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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Quantitative and qualitative assessment of social support and digital addiction as correlates of purpose in life among adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2024) Vitasta; Kang, Tejpreet Kaur
    The purpose of the present study was to ascertain the relationship of social support and digital addiction with purpose in life among adolescents. It also aimed to conduct case studies of identified typical adolescents with clarity or confusion of purpose in life. The study was conducted in two phases: phase I (quantitative phase) was based upon a sample of 500 adolescents in the age group of 16-18 years and was equally distributed across gender and locale. In phase II, 4 typical adolescents with clarity (2) and confusion (2) of purpose in life were selected to conduct case studies. A self-structured demographic information sheet, Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (Malecki and Demaray 2002), Internet Addiction Test (Young 1995) and The Youth Purpose in Life Scale (Chaddha and Bano 2018) were used to collect the relevant data. Results revealed that girls perceived more social support and had higher purpose in life as compared to boys. Further, adolescent boys displayed higher digital addiction as compared to girls. Locale differences showed that urban adolescents significantly had better social support and scored more in commitment towards goals, society-oriented goals and overall purpose in life as compared to rural adolescents. Significant locale differences were observed in digital addiction where urban adolescents displayed higher digital addiction as compared to rural adolescents. Correlational analysis revealed that purpose in life was significantly and positively correlated with social support. A statistically significant negative correlation existed between purpose in life and digital addiction.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Correlates of academic achievement among adolescents during COVID-19
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Mahal, Ritu; Chawla Thakral, Asha
    The purpose of this study was to explore the correlates of academic achievement among adolescents during covid-19 and to provide a better insight into the role as well contribution of parents’ educational aspirations and expectations, psychological well-being, and virtual school environment towards academic achievement of adolescents. The sample for the study comprised of 500 adolescents in the age group of 16-18 years studying in +1 and +2 classes in the Government Senior Secondary Schools of rural and urban areas of Ludhiana and Moga the study. Thus, the total sample comprised of 1000 respondents (500 adolescents and 500 parents).A self-structured personal sheet, Parents Educational Aspirations and Expectations (Jacob 2010), Psychological well-being scale (Sisodia and Chaudhary 2012) and SelfStructured Virtual School Environment scale was used to collect the relevant data. The results revealed that majority of the adolescents belonged to medium level across various levels of psychological well-being. More percentage of girls had better psychological well-being than boys. Adolescents of Ludhiana district had better psychological well-being than Moga. Most of the adolescents were in medium level of virtual school environment. Most of the parents’ of adolescents were in high level parental educational aspirations and parents of girls had high parental educational aspirations and expectations than boys. Significant correlation was observed between psychological well-being and academic achievement among adolescents.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Dispositional resilience and self- awareness as correlates of mental health among college students during covid-19 pandemic
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Anmol Toor; Kang, Tejpreet K.
    The investigation entitled “Dispositional resilience and self-awareness as correlates of mental health among college students during covid-19 pandemic” aimed to assess the Dispositional resilience and self-awareness of college students as correlates of mental health. The study was conducted on a sample of 500 college students in the age range of 19-21 years studying in various undergraduate programmes offered by different rural and urban colleges of Ludhiana district of Punjab. The sample was equally divided between the two genders (250 males and 250 females) and locale (250 rural and 250 urban). The sample was randomly drawn from the selected colleges that were partially operating during the pandamic. A set comprising of three questionnaires was given to each respondent namely, General Information Sheet, SelfStructured Dispositional Resilience (Hardiness) Questionnaire, Mental Health Battery by Singh and Sengupta (2000) and The Self-Awareness Scale by Patteti and Podila (2019). Later the scoring was done and the results were tabulated. Results revealed that in the overall mental health scores, the male students performed better than the female students and the rural students performed better than the urban students, and rural females were found to perform significantly better than urban females. In the overall self-awareness, female students scored better as compared to the male students. Significant gender differences were found between the urban males and females in the commitment dimension of dispositional resilience. In the communication dimension of dispositional resilience, the rural males scored higher as compared to rural females, while in the urban area, the urban females scored higher than the urban males. Rural females scored significantly higher than the rural males in the overall dispositional resilience. Emotional stability, overall adjustment, autonomy, securityinsecurity, Intelligence dimensions as well as the overall mental health were found to have positive and significant correlation with commitment, control, communication and challenge dimensions of dispositional resilience.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Psychological Capital as a Predictor of Optimum Health and Happiness among Adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Dogra, Deepali; Kang, Tejpreet Kaur
    The study is conducted to explore the relationship and contribution of psychological capital towards optimum health and happiness among adolescents. The research was based on 400 adolescents (Boys=200, Girls=200) in the age group of 16-18 years studying in urban and rural government senior secondary schools of Ludhiana district. The sample was randomly drawn from 10th, 11th and 12th grades. A self structured general information sheet was used to collect the demographic data of the adolescents. Happiness Scale by Bharadwaj and Das; Optimum Health Scale by Kumar and Bala and Psychological Capital Scale by Luthans et al were the research instruments used to access the status of adolescents’ happiness, optimum health and psychological capital respectively. Results of the study depicted that maximum number of adolescents had medium level of psychological capital, happiness and optimum health. Significant gender differences existed which revealed that adolescent girls had significantly better optimum health, happiness then boys. Further significant locale and gender differences were observed in overall psychological capital and happiness at medium and low levels. Further results also revealed that rural and urban boys and girls had significant differences in overall optimum health and happiness. Significant locale and gender differences were also observed in overall psychological capital. In case of psychological capital, girls are more efficacious, hopeful, resilient and optimistic than boys. Whereas locale differences in psychological capital revealed that rural adolescents are more efficacious, resilient than urban adolescents. Further psychological capital contributed positively and significantly towards happiness and optimum health of the adolescents. From these results, it could be implied that psychological capital can be used as a resource to positively impact happiness and optimum health of the adolescents.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Personal and professional attributes of anganwadi workers as correlates of developmental outcomes in children
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Arya, Manisha; Vig, Deepika
    The present study investigated the personal and professional attributes of 80 anganwadi workers (AWWs) selected from 80 anganwadi centres of Ludhiana district and correlated these attributes with the developmental outcomes in 400 children from their respective anganwadi centres. Proportionate sampling was used to select sample from urban and rural anganwadi centres. A General Information Sheet, Soft Skills Assessment Checklist, Job Satisfaction Scale, Quality of Work Life, Job Involvement Scale, Developmental Milestones Checklist and Self- Structured Knowledge Questionnaire were used as research tools. Most of the anganwadi workers had average communication skills but low level of time management skills. Further, it was found that most of the anganwadi workers had an average level of positive attitude, teamwork spirit and job satisfaction however, quality of work-life was found low in most of the anganwadi workers. There was significant difference in communication skills, job satisfaction and knowledge of anganwadi workers across different centres. Children across centres also showed significant differences in their gross motor, language and socio-emotional skills. The communication skills of anganwadi workers were positively correlated with children's gross motor skills and cognitive skills. Positive attitude, job satisfaction and job involvement of anganwadi workers were positively correlated with the socio-emotional skills of children while team work was positively correlated with fine motor and socio-emotional skills of children. Time management, positive attitude, quality of work life and knowledge of anganwadi workers contributed positively in achieving developmental milestones of anganwadi children.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Value orientation among adolescents: status and determinants
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Manpreet Kaur; Kang, Tejpreet Kaur
    This study entitled "Value Orientation among Adolescents: Status and Determinants" was conducted in Ludhiana and Kapurthala districts of Punjab state. This study was designed to assess the value orientation of urban and rural adolescents. It attempted to determine the relationship between value orientation and internet use, home environment, perceived school environment and perceived peer pressure. The sample was randomly selected from four Government Senior Secondary Schools located in both urban and rural areas of Ludhiana and Kapurthala districts. The sample included 480 adolescents between the ages of 16-18, who were studying in 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. The sample was split to include equal number of rural and urban boys as well as girls. To assess adolescents' value orientation, Personal Value Questionnaire developed by Sherry and Verma was used. School Environment Inventory by Mishra was used to measure psychosocial climate of the school. Home Environment Inventory by Mishra was used to measure adolescents‟ perception of their home environment. Internet Usage Scale by Saini and Kaur was used to assess the patterns/trends of internet usage. Different statistical tools were used to analyze the data. Results showed that rural respondents had a lower aesthetic value than urban respondents when it came to value orientation. Rural respondents had higher internet usage than urban respondents. A significant proportion of rural respondents had medium levels of cognitive encouragement in school environment. Rural respondents were significantly more likely to have low levels of conformity at home. Urban respondents were more likely to feel the influence of their peers. Significant positive correlation between economic, knowledge, hedonistic, family status, health value and peer pressure existed among female respondents. There was a significant negative correlation between aesthetic value, family prestige, overall values and internet usage. A significant positive correlation was observed between democratic, aesthetic and rejection. There was also a significant negative correlation between power and rejection, economic value, permissiveness, social value, and total home environment in rural respondents. On the basis of contribution of each factor, an educational module was prepared for teachers, parents and adolescents to encourage inculcation of positive values.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Factors affecting academic anxiety among high and low achievers from Senior Secondary classes
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Dixit, Alka; Vig, Deepika
    The present study entitled ‘Factors affecting academic anxiety among high and low achievers from Senior Secondary classes’, assessed the levels of academic anxiety and studied impact of contextual factors and personal traits on academic anxiety among high and low achievers. The sample comprised of 480 students (240 high and 240 low achievers) of class 11th and 12th from all streams (medical, non-medical, commerce and humanities) studying in six private schools of Ludhiana city. A self- structured general information sheet, Academic Anxiety Scale (Siddiqui and Rehman, 2017), Proactive Coping Inventory (Greenglass et al, 1999), Academic Resilience Scale (Malick and Kaur, 2015) and Bisht Battery of Stress Scales, 2005) were used to collect relevant data. Results of the study revealed that high achievers of medical stream were perceiving significantly more academic anxiety than high and low achievers of other three streams. Institutional stress and vocational stress was found highest among low achievers from medical stream and lowest among high achievers from humanities stream. Family stress was recorded highest among low achievers from non-medical stream while, lowest among low achievers from commerce stream. Non-medical high achievers from class 12th had highest overall proactive coping as they were better in use of positive coping strategies however, academic resilience was found highest among low achievers of humanities stream whereas, lowest in high achievers of non-medical stream from class 11th as well as class 12th. Furthermore, proactive coping, reflective coping, and strategic planning were found to have significant and negative correlation with academic anxiety among high chievers while, avoidance coping and instrumental support seeking were observed to have significant and positive correlation with academic anxiety among low achievers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Cross-cultural analysis of the correlates of spiritual intelligence among youth
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Dhami, Manisha; Sharma, Seema
    The present study entitled “A cross-cultural analysis of the correlates of spiritual intelligence among youth” was undertaken to assess spiritual intelligence and its individual and contextual attributes of youth. The sample comprised of 360 youth aged between 20-22 years studying in Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab and Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. The selection was made to have equal number of males (180) and females (180) from both the cultural settings. A self-structured personal information sheet, Spiritual Intelligence Scale (Dhar & Dhar 2010), Levenson’s Scale for Locus of Control (Vohra 1999), Mental health Battery (Singh & Gupta 2000), Family Environment Scale (Bhatia & Chadha 1993), Parent Peer Attachment (Armsden & Mark 2009) were used to collect relevant data. Results revealed that youth of Punjab were significantly more benevolent, modest, and compassionate with better overall spiritual intelligence than youth of Uttarakhand. Significant locale and gender difference was observed in spiritual intelligence where males and females of Punjab displayed higher spiritual intelligence as compared to their counterpart. Spiritual intelligence was found to be significantly negatively correlated with powerful others, and chance control while positively correlated with individual control. Furthermore, spiritual intelligence was observed to have significant and positive correlation with mental health and academic achievement of youth. Significantly positive relation was found among most of the dimensions of family environment and spiritual intelligence. Similarly, mother, father & peer trust and communication were also positively correlated ,whereas, alienation of mother, father & peer was negatively correlated among youth.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Status of available social support and quality of life of primary caregivers of dependent elderly.
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Kalia, Parul; Saini, Sarita
    The purpose of this study was to explore the status of available social support to primary caregivers and the impact of caregivers’ burden upon the quality of life of primary caregivers of dependent elderly. The sample for the study comprised 60 primary caregivers who were solely responsible for taking care of their dependent elderly. The sample was nonproportionate in terms of gender. A self-structured personal information sheet, Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living (Katz et al 1963), Lawton-Brody Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (Lawton & Brody 1969), Zarit Burden Interview Scale (Zarit et al 1980), World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHO 1997) and a Semi-structured Observation-cum-interview Schedule were used to collect the relevant data. The results revealed that majority of primary caregivers received poor social support from the diverse sources such as family, friends, relatives etc. as well as lacked satisfaction across dimension-wise available social support through family relationships, social relationships, financial assistance, caregiver-elderly interactions and socio-emotional assistance. A major proportion of primary caregivers reported to be experiencing severe burden of stress and poor quality of life. Further, statistically significant association was found between available social support and domains of quality of life of primary caregivers. A statistically significant negative correlation existed between domains of quality of life as well as dimensions of available social support and the stress being experienced by primary caregivers. Whereas, statistically significant positive correlation was observed between domains of quality of life and dimensions of available social support to primary caregivers. Furthermore, regression analysis revealed a significant positive contribution of available social support on quality of life of primary caregivers in contrast to significant negative contribution of available social support on stress being experienced by the primary caregivers and caregivers’ stress on their quality of life.