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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Deep tillage and irrigation effects on water productivity of summer mungbean
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Dapinder Singh; Singh, C.B.
    Mungbean crop due to short duration and has a distinct advantage over other legumes to be grown in both summer and kharif season has a good potential to be used in the intensive cropping system. A field experiment was conducted at the research farm of the Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during summer seasons 2017 and 2019 to study the deep tillage and irrigation effects on water productivity of summer mungbean. The treatments included three irrigation regimes at IW: PAN-E of 0.75 (I0.75), 0.50 (I0.50) and 0.25 (I0.25) in the main plots and two tillage systems (conventional tillage-CT and deep tillage-DT) in the subplots. Penetration resistance was observed to be lower in DT than CT throughout the depths of measurement. Root growth was measured at podding and least frequent irrigation regime I0.25 and DT increased root growth (total root mass and root mass density) more so in the deeper layers (i.e. from 60-90 cm). Above ground biomass and stover yield recorded at harvest time during both the years was positively influenced by DT and medium and more frequent irrigation regimes (I0.50 and I0.75). Profile moisture storage measured at 37 DAS in 2017 and 46 DAS in 2019 was about 3 cm more irrigated regimes (I0.50 and I0.75). Deep tillage had less soil moisture storage than CT in less frequent I0.25 regime during both the years. Yield attributes were much influenced by deep tillage and effects were more pronounced in 2019. Increase in irrigation frequency increased the mean seasonal water use by the crop from I0.25 to I0.75 (28.8 cm to 38.6 cm) irrigation regimes. Also, it was higher under DT in less and medium frequent regimes (I0.25 and I0.50) compared to CT. Grain yield was influenced by both irrigation and deep tillage. Medium irrigated I0.50 regime had maximum grain yield followed by I0.75 and I0.25 irrigation regimes. DT enhanced the mean grain yield by 0.06 t ha-1 over CT which had respective value of 1.08 t ha-1 in 2017 and 0.90 t ha-1 in 2019. There was a tendency of interaction between irrigation and tillage where DT I0.25 regime (0.99 t ha-1) gives comparable yield to that of CT I0.50 regime (1.03 t ha-1) on the mean basis. An increase in irrigation frequency reduced mean water productivity from 3.34 kg ha-1 mm-1 to 2.64 kg ha-1 mm-1; DT had a tendency to increase water productivity both in 2017 and 2019.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of rice residue biochar on the bioavailability of lead and cadmium to Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Dubey, Shikha; Sikka, R.
    The investigation titled “Effect of rice residue biochar on the bioavailability of lead and cadmium to Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.)” was conducted at screen house, Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during rabi season of 2018-2019. The objectives of study were to determine the effects of addition of rice residue biochar on immobilization of Cd and Pb in soil and their translocation to Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.). Two differently irrigated - tube well water irrigated (TWI) and sewage water irrigated (SWI) - soils were collected and amended with four levels of rice residue biochar and further spiked with four levels of Cd and Pb individually. Spiking of Cd and Pb significantly decreased the shoot dry matter yield (DMY) in both TWI and SWI soil. The DMY in TWI soil increased by 12.5 and 19.6 per cent compared to control in Cd and Pb contaminated soil, respectively at 2 per cent addition of biochar whereas in case of SWI soil the corresponding increase was 19.2 and 17.5 per cent, respectively. Addition of rice residue biochar significantly increased the immobilization of DTPA-extractable Cd and Pb in both TWI and SWI soil. The DTPA-Cd and Pb decreased by 44.9 and 47.1 per cent in TWI soil at 4 per cent addition of biochar whereas in SWI soil the decrease was 38.1 and 39.5 per cent, respectively. Biochar addition countered the Cd and Pb content and increased the macro and micronutrient content of Indian mustard. The study indicated that rice residue biochar has potential for ameliorating heavy metal contaminated soils.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Studies on rhizosphere soil properties under different land use systems at Ballowal Saunkhri watershed
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Neha; Bhople, Balkrishna Sopan
    The present work was aimed to study rhizosphere soil properties under different land use systems at Ballowal Saunkhri watershed. For this study, soil samples were collected from three land use systems (horticulture, forest and cropland) at four depths viz. 0-15, 15-30, 30-60 and 60-90 cm during summer (April-May) and winter (October- November) seasons. The soil textural class was recorded as sandy loam among all land uses and soil depths. The results showed that forest land use system significantly increased the soil organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, available nitrogen, Fe, Cu, Mn and microbial properties (total microbial count, microbial biomass carbon, basal soil respiration, dehydrogenase activity and alkaline phosphatase activity). However, bulk density, available phosphorus and potassium content was observed higher under cropland system. Soil pH and electrical conductivity values were recorded lowest under forest land use system. Soil chemical properties like organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, macronutrients as well as micronutrients and all microbial properties were observed higher in 0-15cm depth and it gradually decreased with increase in soil depth. Correlation studies revealed that OC was found positively correlated with most of the soil properties. All the microbial properties were significantly correlated with each other. Forest land use system had higher microbial activity and nutrient availability during winter season due to increased organic carbon content.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effects of tillage, irrigation regimes and nitrogen rates on productivity of canola in a loamy sand soil
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Gagandeep Kaur; Singh, C. B.
    Extensive cultivation of rice-wheat cropping system has led to fall of ground water table in Punjab. Thus, oilseed crops can be used as an alternative due to lower water requirement. A field experiment was conducted at the research farm of the Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, during rabi 2018-19 to study the individual and combined effects of deep tillage, irrigation and nitrogen rates on yield and productivity of canola (Brassica napus). The treatments included combinations of two tillage systems viz; deep tillage (DT) and conventional tillage (CT), with four irrigation regimes viz; no irrigation (I0), one irrigation (I1), two irrigations (I2) and three irrigations (I3) in main plots and four nitrogen (N) rates viz; 0 (N0), 50 (N50), 75 (N75) and 100 (N100) kg ha-1 in sub plots with three replications. Lower soil moisture content was recorded under DT as more soil moisture was utilized by the crop in this treatment resulting in lower soil moisture storage. Soil penetration resistance reduced under deep tillage. Maximum rooting depth (180 cm) was obtained with irrigation and 100 kg N ha-1. Root density in upper 60 cm soil depth was higher in I2 followed by I1 and I0 irrigation regimes whereas below 60 cm, it was higher under I0. Higher root density was recorded under DT and N100 plots. Irrigation and N application significantly increased plant height, relative leaf water content, dry matter accumulation (DMA) and SPAD value at all growth stages however, tillage only affected DMA significantly. Yield attributes improved under I2DTN100. Seed yield significantly increased under DT (9.6 %) and I2 (25 % over I0) treatment. Seed yield recorded under N100 was 9.1 q ha-1 higher over N0. Water productivity improved with DT and N100. Oil yield and N uptake significantly increased with successive increments of N rate and irrigation frequency. Higher nitrogen rates at low irrigation frequency resulted in yield similar to low nitrogen rates at higher irrigation frequency. Yield produced under DT with one irrigation was equivalent to that produced under CT with two irrigations, suggesting saving of irrigation water.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of long term fertilizer application on potassium mineralogy and nutrition under maize-wheat cropping system
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Maninderdeep Singh; Gill, Roopinder Singh
    The effect of long-term fertilizer application on potassium bearing minerals was studied under maize-wheat cropping system. The treatments consisted of control, 100% Nitrogen(N), 100% Nitrogen and Phosphorus(P), 50% Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium(K), 100% NPK, 100% NPK+ farmyard manure (FYM) and 150% NPK. The physico-chemical properties, minerals and potassium fractions were analyzed from the surface soil samples (0-15 cm). The dominant minerals in sand and silt fraction of soil were quartz followed by feldspar and mica, while illite was the major mineral in clay fraction. The weathering of mica and feldspar in sand and silt fraction of soil was more intense in the treatments where potassium was not applied (100% N, 100% NP and control). Similarly, in clay fraction of soil, weathering of illite to vermiculite and smectite due to removal of interlayer potassium resulted in loss of illite in treatments without K application. The available (135.5 kg ha-1), water soluble (56.0 kg ha-1), exchangeable (79.5 kg ha-1), non-exchangeable (2151.1 kg ha-1), fixed (2286.7 kg ha-1) and total potassium (14362.6 kg ha-1) in soils was highest in 100% NPK+FYM treatment and increased with increasing dose of fertilizers. The results further indicated that illite was positively and significantly correlated with non-exchangeable, fixed K and total K in soils. Grain yield of both maize (60.7 q ha-1) and wheat (59.5 q ha -1) was highest in 100% NPK+FYM treatment followed by 150% NPK and 100% NPK treatment. Wheat and maize yield was positively and highly correlated with available, water soluble and exchangeable potassium in soils, indicating the importance of these fractions as plant available forms.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Assessment of soil chemical and biological properties under cotton-wheat and rice-wheat cropping system in south-west part of Bathinda, Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Kahlon, Pawandeep; Yadav, B.K.
    The present study was undertaken to assess different soil chemical and biological properties under cotton-wheat and rice-wheat cropping system in Sangat block of Bathinda district, Punjab. The soil samples were collected from surface soil (0-15cm) and sub-surface soil (15-30cm) using GPS location. The pH values of soils from both the cropping system was neutral to alkaline in reaction ranging higher under cotton-wheat cropping system. EC was observed to be highest in rice-wheat cropping system at both surfaces. Results revealed that organic carbon, available N, available P and available S was higher under rice-wheat cropping system. Among exchangeable bases exchangeable K was reported to be higher under cotton-wheat cropping system whereas exchangeable Ca and Na were higher under rice-wheat cropping system. DTPA-extractable micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn) were higher under cotton-wheat cropping system but at par with rice-wheat cropping system. Among biological properties, higher DHA was reported in cotton-wheat cropping system whereas alkaline and acid phosphatase was reported to be higher in rice-wheat cropping system. Nutrient index value among both the cropping system was calculated and it was reported that the soil was low in N (1.4 and 1.3), Fe (1.2 and 1.1) and Ca (1.2 and 1.3), medium in K (2 and 2) and Mn (1.9 and 1.7) and higher in P (2.6 and 2), S (2.6 and 2.4), Zn (2.9 and 2.7) and Cu (3 and 2.9) availability under cotton-wheat cropping system at 0-15 and 15-30 cm depth respectively. Under rice-wheat cropping system the soil was low in Ca (1.4 and 1.5), Fe (1.4 and 1.3) and Mn (1.3 and 1.3) availability at 0-15 and 15-30 cm respectively, medium in N availability (1.6) at 0-15 cm and low (1.2) at 15-30 cm depth and medium in K (2.2 and 1.8) availability at 0-15 and 15-30 cm respectively and higher in P (2.9 and 2.7), S (2.6 and 2.6), Cu (2.8 and 2.8) and Zn (2.6) availability at 0-15 cm depth whereas Zn availability was medium (2.4) at 15-30 cm depth.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Influence of land use systems and seasons on soil biochemical properties under rainfed conditions in sub montane Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Arora, Raavi; Sharma, Vivek
    Land use changes alter the soil properties and its functioning due to changes in soil microbial functions, soil organic carbon (SOC) storage and nutrient turnover in soils. In present study, a total of 150 soil samples were collected from four rainfed land use systems (agri-horticulture, agroforestry, cultivated and barren) during three seasons (summer, rainy and winter season) at two locations viz. Garhshankar (Hoshiarpur) and Nurpur Bedi (Rupnagar) for the analysis of soil biochemical properties. The results showed that soils at both locations were loamy sand to sandy loam in texture with neutral to slightly alkaline soil reaction. The electrical conductivity (EC) ranged from 0.18 to 0.23 dS m-1 at Garhshankar and 0.19 to 0.26 dS m-1 at Nurpur Bedi. Soil organic carbon content ranged from 2.18 to 5.83 and 1.99 to 5.03 g kg-1, being highest under dek and mango based system at Garhshankar and Nurpur Bedi, respectively. The soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) ranged from 48.1 to 170.0 and 48.4 to 147.1 μg g-1 at Garhshankar and Nurpur Bedi, respectively. Among soil enzymes, the soil dehydrogenase activity (DHA) varied from 12.1 to 37.1 and 10.8 to 33.1 μg TPF g-1 hr-1, fluorescein diacetate activity from 0.65 to 2.49 and 1.17 to 2.86 μg fluorescein g-1, acid phosphatase from 14.7 to 22.2 and 16.3 to 39.1 μg PNP g-1 hr-1, alkaline phosphatase activity from 17.1 to 44.3 and 20.0 to 35.1 μg PNP g-1 hr-1, and urease activity from 4.67 to 6.62 and 5.82 to 6.38 μg NH4-N g-1 hr-1 for land use systems at Garhshankar and Nurpur Bedi, respectively. The values of soil physicochemical and biological properties, soil microbial quotient and metabolic potential were higher under agri-horticulture and agroforestry systems and least under barren system. The labile carbon fractions and carbon management index had higher values for agri-horticulture and agroforestry systems. Majority of the soil properties had higher values during rainy season as compared to winter and summer season at both Garhshankar and Nurpur Bedi. Principal component analysis and soil quality index showed that agroforestry system followed by agri-horticulture system had higher values of soil enzymes, MBC, SOC and carbon fractions. Among soil properties, SOC, available P, DTPA-Zn, DHA, mean weight diameter and urease activity at Garhshankar and SOC, MBC, EC, total organic carbon and available K at Nurpur Bedi were the most reliable and sensitive indicators for assessing soil quality under rainfed land use system in sub montane Punjab.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of irrigation scheduling and tillage for rice residue management on productivity and water use of wheat
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Malkit Singh; Singh, K.B.
    The present study was conducted with three irrigation regimes based on irrigation water/open pan evaporation (IW/PAN-E) (0.6 (I1), (I2) 0.8 and 1.0 (I3)) and four tillage treatments for paddy residue management primary tillage with mouldboard plough to a depth of 25 cm (PTF+R) followed by rotavator, primary tillage with mouldboard plough to a depth of 14 cm (PTH+R) followed by rotavator, wheat sown with happy seeder in rice stubbles (NT) and secondary tillage with two discing and cultivator (CT) before sowing wheat to observe the effect of irrigation scheduling and tillage for residue management on water use and productivity of wheat for the two years (2016-17 and 2017-18). Both the soil bulk density and mean weight diameter were significantly higher in NT over PTF+R. The saturated hydraulic conductivity was significantly higher in PTF+R by 72.5% and 81.7% as compared to NT in 0- 7.5 and 7.5-15 cm soil layers respectively. Among tillage for residue management practices, the significantly higher grain yield was observed in PTF+R by 16.3% and 18.2% as compared to NT during 2016-17 and 2017-18 respectively. Significantly higher grain yield was observed in I3 by 39.5% and 37.5% as compared to I1 during 2016-17 and 2017-18 respectively. Grain yield was significantly higher under PTF+R during 2016-17 and 2017-18. The soil water retention and soil organic carbon content were significantly higher under NT as compared to PTH+R and CT. Leaf area index was significantly higher in PTF+R (by 56.8 %) as compared CT. Root length density was significantly higher by 89% in PTF+R as compared to NT. ET losses were higher under I3 than I1. PTF+R was observed to be better with respect to improvement in soil physical properties and water use in wheat.