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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Impact of antioxidant rich bar on lipid profile of hyperlipidemic subjects
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Jethwani, Poonam; Kochhar, Anita
    Six antioxidant rich bars were developed using puffed wheat (30g), peanut (10g) and honey (15g) as a base materials. Flaxseed and chiaseed were then separately incorporated in the bars with different levels. In the second standardization three fruits namely mango, apple and guava were individually incorporated in different proportion to the highly acceptable level of flaxseed and chiaseed bars. The incorporation of flaxseed and chiaseed was found to be acceptable at 5g and whole mango, apple and guava fruit was acceptable at 10g, 5g and 5g respectively. The raw ingredients, control bar and acceptable bars were analyzed for physical parameters and nutritional composition to analyze the effect of incorporation of antioxidant rich components. A significant (p<0.01, p<0.05) difference was observed in terms of proximate composition among the developed bars. The micronutrient content such as calcium, iron, vitamin C, β-carotene and bioactive components such as total phenols, flavonoids and tannins were significantly increased (p<0.01). Sugar, starch, in-vitro starch digestibility and in –vitro iron digestibility decreased while anti-nutrients increased in the acceptable bars. The antioxidant activity in the bars increased significantly (p<0.01), and mango-chiaseed bar was found to have highest activity of DPPH (80.09 per cent), FRAP (480.40 µmolFe2+/g), ABTS (45.49 mmolTE/55g) and RPA (222.92 mg TE/55 g). The shelf life study revealed that the acceptable bars stored in metalized polyester films had good quality attributes in terms of sensory properties, moisture content, free fatty acid value and microbial quality. To study the impact of supplementation of developed bars, 60 hyperlipidemic subjects in age group of 35-55 years were selected from the hospitals of Ludhiana and Jaipur City respectively. The subjects of experimental group were supplemented with one bar (55g) daily for 90 days. In experimental group of both the cities a significant increase (p<0.01) in intake of fruits and other vegetables were observed. Among the nutrient intake significant increase (p<0.01) in consumption of fibre, fat, calcium, iron, zinc, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C and β-carotene was observed after supplementation. In Ludhiana and Jaipur City significant decrease in weight of experimental group occurred with 1.36 and 1.30 per cent in males and 1.27 and 1.32 per cent in females respectively. Moreover, the blood pressure parameters also decreased significantly (p<0.05) in both the cities. A significant decrease (p<0.01, p<0.05) in total cholesterol (3.02 and 2.92%), Triglycerides level (4.18 and 5.46%), LDL-C (3.73 and 2.82%), VLDL-C (2.21 and 2.81%) while the increase in HDL-C (2.74 and 2.01%) was observed in the subjects of the experimental group in Ludhiana and Jaipur City respectively. The developed bars were highly acceptable, rich in antioxidants, have longer shelf life and can be used in the hospitals to improve the lipid profile of hyperlipidemic subjects.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Utilization of black carrot (Daucus carota L.) for development of functional foods
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Pragya; Grover, Kiran
    The present study was carried out to explore the utilization of black carrots in different forms viz. fresh, juice, concentrate and powder for the development of various functional foods. Fresh carrots were used to develop halwa, burfi, jam, candy, pickle and chutney, whereas juice, juice blend and RTS drink were developed by utilizing fresh carrot juice. Dairy products (ice cream, yogurt and buttermilk) were developed by incorporation of black carrot concentrate. Bakery products (bread, cookies and cakes) and two traditional products (laddoo and seviyan) were developed by incorporating black carrot powder. The products developed utilizing fresh black carrot and juice were highly acceptable. Incorporation of black carrot concentrate up to 7.5 percent level was acceptable in dairy products. In bread, incorporation of black carrot powder up to 7.5 percent level was acceptable, however only 1 percent level was acceptable in cookies, cakes, laddoo and seviyan. Analysis of fresh black carrot revealed that they possessed significantly high amount of minerals, polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. Physico-chemical analysis of products revealed that there was a significant increase in minerals namely magnesium, iron and zinc for all the developed products except for products developed by incorporating black carrot powder at 1 percent level. The magnesium and iron content ranged between 1.95 to 89.56 mg/100g and 0.11 to 5.92 mg/100g, with lowest concentration in RTS and highest in seviyan whereas, zinc content ranged between 0.03- 4.96 mg/100g with lowest amount in burfi and highest in ice-cream. A significant increase was also observed with respect to polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant activity for all the developed products. Total phenols, flavonoids and anthocyanins content ranged between 25.35 to 544.30, 9.83 to 165.91 and 4.23 to 173.30 mg/100g, respectively. The antioxidant activity was observed to be in the range of 26.63 to 87.34 percent. The products supplemented with black carrot concentrate were found to be nutritionally superior in terms of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity as compared to products developed from fresh, juice and powder. The shelf life of most of the developed functional foods namely jam, candy, pickle, chutney, RTS, cookies and seviyan was found to be up to 60 days. For halwa, burfi and laddoo, it ranged between 10- 30 days however, bread and cake showed the lowest shelf life of 3 to 5 days. Hence, the present study recommends that black carrots have potential use as ingredient in different food products. It helps to improve food quality by providing a diet rich in bioactive compounds, which are beneficial for human health.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Impact of extruded snacks formulated from cereal, germinated pulses, green leaves and amla powder on the nutritional status of malnourished children
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Pathak, Neha; Kochhar, Anita
    Two types of ready to eat extruded snacks were developed using wheat-defatted soy flour and wheat-germinated green gram flour mixed in the ratio of 3:1, each incorporated with amla powder and black carrot leaves powder for malnourished children. Both types of extruded snacks were acceptable at 6 per cent amla powder and 2 percent black carrot leaves powder. The acceptable extruded snacks along with their respective raw material were analyzed for nutritional composition to see the effect of extrusion. A significant (p < 0.01) difference was observed in terms of proximate composition among the developed products. Among all the acceptable extruded snacks, highest energy value, in-vitro protein digestibility, in-vitro iron digestibility, vitamin C was found as 374.99 kcal, 88.74 per cent, 16.13 per cent 21.74 mg/100g and respectively for extrudates developed using germinated green gram flour with 6%amla powder and 2% black carrot leaves powder. The minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorous; total phenol, tannin content and antioxidant activity of all extrudates increased significantly (p<0.05, p<0.01) after extrusion while the anti-nutrients decreased significantly after extrusion. The shelf life study revealed that the acceptable extrudates stored in laminated packs had good quality attributes in terms of sensory properties, moisture content and microbial quality. To study the impact of supplementation of extruded snacks, 60 preschool moderately malnourished children in the age group of 3 to 5 years were selected from three ICDS centers of Ludhiana city. The subjects of experimental group were supplemented with 100 g of the extruded snacks for 90 days. In experimental group a significant (p < 0.05), (p < 0.01) increase in intake of all food groups except for other vegetables and fruits as well as all macro and micronutrients was observed. An increase in weight (16.89%), BMI (14.87%), MUAC (3%) and in biochemical parameters like blood albumin (11.66%), blood protein (9.19%) and haemoglobin (12.40%) was observed in the subjects of experimental group after supplementation. The developed extruded snacks could be recommended for malnourished children under supplementary feeding programmes, ICDS centres in the developing countries.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Formulation and nutritional evaluation of cereal-pulse based extruded snacks supplemented with dehydrated herbs
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Gurpreet Kaur; Singla, Neerja
    In the present investigation, a combination of wheat and chickpea (80:20) was used for formulation of extruded snacks which were supplemented with varying levels of 1-5 percent dried herbs namely Basil (BL), Mint (ML), Drumstick leaves (DL) and a mixture of all these herbs (MXL) having one percent of each herb. While comparing fresh and dried leaves of herbs, It was found that dried leaves had significantly higher (p<0.01) levels of crude protein, fibre, fat, ash, β-carotene, minerals (Ca, Fe and Zn) and bioactive components. Organoleptically extrudates were found to be most acceptable at three percent level of supplementation for all the herbs. Overall acceptability of various extrudates was in order of MXL>DL>ML>BL. A significant change (p<0.05) in physical parameters namely mass flow rate, bulk density, moisture retention, expansion ratio, water absorption index, water solubility index and water holding capacity (WHC) of supplemented extrudates was observed as compared to their control counterparts. The moisture, ash, crude protein, fibre and fat content of supplemented extruded snacks ranged from 3.40 to 3.88, 2.32 to 2.90, 11.35 to 12.20, 3.0 to 3.36 and 1.67 to1.75 g/100g, respectively. Ascorbic acid and β-carotene content of supplemented extruded snacks ranged from 9.72 to 12.98 mg/100g and 54.71-98.10 µg/100g, respectively. Total iron, calcium and zinc content in supplemented extruded snacks were found to increase in the range of 19-29, 38-77 and 52-63%, respectively in comparison to control. The total phenol and flavonoid content of supplemented extruded snacks varied from 153.45 to 184.76 mg GAE/100g and 222.38 to 384.40 mg RE/100g, respectively. The percent increase in total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in supplemented snacks ranged from 97-124, 93-125, 96-154 and 25-46%, respectively by DPPH, ABTS, FRAP and RPA, respectively as compared to control. The percent decrease in moisture, ash, protein, fat and fibre ranged from 58-60, 14-18, 0.73-0.87, 19-23, 5-8 %, respectively among the supplemented extrudates in comparison to their raw mixtures. The reduction in vitamin C and β-carotene content was 18-21 and 2-3%, respectively after extrusion. The reduction in phytate, oxalate and trypsin inhibitor content after extrusion was 8-9, 14-15 and 21-24%, respectively after extrusion. Percent increase in total phenols and flavonoid content after extrusion was in the range of 24-28 and 2-3%, respectively. A significant increase (p<0.05) in TAC as measured by DPPH, ABTS, FRAP and RPA was observed among supplemented extrudates as compared to their raw mixtures. An increase of 20, 26 and 35 % for in vitro carbohydrate, protein digestibility and iron bioavailability was observed in supplemented extrudates after extrusion. While determining the effect of storage period and type of packaging on organoleptic parameters like appearance, colour etc. were not much affected while changes were observed in texture, taste and flavour. Statistically significant increase in moisture content and decrease in TAC was observed on storage of extrudates in both the packaging materials aluminium laminates (AL) and Ziploc pouches (ZL). However, the rate of loss in TAC was comparatively lower in aluminium laminate stored extrudates as compared to Ziploc pouches. However, moisture and the microbial count were found to be within the permissible limits even after four months of storage period. It can be concluded that supplementation of some of the commonly used dehydrated herbs leaves in the powder form to the cereal-pulse based extruded snacks can help to introduce a new type of value added snacks which will not only satisfy consumers short time hunger but also provide numerous health benefits especially in terms of bioactive components.