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  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Studies on standardisation of macropropagation technique for Dalbergia sissoo Roxb
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2024) Harmandeep Kaur; Dr GPS Dhillon
    In the present study, the effect of cutting size , position, clonal variability and IBA levels on the macro propagation and growth of plantlets in Dalbergia sissoo were evaluated . In the first experiment, shoots of clone 5 of Dalbergia sissoo were collected from the clonal hedge orchard maintained at Research Farm of the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana . The cuttings of different sizes 4 cm, 7 cm and 10 cm ) were treated with 4 hormonal treatments (0 ppm, 1000 ppm, 2000 ppm and 3000 ppm IBA) and we re planted in the mist chamber conditions. The significant differences were found among cutting sizes and IBA levels for rooting and sprouting percentage, number of roots, root length, shoot length, shoot biomass and root biomass. The 7 cm cutting size sho wed the maximum rooting percentage (70.50 %) which was statistically at par with 4 cm cutting size (70 %) and 2000 ppm had the highest rooting percentage (74.45 %) which was statistically similar to 1000 ppm IBA level (73.33 %) In second experiment, cutti ngs from different positions (top, middle and basal) were treated with 3 hormonal treatments (0 ppm, 1000 ppm and 2000 ppm IBA) and were planted in the mist chamber conditions. The significant differences were found among the cutting positions and IBA leve ls for rooting percentage, number of roots, root length, shoot length, shoot biomass and root biomass. C uttings taken from middle portion had maximum rooting (66.67 %). With regard to IBA levels, maximum rooting was observed at 2000 ppm treatment (66.67 %) which was statistically similar to 1000 ppm IBA level (64.17 %). In third experiment, s hoots from 15 different clones from the clonal hedge orchard maintained at Research Farm of the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Punjab Agricultural Univers ity, Ludhiana were collected in order to make cuttings for evaluating the variability in the rooting behaviour of Dalbergia sissoo clones. Significant differences were observed among 15 clones of Dalbergia sissoo for sprouting, rooting and growth traits. Clone 5 was found to be the best with respect to rooting percentage (61.25 %). The genetic parameters were worked out for various rooting and growth traits.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Assessment of growth performance of Melia composita seedlings in response to various soil amendments
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2024) Meenakshi; Dr. Sapna Thakur
    The present investigation entitled “Assessment of growth performance of Melia composita seedlings in response to various soil amendments” was carried out in the main experimental area, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab. In the present study, seeds of M. composita collected from phenotypically superior trees were sown in polybags in the month of February 2023. The seedlings were established in a Completely Randomized Design with three replications and were treated with nine treatments [T1-Control, T2-Inorganic (100:50:25 mg/kg of soil N:P:K), T3-50% inorganic (50:25:12.5mg/kg of soil N:P:K), T4-Jeevamrit (1000lit/ha=0.45ml/kg of soil), T5-VAM (4g/kg of soil), T6-Microbial consortium (4g/kg of soil), T7-50% inorganic (50:25:12.5 mg/kg of soil N:P:K) + 50% Jeevamrit, T8-50% inorganic (50:25:12.5 mg/kg of soil N:P:K) + 50% VAM and T9-50% inorganic (50:25:12.5 mg/kg of soil N:P:K) + 50% microbial consortium] in the month of April. The observations were recorded for various growth and physiological parameters at an interval of two months i.e., May, July and September. However, the biomass parameters were evaluated at the end of the experiment. The soil parameters were recorded twice; at the initiation and termination of the experiment. The results revealed that all the growth, biomass and physiological characteristics showed significant differences in response to varied soil amendments except collar diameter, number of branches, DQI, total soluble sugars and chlorophyll b. Further, the analysis of variance indicated significant variations for nutrient content in plant leaves and soil media in response to different soil amendments, except for phosphorus content (leaves), electrical conductivity and available nitrogen in soil. On the basis of overall mean performance, treatment T9 i.e., 50% inorganic (50:25:12.5 mg/kg of soil N:P:K) + 50% microbial consortium, showed maximum mean values for majority of the growth and biomass characters. Among physiological traits, T4 i.e., Jeevamrit (1000lit/ha=0.45ml/kg of soil) exhibited the highest mean values for starch content, while T7 i.e., 50% inorganic (50:25:12.5 mg/kg of soil N:P:K) + 50% Jeevamrit demonstrated the highest mean values for chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll, and carotenoid content. Nutrient analysis revealed that treatment T5 i.e., VAM (4g/kg of soil) displayed maximum mean value for Nitrogen (%) (leaves) while T7 i.e., 50% inorganic (50:25:12.5 mg/kg of soil N:P:K) + 50% Jeevamrit exhibited maximum mean values for Potassium (%) in plant leaves, organic carbon and available potassium in soil. The maximum mean value for available phosphorus in soil was observed in treatment T8 i.e., inorganic (50:25:12.5 mg/kg of soil N:P:K) + 50% VAM.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Variability studies for morphometric traits and seed viability of Azadirachta indica under Punjab conditions
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Ravneet Kaur; Dhakad, Ashok Kumar
    The present investigation conducted in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 2022-2023 was aimed to assess variabilities for morphometric traits and seed viability in Azadirachta indica under Punjab conditions. The seed sources collected across the Punjab were evaluated for seed traits, germination behaviour, growth and biomass traits. Besides, seed viability and cold tolerance of seedlings were also assessed. In general, seeds collected from the IGMRI and Parker House mother trees planted at PAU Ludhiana had the maximum seed weight (14.40±0.06 g/100 seeds) and seed kernel oil content (44.84±0.055 %), respectively. However, azadirachtin content was found maximum in the seeds collected from mother trees planted in south-western districts of Punjab lies in semi-arid region i.e. Bathinda (1.26±0.02 %), Fazilka (1.25±.001 %) and Mansa (1.21± 0.011 %). Seed germination ranged from 6 to 32 days with 17.98 mean germination days and ~72.00% germination success. The maximum germination percent was obtained by the seeds of IGMRI, PAU Ludhiana (96.66±11.68 %) followed by Mansa (90.00±0.57 %) sources. The maximum seedling height (69.11±5.47 cm) and collar diameter (1.28±0.15 mm) was observed S10 and S7 source. The maximum root length, number of roots, fresh and dry weight was noticed in seedlings S9 source (49.83±3.32), S5 (1.83±0.17); S3 (4.58±0.22) and S3 (1.83±0.16), respectively. The average sturdiness quotient was 36.99±2.44 for neem seedlings. The best quality seedlings were obtained from seeds sown during 4th week of July who‟s had 77.45% germination success. The seedling height and collar diameter were recorded maximum in 4th week of July 73.62±2.60 cm and 1.29±0.09 mm 90 days after sowing. The maximum root length (62.33±4.42 mm), number of roots (1.88±0.27), fresh weight (3.08±0.17 g) and dry weight (1.58±0.30 g) measured at 90 DAS was in seedling grown from the seeds sown in 4th week of July. Seedling kept in open nursery, under trees and grass cover conditions were completely dead at 2 months after planting, i.e. January, 2023. Seedling height and collar diameter growth was found significantly maximum in the seedlings kept in net house conditions. However, the root traits and biomass was found non-significantly affected with environmental conditions of physical structures.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Effect of container type and growing media on growth and nutrients uptake in Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. seedlings
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2022) Ramandeep Kaur; Garg, Rakesh K.
    The present study was conducted in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources during the year 2020-21. The study comprised of two nursery experiments established in factorial complete randomized design with three replications. The first experiment comprised of fifteen treatment combinations of five container types (plastic bottles, clay pots, plastic pots, polypropylene bags and polythene bags) and three container size (500 cm³, 1000 cm³ and 2000 cm³). Second experiment comprised of twenty one treatment combinations of three soil textures (sandy loam, loamy sand and clay loam) and seven amendments (pure soil, soil: FYM 1:1, soil: FYM 2:1, soil: bio digester slurry 1:1, soil: bio digester slurry 2:1, soil: rice husk ash 1:1 and soil: rice husk ash 2:1). Seedlings raised in large size polypropylene bags attained maximum plant height (143.27cm), collar diameter (10.53mm), number of branches (24.33), number of leaves (50.33), root length (93.90cm), number of roots (34), number of nodules (22), biomass production and nutrient (N, P and K) uptake. The reusable containers viz plastic bottles, plastic pots and clay pots can be used for producing plants to reduce dependency on single-use polythene bags in nurseries. The seedlings produced in mixture of sandy loam and bio digester slurry (2:1) resulted in maximum root length (160.33 cm), number of nodules (25.33), number of leaves (46.33), biomass production and nutrients uptake at nine months of age. Seedlings raised in sandy loam:bio digester slurry (2:1) had statistically at par plant height with sandy loam:bio digester slurry (1:1) and loamy sand:bio digester slurry (2:1) at nine months of age.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Response of Melia dubia and Dalbergia sissoo to sandy loam soil amended with water absorbent polymers
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2022) Rajesh Kumar; Dhakad, Ashok Kumar
    The present study was carried out in the Department of Forestry & Natural Resources at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during the year 2021-22. To study the effect of water absorbant polymers application on the growth, biomass, elemental concentrations in leaves and leaf physiological parameters of Melia dubia and Dalbergia sissoo, the hydrogel was applied in powdered form before planting the seedlings in pits having 50×50×50 cm3 volume at concentrations of 0, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 g/plant. Plant characteristics like plant height, collar diameter, leaf N, P, K, and physiological traits viz., chlorophyll, carotenoids, RWC, MSI and TSS were measured at 6 months or seasonal interval, while, CAI for height and diameter, crown length, crown height, root length, plant fresh and dry weight were at end of experiment (12 MAP). In Melia dubia, treatment T2 (30 gm/pit) was found best for growth and biomass parameters and lowest values was in control. However, in Dalbergia sissoo maximum readings of growth and biomass parameters were obtained in Treatment T3 (35 gm/pit) and minimum in control. The physiological parameters of Melia dubia such as N, K, RWC and MSI were recorded higher in T2 (30 gm/pit) while P was in T3 (35 gm/pit) treatment. Total carotenoid was recorded maximum for both T2 (30 gm/pit) and T3 (35 gm/pit). Chl-a, Chl-b and total chlorophyll were observed highest in T6 (50 gm/pit) and TSS was in T1 (25 gm/pit). The physiological parameters of Dalbergia sissoo did not show any definite pattern for most of the traits studied. The maximum value of N and MSI was observed in T4 (40 gm/pit), while P and K were in T2 (30 gm/pit). Chl-a, Chl-b, total chlorophyll and RWC were found maximum in T3 (30 gm/pit), total carotenoids in T6 (50 gm/pit) and TSS in T1 (25 gm/pit). Lowest values for all physiological parameters in both trees were recorded under control. The high heritability was recorded in root length, plant fresh, dry weight and few physiological traits for both Melia dubia and Dalbergia sissoo. Only growth and biomass traits showed significant positive correlation in both plant species.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Genetic variability among the open pollinated progenies of Burma Dek (Melia Composita Benth.) under field conditions
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Karanpreet Kaur; Gill, RIS
    The present study entitled “Genetic variability among the open pollinated progenies of Burma dek (Melia composita Benth)” was carried out at Regional Research Station, Bathinda during 2020-22, to investigate variation among the progenies for different growth parameters, from an established replicated progeny trial at a spacing of m, data was recorded on growth traits of twenty progenies. Progeny 1 exhibited outstanding performance for the growth parameters like Total height, DBH, straightness, clear bole height and crown length and followed by progeny 2, 19 & 6. Whereas, progeny 3 showed lowest values for these characters. The maximum mean value of number of branches was found in progeny 20. The difference between GCV and PCV was recorded for number of branches and crown length which ranged from 5.711 to 5.631% among the progenies. Majority of parameters studied were less influenced by the environment. In general, low to moderate heritability was observed for all the characters. The heritability varied from 20.950% (Crown Length) to 72.281% (Straightness). High Heritability with high genetic gain was observed for DBH and high heritability coupled with moderate genetic gain was observed for the characters like number of branches (55.862% with 1.591%) and total height (38.792% with 1.116%) among these characters. Path coefficient analysis revealed that the highest positive direct effect was observed in DBH followed by crown length and straightness at genotypic level, while at phenotypic level highest direct effect observed in DBH followed by straightness and number of branches. Highly significant and positive genotypic and phenotypic correlation was observed for majority of the characters. Genotypic correlation coefficient was higher than phenotypic correlation coefficient revealed that the less effect of the environment on the expression of these traits. All the progenies were clustered into five clusters, of which highest inter cluster distance was observed between cluster 2 and cluster 4 which showed as most divergent clusters. This study will help to identify the most distant accessions and most closely placed ones for breeding experiments to obtain hybrid vigour. Progeny 1 and 2 were promising one on the basis of Index score analysis.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Evaluation of poplar clones for growth, biomass partitioning and nutrient uptake under Punjab conditions
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Sharma, Divyanshu; Dhillon, G.P.S.
    The present study was conducted 7-years-old clones of Populus deltoides established under randomized block design with three replications to evaluate the clones for growth and genetic parameters and to find out superior clones under Punjab conditions. The number of clones were 12 and these were planted at 5 × 4 m with plot size of five trees. The study was carried out during 2022 at experimental area of Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana which falls under the Central Plain Zone. In the present investigation the following parameter viz. volume, biomass, total height, DBH, straightness, CBH, number of branches per meter crown length, crown length and nutrient uptake had been recorded. The maximum DBH was attained by clone FNR-558, whereas maximum tree height was attained by clone L-170/88 and maximum clear bole height was attained by clone FNR-558. The maximum crown length was attained by clone FNR-544, while maximum number of branches per meter crown length was attained by clone L-48/89 and highest mean value for straightness was recorded in L-247/84. The highest mean value for volume was observed in FNR-558 and highest mean value for biomass was observed in FNR-558. Significant difference among all clones was found for all the morphological characters except straightness. In nutrient uptake the highest value for nitrogen uptake was observed in L-47/88 and following was Ranikhet while highest value for phosphorous uptake was recorded in FNR-558 followed by WSL-29 and highest value for potassium uptake was recorded in FNR-558 followed by Ranikhet. High heritability was observed for all the characters except number of branches per meter crown length and straightness. Moderate value of genetic advance as percent of mean was observed for volume, crown length, and number of branches per meter crown length. Volume showed positive and very strong genotypic correlation with the diameter at breast height and tree height. Volume also showed positive and very strong phenotypic correlation with the diameter at breast height and a moderate positive phenotypic correlation with tree height. The diameter at breast height had the most direct and positive effect on volume both genotypically and phenotypically. Index score analysis was used to evaluate the overall performance of 12 Populus deltoides clones. Among these clones FNR-558 recorded highest index score followed by Ranikhet, FNR-544, L-170/88 and L-247/84, therefore showing promising results.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Influence of defoliation and nitrogen fertilizer on compensatory growth of Eucalyptus spp. and Melia composita seedlings
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Navpreet; Thakur, Sapna
    The present investigations entitled, ―Influence of defoliation and nitrogen fertilizer on compensatory growth of Eucalyptus spp. and Melia composita seedlings‖ was performed in the main research farm of Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. In the present study, the seeds of Melia composita were germinated in polythene bags, whereas Eucalyptus (clone 413) was clonally propagated in the mist chamber and shifted to polythene bags containing Soil: FYM (2:1) as growing media. The seedlings were treated with defoliation (50%) and different doses of nitrogen (Control, 3g N, 6gN, 12g N/kg soil) and were evaluated for growth, biomass and physiological characters. The results revealed that Eucalyptus and Melia composita seedlings/plants supplied with 12g N/kg soil (3 split doses) treatment produced quality seedlings with higher values for all the growth and biomass characters. The seedlings of both the species also exhibited compensatory growth in response to defoliation treatment. The physiological parameters such as total chlorophyll and chlorophyll index in both the species were also observed higher in the seedlings/plants treated with 12g N/kg soil. Similarly, the higher survival percent and DQI index of Eucalyptus and Melia composita seedlings was observed higher in 12g N/kg soil treatment. Therefore, on the basis of overall mean performance and seedling quality indices, 12g N/kg soil fertilization treatment can be recommended for production of quality planting stock of Eucalyptus and M. composita species.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of polythene bag size and potting mixture on seed germination and seedling growth parameters of Gmelina arborea seed sources under nursery conditions in Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2022) Thakur, Saurabh; Saralch, Harmeet Singh
    The present study entitled ―Effect of polythene bag size and potting mixture on seed germination and seedling growth parameters of Gmelina arborea seed sources under nursery conditions in Punjab‖ was conducted at the Research Farm of Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 2021-22, to determine the best seed source, polybag size, polybag colour, potting mixture and growing environment for higher seed germination and raising quality seedlings of Gmelina arborea under nursery conditions in Punjab by using Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The entire investigations consisted of 3 experiments with first experiment comprising of five seed sources viz. S1 (Siroha), S2 (Patan), S3 (Kundam), S4 (Jabalpur) and S5 (Shahpura) and three polybag sizes viz. 4×6 inches, 6×8 inches and 6×11 inches. The second experiment comprised of two polybag colour viz. transparent and black along with four potting media viz., pure soil, soil: FYM (1:1), soil: FYM (2:1) and soil: sand: FYM (1:1:1) and the final experiment included two growing environments viz. agro-shade nets and open field conditions. The observations were recorded for seed germination, seedling growth, biomass and quality parameters at 60, 100 and 140 days after sowing (DAS). Results revealed that seedlings grown from seed source S4 (Jabalpur) showed maximum mean values in all germination, morphological, biomass and quality parameters except sturdiness quotient and quality index and thus may be used as a seed source for raising quality planting material. The size of container displayed non significant results for germination parameters whereas, the biggest container size i.e., C3 (6×11 inches) observed significantly higher values for most morphological, biomass and quality parameters. The results of potting media indicated that P4 i.e., soil: sand: FYM in ratio of 1:1:1 had the highest values and can be regarded as the most suitable potting media for nursery seedling production. Although, germination parameters for polybag colour were insignificant, black polybag colour showed higher values for all other parameters, suggesting black polybags can be used for raising quality Gmelina seedlings. In case of growing environment, results showed higher values of growth parameter under agronet condition suggesting agronets should be utilized in the growing stage of the seedling to get maximum benefit.