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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of genetic diversity in carrot genotypes using morphological, biochemical and molecular markers
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Davinder Singh; Dhillon, Tarsem Singh
    The study entitled “Assessment of genetic diversity in carrot genotypes using morphological, biochemical and molecular markers” was carried out at Vegetable Research Farm, Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Eighty one genotypes of carrot were characterized by morphological, biochemical and molecular markers during 2015-16 and 2016-17. Analysis of variance showed significant differences for 19 quantitative traits with respect to treatment, year and treatment x year. Maximum total root yield was obtained from genotypes viz. PC-161, PC-15, PC-43 and PC-103 (red), PCO-30 and PCO-5 (orange) and PCP-2 and PCP-1 (purple). On the basis of morphological diversity, 81 genotypes were distributed into ten clusters. Cluster X was the best for root weight and anthocyanin content, cluster III for days to 1st root harvest and root girth, while dry matter content, total sugar content and carotene content were maximum in cluster V. The highest intra cluster distance has been observed from the cluster VII (162.9), while inter cluster distance was maximum between II and cluster X (43678.5). The cumulative proportion of variation explained by the four PC-axes was 85.12 %. Seventeen polymorphic SSR markers differentiated genotypes into three groups where cluster I consisted of 48 genotypes followed by cluster II with 28 genotypes and cluster III had 5 genotypes. The morpho-biochemical and SSR markers were effective tools to identify closeness among genotypes, so future strategy involves utilizing more SSR markers culled from various linkage mapping could be effectively and efficiently used to fasten the breeding programs and to design trait specific carrot breeding.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Growth, yield and quality of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) in relation to use of various types of mulches
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Davinder Singh; Kulbir Singh
    A field experiment entitled “Growth Yield and quality of chilli (Capsicum annum L.) in relation to use of various types of mulches” was conducted at Vegetable research Farm and Biochemical Laboratory, Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 2014-15. Experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block design replicated thrice. The treatment comprised organic mulches at different rates i.e., 6, 9 and 12 t/ha; Plastic mulches i.e. black-silver, black-white, black polythene mulch along with non mulch and weedy check. The experimental material comprised the hybrid CH-1 of chilli. The study revealed significant effect on growth yield and quality with the application of different types of mulches. Application of organic mulch @ 12 t/ha improved the growth of chilli in terms of plant height, leaf area index and lower soil temperature being beneficial for growth. Application of all the mulches including organic and plastic mulches improved the fruit yield. The study showed that black-white mulch suppressed the weeds population and thus improved the fruit yield of chilli. It yielded 319.7 q/ha of fruit yield. It is thus concluded from the study that black-white polythene mulch can help to check the weeds and improve the fruit yield of chilli but due to less expenses of organic mulch, highest C:B of 1:3.3 was obtained with application of organic mulch @ 12 t/ha which was more economically beneficial as compared to other mulch treatments.