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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Heterosis and combining ability studies in watermelon for yield and quality traits [Citrulus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai]
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Gurpreet Singh; Rajinder Singh
    The present investigation entitled “Heterosis and combining ability studies in watermelon for yield and quality traits [Citrulus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai]” was carried out at the Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana, India, during 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. Ten lines were crossed with four testers in a line x tester fashion and forty hybrids were assessed for various yield and quality attributes. Magnitude due to general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) was found significant for most of the traits, indicating importance of both additive and non additive gene control in the inheritance of traits. The ratio of σ2SCA/ σ2GCA was more than unity indicating more influence of non additive genetic control except for days taken to first fruit harvest, number of fruits per plant, TSS and total carotenoids. The tester Arka Manik and Sugar Baby were good general combiners for most of the yield and quality parameters. While, among lines, EC-829875, WM-14 and EC-829870 were good combiners for most of the traits. The F1 Hybrids EC-829870 x Arka Manik for fruit number per vine, EC-829826 x Sugar Baby for total yield per acre, EC-829870 x Sugar Baby for number of days to first fruit harvest and 100 seed weight, WM-53 x EC-829852 for average fruit weight, EC-829826 x EC-829827 for seed number per fruit, EC-829870 x EC-829827 for TSS content and EC-8298226 x EC-829852 for lycopene content were stood out good specific combiners. The hybrids EC-829870 x Arka Manik for vine length, TSS and lycopene content, EC-829823 x EC-829852 for total fruit yield per plant, WM-14 x EC-829827 for number of fruits per plant, EC-829826 x Arka Manik for average fruit weight, number of primary branches, WM-53 x EC-829827 for internode length and EC-829870 x Sugar Baby for 100 seed weight were exhibited highest heterotic effect over better parent (BP). The hybrids EC-829870 x Arka Manik for vine length, EC-829826 x Aarka Manik for number of primary branches, EC-8829858 x Arka Manik for days to harvest first fruit, EC-829875 x Arka Manik for total fruit yield per plant, WM-14 x Sugar Baby for number of fruits per plant, EC-829826 x Arka Manik for average fruit weight, , EC-829823 x EC-829827 for internode length and KFF 1-1-2 x Sugar Baby for TSS were exhibited highest standard heterotic effect over check. The present investigation revealed that hybrids EC-829870 x EC 829827, WM-14 x sugar Baby, KFF 1-1-2 x Arka Manik were promising hybrids in terms of yield and quality traits and can be exploited commercially.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study of mandi labour in agricultural regulated markets in south-western Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Gurpreet Singh; Goyal, Mini
    The present study was conducted on mandi labour in agricultural regulated markets in south-western Punjab. A sample of 120 mandi labour from six agricultural regulated markets from two districts of Punjab namely Mansa and Barnala was selected. The study revealed that majority of mandi labourers were migrated from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The mean income of the families of mandi labour came out to be Rs. 90435.58 per annum. The mean debt on the family of the respondents was Rs. 12939.40 and was mainly taken from non-institutional sources. The purpose of debt was mainly for house construction and to perform social and religious ceremonies. In regulated agricultural markets, during market arrivals mandi labour perform various activities such as unloading, cleaning, packing, stitching and loading of agricultural produce. The rates of different activities in regulated agricultural markets were recommended by Punjab State Agricultural Marketing Board. In case of wheat, paddy and cotton these were Rs. 14.38 per 50 kg, 14.99 per 35 kg and 11.14 per 40 kg respectively. In regulated agricultural market, mandi labour was working in two cropping pattern i.e. paddy-wheat and cotton-wheat. In kharif season, mandi labour earned Rs. 23849.99 or Rs. 27448.20 from paddy or cotton arrival by working 43 or 112 days respectively. In rabi season, they earned Rs. 15530.40 by working 30 days on wheat arrival in the market. Mandi labour working in paddy-wheat pattern earned Rs. 39138.95 by working 75 days while they earn Rs. 42978.60 in cotton-wheat pattern by working 142 days. During the whole year, mandi labour worked for 237 days, out which they worked 107 days in regulated agricultural market and 130 days on supplementary work earning Rs. 41058.76 and Rs. 31800 respectively. Major problems reported by the respondents in regulated agricultural market were lack of proper facility of toilet/washroom, unavailability of purified water and no provision of resting space in the market. The study suggested that wages of mandi labour should be increase by increasing the rates of various market activities and provide proper infrastructural facilities so that labour may get medical aid, toilets, washroom, purified water and resting space in regulated agricultural markets.