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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Vision of morality among youth in Punjab and Tamil Nadu: individual and contextual influence
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Sundharalingam. B; Kang, Tejpreet K.
    The present study entitled "Vision of morality among youth in Punjab and Tamil Nadu: individual and contextual influence" was undertaken to assess and compare the vision of morality among youth in everyday life in both states. The influence & interplay between individual attributes like personality and personal values and contextual features like socio economic status, family environment and parent & peer attachments on vision of morality was also examined. The sample comprised of 300 young adults, 150 Punjab (75 females and 75 males), 150 Tamil Nadu (75 females and 75 males) aged between 18-20 years studying in Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. The results revealed that the mean scores of vision of morality dimensions showed significant differences among youth in both the settings. A significant difference in agreeableness character of personality showed at medium and high level in both the states was observed. However, in the case of openness, significant differences were found only at high level. The mean scores for extraversion, agreeableness and openness showed significant differences in youth of both the states. Personal values (religious, social, democratic, aesthetic, economic, power) revealed significant differences in youth of Punjab and Tamil Nadu. The mean scores for personal values such as democratic knowledge and power showed significant differences in Punjab and Tamil Nadu youth. All the characters and their mean scores in measures of socio-economic status (except profession), divisions of family environment and parent & peer attachments were found to be significantly different for both the settings. Overall, the study concluded that, Punjab youth has better vision of morality, individual attributes and contextual features.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Study of Reproductive Behaviour of Teenaged Mothers of Bager Region of Haryana State
    (College of Home Science, Punjab Agricultural University, 2003) Chaudhary, Manju; Jaswal, S
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Enhancing Mathematical Skills of School Children through Educational Therapy Programme
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Yumkhaibam Anandi Devi; Vig, Deepika
    The present study was an attempt to enhance mathematical skills of school children through planning and implementation of educational therapy programme. The sample for the study consisted of 100 children of class II and III and 50 teachers from the rural and urban private schools of Ludhiana district. Raven‟s Coloured Progressive Matrices (Raven 1965) was used to assess the intellectual abilities of the children, Self-structured Cognitive Abilities Assessment Checklist were used to assess teachers‟ cognitive abilities to design remedial programme for children and Self-structured Mathematical Skills Checklist was used to assess different mathematical skills of children. Pre-intervention scores revealed that all rural and urban teachers showed low level of cognitive abilities. Intervention programme had equal impact on both rural and urban teachers as both gained significantly from the intervention and their knowledge was upgraded upto application level. Children with poor mathematical skills were identified by the teachers for implementation of remedial programme. Pre-interventions assessment revealed that both rural and urban children were having low and average level of mathematical skills. Post-intervention results revealed that rural children of class II were found to have better numeracy abilities and sequential abilities whereas urban children gained better in cognitive abilities and visual spatial abilities. Locale differences for class III children revealed that urban children were found to have better mathematical skills than rural children. The educational therapy programme planned and implemented for class II and III urban children had significantly enhanced their mathematical abilities.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Determinants of perceived risk taking behaviour among adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Manpreet Kaur; Kang, Tejpreet K.
    The present study entitled “determinants of perceived risk taking behavior among adolescents” was undertaken in the Ludhiana district of Punjab. The study was designed to assess the status of perceived risk taking behavior among rural and urban adolescents. It also assessed the contribution of parenting, peer pressure, impulsiveness and emotional maturity of adolescents towards perceived risk taking behaviour. The sample comprised of 300 adolescents aged 16-18 years drawn equally from rural and urban areas of Ludhiana district. The sample was further distributed equally over gender (150 girls and 150 boys). Respondents were selected from government senior secondary schools by using random sampling technique. A self structured interview schedule was prepared to document the socio demographic profile of adolescents. A scale developed by Gullone et al was used to assess the risk taking behavior of adolescents. Parenting scale by Bharadwaj, Sharma and Garg, Peer pressure scale by Singh and Saini, Impulsiveness scale by Rai and Sharma and Emotional maturity scale by Singh and Bhargava was used to measure the perceived parenting, peer pressure, impulsiveness and emotional maturity of the adolescents respectively. Results revealed that rural and urban boys and girls had significant differences in perceived risk taking behavior. Significant locale and gender differences were also observed in perceived peer pressure, impulsiveness and emotional maturity. Parenting, peer pressure, impulsiveness and emotional maturity contributed significantly towards risk taking behavior among adolescents.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Analysis of parental influence on eating behavior of school children as a predictor of their cognition and academic functioning
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Enling, Nang Mok Hom; Gulati, Jatinder Kaur
    The present study entitled “Analysis of parental influence on eating behavior of school children as a predictor of their cognition and academic functioning” was undertaken to assess the eating behavior of children, quality of parental role in child feeding; its impact on eating behavior of selected children and contribution of children’s eating behavior on their cognition and academic functioning. The sample was comprised of 400 respondents which included 200 children (8-12 years of age) and their mothers (n=200) selected from Tezu and Namsai towns of Arunachal Pradesh (AP) and Ludhiana city of Punjab (100 children i.e. 50 males and 50 females and 100 mothers from each state). The results revealed that children’s meal skipping and eating outside food was significantly more common in AP towns than in Ludhiana. Majority of the children skipped breakfast more frequently in both the regions as compared to other meals because of going to school very early in the morning, getting up late and being in hurry. Female children skipped meals more often than males, where as the later ones reported to eat outside at higher frequency. Majority of children of both the genders and locales were food selective, the major reasons being no liking for green, leafy and some other vegetables, recipe not liked, being rigid on tasting the food when not liked and family members too not eating those foods. Parents in AP put less prohibition on their child eating outside as compared to those in Ludhiana. The major strategies adopted were coaxing, motivating, encouraging the child to eat and eating him/her. However, the parents in AP used significantly more strategies as compared to those in Ludhiana city. Selective eating habit was considerably more present among the fathers and siblings compared to mothers and the grandparents. The children not skipping their meals scored better in different cognitive abilities. Adequately nourished children in iron, zinc, niacin and vitamin B12 scored better in cognition abilities as well as academic performance than those with inadequate intake of nutrient as per RDA. However intake of vitamin B12 had more significant impact on cognitive abilities. Academic performance of children eating breakfast daily was observed to be significantly better than the ones who skipped breakfast. However, nutritional adequacy with regard to iron and Vitamin B 12 was found to have significantly positive impact on academic performance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Role of visual perception and writing readiness intervention in remediating handwriting skills of urban school children
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Chanu, Hijam Laxmi; Vig, Deepika
    The present study was an attempt to investigate the role of visual perception and writing readiness intervention in remediating handwriting skills of urban school children. The total sample for the study consisted of 60 children of grade 3 from the public schools of Ludhiana city. Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices (Raven 1965) was used to assess the intellectual abilities of the children, Occupational Therapy Screening Test (Lilley 2006) Set A and B were used to assess the handwriting and sub-skills of visual perception respectively. Writing Readiness Assessment Tool was used to assess different pre-writing skills. Need-based individualized remedial intervention programme based on multisensory, visuo-motor integration and cognitive approaches was developed to improve handwriting legibility of children. Efficacy of the developed programme was tested by comparing pre and post-intervention scores of children. The automaticity level was assessed by comparing the sustainability of the improved scores achieved by each child during post-intervention-II testing. The results revealed that percentage of boys with poor handwriting were more as compared to girls. Pre-intervention scores revealed that more than half of the children with poor handwriting skills were found to have poor visual perception and writing readiness skills followed by average and good level. Out of all the sub-skills of visual perception ‘Visual Motor Integration’ followed by ‘Visual Discrimination’ were found to be the poorest among such children. However, after intervention, significant improvement was found in these skill. The results also revealed that out of all the dimensions of writing readiness, ‘Moving from freedom to confinement’ was found to be poorest in children with poor handwriting. Similarly, intervention improved the writing readiness skills of children as only 8.33 per cent of children remained in poor category after receiving intervention. Majority of the children achieved automaticity in average and good level of performance in both the visual perception and writing readiness skills. In all the five sub-skills of visual perception and dimensions of writing readiness 100 per cent automaticity was maintained by the students at average and good level respectively.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Interplay among metacognition, learning environment and self-regulation as determinant of adolescent academic achievement
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Parvinder Kaur; Saini, Sarita
    The present study was undertaken to investigate the interplay among metacognition, learning environment and self-regulation as determinant of adolescent academic achievement. The sample comprised 400 respondents equally distributed over gender and locale drawn from randomly selected Government Senior Secondary Schools of urban and rural areas of Ludhiana and Moga districts of Punjab. A self-designed personal information sheet, Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (Schraw and Dennison 1994), Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (Roff et al 1997) and Self-regulation Questionnaire (Brown et al 1999) were used to collect the relevant information from the respondents of the study. The results revealed that irrespective of locale, significantly more number of female respondents possessed high level of metacognition, were more self-regulated and perceived high level of learning environment in contrast to their male counterparts who were found to have moderate levels of metacognition, self-regulation as well as perceptions of their learning environment. Also, significant gender and locale-wise differences were observed in the mean scores of metacognition as females scored better than males and urban respondents scored better than rural respondents. Similarly, significant gender as well as locale-wise differences were observed in perceptions of ‘learning environment’ as male respondents scored better than their female counterparts and rural respondents reported better perceptions of their learning environment as compared to their urban counterparts. Metacognition was found to be significantly positively correlated with self-regulation as well as learning environment. However, no significant correlations were observed between learning environment and self-regulation. Metacognition, self-regulation and perceptions pertaining to overall learning environment were found to be significantly positively contributing towards the academic achievement of respondents.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Contribution of personality attributes in adolescent adjustment at orphanages, single parent families and intact families
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Upreti, Rashmi; Sharma, Seema
    The present study explored the contribution of personality attributes in adolescent adjustment at orphanages, single parent families and intact families. The sample comprised of 300 respondents in the age group of 14-16 years, from the four selected cities of Punjab (Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Patiala and Hoshiarpur). Hundred school going adolescents were from the selected orphanages and 100 adolescents were selected under both single parent families and intact families from the government schools. The sample was equally distributed across both the genders (50 each). A self-designed Personal Information Sheet, Emotional Maturity Scale (Singh & Bhargava 2012), Social Maturity Scale (Rao 2011), Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory (Coopersmith 1981), Perceived Loneliness Scale (Jha 2015) and Bell’s Adjustment Inventory (Ojha 2013) were used to collect the data. The results revealed that adolescents living with intact families were more emotionally mature, whereas, orphans were less socially mature and less adjusted. Girls of intact families were found more emotionally and socially mature than boys. Whereas, boys from intact families experienced significantly higher self esteem. However, boys living in intact families reported more adjustment problems. Overall emotional maturity of girls belonging to orphanages was positively correlated with the adjustment. Furthermore, total social maturity of boys from single parent families exhibited positive relationship with adjustment. Whereas, overall social maturity of girls living in orphanages and intact families projected a positive relationship with the adjustment. A significant positive correlation between overall self esteem and adjustment was reported only by the boys of single parent families. Emotional maturity, self esteem of girls and social maturity, self esteem of boys from single parent families contributed significantly towards adjustment. Whereas, social maturity of girls from both orphanages and intact families made significant contribution for their adjustment.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Individual and Contextual Traits as Determinants of Delinquency amongst Juveniles
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Sharma, Neha; Sharma, Seema
    The present study was undertaken to investigate the individual and contextual traits as determinants of delinquency amongst juveniles. The sample comprised of 120 respondents in 16-18 years of age range, selected from observation homes of six districts, from three cultural zones of Punjab. Further the sample was distributed over two sexes i.e. 80 juvenile delinquent boys and 40 juvenile delinquent girls. A self structured sheet was used to procure information regarding the socio-personal status of the respondents. Other scales used to collect the relevant information for the study were: Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire (Eysenck and Eysenck 1975), Cognitive Style Inventory (Jha 1985), Social Maturity Scale (Rao 1986), Emotional Maturity Scale (Singh and Bhargava 1990), Children’s Perception of Parenting Style (Pyari and Kalra 2005), Peer Pressure Scale (Saini and Singh 2012). The results revealed that majority of respondents reported accepting, overprotective and autocratic type of parenting styles. Most of the delinquents had shown psychotic and introvert personality and the most common cognitive style among delinquents was undifferentiated style. Low levels of social and emotional maturity were found in most of the delinquents. As far as gender differentiations are concerned delinquent girls had more introvert personality as compared to delinquent boys whereas delinquent boys had shown more integrated cognitive style. The study further depicted a positive significant correlation between delinquency levels and psychoticism dimension of personality while a negative significant correlation was found between delinquency levels and extraversion dimension of personality among delinquent girls. A positive significant correlation in delinquent girls was found between delinquency levels and intuitive cognitive style. A positive significant correlation was also found between delinquency levels and peer pressure among delinquent boys and girls. A negative significant correlation was found between socio-emotional maturity and delinquency level among juvenile delinquent boys and girls.