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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Remediation of Cd (II) ions from aqueous solution using carbon based nano hybrid
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Inderpreet Kaur; Kiran Jeet
    The present study focuses on preparation of carbon based nano hybrid which act as an adsorbent for removal of Cd (II) from aqueous solution. Synthesis of graphene oxide was carried out by modified Hummer’s method. Fuctionalization of multiwall carbon nanotubes was carried out with the help of refluxing. Magnetic graphene oxide nanoparticles were formed with co-precipitation of iron nanoparticles on the surface of graphene. Graphene oxide multiwalled carbon nano tube hybrid (GO- MWCNT) was prepared by providing mechanical shear to functionalized carbon nanotube and graphene oxide powder in acid solution. Morphology, structure of synthesized materials were studied using high resolution imaging techniques such as Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and X Ray Diffraction (XRD) and spectroscopy techniques such as Ultraviolet Visible spectroscopy (UV-VIS) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). The maximum adsorption capacity for Cd (II) was obtained to be 50.00, 47.61, 45.45 and 41.66 mg/g for MGO, GO, C-MWCNTs and GO-C-MWCNTs respectively at optimum condition (i.e. pH = 6, contact time = 20 minutes and temperature = 30°C). MGO has high efficiency to remove Cd (II) ion from contaminated water and also other adsorbents such as GO, C-MWCNTs and GO-C-MWCNTs and shows great potential in the field of water decontamination. Thermodynamic parameters indicate that the adsorption processes is spontaneous and exothermic.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Physiological, Biochemical and Anatomical Changes Leading to Graft Incompatibility in Pear
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Inderpreet Kaur; Nirmaljit Kaur
    The present study entitled ‘Physiological, biochemical and anatomical changes leading to graft incompatibility in Pear’ was conducted at Plant Physiology Lab, Department of Botany, and Fruit Research Farm, PAU, Ludhiana during 2016-2018. The study was performed after 6 and 18 months of grafting (stages) to investigate the primary causes of graft incompatibility in Pear (Pyrus sp.). Semi soft pear cv. Punjab Beauty (Pyrus pyrifolia x Pyrus communis) and Hard pear cv. Punjab Nakh (Pyrus pyrifolia) were grafted in January onto one year old Angers Quince A, PQ BA-29, Angers Quince C (Cydonia oblonga) and Kainth (Pyrus pashia) rootstocks. Both pear cultivars grafted on Kainth rootstock showed higher rate of success percent than Quince rootstocks on the basis of biochemical tests viz., total soluble sugars, total starch, phenols, peroxidase activity, nitrogen and growth pattern. Plant height was significantly more in both the cultivars on Kainth rootstock as compared to the rest of the rootstocks, being minimum on dwarfing rootstock Quince C. Maximum defoliation was observed in stionic combination of Punjab Nakh/Kainth and minimum in Punjab nakh/Quince C. The complete defoliation was noted in all stionic combinations during winter season. The graft union girth was maximum in all stionic combinations followed by the rootstock girth and scion girth. At both the stages, girth of rootstock, scion and graft union was more in Punjab nakh than Punjab beauty cultivar irrespective of the rootstock used for grafting. Leaf Chl a and total Chl content was maximum in Punjab nakh/Kainth combination at both the stages and these values were significantly higher than other stionic combinations. The concentrations of the biochemical entities for compatible graft union should be in regularity, if pear cultivars will be grafted on Cydonia oblonga (Quince C) by inserting interstock to overcome graft incompatibility.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2011) Inderpreet Kaur; Savita, Batish
    The present study was conducted in rural and urban area of Ludhiana district with objectives; to know the purchase behaviour of rural and urban home makers for selected household items, to examine the factors influencing purchase behavior, to study the problems experienced by respondents while making purchases and to suggest guidelines for the empowerment of respondents. Sixty respondents each from rural and urban area were taken as sample of the study. Household items viz. processed food items and kitchen equipment were selected. Data were collected through personal interview. Results revealed that respondents from both the area were not following wise purchase practices viz. making of budget, deciding about what, when and from where to buy, remaining alert during weighing, checking of government seal on weights, checking for quality assurance marks, getting and checking cash memo etc. Checking of government seal on weights was least considered purchase practice as nearly 95.00 per cent of the respondents from both the area did not check it. More than 80.00 per cent of the rural respondents never get and check the cash memo whereas 76.67 per cent of the urban respondents sometimes followed this practice. Respondents were facing various problems like short weight, adulteration, misbranding, overpricing, duplicity, poor quality, false packaging, out-dated products and substandard material, duplicate parts, false guarantee, poor after sales service, no exchange facility regarding kitchen equipment. Nearly 80.00 per cent of the rural respondents and 60.00 per cent of the urban respondents were not able to recognize the original quality assurance marks from the deceptive ones and were also unaware about the consumer protection rights. More than 95.00 per cent of the respondents never sought justice for their grievances by approaching consumer court. In spite of facing so many problems a small percentage i.e. 03.33 per cent of the respondents in rural area and nearly 10.00 per cent of the respondents in urban area were those who took actions against the business malpractices.