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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Allele mining for phospholipase D locus to improve the rice bran quality
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Amandeep Kaur; Kuldeep Singh
    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important staple food for a large part of the world’s population. Rice bran which is a by-product after milling is rich in oil (12–23%), proteins (14–16%), vitamins and crude fiber (8–10%). Rice bran oil is typically an oleic–linoleic type fatty acid and qualifies for good quality edible oil. The primary limitation of rice bran as a source of oil is the presence of highly active lipolytic enzyme Phospholipase D alpha1 (PLDα1) that increases free fatty acids content in the oil and causes the ‘stale flavor’ in the product. The wild relatives of rice constitute a major gene pool for rice improvement. In this study, sequence based allele mining of the gene PLDα1 (6.28 kb) was taken up in wild species of rice to identify potentially novel alleles for bran quality improvement. Differences in expression patterns were also investigated for potential correlation with sequence variation. A representative subset of 86 accessions belonging to 16 wild Oryza species and eight O. sativa cultivars were selected for this purpose. Alignment of the assembled sequence contigs relative to the Nipponbare reference (Os01g0172400) gene revealed the presence of 2555 variations (SNPs and InDels). Highest polymorhism at PLDα1 locus have been detected in the O.officinalis species. Expression profiles in immature grains generated by exon-specific qRT-PCR indicate significant differences in transcript abundance within as well as between the selected accessions and different 3’and 5’ truncated PLDα1 mRNA. Cis-elements identified in the upstream sequences showed variations relative to the reference in low expressing wild species accessions. These results suggest that potential PLDα1 allelic variants are defined by differential regulation at the levels of transcription initiation and/or mRNA splicing. The wild species accessions with variations in protein structures and low expression, identified in the present study, can be further utilized in the breeding programs to transfer desirable allele into elite lines through marker assisted selection.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Physiological basis of nitrogen use efficiency in maize (zea maysl.) at various rates of applied nitrogen
    (PAU, 2012) Amandeep Kaur; Bedi, Seema
    Field and laboratory experiments were conducted at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during kharifseason in the years 2009 and 2010 respectively to study the physiological basis of nitrogen use efficiency in maize (Zea mays L.) at various rates of applied nitrogen. Six maize genotypes (hybrids and their parents) i.e., long duration PMH1 (parents LM13, LM14) and short duration JH3459 (parents CM143, CM144) were raised under five nitrogen levels viz; recommended (RDN), RDN+25%, RDN+50%, RDN-25% and RDN-50% respectively. Various ecophysiological traits viz; leaf area, leaf area index (LAI), fraction of PAR intercepted by plants (FRI), intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR), radiation use efficiency (RUE) were significantly improved with the application of nitrogen at higher than the recommended rates in both long and short duration genotypes. Low nitrogen levels increased anthesissilking interval and shortened the duration of grain filling. It also caused a reduction in grain yield and its determinants mainly harvest index, 100-kernel weight, cob weight, above ground biomass, shelling percentage, cob length and diameter, number of kernel rows per cob and number of kernels per cob. The various physiological traits such as plant height, crop growth rate, relative growth rate, dry matter accumulation, root-shoot ratio etc. were significantly increased with the application of 25% and 50% higher nitrogen than the recommended. The applied nitrogendose also affected the content of various biochemical constituents (total soluble sugars, total soluble proteins, total starch content, chlorophyll content as well as the activity of various enzymes viz., nitrate reductase (NR), glutamine synthetase (GS), glutamate synthase (GOGAT) and PEP carboxylase). Path coefficient analysis showed that various traits such as RUE, LAI, FRI, IPAR, GS and NR activity had the maximum positivedirect contribution to grain yield in both set of maize genotypes (long and short duration). Therefore, these traits should be used as target traits to improve maize grain yield at both high and low nitrogen levels. The various quality parameters (starch, proteinand oil) in grains of both long and short duration genotypes were maximum in the treatment RDN+50%. Aminoacid content (total free amino-acids, tryptophan and methionine content) was significantly decreased with the decrease in nitrogen (RDN-25%; RDN-50%) than the recommended. In contrast, there was a decreasing pattern in nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), nitrogen remobilization efficiency (NRE) and nitrogen harvest index (NHI) values with increasing fertilizer rates in both long and short duration genotypes. Hybrids i.e. PMH 1 (long duration) and JH 3459 (short duration) were more responsive to variations in nitrogen supply than their female and male parents. Moreover, the high nitrogen use efficiency for hybrids (PMH1, JH3459) as compared to their parents (LM13, LM14 ; CM143, CM144) was associated with greater PAR interception during the growth period , high radiation use efficiency (RUE), more harvest index (HI), high photosynthetic capacity associated with increased acitivity of PEP carboxylase enzyme and high chlorophyll content in leaves, high nitrogen metabolic efficiency, increased activity of nitrogen metabolism enzymes (nitrate reductase, glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase) leading to higher nitrogen harvest in dex. Keywords:GOGAT, GS, maize, nitrogen, NR, NUE, PAR, PEP carboxylase, RUE, yield
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Studies On Combination Of Midazolam With Ketamine And Thiopentone Anaesthesia In Bovines
    (Punjab Agricultural University ;Ludhiana, 2003) Amandeep Kaur; Singh, Simrat Sagar
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2013) Amandeep Kaur
    Beauveria bassiana isolates were mass produced on different solid substrates and effect of carrier and viability of formulation at different storage temperatures were studied. The effect of insecticides on B. bassiana growth at concentrations (one fourth MC, half MC and MC) was also studied. Seven solid substrates were evaluated for growth parameter of four Beauveria isolates and variability of the mean conidial count and colony forming unit was recorded among substrates and isolates. Among B. bassiana isolates, maximum mean conidial count (25.8×105 conidia/g) and colony forming unit (22.8×105cfu/g) was recorded in B. bassiana MTCC 6291. Among solid substrates, rice recorded maximum mean conidial count (31.8×105conidia/g) and colony forming unit (28.6×105cfu/g). Three Beauveria which were mass cultured on rice, sorghum and maize were formulated with talc, charcoal and oil as carriers. Among all the formulations maximum cfu count (44.6×105cfu/g) was recorded in talc based formulation of B. bassiana MTCC 6291 on rice. It was found that minimum per cent decrease (7.3% and 7.6% ) of viable count was recorded at 4°C in talc based formulation of B. bassiana MTCC 6291 and B. bassiana MTCC 2028, respectively. Further, to study the effect of insecticides on Beauveria growth at different concentrations, radial growth of Beauveria varied among strains. It was conclude that in all insecticides tested, radial growth varied in inverse proportion to the concentration. Lower the concentration more the radial growth recorded. Among all the insecticides tested, quinalphos was least compatible with B. bassiana strains and showed maximum mean growth percent inhibition over control (58.5%) while it was minimum in triazophos (34%).
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Variability in Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris, the incitant of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) wilt
    (2014) Amandeep Kaur; Sharma, Vineet K.
    Evolution of new races of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris (Padwick) Matuo and K. Sato poses a serious threat to successful deployment of wilt resistant chickpea genotypes. Therefore, in the present study, 24 isolates of F. oxysporum f.sp. ciceris collected from different chickpea growing areas of Punjab and adjoining states were assessed for morphological, pathogenic and molecular variations. Among 24 isolates, the maximum (8.78 mm/days) and minimum (5.00 mm/day) growth rate were exhibited by Foc-21 and Foc -15, respectively. The isolates showed growth pattern from appressed, fluffy to less fluffy and mycelial colour varied from different shades of white to purplish white. A significant variation with respect to size of micro (8.9-16.9 x 3.1-6.3 µm) and macro (21.7-64.9 x 2.7-10.0 µm) conidia was also observed. At pathogenic level, Foc-3, Foc-7 and Foc-22 showed virulence pattern, similar to existing races 1, 2, 3 and 4 on three standard differentials viz. JG 62, WR 315 and L 550 whereas rest of the isolates did not match with any of the existing race reaction. Further, the six selected genotypes could differentiate the isolates into four pathotypes based on their aggressiveness and Foc-8 was found more aggressive (98.48 % wilt incidence) whereas Foc-24 was found least aggressive (7.22 % wilt incidence). The sequences of ITS genomic regions of 19 isolates showed 99 % similarity with Foc sequences by BLAST analysis. Furthermore, these 19 isolates converged into three groups based on ITS region sequence homology. Besides, a set of 91 wild derivative lines was also evaluated in wilt sick plot. Two derivative lines viz. GLW 59 and GLW 107 were found free from wilt and remaining 37 and 52 lines were found moderately resistant and susceptible to highly susceptible respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Title of the Thesis : Storage behaviour of plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) fruits cv. Satluj Purple in response to various chemicals
    (Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana, 2016) Amandeep Kaur; Jawandha, S.K.
    The present investigation entitled “Storage behaviour of plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) fruits cv. Satluj Purple in response to various chemicals” was conducted in Department of Fruit Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during the year 2015. Plum fruits of cv. Satluj Purple were harvested at colour break stage and treated for 5-minutes in aqueous solutions of putrescine (1, 2 and 3 mmolL-1 ), boric acid (1, 2 and 3%) and sodium benzoate (0.5, 1 and 1.5%). Treated fruits were packed in corrugated fibre board (CFB) boxes with paper lining before storage at 0-1˚C temperature and 90-95% RH. Fruit samples were analysed after 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days of cold storage for various physico-chemical characteristics. Result revealed that physiological loss in weight (PLW) and spoilage of fruits increased with storage period, whereas fruit firmness, pulp: stone ratio and titrable acidity (TA) showed a declining trend with the advancement of storage period. Other parameters like sensory quality rating, total soluble solids, TSS: acidity ratio, total sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars and pectin methyl esterase activity (PME) showed an increase up to 21 days of storage in all the treatments except putrescine @ 3, 2 mmolL-1 and boric acid @ 3% treatments, where these parameters were increased up to 28 days of storage. Post-harvest treatments of putrescine (3, 2 mmolL-1) and boric acid (3%) proved to be effective in extending the post-harvest life of plum fruits upto 28 days, whereas sodium benzoate (1.5%) extended the post-harvest life of plum fruits upto 21 days under cold storage conditions. Postharvest treatment of putrescine @ 3 mmolL-1 was recorded most effective in reducing physiological loss in weight (PLW), spoilage, pectin methyl esterase activity (PME) and maintaining the fruit firmness, sensory quality, total soluble solids (TSS), titrable acidity (TA), total sugars, reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars during the entire storage period as compared to other treatments.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Antioxidative defense system and grain quality evaluation of heat tolerant wheat genotypes
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2014) Amandeep Kaur; Harinderjeet Kaur
    The fifty genotypes of wheat in two trials Multi Location Heat Tolerance (MLHT) I and Multi Location Heat Tolerance (MLHT) II under timely and late sown conditions were sown in experimental fields of Plant Breeding and Genetics during the crop season 2011-12 to study the impact of heat stress on physiological parameters. The chlorophyll content, canopy temperature depression, days to heading, peduncle length, plant height, grain number per spike, grain weight per spike, spike number per spike, total biomass and grain yield were affected negatively under late sown conditions in all genotypes except genotypes such as GW 433, HD 3090, MP 3353, WH 1124 and RW 3705 from MLHT I and HD 3040, HI 8703, MP 3304, DBW 14, DL788-2, HUW 234 and NW 2036 from MLHT II. Genotypes GW 433, HD 3090, MP 3353 and WH 1124 from MLHT I and HD 3040, HI 8703 and MP 3304 from MLHT II were found to be less susceptible to heat stress as reflected by lower values of heat susceptibility index. Genotypes HI 1571, PBW 670, RAJ 4250 and WH 1123 from MLHT I and HI 8703, PBW 639 and WHD 946 from MLHT II were found to be susceptible to high temperature due to higher values of heat susceptibility index. Total 25 genotypes (tolerant, susceptible and checks) from both trials MLHT I and MLHT II were selected for the study of antioxidative defense system and grain quality evaluation. Genotype WH 1124 from MLHT I and genotypes HD 3040 and HI 8703 from MLHT II showed increased activity of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase and catalase indicated better antioxidant defense system against heat stress and hence found to be the best among the selected tolerant genotypes. GW 433, HD 3090, HD 3040 and HI 8703 from both the trials MLHT I and MLHT II showed higher grain appearance score, test weight, grain hardness, protein content, SDS-sedimentation value, grain plumpness, total sugars, dry gluten content, gluten index and better starch pasting characteristics under late sown conditions, hence can produce better quality grains. Genotypes WH 1124, HD 3090, GW 433 and HD 3040, HI 8703 from the trials MLHT I and MLHT II exhibited better antioxidative defense system and superior quality characteristics with higher yield under heat stress.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of nitrogen fertilization on rice grain quality and the biochemical composition of straw
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Amandeep Kaur; Sharma, Neerja
    A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilization on rice grain quality and the biochemical composition of straw. The main plots included nitrogen levels of 0, 90,120 and 150 kg ha-1 for non-basmati and 0, 40 and 60 kg ha-1 for basmati varieties, while the subplots included non-basmati varieties viz., PR 111, PR 122 and Pusa 44 and basmati varieties viz., Basmati 370 and Pusa Basmati 1509. In rice grain, crude protein content, head rice recovery and gel consistency were positively related with increase in nitrogen levels in both non-basmati and basmati varieties. Thousand grain weight of only the basmati varieties expressed similar response. However a negative relationship for amylose content and elongation ratio with increase in nitrogen fertilization in all the cultivars was observed. There is significant interaction between nitrogen levels and all physiochemical characters of the grain except alkali spreading value in all the cultivars. In rice straw, increase in the level of nitrogen fertilization increased the crude protein from 2.28 to 7.41% in nonbasmati and 5.16 to 6.28% (dry matter basis) in basmati varieties whereas the neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and cellulose content decreased in both non-basmati and basmati varieties. The straw hemicellulose, acid detergent lignin, silica, ash, crude fat, crude fibre and organic matter exhibited significant interaction with different nitrogen levels in both non-basmati and basmati varieties. Therefore, use of optimum nitrogen levels will improve the nutritional quality of grain for human consumption and straw as feed resource.