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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Empathy and happiness as determinants of altruistic behaviour among adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Kaushik, Pooja; Chawla, Asha
    The present study entitled “Empathy and happiness as determinants of altruistic behaviour among adolescents” was carried out on total sample of 240 adolescents (120 rural and 120 urban) in the age group of 16-18 years from rural and urban government schools of Ludhiana. For data collection socio-personal information sheet, Altruism Scale (Rai and Singh 2004), Empathy Scale (Dubey and Tandon 2014) and Happiness Scale (Rastogi and Moorjani 2016) were used. The results revealed that rural adolescents were highly altruistic and empathetic as compared to urban adolescents. Gender differences indicated that girls were found to be more altruistic and empathetic than boys. Majority of rural and urban adolescents had experienced happiness at average level in all the dimensions. Non-Significant gender differences were found in various dimensions of happiness. Significant and positive correlation existed between altruism and empathy among rural and urban adolescents. Among rural sample, correlation was found significant and positive in social well-being whereas for urban sample, it was with career well-being and spiritual well-being. Gender-wise correlation analysis indicated positive correlation of altruism with empathy. However, girls were found more empathetic than boys. Among boys, significant and positive relationship existed between altruism and career well-being whereas for girls, correlation was found significant and positive in emotional well-being. The study concluded that empathy and happiness affected altruistic behaviour in a positive way.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Association of psychological well-being with helplessness and hopelessness among youth
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Kaushal, Sakshi; Kanwar, Vandana
    Present study was conducted to explore the association of psychological well-being with helplessness and hopelessness among youth. The respondents were undergraduate students studying in constituent colleges of Punjab Agricultural University, district Ludhiana, Punjab. Total sample comprised of 400 youth (Males=200, Females=200). Standardized scales were used for assessment of PWB (Sisodia and Choudhary, 1971), Helplessness (Mathur and Bhatnagar 2000) and Hopelessness (Beck 1974). The results indicated that both males and females had moderate level of PWB, helplessness and mild level of hopelessness. Further exploration highlighted that male youth had better PWB, less helplessness and less hopelessness in comparison to their counterparts. Regression analysis indicated negative association of perceived helplessness and hopelessness with PWB of the youth. It is recommended that longitudinal studies may be beneficial to study the change in levels of PWB, hopelessness and helplessness. Efforts in form of interventions may be planned to mitigate the effects of perceived helplessness and hopelessness among youth.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Social emotional learning and temperament among children with and without siblings.
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Saini, Tamanna; Sharma, Seema
    The present study entitled „Social emotional learning and temperament among children with and without siblings‟ was undertaken to assess the levels of social emotional learning and temperament among children with and without siblings, aged 12-14 years living in Ludhiana city. The total sample comprised of 220 school going children (110 single children and 110 children with siblings) equally distributed over both the gender. Social emotional competence questionnaire by Zhou and Ee was administered to measure the social emotional competence of children. A Thorndike dimension of temperament test by Thorndike was applied to assess the temperament of children. Results revealed that significantly more number of children with siblings were found at higher level in the dimension of self-awareness, self-management and overall social emotional competence whereas significantly more number of single children was found at medium level. With regard to temperament, children with siblings were found to be more sociable, irritable, tender-minded and responsible whereas single children were found to be more impulsive and active. Irrespective of sibling status, no significant gender difference was found in the dimensions of social emotional competence and temperament traits except girls were found to be significantly more cheerful and boys were more neutral in trait of temperament. Correlation analysis revealed that there was a significant correlation in various dimensions of social emotional competence and traits of temperament among children with siblings and single children. Girls were found to be significantly correlated with various dimensions of social emotional competence and traits of temperament.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Relationship of Mental Health with Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Amandeep Kaur; Kang, Tejpreet K.
    The study was conducted to assess the ‘Relationship of Mental Health with Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents.’ The study was based on 240 adolescents (i.e. 120 rural and 120 urban) in the age range of 16-18 years. The sample was randomly drawn from four Government Senior Secondary Schools purposively selected from rural as well as urban areas of Ludhiana district. Self-structured general information sheet was prepared to collect the general information of the adolescents. Mental Health Battery by Singh and Sengupta and Suicidal Ideation Scale by Sisodia and Bhatnagar were used to assess the mental health and suicidal ideation of the respondents respectively. Results revealed significant differences in mental health of the respondents. Boys were scoring better than their female counterparts in majority of the dimensions as well as in overall mental health. Significant locale differences existed between rural boys and girls. In suicidal ideation gender differences were found to be significant among rural boys and girls whereas non-significant differences were seen among urban boys and girls. Significant locale differences existed between rural and urban adolescents. Emotional stability, overall adjustment, self-concept, intelligence and better overall mental health made a negative contribution towards suicidal ideation as compared to autonomy and security-insecurity which made a positive contribution towards suicidal ideation among adolescents. In demographic variables, family size and presence of male and female sibling were having a significant and positive relationship with mental health whereas family income was having a significant and negative relationship with the dimension of mental health among adolescents.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Developmental Readiness in Private School Children and its Knowledge among Teachers
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Joshi, Neha; Vig, Deepika
    The present study investigated the developmental readiness of private school children and its knowledge among teachers. The total sample of the study comprised of 200 children of class-I (i.e. 100 rural and 100 urban) and 100 teachers (i.e. 50 rural and 50 urban) teaching class-I. The sample was randomly selected from five private schools of rural and urban areas of Ludhiana district. Self structured Developmental Readiness Checklist was used to assess its different components viz. cognitive, physical and socio-emotional readiness along with self-help skills of class-I children. Similarly self structured Teachers’ Knowledge Questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of rural and urban teachers teaching class-I. The results revealed that most of the rural and urban children had high level of skills across all the domains of developmental readiness. Locale differences revealed that both rural boys and girls showed significantly better socio-emotional skills. Girls displayed significantly better cognitive abilities than boys whereas boys performed significantly better in gross motor skills. The analysis of teachers’ knowledge regarding developmental readiness indicated that urban teachers had better knowledge than rural teachers. Rural and urban teachers with regular degree had better knowledge than their counterparts with correspondence degree. The correlation analysis showed positive and significant relationship of educational qualification as well as teaching experience with knowledge of the teachers which concluded that more the educational qualification and teaching experience of the teachers, better was the knowledge regarding developmental readiness in young children.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Awareness of Child Rights and Protection among Parents and Teachers
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Marothiya, Nidhi; Saini, Sarita
    The present study was undertaken to investigate the awareness level of parents and teachers regarding Child Rights and Protection. The study was conducted on a sample of 360 respondents comprising, 120 teachers and 240 parents (120 fathers and 120 mothers) of the selected 120 children, equally drawn from primary section of rural and urban private schools of Ludhiana District. A self-structured ‘Child Rights and Protection Checklist’ was used to assess the awareness level of selected respondents. Analysis of results revealed that irrespective of gender parents reported to have poor awareness across varying levels and dimensions of Child Rights and Protection. Further, the results indicated that rural and urban parents were at par in their awareness level. Majority of the teachers were also found to be poorly cognizant regarding the varying dimensions of Child Rights and Protection. However, locale-wise differences among teachers regarding Child Rights revealed that urban teachers were significantly better aware regarding some of the basic Child Rights as per the Indian Constitution but, no significant differences were observed with regards to the awareness of UNCRC, 1989 as well as the JJ Act, 2015. Whereas, contrasting to the other findings of this study it was found that rural teachers were significantly more knowledgeable than their urban counterparts regarding some of the provisions under the POCSO Act, 2012. Awareness level and educational qualifications of parents was found to be significantly positively correlated but, relationship between awareness level and socio-personal characteristics of teachers was found to be statistically non-significant in case of teachers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of Developmental Readiness in Government School Children and its Knowledge among Teachers
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Newton, Jennifer; Vig, Deepika
    The study was conducted to evaluate the ‗Assessment of Developmental Readiness in Government School Children and its Knowledge Among Teachers‘. The study was based on 200 class-I students (i.e. 100 rural and 100 urban) and 100 teachers (i.e. 50 rural and 50 urban) teaching class-I. The sample was randomly drawn from five Government Primary Schools selected from rural and urban areas of Ludhiana district. Self Structured Developmental Readiness Checklist was prepared to assess its different components viz. cognitive, physical and socio-emotional readiness along with self help skills of Class-I students from rural and urban government schools. Similarly Self Structured Teachers Knowledge Questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge of rural and urban teachers teaching class-I from rural and urban government school of Ludhiana. Results revealed overall developmental readiness of children at high level. Significant locale differences existed between rural and urban boys and girls, with urban children having better performance than rural children. Similarly, significant gender differences were observed where boys scored better than girls in majority of the domains of developmental readiness as well as in overall level of developmental readiness. Also, significant differences were found in the levels of knowledge of teachers. Urban teachers had better results as compared to the rural teachers. A positive and significant relationship of educational qualification of teachers and teaching experience was observed with knowledge of the teachers. The results indicated that higher was the educational qualification of teachers and more was the teaching experience, better was the level of knowledge regarding developmental readiness.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Assessment of Academic Readiness in Government School Children and its Knowledge among Teachers
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Gill, Chandandeep Kaur; Vig, Deepika
    The present study was conducted to assess the academic readiness in rural and urban government school children and its knowledge among teachers. The study was based on 200 class-I students (i.e. 100 rural and 100 urban) and 100 teachers (i.e. 50 rural and 50 urban) teaching class-I. The sample was randomly drawn from seven Government primary schools of Ludhiana district. Self -structured Academic Readiness Checklist was prepared to assess different domains viz. pre-reading, pre-writing and pre-arithmetic readiness of Class-I students. Similarly, Self -structured Teachers‟ Knowledge Questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge of rural and urban teachers regarding various aspects of academic readiness. Results revealed that overall academic readiness of children was found at average level. Pre-reading and pre-arithmetical skills were found to be average but pre-writing skills were low. Locale differences in academic readiness of rural and urban children were found to be non-significant in all the domains, however urban children were found to be performing better than rural children. Urban girls had better pre-reading and pre-writing skills than rural girls. Gender differences in academic readiness of urban children showed significant differences in majority of the domains, except in pre-arithmetical skills. However, in rural children non-significant gender differences were observed in all the domains except in high level of pre-arithmetical skills. Majority of both rural and urban teachers had low level of knowledge regarding academic readiness. Non-significant differences were found in the knowledge levels of rural and urban teachers. Irrespective of age, education, teaching experience and degree, all teachers depicted poor knowledge regarding academic readiness.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of Personality Traits on Cyber Crime Awareness of Rural and Urban Adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Thakur, Anchal; Kang, Tejpreet Kaur
    The study was conducted to assess the ‘Effect of Personality Traits on Cyber Crime Awareness of Rural and Urban Adolescents. The study was based on 200 adolescents (i.e. 100 rural and 100 urban) in the age range of 16-18 years. The sample was randomly drawn from four Government Senior Secondary Schools purposively selected from rural as well as urban areas of Ludhiana district. Self structured general information sheet was prepared to collect the general information of the adolescents. ‘Differential Personality Inventory by Singh and Singh and Cyber Crime Awareness Scale by Rajasekhar were used to assess personality traits and cyber crime awareness of the respondents respectively. Results revealed significant differences in personality traits of the respondents. Boys were scoring better than their female counterparts in majority of the traits as well as in overall personality. Significant locale differences existed between hetero sexuality in rural and urban boys and girls. In cyber crime awareness gender differences were found to be significant among rural boys and girls whereas non-significant differences were seen among urban boys and girls. Non-significant locale differences existed between rural and urban adolescents. Masculinity, responsibility, dominance, decisiveness, curiosity, hetero sexuality, ego strength, friendliness and overall personality traits had made a positive and significant contribution towards cyber crime awareness of the adolescents. In demographic variables parents’ education, family members and presence of male sibling were having a significant and positive relationship with the personality and cyber crime awareness.