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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Sustainable cropping systems intensification for resource use efficient farming under conservation agriculture
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Arun Kumar; Saini, K.S.
    The present investigation entitled “Sustainable cropping systems intensification for resource use efficient farming under conservation agriculture” was carried out at new area agronomy research farm, PAU, Ludhiana. The experiment was established during rabi 2018-19 but the actual treatments were imposed in kharif season 2019 considering rabi and summer season both two crops used as a zero cycle ensuring tillage, crop establishment, residue management, nitrogen and irrigation management effects are captured in first experimental rice crop. Six management scenarios involving different cropping systems were evaluated in large plot size (189m2; 18m x 10.5m) in a randomized complete block design with four replications. All the other standard management practices were used irrespective of the management scenarios. System productivity (REY/MEY/SEY) was increased by 9.72, 9.74 and 14.26% during first year and 10.68, 14.33 and 15.17% during second year in R-W-SM(R+)-Sc2, M-W-SM (R+)-Sc4 and SW-SM (R+)-Sc6 (CA based scenarios), respectively compared to R-W-SM(R0)-Sc1, M-W-SM (R0)-Sc3 and S-W-SM (R0)-Sc5 (CT based scenarios). Scenario S-W-SM (R+)-Sc6 saved 76.9 % (during first year) and 77.7% (during second year) more irigation water compared to R-W-SM(R0)-Sc1 (1950 and 2250 mm ha-1 in first and second years, respectively). Scenario S-W-SM (R+)-Sc6 saved 4.33 times and 4.49 times more irrigation water compared to R-W-SM(R0)-Sc1 (1950 and 2250 mm ha-1 in first and second years, respectively) during both the years. Both scenario M-W-SM (R+)-Sc4 and S-W-SM (R+)-Sc6 recorded 4.30 and 4.64 times higher system IWP during the first year and 3.77 and 4.05 times higher IWP during the second year compared to R-W-SM(R0)-Sc1 . The higher cost of cultivation was observed in R-W-Sm (R0)-Sc1, M-W-Sm (R0)-Sc3 and S-W-Sm (R0)-Sc5 with conventional till, whereas lowered cost of cultivation and higher net return were recorded in CA based scenarios(R-W-SM(R+)-Sc2, M-W-SM (R+)-Sc4 and S-W-SM (R+)-Sc6) as compared to conventional practices and saved more irrigation water depth and increases irrigation water productivity as compared to conventional practices. Similarly, SOC was significantly increases by 30, 27.5, 25 per cent at 0-7.5 cm depth under, Sc6, Sc4 and Sc2 (CA based scenarios) than Sc1 in second year. But SOC remain unchanged at 7.5-15 cm depth compared to Sc1. The maximum available N, P and K was recorded in S-W-SM (R+)-Sc6(259.9, 30.50 and 230.1 kg/ha) followed by M-W-SM (R+)-Sc4 and R-W-SM(R+)-Sc2 (250.2, 28.4 and 221.4), whereas, minimum available N, P and K were recorded in R-W-SM(R0)-Sc1(199.8, 23.30 and 215.4 kg/ha) at 0-7.5 cm depth. Maximum bulk density (BD) was recorded in no-residue treatments, while the minimum BD and higher infiltration were recorded in CA based scenarios (R-W-SM(R+)-Sc2, M-W-SM (R+)-Sc4 and SW-SM (R+)-Sc6) where residues were retained on the soil surface. The soil microbial properties i.e. DHA, APA, total microbial count and soil respiration rate were recorded highest in scenario S-W-SM (R+)-Sc6) followed by M-W-SM (R+)-Sc4 and R-W-SM(R+)-Sc2 and lowest in scenario R-W-SM(R0)Sc1. Significantly the rice grains quality i.e brown, milled and head rice recovery were obtained higher in scenario Sc2. The maize grains quality i.e total sugar, starch, oil & protein content and moisture percent were higher in scenario Sc4 as compared to Sc3. The grain appearance score(max 10), hectolitre weight (kg/hl) and grain hardness (kg)) were recorded higher in scenario Sc6 which was at par with scenario Sc4 and lowest was obtained in scenario Sc1 (5.1 score, 71.1 kg/hl and 9.2 kg in first and 5.4 score, 72.3 kg/hl and 9.5 kg in second years, respectively). Rather than applying improved management practises in isolation, different improved management practises provides opportunities to address crop adaptability, productivity, and profitability in rice-wheat-summermoong, maize-wheat-summermoong and soybeanwheat-summermoong cropping systems under emerging climate impacts while enhancing natural resources (water, energy, and soil) and decrease environmental footprints.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Social media use by rural youth: A case study of village Abbuwal
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Arun Kumar; Thapar, Sheetal
    The present study was carried out to assess the awareness of youth, using social media, especially for political and agricultural news. Responses from a total of 100 youth (Men) in village Abbuwal were analysed. Male youth were randomly chosen, because of agriculture profession that is mostly adopted by the males. The first section of demographic profile of the respondents included 7 questions. Second section with 34 questions included queries on mobile, PC or laptop and social media using pattern. While, third was the reasons for using social media apps and sites, which included 9 questions. From the results, it was noted that almost every youth has a smartphone and there is a big effect of 4G services in village. Most of the youth use social media on their mobile phone. For information and knowledge area, responses were good. Most of the youth were using it for information regarding work. For watching videos, listening to music the responses were on medium level and information on studies had poor response. Social network was playing an important role in friendship and many of the youth were using it, because it was used by their friends. But, number of youth picking social issues on social media was not enough. Social media is affecting regular life a lot as youth use it upto 2-3 hours in a day. However, they have some interest in political and especially in agricultural news.