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  • ThesisItemUnknown
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2011) Madhu Kumari; Harminder Kaur
    The investigations on the “Effect of putrescine and calcium chloride on the storage and quality of mango cv.Dusehri” were conducted in the Department of Horticulture, PAU, Ludhiana during 2009-2010. In group 1 experiment, mango trees were sprayed with putrescine (1.0, 2.0, 3.0 mmol/l) and calcium chloride (1.0, 2.0, 3.0%) solution 10 days before harvest. Fully matured fruits were harvested, washed, disinfected, dried and packed in corrugated fibre board boxes (CFB). In group II experiment, fully matured fruits were dipped in putrescine (1.0, 2.0, 3.0 mmol/l) and calcium chloride (1.0, 2.0, 3.0%) solutions. Thereafter, fruits were dried and packed in corrugated fibre board boxes. Packed fruits from both the groups were stored for 20 days in cold room (13±10C temperature) and 85-90% R.H. Physico chemical analysis of fruits were done after 5, 10, 15 and 20 days of storage. General appearance of fruits was better in treated fruits as compared to highly shrivelled control fruits in both the groups. Treatment of mango fruits with chemicals significantly reduced the physiological fruit weight loss. The maximum reduction in fruit weight loss was recorded in putrescine 2.0 mmol/l and CaCl2 2.0 per cent in both groups. Rotting of fruits was better checked with putrescine and calcium chloride treatments. Minimum rotting percentage was recorded in putrescine 2.0 mmol/l and CaCl2 2.0 per cent. Organoleptic rating was better with treatment CaCl2 2.0 per cent and putrescine 2.0 mmol/l in both the group. Total soluble solids, TSS/acid ratio, -carotene content total and reducing sugars increased as the storage period advanced and were higher in control fruits. The acidity of fruits decreased as the storage period increased and maximum decrease in acidity was observed in control fruits. pre harvest spray of putrescine 2.0 mmol/l (T8), calcium chloride 2.0 per cent (T11) and post harvest dip of putrescine 2.0 mmol/l and calcium chloride 2.0 per cent were the best treatments for prolonging the shelf life of mango fruits, by reducing the physiological loss in weight and rotting , delaying ripening and maintaining the fruit quality during storage at 13 ±10C temperature. However post harvest dip of calcium chloride 2.0 per cent was found more effective and economical than pre harvest spray.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    “Studies on improvement of fruit quality through girdling and thinning in Satluj Purple plum”
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2011) Neeraj Sharma; Harminder Kaur
    The present investigation entitled “Studies on improvement of fruit quality through girdling and thinning in Satluj Purple plum” was carried out in the New Orchard, Department of Horticulture, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 2009. Plants of Satluj Purple plum planted at 3x1.5 m were used as experimental material. In experiment I, Trunk and limb girdling was done at full bloom and 7,14,21,28 and 35 days after full bloom. All the girdling treatments advanced fruit maturity as compared to control. Least number of days taken for maturity were recorded when limb girdling was done 21 days after full bloom. Yield was found to increase and fruit drop was reduced in all the treatments. Maximum yield, fruit weight and size, pulp/stone ratio, colour and better fruit quality in terms of higher TSS, TSS/acid ratio, β-carotene with lower acidity and firmness were observed when limb girdling was done 21 days after full bloom. Healing of the girdle was satisfactory and there was no detrimental effect noticed in any of the treatments. Leaf nitrogen and chlorophyll content were decreased and total carbohydrates were increased with the girdling. In experiment II, Hand thinning was done at fruit set and 7, 14,21and 28 days after fruit set. Hand thinning treatments advanced fruit maturity and also resulted better quality of fruits as compared to control. Higher yield fruit weight, size, colour, TSS, TSS/acid ratio and lower acidity and minimum firmness were recorded when hand thinning was done 14 days after fruit set. Significant increase in β-carotene and diameter of thinned fruits was recorded with hand thinning as compared to control. Leaf nitrogen and chlorophyll content were found to decreased whereas total carbohydrates increase with hand thinning treatments.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2011) Khushboo Rai; G. S., Kahlon
    The present investigations entitled “Pre-bearing response of Kinnow to differential doses and application timings of fertilizers” were carried out in the old orchard and analytical laboratory of the Department of Horticulture, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during the year 2010. Kinnow plants of uniform size and age were selected in the month of January and differential fertilizer treatments were imposed from February, 2010 onwards. The effect of different fertilizer doses of nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P) and potassium(K) as well as different number of split applications on vegetative growth of plants were observed in terms of plant height, plant spread, stock girth, scion girth, plant volume and leaf colour. The leaf and soil analyses with respect to N, P and K were done to establish the effect of differential fertilizer treatments on plant nutritional status as well as availability of these elements in the soil. There were three sets of fertilizer treatments; the first set (T1) consisted of the standard practice of applying N in two split doses (mid February and mid April). In the second set, there were differential fertilizer treatments (T2 to T7) which were given in four split doses (mid February, mid April, mid June and mid August) and in the third set ( T8 to T13) there were six split doses (mid February, mid March, mid April, mid May, mid June and mid July). The treatment T7 (N125P50K125 in 4 splits) was found to be the best than all the other treatments and it was closely followed by T6 (N125P50K100 in 4 splits) for all the plant growth parameters as well as leaf and soil nutrition status. Application of fertilizer treatments in 4 splits was found to be better than 2 or 6 split doses.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2011) Salveen Kaur; JS, Bal
    The investigations on “Effect of chemicals on storage life and quality of ber cv. Umran” was conducted in the Department of Horticulture, PAU, Ludhiana during year 2011. The fruits were harvested at peak maturity period (29th March) along with pedicel and were dipped in ascorbic acid, boric acid and sodium carbonate (1, 2, 3 %) each for 5 min. Treated fruits were packed in Corrugated Fibre Board boxes of 2 Kg capacity and kept in cold chamber at 7ºC temperature and 90-95 per cent RH. The fruits were analysed after 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of storage. The lowest physiological loss in weight was found in ber fruits treated with ascorbic acid 2 per cent and sodium carbonate 1 per cent. High palatability rating was noted in fruits dipped in ascorbic acid 1-3 per cent. The spoilage of fruits was noted significantly less in fruits treated with ascorbic acid treatments. The highest total soluble solids and ‘b’ value of fruit colour was recorded in the fruits dipped in boric acid 3 per cent. The highest mean fruit firmness, pulp/stone ratio and total sugars were noted in the fruits treated with ascorbic acid 3 per cent. The pedicels were properly retained with fruits up to 21 days of storage. The lowest acid content was estimated with boric acid 3 per cent and sodium carbonate 1-2 per cent. Higher retention of vitamin C was observed in fruits with ascorbic acid 2 and 3 per cent treatments. The physiological loss in weight, spoilage and TSS/ acid ratio were increased with prolongation of storage days whereas palatability rating, fruit firmness, pulp/stone ratio, acidity, vitamin C were decreased with advancement of storage period. TSS and total sugars increased significantly up to 14 days of storage but followed a decrease at later period of storage. It was concluded that Umran ber kept with pedicel could be stored satisfactorily for 21 days in cold chamber (7ºC) without any major effect on their quality.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2012) Garg, Sahil; Kaur, Prabhjot
    This study was undertaken to know the services availed, satisfaction, problems and suggestions of the fruit growers and problems faced by the extension personnel of cluster I under National Horticulture Mission. Four districts of cluster I namely Bathinda, Faridkot, Ferozpur and Mukatsar were selected. A sample of 120 fruit growers was selected using proportional allocation method and all the extension personnel were selected for the study. For data collection two instruments were prepared. Interview schedule was prepared for fruit growers which had two parts. First part consisted of socio-personal characteristics while second part dealt with services availed, satisfaction, suggestions and problems faced by the fruit growers regarding services of National Horticulture Mission. The findings of the study showed that most of the respondents engaged in fruit cultivation were in the age group of 36 to 53 years, belong to nuclear family, had matriculation as their educational level, operational land holding of 4.40 to 20.02 acres and had fruit growing as their main occupation. Majority of respondents had dairy farming as subsidiary occupation, 12-24 years fruit growing experience, not acquired training regarding fruit growing under NHM. Most of the respondents were medium on extension contacts, mass media exposure, risk bearing capacity and scientific orientation. A vast majority of respondents reported that Department of Horticulture was the first source of information regarding services of NHM. A large number of respondents availed service of establishment of new orchard followed by rejuvenation of senile plantation and showed satisfaction regarding various services rendered by NHM. Majority of the respondents gave reasons of satisfaction in descending order timeliness, assistance provided by concerned authorities, good results of services, quality of inputs. Lengthy documentation procedure, less quantity of inputs and amount of subsidy, payment of subsidy in installments were the problems faced by the respondents regarding services under NHM. Quantity of inputs given should be increased, marketing hub should be created for marketing were the suggestions given by the majority of the respondents. Lack of mother plant seed, water logging problem, minimum selling price of fruits and lack of staff were the major problems faced by majority of the extension personnel in providing services under National Horticulture Mission.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Effect of pre-harvest sprays of ascorbic acid and calcium chloride on fruit quality and storage life of Flame Seedless grapes (Vitis vinifera L
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2013) Niraj Kumar
    The present investigations entitled “Effect of pre-harvest sprays of ascorbic acid calcium chloride on fruit quality and storage life of Flame Seedless grapes (Vitis vinifera L.)” were carried out in the New Orchard and Post-harvest Laboratory, Department of Fruit Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 2012. To improve quality and storage life the pre-harvest prays of ascorbic acid and calcium chloride was given at fruit-set and veraison stage in treatment T1 to T6. The treatment T7 (Bunch thinning + GA3 40ppm) and T8 (75% crop load + Ethephon at verasion @ 400ppm) were also included for comparison. The fruits were harvested at fully ripe stage and brought to laboratory for ascertaining the effect on fruit quality and packaging in CFB boxes (2 kg) lined with LDPE having half sheet of sulphur dioxide generating pad for storage study. The time of ripening was advanced by 5-days in the treatment T8 (crop load 75% + ethephon 400 ppm) as compared to control, while in the treatment T7, in which bunch thinning + gibberellic acid 40 ppm was applied time of ripening was advanced by 3-days.The treatment T7 i.e. bunch thinning + gibberellic acid resulted in significantly higher yield (33.54 kg/vine) followed by treatment T8 (75 % crop load + Ethephon 400 ppm) which was recorded 31.05 kg fruit yield per vine. Likewise, improved fruit quality w.r.t to higher total soluble solids (TSS), lower acidity, higher sugars and anthocyanin content was also recorded in treatment T8 (75 % crop load + Ethephon 400 ppm).In the storage studies, the lowest mean PLW (3.54%) and berry shattering (8.43 %) was recorded in treatment T7 i.e. bunch thinning + gibberellic acid 40 ppm. The treatments in which 75 per cent crop load and 400 ppm ethephon was sprayed recorded maximum (8.00) mean palatability rating, followed by 7.87 palatability score found in treatment (T7) subjected to bunch thinning + GA3 (40 ppm) at the end of storage period. The TSS: acid ratio increased with the advancement in storage period. The highest mean TSS: acid ratio of 42.85 was recorded in treatment T8, i.e. crop load (75 %) + 400 ppm ethephon. The TSS: acid ratio mean was lowest (20.55) in control T9. The present study suggests that the pre-harvest application of 75 per cent crop load + ethephon (@ 400ppm at veraison) should be given for improvement in fruit quality and advancement in ripening in Flame Seedless grapes. While, for extending the storage life vines should be subjected to pre-harvest application of bunch thinning and application of GA3 @ 40 ppm at fruit-set and one week after fruit-set.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PUNJAB AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, 2010) Ajitpal Singh; Gill, M.I.S
    The present investigation was conducted on “Study on genetic diversity in grapes using morphological traits and DNA markers”. The objective of this study was to estimate the diversity among 26 grape accessions maintained at New Orchard of Punjab Agricultural University. Genetic diversity among accessions was estimated using morphological traits and SSR marker data. 30 primer pairs resulted in amplification of 1201 putative alleles in 26 genotypes with an average of 46.19 alleles per genotype. PIC values ranged from as low as 0.47 to as high as 0.59 with an average of 0.38 for all 30 primers. On basis of SSR data, dendrogram clustered 26 genotypes into two major groups. The lowest similarity coefficient (0.50) was shown between major group I consisting of all cultivated varieties and hybrids and major group II consisting of all the rootstocks. The dendrogram based on SSR markers showed no congruence with morphological data. The dendrogram of 30 genotypes was constructed based on ten morphological markers. The genotypes were divided into five groups with genetic similarity values ranging from 0.46 to 0.90. The diversity analysis using morphological markers was not in agreement with pedigree of 30 genotypes. Using molecular markers data the grape germplasm was clearly subdivided into cultivars and rootstocks indicating that for assessing the genetic diversity, molecular markers were more reliable and authenticated. Key Words: Genetic diversity, Grapes (Vitis vinifera),, morphological traits
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Simultaneous Grafting and Rooting Studies in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2014) Gill, Jaspreet Kaur; Harminder Singh
    Present investigations on the “Simultaneous Grafting and Rooting Studies in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]” was carried out at Fruit Research Farm, Department of Fruit Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during the year 2013-14. 15-20 cm long hardwood cuttings of peach rootstock Flordaguard were taken from 6 year old trees on 5th and 15th January, 2013. These cuttings were tongue grafted with scions of Earli Grande and Shan-i- Punjab having 3-4 buds on them. After grafting, the 3/4 cm basal portion of the grafts were treated with different concentrations of IBA treatments viz. @ 0, 100, 200 (24 hr soaking), 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 and 3000 ppm (2 minutes dip) and were planted in the field. Sprouting in both the peach cultivars in all the treatments started in the 1st week and completed in the 2nd week of February. Sprouting success was found to be highest in 2000 ppm IBA treatment. The vegetative growth (plant height, stem thickness and number of leaves) of the graft was also found to be maximum in 2000 ppm IBA. Highest mortality of the grafts in all the treatments were recorded in May and after that no/ little mortality was observed. Mortality rate was found to be minimum in higher doses of IBA and maximum in control and lower doses of IBA treatment. The root length and number of roots of both Shani- Punjab and Earli Grande grafts was found to be higher in 2000 ppm IBA treatment. The sprouting success and vegetative growth of all the grafts in all the treatment were better when the cuttings were made on 15th January than on 5th January. The number of salable plants was also observed to be maximum in 2000 ppm IBA treatment in both the cultivars of peach