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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effectiveness of extension strategies for disseminating household water management practices
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Loveleen Kaur; Kanwaljit Kaur
    The polluted water and its crisis is the major issue that is worsening day by day. There is a need to create awareness among people through effective media. Thus, the present study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of extension strategies for disseminating information related to household water management practices. Total 200 rural women were selected from eight villages of Ludhiana district by snowball sampling technique. Action-cum-experimental research design was used in the study. Accordingly, one control and three experimental groups were formulated. Six major household water management practices i.e. procurement of drinking water, quality testing of water, water purification, safe storage of drinking water, cleaning of household water storage tank and use of water-saving gadgets were selected for purpose of the study. These practices were further comprised of 31 sub-practices. Three extension strategies were developed for dissemination of information on household water management practices. These extension strategies were, Strategy I: use of interpersonal methods (lecture, demonstration and discussion), Strategy II: use of multimedia through ICT platform (videos delivered through WhatsApp) and Strategy III: delivery of both interpersonal methods and multimedia through ICT platform (lecture, discussion and WhatsApp video messages). Effectiveness of these extension strategies was measured in terms of gain in knowledge and change in adoption status of respondents after exposure to intervention. Data were collected through personal contact with a self-structured interview schedule in two phases i.e. before intervention and after a gap of three months from the intervention. The results of the study showed that about 95 per cent the respondents from experimental and control group had a low level of existing knowledge on selected practices. All three strategies significantly changed the knowledge of respondents on these practices. However, after exposure through strategy I and strategy III, the knowledge of hundred per cent of the respondents from experimental group changed to high level. Since both the strategies included the use of interpersonal methods, thus it is suggested that personal contact methods, solely or in combination with ICT-based methods, should be used more for creating awareness and changing knowledge of people on different topics of concern. In case of adoption, the interpersonal extension strategy (strategy I) emerged to be the most effective in changing the adoption status of respondents. As live demonstrations in this strategy helped in increasing the adoption, they should be used more proactively in the trainings targeted towards the adoption of recommended practices/technologies. Socio-personal profile of the respondents was found to have no relationship with the gain in knowledge and change in adoption status of the respondents. Hence, it can be concluded that the change in respondents’ knowledge and adoption status was due to the intervention through different extension strategies.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Development and evaluation of social and behavior change communication programme for domestic violence against women
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Sachdeva, Suriti; Sharma, Preeti
    The rise in domestic violence against women in India, especially in the pandemic and postpandemic period, is an alarming issue that needs immediate attention. The dominant explanation for this emerging trend is structural inequality, internalized patriarchy, misogyny and existence of norms that encourage violence in society. This study was conducted among ever – married female victims of domestic violence in the age group of 18 – 55 years. The objectives of the study were to conduct situational analysis on domestic violence against women in Punjab, to ascertain relationship between domestic violence and socio-personal and economic characteristics. Further, it studied the opinion of service providers in terms of prevalence of various forms of domestic violence and the constraints faced by them. In order to prevent this type of gender-based violence, a Social and Behaviour Change Communication Programme was developed, validated and evaluated for its effectiveness. The study revealed that all forms of violence prevalent among the respondents. Considering each type of violence, emotional violence topped the chart, followed by economic violence and social violence. Respondents also reported to suffer from sexual violence and physical violence. Causes like intoxication and to release stress, were the prime causes of physical violence. The main reasons of emotional violence were bad mood of family member, constant yelling and swearing on the respondent and not bringing enough dowry. No access and control over financial resources led to economic violence. Sexual assault under the influence of intoxication, victim being forced to perform sexual acts which they found degrading or humiliating were some of the reasons which led to sexual violence. A significant association was reported between domestic violence and education, age, caste, income group, type of family and type of marriage. There were multiple perpetrators such as husband, mother – in – law, father- in – law and in certain cases brother – in – law as well. Large proportion of respondents reported to take an action after the violence episode. Lesser number of respondents reported to be aware of the laws that exist for protection of rights of women pertaining to domestic violence. The social and behaviour change communication programme was developed and validated by experts and was found to be effective in substantiating the knowledge of males and females related to domestic violence against women.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Perception and knowledge of senior school students regarding climate change
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Bisht, Shakshi; Sidhu, Kiranjot
    Study was conducted to understand the perception and knowledge of youth regarding climate change. Data was collected using an interview schedule and a knowledge test from 400 students of government and private schools representing rural and urban areas of one district from each agro-climatic zone of Punjab State. Arts was the most opted stream by the students and ICT the most used media. Perception between rural and urban students varied significantly regarding causes and effects of climate change. It varied between government and private schools regarding all aspects except indicators. Overall perception did not differ significantly. Knowledge between rural and urban students varied significantly regarding concept and coping technologies/practices and between government and private regarding all aspects except effects. Overall knowledge differed significantly between rural and urban students. Student‘s families had medium level of adoption of both general and farm and agril-allied technologies/practices. Students aware and the potential adopters among them varied between locales and school types for different technologies. Perception of climate change was positively and significantly related to family size, but had negative and significant relation with parent‘s education, monthly income of the family, students‘ media exposure and their participation in activities organized by school society/club. Knowledge was negatively and significantly related to parent‘s education and family income. Decision to adopt technologies/practices for coping with climate change was positively and significantly related to family size but had negative and significant relationship with parent‘s education, monthly income of the family, student‘s mass media exposure and membership of societies. Perception of different aspects of climate change were significantly related to each other. Knowledge of causes and technologies/ practices significantly and positively affected the perception regarding indicators and causes of climate change. Knowledge of technologies/ practices also had an effect on perception of causes. Knowledge about climate change was positively and significantly related to its perception. The decision of the students to adopt technologies/practices was significantly and positively affected by their awareness, perception and their family‘s adoption of general technologies/ practices to cope with climate change. Student‘s choice of educational streams was significantly associated with their perception and decision to adopt general technologies/practices. Environment education should be introduced from elementary classes with more emphasis on practical knowledge.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Perception of farm families towards farming as an occupation
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Rai, Anjana; Sidhu, Kiranjot
    The present study was conducted in Punjab to analyse the perception of 200 farm families represented by male child studying in class 10/11/12, father and mother towards farming as an occupation using an interview schedule. Majority of farm families were cultivating between 5 to 15 acres of land, annually earning upto three lakhs with farming as primary source of income. Loan for agricultural purposes was used for constructing houses, marriage or sending members abroad. WhatsApp was most used media. Prevalence of mono cropping was observed with product being sold in raw form in the nearest market. Very low physical involvement of mother and children was found in farming activities. Most of the farm families had negative perception towards farming as an occupation and it significantly varied within factors (economic, social, personal, physical and psychological) and zones but not between three members of the family. Farming and farm related enterprises were not the first choice of occupation. Government job was considered an occupation and was first choice of majority of parents and children. Going abroad was the first preference of those not interested in choosing any career options in India. Higher, fixed income, luxurious life, security, social status were basis for making the choice. Positive perception led to better ranking of farming Father and child who perceive farming to be economically profitable were more inclined towards it as an occupation. Families having more cultivated land perceive farming more positively as an occupation. Parents age, education and exposure to different media significantly and positively impacted their perception. Physical involvement of mother in farming impacted their perception . Socially active fathers were more inclined towards farming. Based upon the findings it is recommended that carrier counselling should be an integral part of school activities and children and their parents should be made aware of, not only the conventional occupational choices, but occupational choices which can be pursued along with farming but based upon aptitude of the child. They should be persuaded to learn skills particularly those which can help them to substitute income from farming and can be undertaken along with farming. Extension personnel should conduct programmes to improve perception towards farming and help children make appropriate occupational choices. Economic, social, physical, personal and psychological factors associated with farming should be highlighted during such programmes through sharing success stories in farming and allied activities.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Organizational culture and job satisfaction of employees in Indian universities: a comparative study
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Gautam, Minakshi; Sukhjeet Kaur
    Organizational culture is a pattern of shared basic assumptions that was learned by a group of people as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way you perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems. Organizational culture has much more influence on performance of employees by impacting the psychological state of employees and even the whole organization because job satisfaction of employees occupies the important place in the field of human resource management. Faculty of higher education institutes make a big community of this sector. They train, teach and lead their students to work efficiently in the interest of society. Therefore, keeping in view the present scenario of society, educational institutes this study attempts to explore the organizational culture type and to explore the relationship between organizational culture and employees job satisfaction of employees in selected universities. For this study 600 employees were selected from four state agricultural universities and four traditional universities by using simple random sampling technique. Data was collected by using self-structured questionnaire based on Cameroon and Quinn organizational culture model (1991) for organizational culture and Herzberg‘s motivation and hygiene theory for job satisfaction. Findings of the study revealed that hierarchy culture was the overall dominant culture followed by clan culture in all selected State Agricultural Universities and Clan culture was the overall dominant culture followed by hierarchy culture in all selected traditional universities. Faculty members from selected state agricultural universities (SAUs) and traditional universities (T.Us) had the medium level of job satisfaction. In conclusion, there is need to follow the organizations beliefs, values and basic assumptions for increasing the productivity, effectiveness and betterment of the organization and there is a need to make certain improvements so that satisfaction of the employees could be increased which can further lead to more productivity.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Impact Assessment of Selected Programmes of National Rural Health Mission in Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Pandey, Vinita; Sukhjeet Kaur
    The present study attempts to analyze the impact of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) programme in rural Punjab. Study was conducted in three socio-cultural zones of Punjab i.e. Majha, Malwa and Doaba. Proportionate random sampling technique was used to select the districts from each zone. Therefore, a total of eleven districts i.e. seven from Malwa, two from Majha and two from Doaba were covered under the study. The total sample for the study was 440 and it constituted 264 beneficiaries, 66 functionaries and 110 community leaders. Four health programme of National Health Mission was selected on the recommendation of the advisory committee. A self structured interview schedule was prepared to collect the data from beneficiaries and community leaders. Knowledge test was also constructed to test the knowledge of the functionaries about selected programmes. Results revealed that majority of the beneficiaries had medium level of awareness about all the selected programmes of National Rural Health Mission except T.B. Control Programme while community leaders of all the zones were least aware about all the selected programmes of National Rural Health Mission. Most of the functionaries had high level of knowledge about all the selected programmes of National Rural Health Mission. National Rural Health Mission had a great impact on health infrastructure, maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate while after implementation of NRHM adoption of immunization practices, birth control methods and institutional deliveries has increased. Delay in medicine supply, lack of male health workers were the major problems faced by beneficiaries while functionaries’ major problems were inadequate sitting arrangement in the sub centres, incomplete medicine kit, heavy work load and insufficient incentives.