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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (2011) Amninderjeet Kaur
    The present study was undertaken to investigate the various habitat preferences of the black and grey partridge in crop land ecosystem, the predominant ecosystem of the state. In addition the breeding biology which included the courtship behaviour/ pair formation, nesting sites, nest formation, egg laying and clutch size of these birds was also studied. The study was divided into three experiments, in the first experiment, the habitat preferences of black and grey partridge in different crop lands were studied and later, the breeding behaviour and the nesting sites and the number of nests of these birds were studied in the second experiment, and then lastly, the breeding biology i.e. the egg laying and clutch size of both the birds were studied. The study areas included orchards, crops like wheat, bajra, maize, mustard, sunflower, shaftal, sorghum, barseem, mulberry, cotton etc. In forestry area trees like poplar, jatropa and bushy area were grown. In dairy farm area, it was fodder and bajra. During the entire course of study both the black and grey partridges were observed for their activities like foraging, feeding, breeding etc. In the new orchard area, the crops of bajra in fodder section area and dairy farm area, a comparatively higher number of black partridges were observed. This indicated the suitability of these three crop habitats for black partridge. In case of grey partridge, the most suitable area was fodder section area having the crops like bajra, maize and sorghum. The number of grey partridge sighted were much more and with greater frequency. Like black partridge, their numbers increased after the breeding season in the month of August to October. In this study, 4 nests of black partridge and 5 nests of grey partridge were observed and the clutch was between 8-13. The present study concluded that black partridges were found in specific habitats while the grey partridge was a true generalist species having the capacity to adapt to a wide range of habitats and environmental conditions. The density was found to vary between different habitats on the basis of vegetation characteristics. The grey partridge of these birds was found to be far more in numbers as compared to black partridge in all habitats. The black partridge was found in the habitat area which was highly dense, very less or even no black partridge was seen in the area having the habitat covered with trees whereas grey partridge was found in every type of habitat. Keywords: Habitat, Black partridge, Grey partridge, Foraging, Nesting, Egg laying, Clutch size. ________________________ ______________________
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2012) Ramandeep Kaur; Neena, Singla
    Experiments were conducted in laboratory pens, maze and store houses using two essential oils namely eucalyptus and citronella oils to study their repellency against house rat, Rattus rattus. In laboratory pens, both oils were applied as paint, as encapsulated wax blocks and as spray each further with three modes of application i.e. daily, once a week, and alternatively in a week at three concentrations 5, 10 and 20%. Repellent effect of the two oils was observed at all the concentrations tested but significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher effect of eucalyptus oil was in female rats at 20% concentration and of citronella oil in male rats at 10% concentration when applied as spray alternatively. Multichoice experiment conducted in T-maze using 5% eucalyptus and citronella oils as encapsulated wax blocks in choice with no treatment revealed significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher repellent effect of eucalyptus oil compared to citronella oil in female rats. Bichoice experiment conducted in I-maze using 5% eucalyptus oil as encapsulated wax blocks in choice with no treatment showed significantly (P ≤ 0.05) reduced movements and activities of both male and female rats in treated zone compared to untreated zone. In store house experiments conducted using 5% eucalyptus and citronella oils as encapsulated wax blocks and as spray revealed more percent repellency and control success with eucalyptus oil as encapsulated wax blocks. Present studies thus reveal the efficacy of 5% eucalyptus oil encapsulated in wax blocks as repellent against R. rattus of both sexes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2011) HARJOT KAUR; Harjit Kaur)
    Survey of five plant nurseries at different locations viz. New Indian nursery and Gulrej nursery at Dhuri, Bhagwaan and Golden nursery at Malerkotla and Plant nursery PAU, Ludhiana for gastropod population revealed that one snail, Macrochlamys indica and one slug, Filicaulis alte Ferussac with three colour forms viz. black slug with yellow mid-dorsal streak, brown slug with black spots, black slug were infesting the plant nurseries. Slugs and snails preferred soil with low bulk density, high porosity and high moisture. Impact of three treatments on gastropod (snails and slugs) trapping was in following order- Damp conditions > Beer traps > Spots with Spinach. Snails and slugs excavated holes within leaves of ornamental plant saplings. More damage was observed during the months of June, July and October when the population density of snails and slugs active at soil surface was more. Hence, more emphasis should be laid down on gastropod control during the months of June, July and October to prevent the damage to ornamental plant saplings. Laboratory feeding tests revealed that out of the different concentrations of crude latex of different plants viz., Euphorbia splendens, Calotropis procera, Ficus bengalensis and Ficus elastica, bait with 2 per cent crude latex of E. splendens proved to be most effective bait resulting in 36.7 per cent mortality (F. alte, black slug with yellow mid-dorsal streak) with highest consumption among all the different concentrations of all the four plants. Thus, E. splendens latex acts not only as molluscicide but as attractant also.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2010) Navjot Kaur; Devinder Kaur, Kocher
    Commensal rodents, especially house rat (Rattus rattus Linnaeus) causes extensive losses by feeding and contaminating the food products and also plays a role in spreading several diseases of health importance. House rats were trapped from various commensal situations and were fed for 5 days in no-choice on standard baits of bromadiolone (0.005%) and cholecalciferol (0.075%) and their combinations having different concentrations mixed in WSO-mix bait. Male and female house rats showed 81.30% and 95.80% average acceptability of standard bait of bromadiolone over plain bait respectively. Hundred per cent mortality of male house rats was observed within 3-6 days, while all female rats died on 4th day of feeding of 0.005% bromadiolone. Both the sexes showed a significant increase in blood clotting time (sec) after 48 hours of feeding as compared to that of 0 hour. The acceptability of standard bait of cholecalciferol (0.075%) over plain bait was 40.10% and 35.30% in male and female house rats, respectively and 100% mortality was observed within 4-10 days in male and 7-14 days in female house rats. Feeding of standard bait of cholecalciferol resulted in stop feeding action in the form of significantly less consumption of this bait from 3rd day onward. Serum calcium level (mg/dL) was found to be significantly high in 0.075% cholecalciferol fed male and female rats after 48 hours of its feeding as compared to 0 hour. R. rattus when fed on four formulated baits having different concentrations of bromadiolone and cholecalciferol i.e. combination-I (0.0025% bromadiolone+0.05% cholecalciferol), combination-II (0.001% bromadiolone+0.05% cholecalciferol), combination-III (0.0025% bromadiolone+0.01% cholecalciferol) and combination-IV (0.001% bromadiolone+0.01% cholecalciferol). Out of these four tested formulated baits, combination-IV (having the lowest concentration of bromadiolone and cholecalciferol) showed efficient rodenticidal potential because of synergistic effect of bromadiolone and cholecalciferol in this combination. It was able to produce 100% mortality and showed a significant delay in blood clotting time (sec) and rise in serum calcium level and was cost effective also. R. rattus L trapped from commensal situations of Ludhiana area showed no resistance towards standard bait of bromadiolone (0.005%) as both male and female house rats (n=60) showed 100% mortality.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PAU, 2010) Mandeep Kaur; Ghai, Jyotika Kapur
    Plant parasitic nematodes are destructive pests worldwide that cause severe losses in agriculture. Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are obligate, sedentary plant endoparasites that are extremely polyphagous in nature with a wide host range. Keeping in view the huge economic losses by this parasite, it is essential to control the disease at an early stage. For any control strategy to be effective, an early and accurate diagnosis is of paramount importance. Immunoassays have the inherent advantages of sensitivity and specificity; have the potential to identify and quantify these plant-parasitic nematodes. Hence, in the present studies, ELISA has been developed for the detection of Meloidogyne spp. antigens. This is based on detection of egg antigens, for which anti-Meloidogyne antibodies were produced by immunization of rabbits with soluble proteins of the eggs. The production of antibodies was confirmed by the appearance of precipitin lines in double immunodiffusion method. An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for detection and titration of these antibodies. Results indicated as high as 320 K titre of the antisera. Finally competitive inhibition ELISA was developed employing these anti-Meloidogyne antibodies for detection of Meloidogyne antigens. This is based on competition between solid phase bound antigens and free antigens for limited antibodies. Sensitivity of ELISA was 10 femtograms. This sensitivity was further enhanced to 1 femtogram with an additional step of pre-incubation, in which antibodies and free antigens are allowed to react before the competition. Competitive inhibition ELISA developed in the present studies has the potential of being used as an easy, rapid, specific and sensitive diagnostic tool for the detection of Meloidogyne infection.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (2013) Jagwinder Kaur
    Three different concentrations of cinnamic aldehyde (1, 2.5, 5%) and cinnamamide (0.2, 0.3, 0.4%) were tested against house rat Rattus rattus under bi-choice feeding tests. Results revealed that 5% cinnamic aldehyde and 0.4% cinnamamide treated bait have antifeedant/secondary repellent effect against house rat R. rattus which retained both at a gap of 7 (treatment period 2) and 14 (treatment period 3) days of treatment. Rats were not habituated to effective concentration of cinnamic aldehyde upto experimental period of 27 days. There was no significant difference between consumption of treated and untreated bait during first four hours after exposure of rats to effective dose of both the compounds under both no-choice and bi-choice feeding tests indicating absence of primary repellent effect of both compounds. Formulations of both compounds containing NaHCO3 prevented the rodent damage in terms of consumption of wheat grains (g/100 gm body weight), number of cuts, size of cuts (cm), quantity of spilled grains (g) and contamination of wheat grains due to rat urine upto experimental period of 15 days. Study of rat behavior in I-maze under Ethovision Video Tracking System confirmed the absence of primary repellent effect and study of feeding behavior in Feed Scale Consumption Monitor (FSCM) confirmed the existence of secondary repellent/ antifeedant effect of cinnamic aldehyde and cinnamamide against house rat R. rattus. Cinnamic aldehyde, cinnamamide, ethovision, repellents Rattus rattus
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2013) Dipti
    Mosquitoes breed in the aquatic systems which can either be man-made reservoirs or standing water bodies like ponds, swamps, marshes and paddy fields. These water bodies act as breeding grounds for mosquitoes, thus are responsible for the spread of mosquito borne diseases. So a survey was conducted to study the mosquito larvae population dynamics with an objective to find out their association with physico-chemical parameters of water in permanent and temporary standing water bodies. For this purpose water samples were collected at monthly intervals from four village ponds of Ludhiana district and paddy fields at PAU campus, Ludhiana. Mosquito larvae were enumerated from the different water samples and were identified under microscope with the help of standard morphological keys. Total mosquito larvae population i.e larval density (LD/L) and relative density of different types of mosquito larvae in terms of larval density index (LDI%) was calculated. Three types of mosquito larvae i.e Aedes, Anopheles and Culex were found and their LD was recorded to be maximum in rainy season at all the sampling sites. Culex was found to be the predominant type of larvae in water samples collected from all the ponds with percent LDI 62.7, 76.8, 56.6, and 87.6% respectively at Noorwala, Kasabad, Kaneja and Sujatwala villages as compared to other two genera of mosquito. Mosquito larvae population count was quite low in paddy fields as compared to village ponds. Estimation of different types of physical and chemical parameters from all the water samples collected from ponds and paddy fields revealed that mosquito larvae population was found to be positively correlated with temperature and alkalinity, while dissolved oxygen showed a negative association, other parameters tested were found to show non-significant correlation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2012) Navjot kaur
    Root knot nematodes (RKNs) of genus Meloidogyne are among the most widely spread parasitic nematodes which attack a wide range of crops and limit their production. The egg masses of Meloidogyne nematodes were cultured on the tomato plants and were identified on the basis of perineal pattern of females by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Only single species of Meloidogyne i.e. M. incognita was identified, indicating that the maintained culture was pure. The crude homogenate/antigen was prepared from the egg masses of established pure culture by homogenization, sonication and centrifugation. Quantitative analysis of prepared homogenate showed an average protein content (mg/gm, wet weight of nematodes) of 128.43 ± 11.10. Protein profile of this crude protein extract by SDS-PAGE indicated a total of seven bands (five major and two minor) observed within a range of molecular weight 27 kDa to 118 kDa. Major band was observed between 50-90 kDa followed by a band between 36-50 kDa. Two minor bands were also observed between 27-36 kDa and 50-90 kDa. Healthy rabbits were immunized with crude protein/antigen of M. incognita egg masses and hyperimmune serum showed significantly higher levels (% of total protein) of Ig from 2.37±0.32 (0 DPI) to 6.98±1.06 (60 DPI), and CIC from 3.48±0.80 (0 DPI) to 12.13±0.56 (60 DPI). Double immunodiffusion technique indicated the production of antibodies, as precipitation line was observed due to the formation of lattices of antigen-antibody complexes. Western blotting resulted in the transfer of single band (lying between 50-90 kDa) from the protein profile of crude antigenic extract of M. incognita analysed on SDS-PAGE on the nitrocellulose membrane probed with anti-Meloidogyne antibodies, thus indicating the antigenic specificity of this protein
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2012) Navjot Kaur
    Root knot nematodes (RKNs) of genus Meloidogyne are among the most widely spread parasitic nematodes which attack a wide range of crops and limit their production. The egg masses of Meloidogyne nematodes were cultured on the tomato plants and were identified on the basis of perineal pattern of females by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Only single species of Meloidogyne i.e. M. incognita was identified, indicating that the maintained culture was pure. The crude homogenate/antigen was prepared from the egg masses of established pure culture by homogenization, sonication and centrifugation. Quantitative analysis of prepared homogenate showed an average protein content (mg/gm, wet weight of nematodes) of 128.43 ± 11.10. Protein profile of this crude protein extract by SDS-PAGE indicated a total of seven bands (five major and two minor) observed within a range of molecular weight 27 kDa to 118 kDa. Major band was observed between 50-90 kDa followed by a band between 36-50 kDa. Two minor bands were also observed between 27-36 kDa and 50-90 kDa. Healthy rabbits were immunized with crude protein/antigen of M. incognita egg masses and hyperimmune serum showed significantly higher levels (% of total protein) of Ig from 2.37±0.32 (0 DPI) to 6.98±1.06 (60 DPI), and CIC from 3.48±0.80 (0 DPI) to 12.13±0.56 (60 DPI). Double immunodiffusion technique indicated the production of antibodies, as precipitation line was observed due to the formation of lattices of antigen-antibody complexes. Western blotting resulted in the transfer of single band (lying between 50-90 kDa) from the protein profile of crude antigenic extract of M. incognita analysed on SDS-PAGE on the nitrocellulose membrane probed with anti-Meloidogyne antibodies, thus indicating the antigenic specificity of this protein