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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Information-seeking behaviour of women regarding health and hygiene practices
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Loveleen Kaur; Sukhjeet Kaur
    The present study was undertaken with the objectives to identify the information-seeking behaviour of women regarding health and hygiene practices, to determine the problems in information-seeking and to ascertain the association of information-seeking behaviour of women with their personal and socio-economic characteristics. The study was conducted in Ludhiana district of Punjab. Two blocks and two zones were selected purposively from Ludhiana district. Further two villages from each block and two localities from each zone were selected randomly. Twenty five women from each selected village as well as from each locality in the age of 25-50 years were selected on random basis. Thus total 200 women formed the sample for the study. Health and hygiene practices were studied under three categories as personal, food related and household health and hygiene practices. Findings of the study revealed that majority of the respondents had low information needs for selected health and hygiene practices. Use of all information sources by most of the respondents was found to be low for seeking information on all health and hygiene practices while informal sources were the most frequently used sources of information. Information sources were never evaluated by the majority of the respondents while looking for information on household and food related health and hygiene practices, and were sometimes evaluated by them in case of personal and overall health and hygiene practices. Equal proportion of the respondents had active and passive information-seeking behaviour regarding personal health and hygiene practices, and active information-seeking behaviour for household and overall health and hygiene practices. In case of food related health and hygiene practices, majority of the respondents possessed passive information-seeking behaviour. Major problems faced by the respondents related to informal, formal, print and electronic sources were unreliability, expensiveness, non-availability and lack of knowledge in using source. Information-seeking behaviour of the respondents was significantly associated with their education, family income and mass media exposure.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Use of information communication technology by extension personnel of Krishi Vigyan Kendras : a comparative study
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Sulibhavimath, Arjun; Sharma, Preeti
    The present investigation entitled “Use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) by KVK extension personnel of Krishi Vigyan Kendras: A comparative study” was conducted with the objective to compare the extent of use of ICT by KVK extension personnel of Punjab and Karnataka for acquiring & disseminating the knowledge, to explore the opinion and problems faced by the KVK extension personnel in using ICT for acquiring and disseminating the knowledge and to seek suggestions of KVK extension personnel in enhancing the use of ICT. The study was conducted in selected KVKs of Punjab and Karnataka. Fifty percent of KVKs were randomly selected from both the states. From Punjab, out of 17 KVKs nine and from Karnataka, out of 30 KVKs fifteen KVKs were selected. All the extension personnel in position at the time of investigation were taken from the selected KVKs. Thus 51 respondents from Punjab and 73 respondents from Karnataka totalling to 124 respondents formed the sample for the study. The data was collected through structured interview schedule. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the KVK extension personnel of both the states were in the age group of 36-47 years having Ph.D degree, majority were males and belonged to rural family background. Very few percentage of the respondents of both the states attended trainings on ICT. Majority of the KVK extension personnel of both the states always used google search engine for acquiring knowledge under different purposes. Majority of the respondents of both the states always used telephone/ mobile phone, camera, SMS service system and whatsapp (social media application) for disseminating knowledge to farmers. Overall there was positive opinion of KVK extension personnel towards the use of ICTs. All of the respondents were agreed upon various benefits of ICTs. Inadequate training on ICT tools, lack of communication infrastructure and lack of sufficient number of computers were considered as major problems by majority of the respondents. This study suggested that the KVK extension personnel of both the states needed more trainings on ICT and more budget to improve ICT infrastructure for efficient use of ICT.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effectiveness of social networking application in dissemination of home-stead practice for Food and Nutrition
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Saroj Kumari; Mittal, Ritu
    The study entitled “Effectiveness of social networking application in dissemination of homestead practice for Food and Nutrition” considers to what extent social networking applications are effective in dissemination of right information to the right user, at right time in a better way. The overall objective of the study is to identify the suitable practice of Food and Nutrition, to develop and validate messages related to identified practice for dissemination through social networking and ultimately to study the impact of messages in terms of creating awareness through social networking. The research was conducted in Ludhiana district of Punjab. The content for the WhatsApp package was prepared from available literature from the Department of Food and Nutrition, magazine, journals, websites etc. Afterwards the package was validated by experts. To study the impact of WhatsApp package pre awareness testing was done on 90 women respondents from three different localities (rural, peri urban and urban) before intervention (WhatsApp package) and after administering the intervention, post awareness testing was done. It was found that majority of the respondents were having access to smart phone, using WhatsApp for minimum 1-3 hours from last 3 years. The WhatsApp package on „prevention of anaemia‟ was found to be significantly effective in all the three areas. It was found that merely few numbers of women were aware of normal Hb level of the children but after intervention threefold increase was seen in their awareness. Interestingly, even prior to intervention, majority of the respondents were aware of symptoms of anaemia but not about ill effects of anemia on different body parts. Surprisingly, out of three localities rural respondents were highly aware about women health issues. Taking in account the preventive measures of anaemia, majority were unaware of iron inhibitors before intervention but after intervention majority of them were aware. The level of awareness before intervention was found to be in medium category but after intervention it increased to high level category. So it is recommended that WhatsApp package on various Home Science technology may be developed for quick and timely transfer of information.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2010) Poonam Sisodia; Jaswinder Kaur, Brar
    The study was conducted to evaluate the snacking pattern in 60 joint and nuclear families (30: 30) of Ludhiana city with at least one child in the age group of 13 to 18 years. Traditional snacks/ dishes with high consumption frequency among the grand parents, parents, and adolescents were vegetable pakora, khoa pinni, suji halwa, rice kheer and sweet dalia. The commonly consumed market purchased snacks were jalebi, mathee, bread pakora, besan ladoo and samosa. The high consumption frequency of modern snacks i.e. pizza, burger, sandwich, manchurian and noodles was found in adolescents only. The nutritional analysis of snacks/ dishes revealed that the protein content of traditional homemade, traditional market purchased and modern snacks/ dishes ranged between 7.4 to 12.0, 3.5 to 9.8 and 6.2 to 12.4 g % / 100 g dry matter. The corresponding ranges for fat and energy were 3.2 to 21.9, 20.1 to 28.6 and 9.6 to 22.0 g % and 389 to 487, 474 to 516 and 419 to 482 kcal / 100 g DM. The traditional market purchased snacks such as jalebi, mathee and samosa had significantly low protein. Traditional homemade snacks/ dishes i.e. rice kheer, vegetable pakora, besan ladoo had appreciable values for protein. Modern snacks i.e. pizza, sandwich and burger had protein content at par with the traditional homemade snacks/ dishes. Although all snacks had low fibre content, modern snacks had lesser fibre when compared to traditional snacks/ dishes. High fat snacks were mathee, besan ladoo and khoa pinni (>20 %). All modern snacks had moderate level of fat content (6 to 13 %). Traditional snacks/ dishes like rice kheer and sweet dalia were particularly low in fat (1.3 to 2.5 %). On an average, modern snacks provided lesser calories when compared to most of the market purchased traditional snacks.Modern snacks like pizza (215 mg) and sandwich (104 mg) and traditional snacks / dishes like rice kheer (210 mg), sweet dalia (134 mg) and khoa pinni (199 mg) were good sources of calcium. Most of the snacks were poor or fair source of iron, the range being 0.3 to 7.0 mg / 100 g DM. the results concluded that high consumption frequency snacks may play a significant role in determining the nutritional status of consumers. So, wise choices should be made while including these snacks in their daily diets. The low fat, low carbohydrate and low protein snacks should be chosen for frequent consumption from the wide range of traditional and modern snacks.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Musculoskeletal disorders among female workers engaged in papad rolling activity
    (PAU, 2012) Gupta, Ritu; Bakhshi, Rupa
    Present investigation was carried out to study work environment, postures adopted, musculoskeletal disorders and physiological stresses faced by women engaged in papad rolling activity and to design and evaluate suitable ergonomic tools/interventions for humanizing their work environment. Study was conducted in two phases: field survey and field experiments. Field survey was conducted on 200 respondents selected purposively from Ludhiana district. Data revealed that respondents spend 4-6 hours in papad rolling activity. Postural analysis using RULA (mean score 5.5) indicated that respondents were working in poor posture. Job Strain Index (mean score 30.81) indicated that job is hazard prone. Symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders as perceived by respondents indicated that majority of respondents revealed the symptoms of transient backache, wrist/elbow strains, carpal tunnel syndrome, picondylitis, tendonitis, cervical and lumbar spondylosis. Therefor e, based on results of survey conducted and suggestions made by respondents, a rolling board was designed (6 cms high) and their work nvironment was modified. These were tested on 25 subjects selected for field experiments. Results revealed that designed rolling board and improved workplace conditions reduced heart rate (5.20%), energy expenditure (13.50%), total cardiac cost of work (15.99%), physiological cost of work (14.24%), perceived exertion (136%), angle of deviation of spine (3.01%), grip fatigue (6-7%), pinch fatigue (7-9%), and back muscles fatigue (7.49%) including body discomfort and symptoms of MSDs. RULA interpretation indicated that posture of subjects improved by using designed rolling board. Work output of the subjects increased and they were more satisfied and comfortable with the intervention.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Developing Ergonomically Designed Kitchen Aid for Reducing Physiological Stress of Women Working in Standing Type Kitchen
    (PAU, 2014) Charu; Sandhu, Pushpinder
    The present study was undertaken to study the work, worker and workplace interfacing in selected standing type of kitchens of Ludhiana city; assess physiological stress caused thereof and to evaluate ergonomically designed kitchen aid for reducing stress of working in the kitchen. The study was conducted on 200 respondents from the age group of 35-55 years, selected purposively from two zones of Ludhiana city. Self Structured Interview Schedule was prepared and pretested to assess work, worker, and workplace interface. NIOSH Discomfort Survey and Rated Perceived Exertion were used to assess the physiological stress. On the basis of anthropometric measurements of the respondents a Kitchen Aid was designed and evaluated on 20 respondents in the department laboratory. Results revealed that majority of the respondents were suffering from back pain, joint pain and acute weakness while doing kitchen activities in standing posture. They were bending, and stretching while storing. Special cooking and dough kneading were perceived as complex activities whereas Chapatti making, special cooking and dish washing as time consuming activities. Curry making and pre preparation were found to be the most liked activities but majority of them were having discomfort while doing most of the kitchen activities however the intensity of discomfort was mild to moderate and duration was less than one hour in majority of the cases. In the observation of workplace it was found that very few respondents had kitchen size below the recommendation of National Building Code. Average height of cooking, preparation centre and sink were observed to be 85.30 cm, 85.73 cm and 85.85 cm respectively which were not according to anthropometric measurement of the respondents. On the basis of survey results a Kitchen Aid was designed and evaluated in laboratory. Significant reduction was observed in heart rate, energy expenditure, and physiological cost of work while doing chapatti making and dish washing without and with using the aid. Significant difference was also observed on Rated perceived exertion, Visual Analogue Discomfort, Overall Discomfort Rating and Rapid Entire Body Assessment scale. The aid found to be effective in reducing physiological stress among the selected subjects. However, there is a need to conduct more trials on larger sample and on more activities, to recommend the AID.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Assessing Organizational Deception in Interpersonal Communication using Information Manipulation Theory (IMT)
    (PAU, 2013) Mittal, Ritu; Randhawa, Varinder
    The study was conducted to test the applicability of Information Manipulation Theory (IMT) in Indian context, prevalence of deception inorganizations and the reasons thereof. Survey design was used to collect information from the faculty of PAU by presenting violated stimulus material measuring four dimensions of message manipulation i.e. quantity, quality, relevance and manner to test the claims of the theory. All the violations were perceived as deceptive. Hence, the study proved that IMT theory is applicable in Indian context. Quality violation was perceived as most deceptive while quantity violation was perceived asleast deceptive form of information manipulation. Prevalence of deception was explored in respect of personal and academic purposes. For both the purposes, quantity violation (2.99) was found to be most widely prevalent followed by relevance (2.70), manner (2.49) and quality (2.48) violation.Overall deception mean (2.67) showed that faculty sometimes violates the information for varied purposes. Quality violation which was perceived as most deceptive was reportedly least prevalent while, quantity violation which was perceived as least deceptive was found to be the most prevalent form of deceptive communication. Reasons for violation were studied under three subheads i.e. personal factors, social factors and organizational factors. Among personal factors pleasing high- ups came out as prominent reason for deception followed by lack of skill, personality and home- work interface. Among social factors, maintaining social relationships emerged as foremost reason followed by unharmonious relationship, history of reciprocity, social undermining and apprehensions about misuse of information. Regarding organizational factors, unhealthy competition came out as foremost reason for deception followed by role conflict, organizational reward system, organizational climate and organization system. Among personal, social and organizational factors, organizational factors (2.79) were reported as the prominent factor followed by personal (2.76) and social factors (2.63). Hence, information manipulation is widel y prevalent even in academic community and the prominent reasons emerged to be rganizational factors. It can therefore, be inferred that organization must take measures to reduce sycophancy, minimize role conflict, streamline reward system and promote healthy work environment for improving overall organizational output and productivity.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Simulation of Anasazi ceramic patterns for designing printed tunics
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Garcha, Jagriti Kaur; Saini, Harminder Kaur
    The investigation entitled “Simulation of Anasazi ceramic patterns for designing printed tunics” was carried out in Ludhiana city. Forty patterns of Anasazi ceramics were collected through secondary sources out of which thirty patterns were selected to be used for simulation. These selected Anasazi patterns were used for developing 15 designs of tunics with two variations of each through CAD. An interview schedule was prepared for the purpose of collecting data from 90 college going girls between the age group of 18-22 years, selected randomly from three colleges of Ludhiana city. The results pertaining to the preferences of the respondents regarding developed designs shows that tunic designs A1, B1, C2, D1, E1, F1, G1, H1, I1, K1, J2, L1, M1, N1 and O1 with first rank were selected out of two variations of each design. Out of 15 selected first ranked designs of tunics, design F1 was most preferred with mean score of 11.18 and was given first rank. Design M1, A1, L1 and G1 were given second, third, fourth and fifth rank with mean score of 9.88, 9.71, 8.95 and 8.74, respectively. Silk fabric was most preferred by the respondents with mean score of 3.67 followed by crepe with the mean score of 2.61. Selected tunic designs were printed using screens and stencils. Printed tunics were then constructed using measurements of 36” size dress form. Developed tunic designs were evaluated by sub sample of 30 respondents on the basis of design, fabric type, silhouette and overall appearance. It was found that tunic design A1 was given first rank on the basis of all the parameters. Majority of the respondents rated the prepared tunics as very good. The largest percentage of the respondents considers the quoted price of tunics as ‘adequate’.