content and thus allowed the crop to remain green significantly for longer duration than its one time application at anthesis or grain milk stage and to those with late season soil application at anthesis or grain milk stage.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Molecular mapping of yellow mosaic disease resistance gene(s) in mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Simran; Gill, Ranjit Kaur
    Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) also called as green gram is the third essential short duration legume crop after chickpea and pigeonpea. Presently in India, nearly all the varieties are susceptible to yellow mosaic disease (YMD) and rate of infection may vary from 10-100 per cent. The present investigation was aimed to study the mode of genetic inheritance of YMD resistance gene(s) and molecular mapping of YMD resistance gene(s) in mungbean. The parental lines and F3 progenies derived from TMB37 x ML2056 cross were scored for YMD in field of PAU, Ludhiana in kharif 2019. Out of total 88 lines of F population, 14 showed susceptible reaction to YMD and 29 showed resistant reaction while 45 segregating lines were observed for YMD reaction. The segregation pattern of F3 generation developed from cross TMB37 x ML2056 fitted well in genetic ratio 1 resistant: 2 segregating: 1 susceptible indicating the YMD resistance to be governed by single dominant gene. For mapping of YMD resistance gene, the DNA sequencing data from the individuals of F4 population representing extreme phenotypic values for YMD resistance were analysed using QTLseqr package. QTLseqr analysis throughout the whole genome identified ten pseudo-QTL’s on different chromosomes of Vigna radiata.Out of these ten, only pQ.Ymd.pau.chr8a showed significant peaks for both ΔSNP index and G’ value analysis indicating the significant association of this putative QTL with yellow mosaic disease resistance. This QTL spans 1.99 Mb length lie in region between 29.9Mb and 31.9Mb on chromosome 8. The genomic region harbouring the pQ.Ymd.pau.chr8a can be further used and narrow down for fine mapping of gene(s) governing YMD resistance in mungbean.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Use of bioinsecticides in compost for button mushroom cultivation
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Simran; Sharma, Shivani
    Agaricus bisporus is the most commonly cultivated edible variety in the world which possesses an ability to grow on agricultural wastes. Therefore, the present study has dealt with the use of pre botanical insecticides such as neem powder, vinegar, castor powder and two biological insecticides such as Bacillus thuringiensis and Beauveria bassiana to study its effect on mycelial growth of A. bisporus on PDA medium and wheat straw based compost. Maximum growth of 55mm and 29mm was recorded with neem powder on PDA and compost respectively. However, vinegar and Bacillus thuringiensis also showed significant mycelial run on PDA as well as compost. The natural insecticides were supplemented @0.5 to 4.5% (w/w) in ready compost and spawned @1.0% in compost. The supplementation of neem powder @1.5% showed significantly improved yield potential 43.40% and increased number of fruit bodies 37.55%. In case of castor powder (0.5 to 4.5% v/w), supplementation @ 4.5% (v/w) showed an increase of 23.22% in yield of button mushroom. An increase upto 20.23% and 46.42% in yield and fruit bodies was observed when vinegar was supplemented @2.5%. Bacillus thuringiensis supplementation @2.5% showed maximum yield potential 33.96%. Similarly, Beauveria bassiana was supplemented at a population of 3.4×107 cfu/ml @0.5- 4.5% (v/w) in compost which significantly improved the yield upto 14.44% and 12.62% when Beauveria bassiana was supplemented @1.5% and 0.5% at the time of spawning. Thus, it was concluded from our study that plant-derived products can be recommended to substitute for synthetic chemicals in the commercial production of edible mushrooms.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Screening of endophytic isolates for plant growth promotion in rice
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Simran; Jupinder Kaur
    The present investigation was conducted to study the effect of endophytic bacterial culture on root architecture, microbial activities, growth and yield of rice crop (variety PB1509 and PR121). To achieve this objective, bacterial cultures were characterized biochemically for oxidase, catalase, MRVP and citrate utilization. All the cultures were positive for catalase and citrate utilization except the bacterial culture RB11, which was not able to utilize citrate as carbon source. 5% bacterial culture were found positive for MR test, whereas, 70 % bacterial cultures were found positive for VP test. All the bacterial cultures were screened for PGP traits. Out of 18 bacterial cultures, 16 bacterial cultures were able to solubilize phosphate. Significant higher phosphate solubilization index (3.4 mm) was observed for the bacterial culture RB18. Among 18 bacterial cultures, 6 bacterial cultures were able to form clear zone on minimal media supplemented with zinc oxide. Significant higher zinc solubilization index (4.5 mm) was observed for bacterial culture RB5 followed by RB1 (4.3 mm). Ten bacterial cultures were able to produce ammonia and 6 bacterial cultures were able to produce HCN. Among 6 bacterial cultures, Maximum production of HCN was showed by bacterial culture RB6 and RB7. Three bacterial cultures were able to form fluorescent yellow coloured zones on Chrome-azurol S (CAS) agar plates, indicating production of siderophore. Significant higher halozone diameter (12.1 mm) was produced by bacterial culture RB1 followed by RB4 (12 mm). Out of 18 bacterial cultures, 16 tested positive for ACC deaminase activity. All the bacterial cultures were able to produce IAA. Significant higher amount of IAA (39.77 µg/ml) was produced by bacterial culture RB18 followed by bacterial culture RB16 (35.33 µg/ml) and RB4 (34.44 µg/ml) in the medium not supplemented with tryptophan. In the medium supplemented with tryptophan, the bacterial culture RB18 produced significant higher amount of IAA (53.55 µg/ml) followed by RB16 (48.55 µg/ml) and RB6 (48.48 µg/ml). The production of gibberellic acid was also recorded. It ranged between 1.68 µg/ml - 20.65 µg/ml. Significant higher amount of gibberellic acid (20.65 µg/ml) was produced by bacterial culture RB18 followed by RB16 (17.32 µg/ml) and RB11 (13.49 µg/ml). On the basis of multiple PGP traits, 4 bacterial cultures were selected (Enterobacter sp., Rhizobium sp. Enterobacter sp. and Azospirillum sp.) to test their biofertilizer potential using rice crop as host. Among the 4 selected bacterial cultures, the Azospirillum sp. was able to significantly enhance the no. of roots, root thickness, area and volume of roots. The growth and yield of rice obtained from Azospirillum sp. was significantly higher as compared to un-inoculated rice crop and the crop treated with other bacterial cultures. The Azospirillum sp. showed non-significant difference with PAU recommended biofertilizer for rice crop. The microbial population was found to be significantly improved with the use of biofertilizer as compared to uninoculated control. The bacterial culture Azospirillum sp. was found to be best culture in terms of PGP traits, growth and yield of rice crop.