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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of Personality Traits on Cyber Crime Awareness of Rural and Urban Adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Thakur, Anchal; Kang, Tejpreet Kaur
    The study was conducted to assess the ‘Effect of Personality Traits on Cyber Crime Awareness of Rural and Urban Adolescents. The study was based on 200 adolescents (i.e. 100 rural and 100 urban) in the age range of 16-18 years. The sample was randomly drawn from four Government Senior Secondary Schools purposively selected from rural as well as urban areas of Ludhiana district. Self structured general information sheet was prepared to collect the general information of the adolescents. ‘Differential Personality Inventory by Singh and Singh and Cyber Crime Awareness Scale by Rajasekhar were used to assess personality traits and cyber crime awareness of the respondents respectively. Results revealed significant differences in personality traits of the respondents. Boys were scoring better than their female counterparts in majority of the traits as well as in overall personality. Significant locale differences existed between hetero sexuality in rural and urban boys and girls. In cyber crime awareness gender differences were found to be significant among rural boys and girls whereas non-significant differences were seen among urban boys and girls. Non-significant locale differences existed between rural and urban adolescents. Masculinity, responsibility, dominance, decisiveness, curiosity, hetero sexuality, ego strength, friendliness and overall personality traits had made a positive and significant contribution towards cyber crime awareness of the adolescents. In demographic variables parents’ education, family members and presence of male sibling were having a significant and positive relationship with the personality and cyber crime awareness.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Relationship of family environment and school environment with educational anxiety of adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Gurpreet Kaur; Chawla, Asha
    The present study entitled “Relationship of family environment and school environment with educational anxiety of adolescents”. The study was carried out in Government rural and urban schools of Ludhiana district. The total sample comprised 200 adolescents (100 rural and 100 urban) in the age group of 17-18 years. Personal information sheet, Educational Anxiety Inventory (Sood and Anand 2012), Family Environment Scale (Bhatia and Chadha 1993) and School Environment Scale (Misra 2012) were used to collect the data. The findings of the study revealed that more number of females experienced educational anxiety at average level than males. Rural adolescents had more educational anxiety as compared to urban adolescents. Majority of the adolescents (male and female) experienced their family environment at average level. Majority of urban adolescents experienced their family environment at average level than rural adolescents. Males perceived high level in all the dimensions of school environment. Significant locale differences were found in case of permissiveness and rejection only. In case of females correlation analysis between family environment and educational anxiety was found to be significant and inversely associated with educational anxiety except in one dimension i.e conflict, whereas in males correlation was significant and inverse in active- recreational dimension only. Rural adolescents presented significant but inverse relationship of family environment with educational anxiety except in two dimension i.e organization and conflict. Among males correlation analysis between school environment and educational anxiety were found to be non significant apart from one dimension i.e cognitive encouragement and in case of females correlation analysis were found to be significant and inversely associated with educational anxiety and dimensions like creative stimulation and acceptance. Non significant correlation was found in the dimensions of school environment apart from two dimensions i.e creative stimulation and acceptance in case of rural adolescents. Correlation analysis among urban adolescents presented significant and inverse association between educational anxiety and dimensions like creative stimulation, cognitive encouragement and acceptance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Situational analysis of guidance and counselling needs of adolescents and provision status in Ludhiana district
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Dhami, Manisha; Sharma, Seema
    The present study entitled “Situational analysis of guidance and counselling needs of adolescents and provision status in Ludhiana district” was undertaken to assess guidance and counselling needs of male and female adolescents in urban and rural areas. The study was conducted on 200 adolescents (100 urban and 100 rural) of Government Senior Secondary Schools of Ludhiana district. The sample was further equally distributed over two genders (100 males and 100 females). Psychological counselling needs scale was used to assess the psychological counselling needs of adolescents. For the assessment of guidance need, guidance need inventory was used and a self structured questionnaire was used to assess the adolescents’ perception of status and sources of guidance and counselling being provided to them. The results revealed that significant locale differences were found in the adolescents perception of total psychological counseling needs. In rural sample, males and females showed non significant difference in all dimensions of guidance needs. Irrespective of locale, no significant gender difference was found in the dimensions of guidance needs except physical guidance needs, where females displayed more need than males. Rural respondents required more guidance in physical, social, psychological, vocational and overall life sphere than urban adolescents. Irrespective of locale and gender, correlation analysis revealed that the students who perceived greater psychological counselling and guidance needs were performing poorer in academics. Majority of rural adolescents perceived the guidance and counselling services to be unsatisfactory. Majority of adolescents trust their parents for physical, social and psychological guidance whereas for educational guidance adolescents relied more on internet sources and moreover, internet and print media were the major sources for vocational guidance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study of occupational stress in relation to emotional intelligence among university teachers
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Toor, Anmol; Kang, Tejpreet K.
    The investigation entitled “Study of Occupational Stress in Relation to Emotional Intelligence among University Teachers” aimed to assess the Occupational Stress of university teachers in relation to their Emotional Intelligence. The study was based on a sample of 240 respondents randomly selected from the faculty of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, selecting 60 respondents each from four selected categories- Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors and Head of the Departments. The respondents were equally divided across both the genders. For collecting the demographic information of the respondents, a general information sheet was prepared. Emotional Intelligence Scale by Hyde and Pethe was used to assess the emotional intelligence of the respondents. Results revealed that majority of the associate professors had low level of emotional intelligence, while head of the departments had high level of emotional intelligence. For the appraisal of occupational stress, The Occupational Stress Index by Srivastava and Singh was used. The occupational stress level was found to be highest in associate professors and lowest in head of the departments. There was a significant association between occupational stress and type of family of the respondents. A significant association was found between the level of emotional intelligence and the designation of the respondents. Negative correlation was found between age and occupational stress which means that occupational stress decreases with the increase in the age of the respondents. Positive correlation was found between the number of children and the emotional intelligence of the respondents. Positive correlation was observed between designation and emotional intelligence of the respondents indicating that emotional intelligence increases with the designation of the respondents.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Impact of media technology usage on social maturity of teenagers
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Deepali; Sharma, Seema
    The present study was conducted to assess the impact of technology usage on social maturity of teenagers. The study was carried out in one block (Block-1) and one zone (Zone-A) of Ludhiana district on a sample comprised of 200 rural and urban teenagers between age group (16 to 18 years) studying in 11th and 12th grade in the selected Government Senior Secondary Schools of urban and rural areas. Further the sample was equally distributed over the two sexes (Boys =100 and Girls=100) from rural and urban areas. Only those teenagers were selected who must be using media technology like T.V, Computer and Mobile phone. Social maturity scale by Rao (1971) was used to assess the social maturity of teenagers. Also a self-structured Television, Computer and mobile phone usage questionnaire was used to assess the usage of these technologies among teenagers. Results revealed that no gender differences were found among teenagers across different dimensions of social maturity. But then also boys outnumbered girls in having average level of social maturity. While, very few teenagers had a high level of social maturity. Whereas, on other side results also revealed that majority of urban teenagers as compared to rural teenagers reported average level of social maturity. Locale-wise also very few teenagers were found to had a high level of social maturity. The findings of this study also depicts that there was a positive correlation between technology usage and social maturity among urban teenagers. Whereas, it was also found that negative correlation between technology usage and social maturity among rural teenagers. Significantly more number of girls found never called their parents. While on social commitment dimensions girls reported negative relationship and difference were found to be statistically significant. Whereas, communication skills of girls found to be significantly and positively related with usage of technology. Further results also revealed that significant majority of urban teenagers expressed that computer and mobile phones often had a negative effect on communication as compared to rural teenagers. Also majority of boys said that television and mobile phones often had a negative impact on our communication and girls felt sad when one whole day they forget or not able to use television and mobile phones. Correlation between technology usage and social maturity revealed that overall there were negative correlation between technology usage and social maturity among both boys and girls. But if we see correlation between technology usage and social maturity between different locales than data revealed that there is a positive correlation between technology usage and social maturity among urban teenagers and negative correlation among rural teenagers.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Self-esteem and mental health of adolescents with selfie addiction
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Satinder Kaur; Vig, Deepika
    The current study was undertaken to study relationship of selfie addiction with self-esteem and mental health of adolescents. The total sample comprised of 360 adolescents studying in 10th, 11th and 12th standard from rural and urban schools of Ludhiana district identified with selfie addiction and equally divided across two sexes and locales. Self-structured Selfie Addiction checklist, Self-Esteem Inventory (Coopersmith 1986) and Mental Health Battery (Singh and Gupta 2000) was used to collect the data. Results revealed that majority of rural and urban adolescents had medium self-esteem. Most of rural and urban adolescents with borderline addiction were found to have better self-esteem than adolescents with chronic selfie addiction.Selfie addiction was more related with various aspects of mental health in case of rural than for urban adolescents. Urban adolescents were having better emotional stability than rural adolescents. Gender differences revealed that boys as compared to girls were having high self-esteem. More number of boys with acute selfie addiction were found to have low mental health. Boys with chronic selfie addiction felt less secure as compared to girls. Urban boys across three levels of selfie addiction were more emotionally stable. Emotional stability was found influencing selfie addiction in case of urban girls and rural boys whereas, it showed no relationship in urban boys and rural girls. Within boys, mental health issues were exerting more influence on selfie taking behaviour of rural boys than on urban boys. Rural boys’ and urban girls’ mental health status was significantly more influencing their selfie addiction.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of value orientation on environmental ethics of rural and urban adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Manpreet Kaur; Kang, Tejpreet Kaur
    The investigation entitled ‘Effect of Value Orientation on Environmental Ethics of Rural and Urban Adolescents’ aimed to assess the effect of value orientation on environmental ethics of rural and urban adolescents. The study was based on a sample of 200 adolescents (i.e. 100 rural and 100 urban) in the age range of 14-16 years. The sample was randomly drawn from four Senior Secondary Schools purposively selected from rural as well as urban areas of Kapurthala district. Self structured questionnaire was administered to collect information on social and personal characteristics of the adolescents. Personal Values Questionnaire by Sherry and Verma (2010) and Environmental Ethics Scale by Taj (2011) were used to assess value orientation and environmental ethics of the respondents respectively. Results revealed significant gender differences in value orientation of respondents. Females were scoring better than their male counterparts. Significant locale differences existed between social, democratic, economic, power and health values among rural and urban girls. In case of boys significant locale differences were found in social, democratic, power and health values. Significant gender difference existed in rural boys and girls whereas non-significant differences were seen in case of urban boys and girls. In environmental ethics gender differences in mean scores of rural boys and girls were found to be significant whereas among urban boys and urban girls these differences were non-significant. Religious, democratic and family prestige values had made a positive and significant contribution in the environmental ethics of respondents.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Impact of Interventions on Academically Backward Children of Rural Primary Schools in Ludhiana
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Sumandeep Kaur; Kanwar, Vandana
    The investigation entitled, “Impact of Interventions on Academically Backward Children of Rural Primary Schools in Ludhiana” aimed to assess the academic (reading and arithmatic) skills, educational adjustment of the primary school children and teachers’ aptitude in teaching. The study was based on a sample 60 rural Primary School Children in the age range of 7-11 years. The sample was randomly drawn from Government Primary Schools where Experimental group n1=30 and Control group n2=30. Respondents were selected purposively from rural areas of Dehlon block, Ludhiana District. Results of the study indicated that educational adjustment is significant predictors of the academic achievement in primary school students. Educational intervention provided to academically backward children consistently and consecutively for the period of three months. Intervention contributed in gaining academic skills in Punjabi, English, Maths and Basic Operations of Maths as well as improvement in educational adjustment of academically backward children.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2013) Vinita Pandey
    The study was undertaken to analyze the internet usage pattern amongst the students of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. A proportionate random sample of 200 students was drawn from the four constituent colleges of the university. Questionnaire was developed to profile the students, study their use of internet for different purposes and identify the related problems. Majority of the students were in the age group of 21-25 years, resided in the hostel and were from nuclear families. Nearly half belonged to rural areas with family size upto 4 members (45.5%). Family education of sixty per cent was upto class 10th and 35.5 per cent had annual income upto 2 lakhs. Student were using internet for 1-2 hrs per/day and the hostel, home and library were most used places to access internet. Maximum time was spent in the hostel followed by library. One fourth were using internet for one hour and 2-4 hours each. The time use was maximum for academic followed by entertainment and social networking purpose. It was least for seeking information. Internet use was maximum for preparation of assignments/term papers and presentations. Virus infestation, non-response of server, strain to eyes, headache were the major problems faced due to internet surfing. Higher speed of internet, increase in number of computer in the library, availability of the Wi-Fi facility on the campus and training in use of internet were some of the important suggestions made by the students.