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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of chlormequat chloride on growth, yield and fruit quality of grapes under protected conditions
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Jashanpreet Kaur; Gagandeep Kaur
    The investigation entitled “Effect of chlormequat chloride (CCC) on growth, yield and fruit quality of grapes under protected conditions” was carried out at Fruit Research Farm, Department of Fruit Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. The experiment was conducted on grape cvs. Flame Seedless, Perlette and Punjab Purple grown in protected structure and open field conditions. Application of chlormequat chloride (250, 500, 750 and 1000 ppm) was done when the vines reached 5-leaf stage after sprouting. Results revealed that application of chlormequat chloride reduced the vegetative growth in terms of cane length and internodal length with maximum reduction recorded in the vines sprayed with highest dose of chlormequat chloride. Under the protected field conditions the increase in cane length at various intervals was more as compared to open field. At the end of observation period (69 days), the lowest cane length (110.0cm) in Flame Seedless was recorded with chlormequat chloride@ 1000 ppm while it was 204.4 cm in case of control. Similarly, the foliar application of CCC @ 1000ppm followed by CCC @ 750 ppm was found to be the most effective in reducing leaf size and trunk girth. Also, chlormequat chloride decreased the content of IAA and GA3 on each date of sampling relative to untreated buds. Application of CCC @ 1000ppm and 750 ppm was adjudged as the best treatment for improving the bunch quality in terms of TSS, total sugars and anthocyanin content in the berries. In Punjab Purple under protected field conditions, the maximum TSS content was found in 750 ppm chlormequat chloride (20.34%) which was at par with 1000 ppm chlormequat chloride (19.85%). Among the various treatments, foliar application of CCC @ 1000 ppm significantly improved the average yield and quality of grape clusters viz. bunch weight, size, berry weight and size and TSS: acid ratio. Under protected conditions, yield of Flame Seedless (9.48 kg/vine) and Perlette (7.42 kg/vine) was highest in CCC @ 1000 ppm as compared to control (7.56 and 5.22 kg/ vine respectively).
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Identification and molecular mapping of resistance gene(s) in cultivated wheat derived from Aegilops speltoides against leaf blight (Bipolaris sorokiniana)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Jashanpreet Kaur; Jaspal Kaur
    Leaf blight of wheat (Bipolaris sorokiniana) is emerging as a major threat to successful wheat production in warm and humid areas of the world. In India, this disease is responsible for high yield losses in Eastern Gangetic Plains Zone. More recently, this disease is extending gradually towards cooler, traditional wheat growing North-western part of the country which is a major contributor to national cereal basket. Deployment of resistant cultivars is considered as the most economical and ecologically sound measure to avoid losses due to this disease. So in this study, efforts were made to evaluate 317 backcross introgression lines (DSBILs) derived from Triticum durum (PDW274-susceptible) X Aegilops speltoides (resistant) and 26 backcross introgression lines from Triticum aestivum (PBW550) × Aegilops speltoides developed in our wide hybridisation programme against leaf blight for two consecutive years, 2018-19 and 2019-2020. Phenotypic evaluation of these lines showed a continuous variation in disease severity indicating that the resistance to leaf blight is certainly quantitative in nature. Out of 317 lines, 89 lines were selected and evaluated under polyhouse conditions and further used for mapping QTLs using SNPs. Thirteen QTLs across chromosomes 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4B and 5B linked to leaf blight resistance were identified using stepwise regression-based Likelihood Ratio Test (RSTEP-LRT) for additive effect of markers and single marker analysis (SMA). These SNP markers were further validated on BC1F1 and BC2F1 population developed from DS13 X HD3086 and one marker S5B_703858864 linked to QSb.pau-5B.3 was found to be polymorphic for the parents and thus, may prove to be a potential diagnostic marker for spot blotch resistance.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Evaluation of antioxidant property of Selenium biofortified paddy straw mushroom, Volvariella volvacea
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Jashanpreet Kaur; Suman Kumari
    Selenium is one of the essential mineral nutrients, required by human body as involved in antioxidant and defense reactions. Biofortification of mushrooms using naturally enriched agricultural substrates can provide a productive use of straw in producing enriched mushrooms with high biological efficiency, nutritional as well as nutraceutical value. In this context, the present study focused on evaluation of the effect of Se supplementation on two strains of V. volvacea (VV3 and VV6), under in vitro as well as in vivo conditions. In vitro studies revealed that Selenium (Se) supplementation of 10 and 15ppm maximally enhanced the radial growth rate of VV3 and VV6 respectively, among all the treatments including control. Mycelial proliferation in liquid medium was recorded highest in case of 15 (12.09±0.42 g/l) and 10 ppm (12.30±0.60 g/l) in case of VV3 and VV6. Scanning Electron Microscopic observations for the effect of Se on hyphal growth disclosed sparse, non uniform damaged hyphae with increasing concentration of Se at 20 ppm, compared to regular, dense healthy hyphae in control in both the strains. Mushroom cultivation on Se-rich paddy straw collected from seleniferous soil showed significant increase in yield (573±60 and 604±87 g/bed) in strain VV3 and VV6, compared to non Se paddy straw grown mushrooms i.e., 432.24 ±64.64 and 543.34±32.24 g/bed average yield respectively. The positive influence of Se biofortification was also observed on antioxidative activity of V. volvacea both under in vitro and in vivo on protein content, total phenols, flavonoids, Peroxidase (PO) and free radical scavenging activity. The antioxidants were found to increase with the increase in Se supplementation, however when the concentration exceeded 15ppm, the levels were reduced due to toxic effects of Se under axenic conditions. Biosorption studies for Se using ICPMS revealed highest Se in 20pmm supplementation i.e. 576.01±12.98 and 623.27±10.74 µg/g dw in VV3 and VV6 under in vitro. In case of fruiting bodies, highest total Se was observed in VV6 (57.81±4.16) than VV3 (53.43±4.78) that was significant over the respective controls with 4.13±0.28 and 2.64±0.41 µg/g dw. The functional group diversity analysis using Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy (FT-IR) confirmed changes in structural and conformational changes in biomolecules in Se enriched mycelia and fruiting body. The present study concluded that biofortification of Selenium, improved the yield as well as antioxidative property of V. volvacea compared to control and biofortification of essential nutrients using rich agricultural residues can be an effective and ecofriendly alternate for paddy straw disposal.