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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Studies on leptospirosis
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 1976) Bal Mukand, Arora; B. L, Arora
    Beside. cross-breeding pro jects in cattle and 1:uffaloes plOject. tor the development of goats and sheep for milk, meat, IIIlttol1, mobair and wool production have been initiated by Gove1'llllleDt ot India. It is envisaged t hat in the Fifth Five Year Plan, on the success of the se projects would rest the eCOI10111T ot the nation to a great extent. For the successf'ul completion ot these projects much attention has t o be given on pzovidinC suitable health coverage to the improved livestock, which incidentally are much mo re susceptible to diseases than indigenous population. I n this context of improving llvestock the importance of di seases causing reproductive tilOrdera viz., abortion, sterility, infertility, repeat breeding etc., is enomous. The truitf'ul results a chieved by vigorous efforts made 4uring the last two decades to cont rol animal brucellosis by aean. ot vaCCination, testing and segregation, etc., brought 111 light the importance of lepto sp irosis as a widely prevalent aa1ad;y. Studies on cultural, serol ogi cal , epidemiological, ohiaopropl:\Ylaxis, immunopropQylaxis and other aspects of this 41.ea.e have been made. Recently good results for its treatment