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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Screening of Abelmoschus species for resistance against yellow vein mosaic disease and root-knot nematode for the development of interspecific F1 hybrids
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Thakur, Yukta; Pathak, Mamta
    The current study was conducted for evaluation of okra wild species against resistance/tolerance to YVMV disease, root knot nematode, and development of interspecific F1 hybrids with resistant donor parents. Further, parents and their interspecific F1 hybrids were morphologically and biochemically characterized. Sixty-five accessions of Abelmoschus moschatus and seven cultivars of Abelmoschus esculentus were subjected to artificial screening for yellow vein mosaic disease (YVMD) and root-knot nematode resistance. Sequencing of initial source plant (Pusa Sawani) exhibiting YVMD symptoms showed the presence of begomovirus okra enation leaf curl virus (OELCuV). The artificial screening identified twelve highly resistant A. moschatus accessions for YVMV disease, which were later found to be symptomless carriers of the virus upon validation with begomovirus-specific primers (DengF/DengR and OY2395F/OY680R). Five A. moschatus accessions exhibited moderate resistance to root-knot nematodes. Interspecific hybridization between YVMV-susceptible okra cultivars and YVMV-resistant A. moschatus accessions resulted in the development of three interspecific F1 hybrids (Punjab Padmini x EC316073, Pusa Sawani x EC316073 and Punjab Padmini x EC329390). Their hybridity was confirmed using SSR primer Okra037, and these hybrids remained free from YVMD symptom after 90 days of artificial screening, indicating dominant gene control of resistance. Seeds obtained from four interspecific hybrids between root-knot nematode-susceptible and root-knot nematode-resistant parents failed to germinate, indicating lack of compatibility between the parents. Both YVMD and root-knot nematode resistant genotypes depicted elevated levels of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), tyrosine ammonia lyase (TAL), peroxidase (POD), and phenolic compounds as compared to susceptible ones and significant negative correlation with disease severity (%) and number of galls per root. This suggests that higher levels of these parameters are associated with resistance to both pests.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Development of begomovirus resistant hybrid(s) using KASP markers in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Sood, Anushka; Sharma, Madhu
    The present investigation entitled, “Development of begomovirus resistant hybrid(s) using KASP markers in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne)” was conducted in the Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana with the objectives to screen pumpkin genotypes using Cmo4018182 KASP marker against mixed infection of squash leaf curl China virus and tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (MI-Sq/To) and to develop begomovirus resistant hybrids for year-round cultivation of pumpkin. Forty genotypes of pumpkin were screened in spring season 2022, genotypically with Cmo4018182 KASP marker for resistance against MI-Sq/To. Based on KASP marker analysis, nineteen genotypes were selected and randomly hybridized to develop twenty-nine F1 hybrids. In rainy season 2022, the forty genotypes and twenty-nine F1 hybrids were subjected to whitefly mediated artificial mass screening for resistance against MI-Sq/To at nursery stage and 75 days after sowing (DAS). Among forty genotypes, four genotypes were observed as resistant, thirteen as moderately resistant, three as moderately susceptible and twenty genotypes as susceptible at nursery stage. Most of the genotypes showed same disease reaction in nursery stage and 75 DAS except P-37 which later on shifted its reaction from moderately resistant to moderately susceptible. Among 29 hybrids, two hybrids were found resistant, sixteen were moderately resistant, two were moderately susceptible while nine were susceptible at nursery stage. Likewise parents, hybrids retained their disease reaction from nursery to 75 DAS except H9. However, marker trait association of Cmo4018182 KASP marker against resistance to MI-Sq/To was found to be 75% in the diverse panel of 40 genotypes while it was 86.20% in case of hybrids, suggesting further exploration of the identified genomic region for the development of gene-linked markers. In addition to assessing begomovirus resistance, the hybrids underwent evaluation concerning morphological, yield and yield-attributing traits. Significant differences among hybrids for all horticultural traits were observed during both rainy and spring seasons as shown by the analysis of variance. In terms of individual performance, the majority of hybrids displayed substantial improvements in favorable directions for all traits compared to their parents. High genetic variability among genotypes for majority of traits offers an opportunity to develop heterotic hybrids because of their high heritability and genetic advance. Traits such as days to 1st male flower, days to 1st female flower and days to 50% female flower exhibited low genetic variation indicating that hybridization of divergent genotypes could be beneficial in generating diversity in these traits. The significant positive correlation of traits viz, average fruit weight, vine length, number of fruits per plant, fruit diameter, peduncle length, petiole length and flesh thickness with fruit yield indicates the potential for enhancing yield by focusing on these specific traits. Among the 29 hybrids, H8, H18, H20, H24 and H27 were found as the most optimal hybrids based on their resistance to begomovirus, earliness and yield. However, conducting multi-location trials is imperative to affirm the commercial potential of these hybrids. Conclusively, this study showcased the pragmatic value of employing marker assisted breeding in the introgression of begomovirus resistance and expedited the development of begomovirus-resistant hybrids in a shorter duration, conserving both labour and resources.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Studies on growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.) as affected by grading and thermotherapy
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Kiranpreet Kaur; Sharma, Madhu
    The current study entitled "“Studies on growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.) as affected by grading and thermotherapy”, was conducted with the objectives to generate standard sized virus free propagating material at the Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during rabi 2019-21. To standardize the garlic seed cloves for maximum production, four grades viz. grade-A (>12 mm), grade-B (9-12 mm), grade-C (7-9 mm), grade-D (<7 mm) were evaluated against farmer‟s practice of ungraded cloves as control. Grade-A and grade-B outperformed all the grades in terms of growth and yield parameters while, grade-D was the poorest. For production of virus free propagating material, cloves of garlic cv. PG-18 and PG-62 were exposed to 5 hot air treatments (55-60°C) and 7 hot water treatments (55-65°C) for different time spans. Per se performances showed that the first generation (G1-19) of thermotherapy treated cloves performed poorly across treatments in comparison to control for growth and yield parameters in both the garlic cultivars under the influence of high temperature. DAS- ELISA test confirmed 100% virus elimination in four treatments viz. T2(HA2) (55°C for 2 hours), T5(HA5) (60°C for 30 minutes), T6HW1 (55°C for 10 minutes) and T7HW2 (55°C for 20 minutes). The second generation (G2-19) of these four virus free treatments showed normalcy for growth and yield parameters, and T2(HA2) (55°C for 2 hours) was the fore-runner for both the cultivars. Furthermore, 100 % elimination of Allexivirus, Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus, and Leek Yellow Stripe Virus was observed in T2(HA2) (55°C for 2 hours), as confirmed by RT-PCR. T5(HA5) (60°C for 30 minutes) and T6HW1 (55°C for 10 minutes) though showed complete elimination of Allexivirus and Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus, but failed to eliminate Leek Yellow Stripe Virus. Consequently, treating seed stocks with hot air at 55°C for two hours after every three-four years and practicing planting of large and medium-sized cloves will be instrumental in maintaining the supply and demand of garlic by producing better yields of virus-free and high-quality bulbs.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Management of phosphorus fertilization for tuber yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Vipanpreet Kaur; Navjot Singh
    The present study "Management of phosphorus fertilization for tuber yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes" was conducted at Vegetable Research Farm, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, and Vegetable Research Farm, Khanaura (Hoshiarpur), during 2021-22. The experiment was conducted in a split-split plot design consisting of two genotypes i.e., Punjab Potato-102 and Kufri Pukhraj in main plots, and two sources of fertilizer i.e., Diammonium phosphate (DAP) and Single Superphosphate (SSP) in sub-plots, and four level of Phosphorus fertilizers i.e., 75, 100, 125 and 150 per cent of recommended dose of Phosphorus fertilizer in sub-sub plot, with three replications. Phosphorus fertilization with DAP @ 93.75 kg/ha (150% of the recommended dose) resulted in the highest emergence percentage, number of shoots, foliage weight, number of tubers per plant, and average tuber weight per plant. Highest tuber yield per hectare was recorded in case of both varieties after 70, 90, and 110 days of harvesting at both locations, with a higher proportion of B-grade tubers followed by C, A, and D grade during all the intervals of harvesting. The tuber quality traits, i.e., dry matter, reducing sugar, total phenols, free amino acids, and total glycoalkaloids improved with the application of a higher dose (150% of phosphorus) of DAP fertilizer. The concentration of nutrient (N, P, and K) uptake was observed to be highest in the root, shoot, and tuber with the application of a higher dose of DAP after 70, 90, and 110 days of harvesting at both locations and varieties. The concentration of nutrient uptake was highest at Khanaura (Hoshiarpur) as compared to Ludhiana. The study on effect of Nano-P fertilizer on tuber yield and quality was conducted at Vegetable Research Farm, Khanaura (Hoshiarpur). The experiment was conducted in a split plot design with two genotypes in main plots, and four levels of Phosphorus fertilizers i.e., 75 per cent, 75 per cent + foliar application of nano-P, 100 per cent, and 100 per cent + foliar application of nano-P in sub plot with three replications. Phosphorus fertilization with @ 62.5 kg/ha (100% of the recommended dose) + foliar application of nano-P resulted in the highest emergence percentage, number of shoots, foliage weight, number of tubers per plant, and average tuber weight per plant to achieve the highest tuber yield per hectare in the case of both varieties after 70, 90, and 110 days of harvesting. The proportion of B-grade tubers was highest followed by C, A, and D grade during all the intervals of harvesting. The tuber quality traits improved with the application of a higher dose (100% of phosphorus + nano-P) of P fertilizer. The concentration of nutrient (N, P, and K) uptake was also highest in the shoot and root with the application of a 100 per cent P + foliar application of nano-P after 70, 90, and 110 days of harvesting in both varieties. The outcome of the present study elucidates the importance of taking an integrated approach to improve the phosphorous utilization by potato crop. This in turn will be useful for management programmes aimed at improving phosphorus use efficiency by adjusting phosphorus fertilization according to location, method of application, cultivar, and source of fertilizers.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Impact of pinching on growth, flowering and yield of bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl.]
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Sharma, Pragati; Mahala, Prakash
    The field experiment was conducted to study the “Impact of pinching on growth, flowering and yield of bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl.]” in loamy sand and sandy loam soils of the Vegetable Research Farm, Ludhiana and Regional Research Station, Abohar, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during kharif 2022. The experiment comprising of 9 pinching treatments (no pinching, pinching on main branch at 2nd node, pinching on main and lateral branches at 2nd node, pinching on main branch at 4th node, pinching on main branch and lateral branches at 4th node, pinching on main branch at 6th node, pinching on main branch and lateral branches at 6th node, pinching on main branch at 8th node and pinching on main branch and lateral branches at 8th node) and replicated three times, was laid out in randomized block design. The results of the study have clearly shown that the pinching on main branch and lateral branches at 6th node significantly increased total number of branches at the time of final harvest (7.36), days to first male flower appearance (49.18 days), number of female flowers (24.35), polar diameter of fruit (14.75 cm), equatorial diameter of fruit (13.76 cm), fruit weight (587.91 g), number of fruits per vine (7.23), early fruit yield per plot (14.17 kg), fruit yield (42.50 kg plot-1 and 566.7 q ha-1), harvest duration (68.03 days) and significantly reduced vine length at the time of final harvest (383.17 cm), days to first female flower appearance (53.97 days) and number of male flowers (121.69) and days taken to fruit harvest (61.97 days). Maximum net returns Rs. 357007 of bottle gourd was obtained with the pinching on main branch and lateral branches at 6th node. Further, maximum B: C ratio (3.70:1) in bottle gourd was observed in pinching on main branch and lateral branches at 6th node. Further it may be concluded that significantly better yield, net returns and maximum B: C ratio can be obtained from bottle gourd by the pinching on main branch and lateral branches at 6th node.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Characterization of F3 and F4 progenies of cross Solanum melongena × Solanum insanum for resistance against shoot and fruit borer
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Sidhu, Maninderjit Singh; Sidhu, Mohinder Kaur
    In present study, S. insanum based interspecific F3:4 progenies of brinjal were evaluated for plant morphological and biochemical traits along with screening for shoot and fruit borer tolerant, and its morpho-chemical basis during 2021-2022. Sixty-six genotypes including parents and check showed significant differences for the most of the morphological, yield and biochemical traits. Among progenies, SMSI-129 produced the highest total (3.13 kg/plant) as well as marketable yield (2.23 kg /plant) with the contributing traits such as fruit weight (61.7g), number of fruit per cluster (4.48) and per plant (52.9). Based on percent shoot (<2%) and fruit damage (< 15%) caused by brinjal shoot and fruit borer in sprayed and unsprayed field trial, seven progenies viz; SMSI-125, SMSI-127, SMSI-128, SMSI-129, SMSI-1210, SMSI-823 and SMSI-827 were tolerant; 22 were moderately tolerant; twenty-seven were susceptible; and nine were highly susceptible. Total yield potential of the tolerant progenies varied between 0.84 to 3.13 kg per plant. The tolerant progenies also carried the higher level of change in the activities of peroxidase (0.236 to 0.373 µmoles min-1mg-1) and polyphenol oxidase (0.118 to 0.194 unit‘s min-1 g-1 FW) as well as increased quantity of total phenols 3.31 to 5.05 mg/g1 FW and solasodine 4.87 to 6.35 mg/100g. In morpho-chemical basis of shoot and fruit borer tolerance, % shoot damage enhanced with decrease in days to 50% flowering (-0.90), days to first harvest (-0.69), number of fruit per plant (- 0.90), marketable yield (-0.77), trichome density (-0.78), fruit weight (-0.75), intermodal length (-0.74), fruit firmness (-0.70), peroxidase (-0.63), polyphenol oxidase (-0.65), total phenol (-0.55) and solasodine (-0.55) and percent fruit damage increased significantly with decrease in intermodal length (-0.51), days to 50% flowering (-0.89), days to first harvest (-0.65), trichome density (-0.88), fruit weight (-0.85), fruit per plant (- 0.83), fruit firmness (- 0.83), marketable yield (-0.68), total phenol (0.53) and solasodine (-0.65). In conclusion, Solanum insanum based interspecific progenies had significant level of tolerance against the major pest i.e. brinjal shoot and fruit borer that was mainly enhanced with a combination of morphological and biochemical traits. The selected progenies can further be utilized to study the plant-insect interactions, genetics and transfer of trait to the elite genotypes and molecular mapping for speed breeding in brinjal.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Effect of foliar application of nutrients on growth, yield and quality attributes of hull-less seeded pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Monika; Dhatt, A.S.
    The present investigation entitled „Effect of foliar application of nutrients on growth, yield and quality attributes of hull-less seeded pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca)‟ was carried out at Vegetable Research Farm, Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during spring season 2021 and 2022. The experiment was laid down in Randomized complete block design with thirteen treatments viz., T1 control (water spray), T2 (ZnSO4 @0.5%), T3 (MgSO4 @ 0.5%), T4 (KNO3 @ 0.5%), T5 (B @ 0.5%), T6 (ZnSO4 @ 1.0%), T7(MgSO4 @ 1.0%), T8 (KNO3 @ 1.0%), T9 (B @ 1.0%), T10 (ZnSO4 + MgSO4 +KNO3+B @0.5%), T11 (ZnSO4+MgSO4+KNO3+B @ 1.0%), T12 (Salicylic acid @ 100ppm) and T13 (Salicylic acid @ 200 ppm), replicated thrice. Among, horticultural trait, maximum vine length was observed in foliar application of ZnSO4 + MgSO4 + KNO3+B @ 0.5% (T10). Foliar application of salicylic acid @ 200 ppm (T13) gave higher leaf length, leaf width and petiole length. Minimum days to 50 % male and female flowering as well as harvest were observed in foliar application of ZnSO4 @ 0.5% (T2). ZnSO4 + MgSO4 +KNO3+B @ 0.5% (T10) and MgSO4 @ 0.5% (T3) significantly affected the fruit yield traits like polar diameter of fruit, equatorial diameter of fruit, flesh thickness, fruit weight, number of fruits per plant, number of fruits per plot, fruit yield per plant, fruit yield per plot and seed yield traits viz., number of seeds per fruit, 100seed weight and seed yield per plant. Quality traits like seed colour, dry matter, oil content, protein content, ash content, fibre, total sugar and reducing sugar too were maximized by foliar application of T10 (ZnSO4+ MgSO4 + KNO3 +B @ 0.5%) and T3 (MgSO4 @ 0.5%). Correlation analysis revealed that polar and equatorial diameter, flesh thickness, fruit weight, vine length and number of primary branches per plant significantly and positively contributed towards fruit yield per plot while, seed yield was directly correlated with number of seeds per fruit, 100-seed weight, dry matter, oil content, ash content and reducing sugar. Suggesting focus on these characters for further improvement of seed yield and quality of hull-less pumpkin. Considering above and the benefit-cost ratio among T3 and T10, T3 (MgSO4 @ 0.5%) can be adjudged as the best treatment for enhancing growth and yield of PAU Magaz Kadoo-1. Therefore, it can be stated that the four foliar applications of MgSO4 @ 0.5% at fortnightly interval with the onset of 50% flowering can significantly improve the growth, yield and quality attributes of hull-less seeded pumpkin.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Studies on fertigation and crop geometry in French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under poly-net house
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Vishavjeet Singh; Dhillon, Tarsem Singh
    The present investigation was conducted at Vegetable Research Farm and Biochemistry Laboratory, Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana with the objectives to investigate the effect of crop geometry on yield and quality traits of French bean and to find out the optimum level of NPK fertilizers for French bean under poly-net house. “FBP VAR 2‟‟ was comprised as plant material. The field experiment was laid out in a split plot design and included 30 treatment combinations. The treatments were replicated three times. The treatments included three bed types having different bed top width of 105, 75 and 37.5 cm with furrow of 30 cm under main plots, five fertigation levels i.e. 0, 60, 80, 100 and 120% of NPK under sub plots and two plant spacings of 30 and 45 cm under sub-sub plots. From the present investigation, it was observed that bed spacing of 105+30 cm, drip fertigation at 100% NPK and plant spacing at 45 cm resulted in significantly highest yield attributing characters like number of pods per plant, pod length, pod weight, pod width and fresh pod yield per plant. On the other hand, the highest fresh pod yield per acre was obtained under bed spacing of 75+30 cm, drip fertigation at 100% NPK and plant spacing at 30 cm due to increased plant population m-2. Mostly all the quality parameters i.e. protein content, fibre content, sugar content, calcium content, iron content, NPK content and dry matter content were observed to be significantly highest in F4 (100% NPK) treatment, but non-significant with bed spacing and plant spacing. The economic analysis during both seasons showed that cost benefit ratio with treatment combination of 75 cm bed spacing, 100% NPK and 30 cm plant spacing (1:3.30) was observed to be the highest among all treatments. Thus, it may be concluded from the present investigation that bed spacing of 75+30 cm, drip fertigation at 100% NPK and plant spacing at 30 cm is beneficial to improve productivity and quality of French bean.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Root morpho-anatomical and biochemical trait characterization for nematode resistance in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) genotypes
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Pardeep Kumar; Ruma Devi
    The present investigation, “Root morpho-anatomical and biochemical trait characterization for nematode resistance in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) genotypes” was carried out at the Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 2020-21 and 2021-22. A set of 62 accessions consisting early and mid-season genotypes were screened against root knot nematode. Data was recorded on number of galls per plant, number of egg masses per root system, number of eggs per egg mass, final root knot nematode population and root gall index. The genotype PAUCE-292 exhibited resistant while genotypes, PAUCE-15, PAUCE-16, PAUCE-19C and PAUCM-PI were found to be moderately resistant to RKN inoculation. In the rest of screened genotypes 20.9%, 66.1% and 4.8% exhibited moderately susceptible, susceptible and highly susceptible behavior to RKN infestation. In anatomical traits, PAUCM-SD3 exhibited highest epidermal cell thickness and PAUCE-292 recorded highest values for xylem vessels diameter while PAUCM-STAR exhibited the highest lateral root diameter. Anatomical traits did not exhibit any association with the RKN resistance but highest lignification and gall formation was exhibited by susceptible (PAUCM-SD3) and highly susceptible accessions (PAUCM-STAR). In biochemical characterization, high total phenol content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) was recorded in RKN resistant genotype PAUCE-292. A set of 68 genotypes including the genotypes examined in the previous experiments were evaluated for growth, yield and its component traits under field conditions during the early and mid-seasons of two years 202021 and 2021-22. In both the season, Years (Y) and genotypes (G) had significant effect on the growth and yield associated traits. The significant Y×G interactions revealed that the genotypes varied over the years for majority of the vegetative and yield associated traits. In early season, PAUCE-S1 and PAUCE-292 genotypes recorded the highest net curd weight and curd yield. Similarly, in mid season, PAUCM-FC1 and PAUCM-PI genotypes exhibited the highest net curd weight and curd yield. Curd yield exhibited significant correlation with yield attributing traits such as gross plant weight and net curd weight in both the seasons. Curd width, leaf width and days to curd initiation exhibited the highest heritability in the early season while in mid season gross plant weight, net curd weight and curd yield exhibited the highest heritability. It is concluded that identified genotypes can be utilized in the breeding programme for the development of cauliflower cultivars with enhanced RKN resistance. Further, the information generated on anatomical and biochemical traits will be useful in understanding the mechanisms of RKN resistance in cauliflower.