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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Impact of government sponsored welfare schemes on rural Dalits in Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Garg, Damini; Amanpreet Kaur
    Present study was an attempt to analyze the impact of government sponsored welfare schemes on rural Dalits in Punjab, with specific objectives to assess the awareness and benefits availed from different government sponsored welfare schemes, to measure the impact of welfare schemes and to identify the challenges faced by the households and suggest remedial measures. The study was conducted in randomly selected four districts viz. Amritsar, Bathinda, Fatehgarh Sahib and Jalandhar of Punjab. Primary data was collected from eight villages randomly selected from four blocks of selected districts. Fifteen households were further randomly selected for interview, thus making a total sample of 120. All the respondents were aware about the welfare schemes but significant percentage (25.83%) did not avail benefits from these schemes. Health (100.00%), education (87.50%) and atta-dal (98.33%) schemes emerged as most popular and benefited to the most of the households. No gap was found among awareness and availment among the schemes. Majority of the beneficiaries were between the age of 30-60 years (90.00%). Households perceived a change in their social and economic status. Women got equal wages (75.00%) and participated in family decisions (75.00%). Respondents reported many problems in receiving benefits of schemes. Corruption (21.66%), cumbersome procedure (18.33%) and complex documentation (13.33%) were some major problems. Study suggested easy implementation procedure is most important. It is necessary to sensitize people about the need and genesis of welfare programmes for the weaker section.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Impact of parental migration on children left behind: a study of rural Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Sandeep Kaur; Atinder Pal Kaur
    The present study was an attempt to analysed the impact of parental migration on children left behind: a study of rural Punjab, with specific objectives: (i) to study the pattern of migration in selected families and (ii) to examine the impact of parental migration on leftbehind children (iii) to study the challenges faced by the left-behind children and suggest possible remedies. Based on 120 household data, the study concluded that migration was (63.33%) in scheduled caste and highest migration to Dubai (43.33%). 60% of migration from migrant households to Gulf countries. The study depicts overall labor migration in the selected families. (90%) of migrants indulge in semi-skilled occupations after migration that was working in unskilled occupation before migration. In the migrant household, remittances were the primary source of income (73.33 %). The study highlighted that parents' migration positively and negatively impacted children left behind. Most children approximately (66%) went to private schools, and daughters in migrant households were getting good educations. Even a significant share of the remittances was utilized for food consumption and luxury items for their children. Migrants also send gift remittances such as technological gadgets such as mobile phones (53.33%), tablets (28.33%), toys (26.70%) and other items. On the positive side, children can get better education and comfortable life after their father's migration. However, on the psychological side, children in (58%) of households face loneliness and (75%) of their children miss their fathers. Even (56.67%) of household guardians faced difficulty in maintaining household responsibilities. Children in (65%) of households face a problem talking about personal feelings. The study suggested that there is a need to understand the living environment of left-behind children to design an effective programme.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Status of Higher Education in Ludhiana District of Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Akshpreet Kaur; Sidhu, Simran Kang
    After independence, the higher education sector in India has experienced remarkable expansion in the form of manifold increase in number of educational institutions resulting in massive increase in the enrolment of students. But due to poor quality of education in these institutions, the graduates are unable to compete in the job markets and get depressed. Present study has been conducted with the objective: i. to study higher educational scenario in selected district of Punjab, ii.to access quality of education in selected higher educational institutions and iii. to measure satisfaction level of students and teachers in the selected institutions Secondary data from 1980 to 2018 were collected from the respective issues of Statistical Abstract: Punjab whereas primary data was collected from the teachers and students, selected from 12 colleges of Ludhiana district. The results of the study show that from 1980 to 2018, there was five-fold increase in the number of universities in Punjab and two-fold increase in the number of universities in Ludhiana. The number of colleges had increased three times in Punjab and doubled in Ludhiana. For the quality of education, the top ranks amongst all colleges was attained by Government (teacher specific parameters) or the private aided colleges (student and infrastructure specific parameters) whereas the least ranks were achieved by the Private colleges in all the parameters. The government college teachers were dissatisfied with the infrastructure and college bureaucracy while private aided college teachers were dissatisfied with salary and college management. The Government aided college students were dissatisfied with the library facilities and partial behavior of teachers. The study suggests that altogether privatization in higher educational institutions must be discouraged.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Study of Consumer Literacy Among Working and Non-Working Women of Ludhiana City
    (College of Home Science, Punjab Agricultural University, 2005) Kaur Gill, Navneet; Batish, Savita
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Comparitive Study on Persistent Marriage Regime in Rural and Urban Settings
    (College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2007) Handa, Archana; Singh, Harnek
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    An Analytical Assesment of Utilization Pattern of Income of Ludhiana Farmers - A Sociological Perspective
    (College of Home Science, Punjab Agricultural University, 2006) Singh, Shelly; Gupta, AK
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Prevention of Suicides: Role of Media
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Gurneet Kaur; Sarabjeet Singh
    Media plays a significant role in widening the horizons of people by creating awareness on various issues. Present study highlights the role of media in prevention of suicides. It is a qualitative as well as quantitative study of print, electronic and online media. All news covered by selected media during June-July, 2018 were collected. A total of 430 suicidal incidents were reported by the selected newspapers during the month of June (210) and July (220). Similarly 15 news items were covered by news channels in June (7) and July (8) and 46 on internet/social media in June (40) and July (6). The research findings points out that number of male suicides (320) were more than female suicides (110) during two month period. Maximum number of suicides (163) were committed by the age category of 20-40 year. Highest number of suicides were reported in the category of the employees (82). Highest number of suicides (123) were reported in the category of financial problem. Punjab Kesari published maximum pictures whereas The Times of India published least pictures. Clear violation of WHO guidelines (normalization of suicides, publishing pictures of victims, mentioning method of suicide etc.) are done by both the print media and electronic media reports. Media should focus on news which suggest preventive measures. It does not lay much emphasis on suitable measures which require consideration thought for bringing a revolutionary change in the society by curbing the number of suicides.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Advertisements in print media: A comparison of three newspapers
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Mehta, Tahil; Sarabjeet Singh
    Daily newspapers are an integral part of print media, since these can be perused and read at comfort, considering a fuller and better comprehension of broad communications. The present research is a quantitative as well as qualitative study dealing with coverage of advertisements in three newspapers (The Tribune, Dainik Bhaskar and Ajit). The data were collected during two months (February and March, 2018). Parameters included: date, headings, types and sizes etc. of the advertisements. The findings of the study revealed that out of the total 1801 advertisements published during the period in three newspapers. The Tribune published highest number of advertisements (802) followed by Ajit (506) and Dainik Bhaskar (493). More advertisements were published in the month of February (59.58%) as compared to March (40.42%). Maximum full page (40.63%) and half page (46.63%) advertisements were published by Dainik Bhaskar in both February and March. It was also observed that The Tribune published more advertisements on public notice (58.35%) followed by others (10.47%), automobiles and educational (5.36%), obituary (5.36%), Cosmetics (4.86%), recruitment (4.61%) and electronics (3.87%). Dainik Bhaskar published maximum advertisements on automobiles (20.68%) followed by others (19.47%), educational (17.03%), cosmetics (15.82%) and electronics (12.57%). While Ajit published maximum advertisements on others (23.71%) followed by obituary (17.39%), educational (12.64%) and automobiles (12.45%). According to size, maximum advertisements were in 7×8 cm (12.58%) and least in the size 2.5×3.5 cm (0.63%). More than one fourth same advertisements were published (26.82%) both in The Tribune and Ajit. While about one fifth advertisements (21.23%) were published in The Tribune and Dainik Bhaskar duos. Readability of the content in Ajit (7.04) and Dainik Bhaskar (7.6) could be termed as easy to understand for the general people.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Socio-Economic and Psychological Impact of Demonetization in Rural Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Sukhneet Kaur; Sukhdev singh
    The present study was conducted in Ludhiana district to analyse the impact of demonetization in rural area of Punjab with the following objectives: (i) to examine socio-economic characteristics of the respondents; (ii) to assess the hardships faced by the farmers and labourers due to demonetization; (iii) to examine the socio-economic and psychological impact of demonetization on farmers and labourers. Based on 210 respondents, consisting farmers and labourers, from two blocks of Ludhiana district, study led to the conclusion that respondents experienced many hardships after demonetization. 65.00 per cent in case of farmers and 86.67 per cent in case of labourers managed to get cash for agricultural operations and other daily needs after ten days of demonetization. About 87.00 per cent of labourers and 58.33 per cent of farmers reported about worst experience of standing in long queues post demonetization. Further 61.00 per cent of the respondents in case of farmers and 87.00 per cent in case of labourers reported that cash was inadequate to meet their daily requirements. With regard to educational, social and psychological problems, study indicated that about 51.00 per cent of the farm families and 80.00 per cent of the labourer families faced problems after demonetization which were visible in the form of difficulty in paying school fees of children, squeezing social expenditure and suffering of mental tension and sleeping disorders etc. Other problems which emerged from the study were: delay in sowing operation of crops, inadequate fertilizers (in case of farmers) and insecurity of job and even discontinuity of jobs (in case of labourers). Most of the respondents perceived demonetization as not generating the desired results such as curbing black money or benefitting the society at all. Proving adequate time before demonetization, giving adequate knowledge about new technology, lessening the hardships of demonetization were some of the important suggestions given by the respondents.