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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Epidemiological studies on Alternaria blight of marigold
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Mailem, Y.S; Amarjit Singh
    Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) is an important multipurpose flower crop grown throughout India. Its production is affected by various biotic and abiotic factors of which Alternaria blight caused by Alternaria tagetica plays an important role in economic production. The pathogen affects almost all parts of the crop under severe condition. It was found that the disease affects plant at all stages of growth with increased severity in older plants compared to younger plants. The optimum inoculum load of the fungus for disease development was 4 x 104 conidia/ml of water, although incidence and severity increased with increased inoculum load. Leaf wetness duration and temperature were also found to play a role in disease development. Temperature of 25± 1oC and wetness period of 12 h was found to be optimum creating high disease pressure. Marigold seeds were found to play role in the transmission of the disease when naturally and artificially infected by the pathogen. The pathogen also showed survivability under different conditions. Maximum survival was observed under room conditions where there were no soils during storage. Progression of disease was more towards South-eastern and North-western direction due to flowing of North-westerly and South-easterly winds during the two crop seasons. Among twenty-one marigold cultivars evaluated, four cultivars viz. Pusa Arpita, Double Dwarf Lemon, Harmony Boy and French Banita were found to be resistant under field conditions. All other remaining cultivars, except Pusa Narangi Gainda were found to be moderately susceptible. Morphological characters of marigold plant were found to show non-significant role in disease development. Biochemical analysis of defense related enzymes viz. peroxidise, polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase among eight cultivars showed that these enzyme activities were greatly reduced in susceptible marigold cultivar in comparison to resistant and moderately susceptible cultivars.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Identification, characterization and management of major virus(es) associated with cucurbits in Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Dhkal, Manmohan; Sharma, . Abhishek
    Viral disease was reported to be major constraint in the cucurbits cultivation under Punjab conditions. Disease survey conducted during February-August 2017 and 2018 in different cucurbits growing areas of Punjab revealed maximum viral disease incidence in district Pathankot (100%) during 2017 and Ludhiana (36.5%) during 2018. During survey blistering, yellows, leaf curl, mosaic, puckering and necrosis were observed as common viral symptoms on cucurbits. Among these, yellows and leaf curl were most prevalent symptoms on cucurbits in different districts of Punjab, whereas watermelon showed necrotic symptoms. Musk melon samples with yellows and leaf curl symptoms showed seronegative reaction against antisera of commonly occurring viruses and was found positive in PCR for whitefly transmitted begomovirus infection. Musk melon and tinda were identified as new host of begomovirus in India. Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLNDV), Tomato leaf curl Palampur virus (ToLCPMV) and Seena leaf curl virus were characterized from musk melon showing yellows and leaf curl symptoms. ToLNDV infection was found to be associated with tinda and cucumber causing yellows and leaf curl symptoms. In watermelon, Groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV) was serologically detected with samples showing necrosis symptoms. Among different methods of transmission ToLCPMV associated with yellows and leaf curl symptoms was found to be transmitted only by whitefly, whereas one percent seed transmission of necrosis symptoms caused by GBNV was observed in watermelon. Out of 75 melon accessions SM/IC-267375 and WM-11 showed high resistance response against ToLCPMV in artificial screening as no symptom observed even after 45 days of sowing as compared to susceptible checks. Three watermelon accessions viz., WM-6-2-2-1-1-2, WM-36 and WM-829833 produced mild necrotic symptom during natural screening. Among different natural products used for management of viral disease in musk melon, buttermilk was found to be highly effective at 20% concentration with least per cent disease incidence (50.8%) as compared to 10 % (64.2 %) and 5 % (71.1%) concentrations. Besides buttermilk, kaolin was also found to be effective in the management of viral diseases of musk melon. Among different dates of sowing least incidence of viral disease was observed on late sown or transplanted musk melon crop 15 March (38.96%) followed by the 5 March (46.7%) sown crop. Among different methods of planting, tray transplanted musk melon crop showed less incidence (48.3%) compared to directly sown crop (50.4%) whereas, normally transplanted crop showed maximum disease incidence of 55.7 per cent.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Molecular detection, characterization and management of Pepper Mottle Virus
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Sharma, Shikha; Sharma, Abhishek
    Survey conducted from 2015-2017, in the major pepper growing districts of Punjab namely Sangrur, Patiala, Ferozepur, SAS Nagar, Pathankot, Kapurthala, Jalandhar and Ludhiana showed the prevalence of vein-banding, mosaic, puckering and mottling type of symptoms are caused by Pepper mottle virus (PepMoV) during early crop season (March-June). Highest PepMoV incidence was recorded in Patiala (21%). Pepper mottle virus has a cross reactivity against the antisera of PVYn and PVYo/c. Among solanaceous hosts tested tomato showed association of PepMoV. NIb2F/ NIb3R primer pair was found promising for quick detection of potyviruses. The genome characterization of virus from chilli revealed that the prevalent virus shares up to 99% sequence homology with Pepper mottle virus reported from around the world. The virus has been proved to be of internal seed borne nature. It was observed that virus effect the seed formation in the suscptible germplasm. The effect of salicylic acid on the infected seeds, showed enhancement of germination. The seven resistant genotypes found during artificial screening against the Pepper Mottle Virus could be utilised further in the chilli breeding programmes. LAMP primers designed in this study could be further exploited for the quick and easy detection of Pepper mottle virus.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Molecular and biochemical bases for resistance to sclerotinia stem rot in introgressed Brassica juncea lines
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Gill, Rupeet; Sandhu, Prabhjodh Singh
    Sclerotinia rot caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary is one of the most serious and damaging diseases of oilseed Brassicas and there is keen interest worldwide to identify Brassica genotypes with resistance to this pathogen. In this study, introgression lines derived from hybridization of wild crucifers with Brassica juncea were evaluated for response to stem rot. These were challenged against local Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolate and 24 lines giving variable reaction were selected. Apart from this a total of 58 isolates of S. sclerotiorum were collected from different Brassica growing states (Punjab and adjoining states). These were evaluated for their pathogenicity on susceptible B. juncea cultivar RL1359 and based on disease progression; they were divided into five groups. Further 24 isolates were chosen from these groups and analysed for biochemical parameters. It was found that oxalic acid production significantly correlated with the pathogenicity of the isolates and lesser/no correlation was observed for pectinase enzymes. These 24 isolates were then used to further evaluate the selected 24 introgression lines. The observation on progression of lesion length revealed a variable response of lines to different isolates. Disease scoring was done and thus lines were categorised as resistant, moderately resistant and susceptible. Qualitative analysis was carried out on lines from different categories for genes NPR1, COI1 and EIN2. Upregulation in COI1 gene after fungal infection in resistant lines indicates the possible induction of jasmonic acid mediated defence response. Four lines from each category were selected for biochemical analysis involving SOD, POX, PAL, total phenols and lignin. All of these had a negative correlation with disease and the genotype with a greater level of resistance was superior to the susceptible one in regard to phenol and lignin production and the activities of defence enzymes. These results suggest that a combination of these defence responses in Brassica may contribute to greater plant resistance to S. sclerotiorum and that these enzymes have potential use in selection of resistant genotypes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of induced systemic acquired resistance against oomycete pathogens in potato and muskmelon
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Astha; Sekhon, P.S.
    Oomycetes pathogens; Phytophthora infestans causing late blight of potato and Pseudoperonospora cubensis causing downy mildew in muskmelon are most important foliar diseases, causing significant yield losses. The present study was conducted to reduce fungicide load and work out alternate method for control of these two diseases. Different SAR compounds were tested and exogenous foliar sprays of different conc. of Salicylic acid, Jasmonic acid and Bion (Benzothiadiazole-BTH) @ 50µM, 250µM,500µM, 1000µM and of Beta amino butyric acid of 20 mM, 30mM, 50 mM, 100mM were given for inducing resistance in potato against late blight and in muskmelon against downy mildew. Twenty germplasm lines/varieties of potato and thirtythree germplasm lines/varieties of muskmelon were tested with these four compounds in year 2014, 2015 and 2016. Five lines of potato and eleven lines of muskmelon showed moderate resistance along with better response to SAR elicitors against oomycete pathogens. Concentration of Salicylic acid, Jasmonic acid and Bion @ 500 µM, and Beta amino butyric acid @ 50 mM gave good control of disease. Salicylic acid gave best results with 81.28 per cent disease control followed by Jasmonic acid with 76.23%; whereas Bion and Beta amino butyric acid were almost at par with each other and gave 74 % disease control as compared to control plants. Recommended spray schedule of fungicides gave 93 % disease control, which was at par with disease control given by Salicylic acid and BABA spray schedules in combination with contact fungicides. Protein content of treated muskmelon plant varied from 10.5 to 13.1 mg/g fresh weight compared to 5.4 mg/g fresh weight in control. Similarly, treated potato plants showed 6.4 to 7.7 mg/g fresh weight total protein as compared to 4.0 mg/g fresh weight in control. Induction of proteins and defense enzymes was systemic in nature in response to all the four elicitors. Electrophoretic protein profiling of treated potato and muskmelon plants also confirmed the induction of pathogenesis-related proteins ranging from 15- 75 kDa along with some other proteins. The inducers also stimulated enzymatic activities i.e. β-1,3 glucanase, Peroxidase (POD), Polyphenol oxidase (PPO), Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) from 26 to 99 % indicating induced resistance in treated potato and muskmelon plants as compared to control. Total chlorophyll and carotenoids also showed spike of 2% to 91 % in response to elicitors. Thus integration of disease tolerance and SA spray schedule resulted in effective and economical control in potato against late blight and in muskmelon against downy mildew.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Perpetuation and management of Pyricularia grisea cav. causing blast disease of basmati rice
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Ritu Raj; Pannu, P.P.S.
    The investigations were conducted on different aspects of blast disease of rice caused by Pyricularia grisea. It was found that maximum radial growth of mycelium of Pyricularia grisea was supported by potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium whereas, higher sporulation i.e 3.2x106 and 6.1x106 conidia/ml was produced on oat meal agar (OMA) medium and media M1 (Arachne grass + Sucrose + Oatmeal powder) respectively. Blast was artificially created at nursery stage under field conditions by spraying conidial suspension of P. grisea and covering of inoculated seedlings with perforated plastic bottles to maintain high relative humidity. At tillering stage disease was created artificially by inoculating plants with inoculum concentrations i.e 1x105 and 2x107 coinidia/ml. Inoculum concentration of 2x107 coinidia/ml resulted 83.0 per cent average leaf blast severity, whereas 1x105 conidia/ml resulted in 76.0 per cent average leaf blast severity as compared to control where average leaf blast severity recorded was 14.0 per cent. P. grisea produced characteristic rice blast symptoms on different weeds viz. Arachne racemosa, Digitaria sanguinalis, Dactyloctenuim aegyptiacum, Echinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colonum, Cyperus difformis and Cypreus iria. Studies on survival revealed that both infected seed and infected straw serve as source of survival but infected crop residue was found to serve as more efficient source for overwintering the inoculum as compared to seed. In vitro and In vivo evaluation of different fungicides revealed that Baan 75WP, Tilt 25EC, Amistar Top 325SC, Nativo 75WP were more effective aganist rice blast. Potassium silicate applied @ 40 and 50 ml/lt was found effective against rice blast and significantly increased the grain yield by reducing the toppling of panicles. Weather factors like temperature, relative humidity (RH), rainfall etc. were found to play an important role in occurrence and development of rice blast. Moderate temperature (24.133.1°C), high RH (>85 per cent) along with frequent rains recorded during the month of Jul and Aug resulted in high incidence of rice blast on late sown nursery. At tillering stage sudden outbreak of blast disease was observed due to high RH in the range of 67.8 – 85.0 per cent accompanied with weekly rainfall of 67.15 mm. At panicle stage a high humidity (89 per cent) with moderate temp (22.0 - 32.3°C) resulted in high incidence of neck blast. Prevalence of optimum weather conditions at vulnerable stages of crop favoured infection, development and progress of disease. The harvest time residues of propiconazole and tricyclazole in rice grains and straw estimated by following standard procedures using gas liquid chromatography (GLC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed that both the fungicides were well below the permissible limits stated by Food safety and standards authority of India (FSSAI).The studies carried out on various aspects of blast disease will help to formulate its effective management strategies.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Influence of weather factors on occurrence and development of stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) of wheat and its management
    (PAU, 2013) Sunil; Pannu, P.P.S.
    The investigations were carried out on the present situation of stripe rust and frequency of the different pathotypes of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in the Punjab state, effect of temperature on germination of uredospores, relationship of weather parameters with development and progress of stripe rust and its management. On the basis of surveys conducted in the Punjab state, it was found that severity of stripe rust varied from 6.5-32.5, 2.6-28.5 and 3.5-20.5 per cent during 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 respectively. The frequency of two commonly prevalent pathotypes of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici i.e. 78S84 and 46S119 varied in three crop seasons. It was found to be in the proportion of 75:25, 35:65 and 20:80 during 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 for 78S84 and 46S119, respectively. The studies on effect of temperature on germination of uredospores of different pathotypes revealed that maximum per cent spore germination was 64.83, 48.85 recorded in case of pathotypes 78S84 and 67S64 respectively at 15±2 ºC and it was 51.09 per cent for pathotype 46S119 at 12±2ºC. Germination of uredospores produced in different months showed that maximum per cent spore germination i.e. 84.55 (Local Isolate), 75.06 (78S84), 70.99 (46S119) and 55.85 (67S64) was observed in the month of January, February and November, respectively. The effect of different temperatures on infection, growth and development of different pathotypes of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici under controlled conditions revealed that different temperatures affect the incubation period, latent period and severity of stripe rust. The maximum disease severity of pathotype 78S84 was found 90 per cent with 6 days of incubation period and 9 days of latent period at 18±2ºC. Similarly, the maximum disease severity of 90 per cent with 6 days of incubation period and 9 days of latent period was recorded for pathotype 46S119 at 15±2ºC. In case of pathotype 67S64 the maximum disease severity 80 % with 6 days of incubation period and 11days of latent period was observed at 18±2ºC. It was revealed that weather conditions during different months influence incubation period, latent period and severity of yellow rust under field conditions. The latent period varied from 10-23 days, 11-21 days and 11-22 days in different months during three crop season. The simple and multiple correlation worked out between weather parameters and progress of different pathotypes revealed that weather parameters like temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and sunshine hrs during different months influence the occurrence, development and progress of stripe rust. Generally disease progress was found to be slow during December, January and was f ast during February under field conditions. Latent infection of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in wheat leaves was detected by PCR assay with genome specific primer PST2 from wheat plant suspected to be infected. Out of 11 fungicides evaluated in labo ratory and field conditions it was found that fungicides like Bayleton 50 WP, Folicur 430 SC, Picoxystrobin+ Propiconazole 20, SC Tilt 25 EC, Amistar xtra 280 SC, Amistar top 325 EC, Folicur 25 EC, Orius 250EC, Opera 25 EC, Nativo 75WP were found highly effective against the stripe rust.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Population dynamics and pathogenic behaviour of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn in response to rice based cropping system of Punjab
    (PAU, 2015) Kipsumbai, Pixley Kiptui; Sekhon, P.S.
    Present investigations were undertaken to study the R. solani population dynamics and pathogenic behaviour under different crop rotations, AG groups and the extent of genetic differentiation and host specialization between infecting populations in different hosts. By using species specific primers the occurrence of Rhizoctonia species was analysed and were identified as R. solani (87.8 %), 11.1% were R. oryzae-sativae and 1.1 % R. oryzae admixed infection with R. oryzae-sativae. Rhizoctonia solani was characterized morphologically as well as at molecular level, which showed presence of high degree of variation among these R. solani isolates. The R. solani isolates were further grouped into anastomosis groups (AGs) by AG subgroups specific primers and it was established that most potato isolates were AG3 and AG2-1. Rice and maize isolates were mostly grouped into subgroup AG1-1A. R. solani rice isolates were studied for their aggressiveness on six rice genotypes and the aggressiveness response of these isolates were further analysed by Mahalanobis D2 analysis and two major groups were observed. Out of all the R. solani isolates, nearly 20% were found to be highly aggressive. Cross infectivity studies revealed that R. solani isolates were cross pathogenic to other hosts except potato and cotton isolates which were not able to cause any disease symptoms on rice. But R. solani isolates were found to be more virulent on their host of origin than any other host under test except in chilli isolate (Cl-40) was found to be highly adaptive to all hosts. Three cropping patterns and 17 R. solani isolates were tested to study the pathogenic behaviour and population dynamics of R. solani isolates under fixed sick plots. A significant interaction was observed between the R. solani isolates and the crops grown in these three adopted cropping systems. The least population build–up after two years of rotation was recorded in the potato-spring maize-Basmati rice cropping system. The overall mean of rice isolates in this system was 44.7 CFU/g of soil, while it was high in the cropping pattern comprising potato –moong bean-rice and wheat ie. 68.1 CFU/g of soil. To find out development of resistance, eighty five out of total 99 isolates under test showed sensitive reaction to propiconazole below 50 ppm concentration in vitro. Only ten isolates showed growth inhibition at 100 ppm and four R. solani isolates were least responsive and showed growth inhibition at 250 ppm concentration. All the isolates were found to be sensitive in their reaction to pencycuron when compared with Tilt 25EC. The ED90 values for most of the insensitive R. solani isolates were found to be in the range of 14 to 26 ppm for pencycuron and 10 to 78 for propiconazole. These preliminary studies indicated that there is development of fungicide resistance in R. solani rice sheath blight isolates as only partial disease control at 0.1% spray concentration of Tilt 25EC was recorded. As no fungicide is recommended for seed treatment in wheat so the two fungicides namely propiconazole and pencycuron were tried and found effective in controlling seed rot and seedling mortality in R. solani sick pots. At the molecular level using interspecific sequence repeat primers, a total number of 79 R. solani isolates were analysed and were divided into three major groups (I, II, III). There was partial relationship observed between the level of aggressiveness of the isolates on rice and phylogenetic groups generated by the ISSR markers.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Management of Sheath Blight of Rice Using Native Strains of Biocontrol Agents and Cloning of Antifungal Gene
    (PAU, 2015) Heflish, Ahmed Ibrahim Abdelbary Ibrahim; Singh, Narinder
    Sheath blight of rice caused by Rhizoctonia spp. is one of the most important rice diseases worldwide including India. Thirty isolates of Rhizoctonia were isolated from infected rice plants. Genetic diversity of the pathogen was determined by using 11 simple sequence repeats (SSR) molecular markers. The isolates were identified with specific primers at species level. Twenty nine isolates were identified as Rhizoctonia solani while one isolate was found to be as Rhizoctonia oryzae. Native biocontrol agents were isolated from rice rhizospheric soils. Twenty seven isolates of Trichoderma and seventeen isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens were isolated and screened in vitro against R. solani and R. oryzae causing sheath blight of rice through dual culture technique, effect of volatile and non volatile compounds. Among all tested isolates under in vitro conditions Trichoderma T19 showed the maximum inhibition for R. solani and R. oryzae (65.80 and 74.44 % respectively). Volatile metabolites from Trichoderma T19 also caused maximum inhibition of R. solani (56.91 %) and R. oryzae (91.23%). In case of non-volatile compounds inhibition of the pathogens increased with the increase of culture filtrate concentration from 10 to 50 per cent and T19 with 50 per cent concentration showed the highest percentage of inhibition against R. solani (95.80 %) and R. oryzae (90.74%). P. fluorescens (Pf14) reduced the mycelial growth of R. solani by 60.49 per cent (inhibition zone 9.67 mm) and of R. oryzae by 74.94 per cent with 12.78 mm inhibition zone. Volatile compounds from P. fluorescens (Pf14) showed inhibition of mycelial growth of R. solani and R. oryzae (76.79 and 66.79 % respectively), while in case of non volatile the inhibition by Pf14 using 50 per cent concentration of culture filtrate against R. solani and R. oryzae was 82.47 and 93.46 per cent respectively. Biochemical tests for estimation of cell wall degrading enzymes showed the ability of T19 and Pf14 to produce high level of chitinase (22.1 and 17.5 unit/ml respectively) and β-1,3-glucanase (1.92 and 1.76 unit/ml respectively). Pf14 also presented high activity of siderophore production (20.5 mm halo zone). Fingerprinting of the most effective seven isolates of Trichoderma and of P. fluorescens using SSR marker showed variation between the isolates at molecular level. Efficacy of talc based bioformulations of Trichoderma T19 and P. fluorescens Pf14 applied individually as well as in combination under greenhouse and field conditions was seen against sheath blight of rice. Trichoderma T19 when applied as seed + soil + foliar spray showed the maximum reduction of disease incidence (67.49 %) and disease severity (82.92 %). It also acted as plant growth promoter and increased the number of tillers/hill (12.20), plant height (72.71 cm) and finally the yield of the crop (71.3 q/ha). Molecular identification of Trichoderma T19 using ITS1 and ITS4 universal primers showed 100 per cent similarity with T. asperellum. Cloning of endochitinase42 gene from T. asperellum T19 (potent strain) and Trichoderma T5 (mild strain) showed no difference in the gene sequence between the two Trichoderma isolates, while the difference in the antagonistic activity may be was due to the difference in the promoter region of the gene. Study of shelf life of bioformulations revealed that antagonists T. asperellum T19 and P. fluorescens Pf14 can remain potent for 6 months when stored at room temperature, while at low temperature storage (4oC) these can remain potent up to one year. For mass multiplication sugarcane pressmud and rice leaves supported rapid, maximum growth and sporulation of T. asperellum T19.