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  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Processing and functionality of turmeric (Curcuma longa) for value addition
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2024) Basha, Shaik Jakeer; Dr Kamaljit Kaur
    The investigation was carried out to study physiochemical, engineering and bioactive properties of turmeric varieties Punjab Haldi-1 and Punjab Haldi-2 at two harvesting stages i.e. early-harvest and harvest stage. Best variety in all characteristics (Harvest- Punjab Haldi-2) was further utilized for processing into turmeric powder (variable blanching and pressure cooking) and curcumin extraction by solvent extraction (various solvents), and supercritical fluid extraction. Turmeric powder processed by blanching time 15 min was considered as best method due to higher yield of curcumin content. Super critical fluid extraction executed higher extraction yield (94%). Solvent extraction resulted in loss of aromatic and flavour compounds from turmeric as revealed by FTIR. Three different types of products were developed from various forms of turmeric that is turmeric candy was prepared from fresh rhizomes by variation in processing methods, bread was prepared by incorporating turmeric juice (0-5%), powder(0-5%), puree (0-5%), turmeric extract (0.1 to 0.4 %), and turmeric juice (0-30%) was utilized for enrichment of soymilk. Developed products were subjected to proximate analysis, bioactive component analysis, textural, color properties, microbial analysis, storage studies and organoleptic evaluation. The shelf-life analysis revealed that the incorporation of turmeric increased the bioactive composition, acceptability index and shelf life of products than control. Thus, turmeric addition may enrich the nutritional value of products and also utilization of fresh turmeric rhizomes for commercialization.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Technologies for utilization of hull less barley for high fibre foods
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Mahamudu Mohamed Sasamalo; Amarjeet Kaur
    Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is the fourth significant cereal cultivated for human use next to wheat, rice and maize. The demands of barley production keep on increasing day to day due to its diverse utilities, nutritive value and ever-increasing demand. Keeping these in view Punjab Agricultural University has developed two hull less barley, variety PL 891 and BHS 352. These two hull less barley varieties PL 891 and BHS 352 were procured from Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics and were given treatments viz. germination, pressure cooking, acid and alkali and milled into flour. Milled sample were analyzed for chemical composition, functional and rheological characteristics. Barley flour was stored and estimated for shelf life. The effect of treatments for changes in functional, nutritional and antinutritional was studied. All the treatments showed increase in protein content, crude fiber and dietary fiber ranging from 12.5912.77%, 4.06-4.52% and 17.48-23.8%, respectively. β-glucan content improved after treatments; ranging from 4.02-5.05%. Processing caused 33.7-74.3%, 24.4-81.4 %, 75.7-84.6% and 43.173.1% reduction in antinutritional factors such as tannins, saponins, phytic acid and trypsin inhibitor, respectively. Notably, the mineral bioavailability as well the in-vitro protein digestibility and the antioxidant potential improved with the processing. Food products such as chapatti, flat bread and cookies were prepared by 30% incorporation level. Barley drink was prepared by using 100% roasted barley grains. Among the food products prepared, for chapatti all the treatments were accepted by the panelist with the highest overall acceptability of 8.50 from those prepared from germinated flour, for flat bread and cookies those prepared from alkali treated grains had highest overall acceptability of 8.55 and 8.50, respectively. Between hull less barley varieties, variety PL 891 was found better in preparation of high fiber chapatti, flat bread and cookies and variety BHS 352 was found better for preparation of fiber barley drink.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Characterization of pea processing waste for use in food products
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Bhullar, Harinderjeet Kaur; Amarjeet Kaur
    Utilization of vegetable processing industrial waste remain unexplored, but their by-products have been recognized as potential source of nutrients. Thus, the present study focused on the characterization and utilization of the pea processing waste. Pea processing waste as pea peels and small peas were blanched at 80°C for 3 minutes in 5% sodium chloride solution prior to drying (60°C for 5 hours). Blanching significantly (p<0.05) reduced ascorbic acid content (22.81%), total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars by 3.44%, 4.76%, 2.28% respectively and antinutritional factors as tannins, phytates and saponins by 35.71%, 50% and 5% respectively, while enhanced the phytochemical composition and antioxidant activities (8.18%, 10.02%, 4.81% and 24.34% increase in DPPH radical scavenging activity, ABTS radical scavenging activity, ferric reducing antioxidant power and reducing power respectively). Blanched pea peel powder contained considerable amount of all essential and non-essential amino acids, micro and macro minerals and also exhibited good functional properties. Further, protein was extracted from fresh pea peel by isoelectric precipitation method at 9 solubilization pH and 4.5 precipitation pH. Protein content of extracted pea peel protein was found to be 83.25% which exhibited variety of polypeptide subunits of molecular weight between 25 and 75 kDa. The incorporation of pea peel powder into wheat flour decreases peak viscosity, final viscosity and dough stability but increases water absorption (%) and dough development time. Thermal analysis of refined wheat flour substituted with pea peel powder revealed the increase in the onset, endset and peak temperature and also rheological attributes as storage modulus (G´) and loss modulus (G´´) increased with the increase in level of incorporation in both frequency sweep and temperature sweep test. The blanched pea peel powder was further incorporated in bakery products (cookies), extruded products (noodles), fermented products (pizza base) and traditional product (chapatti). Based on the quality and sensorial attributes, incorporation level of 10%, 7.5%, 20% and 20% was found optimum in cookies, noodles, pizza base and chapatti respectively. Cookies and noodles remain acceptable beyond 4 months of storage at room temperature (30±2°C) whereas, pizza base was acceptable for 3 days at ambient conditions (25±2°C) and for 7 days at refrigeration conditions (4±2°C). Pea peel powder incorporation increased the fiber content in all prepared products (cookies, noodles, pizza base, chapatti). This study opens an avenue to boost nutritional value of food products with additional benefit of waste management and sustainable environment by utilizing pea peels.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Development of instant Khichdi mix using extrusion technology
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Dolly; Baljit Singh
    “Khichdi” is an ancient Ayurvedic recipe which has been an integral part of Indian diet since ages. It is contemplated as a staple, well balanced and nutritionally wholesome meal that is an eminent source of nourishment in Ayurveda. Traditional foods like Khichdi are losing their place in our diet because of the lack in the availability of their pocket friendly convenience forms. Extrusion processing with versatile advantages is established as an attractive process that could be utilized for the instantization of such indigenous food products. So, the present research study was undertaken to explore the possibility of utilizing extrusion technology for the preparation of instant Khichdi mix in coherence with the standards outlined by Bureau of Indian standards, 1991. Seven improved and high yielding cultivars of rice (PR-114, PR-121, PR-122, PR-123, PR-124, PR-126 and PR-127) and one green gram cultivar (SML 668) were profiled in context of their dimensional, gravimetric, physico-chemical, technofunctional, and bio-functional and anti-oxidant properties. Followed by, the assessment of physicochemical, thermal, and rheological properties of rice cultivars with possible implications on their extrusion characteristics to screen them in context of their suitability for extrusion. Based on the investigated outcomes cultivar PR-122 was selected for the development of instant Khichdi mix. A response surface methodological approach was applied using Software Design expert version 13.0 (State-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, USA) to scrutinize the impact of various processing variables on process and product responses of instant rice and green gram. The indicated response ranges for optimization of instant rice were; Specific Mechanical Energy of (250-320 Wh/kg), expansion ratio of (2.90-3.20), bulk density of (207.46 – 392.78g/cc), water absorption index (6.52 – 8.41 g/g), water solubility index (26.984 – 33.803%), hydration power (250 – 305%), wettability (0.94 – 1.51min), hardness (159.74 – 165.72 N), breaking strength (42.78 – 51.32 N), L* value (65.04 – 75.12), a* value (2.7 – 3.14), and b* value (11.3 – 13.18). The optimized variables for instant rice and green gram were; feed moisture (1616.47 and 17-18%), screw speed (380-447 and 250-325rpm), and barrel temperature (139-150 and 147154ᵒC), respectively. Furthermore, in accordance with BIS 1991, the recipe for Khichdi was standardized (rice, green gram, edible fat i.e. ghee -8 g, salt - 4 g, cumin – 3.5 g, garlic – 2 g, and turmeric – 2.5 g). Five different blends having variable percentages of rice and green gram were prepared and analyzed for their physicochemical composition, In vitro starch, and protein digestibilities, bio-functional composition and antioxidant activities, microbial quality, and organoleptic quality. As per the results formulation with 60 % instant rice and 40% instant green gram was selected for a subsequent storage and shelf life study. Metallized polyester (90 μ) and polypropylene (75 μ) pouches were used for the comparative profiling of product’s shelf life (moisture content, water activity, free fatty acids, peroxide value, thio- barbituric acid values, and organoleptic quality (color, flavor, consistency, taste, and overall acceptance) for a period of 8 months. It was found that mixes packaged in metalized polyester were far more stable in comparison to polypropylene. Although the overall increase in peroxide value, fatty acid content and TBA values were nonsignificant, but the products in metallized polymer were found to be of superior in context of microbial and organoleptic qualities.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Millets; antioxidant activity; functional properties; in vitro digestibility; fabricated grains; pasta
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Sharma, Rajan; Sharma, Savita
    The term ‘nutri-cereals’ has been dedicated to ten cereal grains by Government of India owing to their agrarian and nutritional excellence. These are sustainable crops due to lower water requirement and adaption to harsh environmental conditions. These grains possess biologically active compounds which have several health beneficial properties due to antioxidative mechanisms. The present investigation was carried out with the objectives of characterization, processing and value addition of proso millet, foxtail millet, barnyard millet, white and red sorghum. The nutri-cereal grains were characterized for physical and biochemical properties. Further, these grains were subjected to different processing treatments viz. soaking (12 h at 25°C), germination (48 h at 25°C), fermentation (20 h at 38°C) and dual processing (germination and fermentation) at preliminary optimized conditions. Influence of aforesaid processing treatments was assessed on anti-nutritional compounds, bioactive constituents &anti-oxidant potential, techno-functional properties, in vitro starch & protein digestibility and structural-molecular features of nutri-cereal flours. There was significant reduction (p<0.05) in the anti-nutritional factors expect for saponins which increased during germination due to the fact that only those compounds which are plant reserve material are depleted while those involved in defense mechanism are increased during seed germination. Further, increase in total phenolic and flavonoid content corresponded to antioxidant activity which was mainly due to enzymatic degradation of cell wall constituents augmenting the release of bound polyphenols and their biosynthesis during given treatments. Similar changes were also observed in technological properties including water solubility, oil absorption, emulsification potential which increased during these treatments while water absorption, gel consistency and swelling power were affected due to molecular degradation of starch which limited their potential to retain water. Most predominant impact was observed for dual processed nutri-cereal flours in case of all bio-technofunctional parameters. Macromolecular degradation during germination and fermentation was evident from scanning electron micrographs and FTIR spectrum further revealed variation in molecular arrangement of starch and protein fractions. In vitro starch and protein digestibility were also found to increase dur to triggered enzymatic action and better access to substrate after germination and fermentation. Processed nutri-cereals were utilized to develop different food formulations including extruded products (fabricated grains, pasta), fermented product (curd) and indigenous products (premix, pancake, pinni and chappati). It was found that these nutri-cereals flours could be potentially utilized for different products to add nutritional and biological value without significant effect on the product quality and technological functionality. Organoleptic evaluation suggested that processed nutri-cereal products were acceptable with respect to visual, olfactory and textural attributes. It could thus be inferred that nutri-cereals (untreated and processed) are potential ingredients for value added products.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Processing and value addition of variety bell peppers into different shelf stable products
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Navpreet Kaur; Sachdev, Poonam A.
    The investigation entitled ‗‗Processing and value addition of variety bell peppers into different shelf stable products‘‘ was undertaken with the objectives to develop technology for the drying of bell peppers, bell pepper pulp and products, frozen bell pepper snacks and to study the organoleptic acceptability as well as shelf stability of the products. In order to get a good quality dried product from bell peppers, the Response Surface Methodology (Box- Behnken Design (BBD) was used for establishing the relationship of response (Antioxidant activity, Total phenols, Moisture content, Rehydration ratio and Coefficient of rehydration) with respect to two independent variables i.e time and temperature for all three peppers i.e. green, red and yellow. Drying at 55°C for15.5 h in a cabinet dryer yielded high quality dried bell pepper. The freeze drying method was found the best to retain physicochemical and phytochemical constituents. The antioxidant activity of freeze dried green, red and yellow bell pepper slices were 40.00 mg TE/100g, 77.33 mg TE/100g and 78.97 mg TE/100g, respectively at the end of storage period. The bell pepper pulp was prepared by three methods i.e cold pulping (CP), hot pulping (HP) and barbecue (B) and evaluated for physicochemical, phytochemical and antioxidant activity. The hot pulping method was found to be the best in retention of phytochemical constituents while antioxidant activity was found highest in cold pulped bell pepper. The formulation of bell pepper sauces was done from red and yellow bell peppers using three different preparation methods (cold pulping (CP), hot pulping (HP) and barbecue (B). The FTIR technique revealed the presence of several compounds (associated with the absorption bands) in the bell pepper sauces whereas other aromatic chemical compounds were estimated qualitatively using gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometry. The hot pulping method of red bell pepper sauce preparation had more enhancing effect on the phytochemical and antioxidant activity. While the sensorial characteristics were better for both red and yellow bell pepper sauce prepared with barbecue method. Utilization of bell pepper powder (red, green and yellow) was also done for making bhujia and pasta. Storage studies (at 25-30 °C/50-87% RH) revealed that the physicochemical parameters of bhujia remained unaffected except moisture which increased significantly (P<0.05) whereas, a significant (P<0.05) reduction in bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity was observed. However, free fatty acid and peroxide values significantly (P<0.05) increased which remained well within maximum permissible limits. The enriched bhujia were microbiologically safe with shelf life of 3 months without use of any chemical preservative. The Bhujia prepared by utilizing dried red, green and yellow powder was highly acceptable in terms of all the sensory attributes. The pasta prepared with 10% bell pepper powder had optimum quality and more acceptability than the control sample. For the preparation of frozen products from bell pepper, two formulations namely F1 with corn flour and rice flour, F2 with gram flour and rice flour were selected. Based on preliminary sensory trials, F2- gram flour+rice flour were selected which yielded better sensory product. The mean ascorbic acid, total phenols and antioxidant activities of frozen snacks was found to be 81.22 mg/100g, 133.43 mg GAE/100g and 45.33%, respectively from end storage studies at -20 °C and revealed that all the physicochemical and phytochemical parameters remained unchanged. Similarly, rancidity parameters increased nonsignificantly (p<0.05). The frozen snacks remained highly acceptable during storage without significant change in quality. The present study has revealed the utility of bell pepper for value addition in various products i.e dried slices, pulp, sauce, frozen snacks, bhujia and pasta.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Development and Characterization of Starch Based Bionanocomposite Films for Packaging of Perishables
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Prastuty; Gurkirat Kaur
    The present study aims to develop and characterize montmorillonite (MMT-1.5% & 2.5% w/v) and starch nanocrystals (SNCs-0.5%, 1% & 2% w/v) based corn starch films loaded with lemongrass oil nanoemulsion (LNE-2% v/v) for their mechanical, barrier, morphological, antimicrobial and biodegradable properties. Results revealed that film reinforced with 1.5% MMT and 1% SNCs greatly enhanced the tensile properties and water resistance; however, further increasing concentration of MMT and SNCs reduced tensile strength and made films brittle and opaque. Incorporation of LNE resulted in formation of cavities in film’s microstructure; consequently, enhancement in mechanical and barrier properties were not as evident as Starch/MMT or Starch/SNCs based films. Moreover, synergistic effect of nanofillers and LNE improved antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. X-ray diffraction and FT-IR spectroscopy confirmed that observed modifications were related to intercalation and exfoliation between corn starch and nanofillers in the presence of LNE. Influence of various bionanocomposite films on the quality characteristics of strawberries, chicken patties and paneer stored at 4ºC was also determined. Amongst bionanocomposites utilized, MMT/LNE films exhibited best preservative effects on quality of food perishables, owing to its better barrier properties than SNCs/LNE films. MMT/LNE based bionanocomposites exhibited least changes in physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological properties of food perishables. Results illustrated that SNCs and MMT reinforced bionanocomposite films loaded with LNE possess the potential to be used an active packaging to increase the shelf stability of food perishables at refrigerated temperature and can be used as a feasible alternative for petroleum based non-biodegradable food packaging materials.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Processing and utilization of peanut and its flour in food products
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Dikkala, Praveen Kumar; Kamaljit Kaur
    Peanuts are a high-energy food that contains a significant amount of fat, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and nutraceuticals like anthocyanins and resveratrol. Because of their high nutritional value and pleasant or unique flavour after roasting or pressure cooking are consumed worldwide. It contributes a substantial share of cooking oil content. Punjab agricultural university has new varieties (J-87, SG-99 and TG 37A) of peanut whose potential for product development needs to be explored. This work aimed to characterize and evaluate the varieties of peanuts grown at the Punjab Agricultural University so that commercial peanut products could be made from them. Raw peanut kernels were assessed for proximate composition, mineral content, pasting properties and antioxidant activity, functional properties, and aflatoxin contents. The peanut varieties had high protein and fat content ranging from 23.50- 23.83 % and 46.26 to 46.69 %. Roasting and pressure cooking reduced the protein content and carbohydrates and anti-nutritional factors present in peanuts. Pressure cooking caused a reduction in saponin contents from 6.4 to 12.91 percent. Roasting and pressure cooking increased the pasting properties of different peanut kernel flours. The processing of peanut kernels was beneficial in improving functional properties, invitro protein digestibility, and antioxidant activities. Different value-added products play an important role in nutritional balancing. Amongst the cultivars, the highest oil contents were observed in TG 37 A, followed by SG-99 and J-87. Treatments like pressure cooking and roasting increased oil yield. Protein contents were increased in defatted peanut flour chapatti. SG-99 defatted peanut flour chapatti is more acceptable than control. Peanut milk prepared from the SG99 cultivar has more protein content. Treatments had altered the nutritional composition of peanut milk. Peanut skin fortified butter and keto cookies played an important role in nutrition. Shelf-life evaluation of peanut keto-cookies for four months cleared that they were self-stable. Punjab agricultural university peanut varieties could be potentially used to prepare commercial peanut products. Therefore, it was clear that SG-99 could be recommended to prepare defatted peanut flour chapatti, peanut butter, and peanut milk. TG37 A cultivar could be recommended for the production of oil production.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Development and evaluation of micronutrient fortified ready-to-bake frozen potato paranthas
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Kaul, Shivani; Kamaljit Kaur
    The investigation was carried out to standardize the conditions for encapsulation of iron and zinc by spray drying technique which were further utilized in fortification of ready-to-bake frozen potato paranthas. The native starch was modified by four techniques that is pre-gelatinization, alcohol and alkali treatment, microwave treatment, and ultrasonication treatment. The alcohol and alkali modified starch was selected due to higher cold-water solubility and maximum modification and hence were further used in the encapsulation process. The encapsulation process was carried out from four different formulations having 10, 20, 30, and 40% TSS. Fe 30 and Zn 30 were selected on the basis of various physical and chemical attributes. Fe 30 and Zn 30 were used to fortify wheat flour and then potato paranthas were prepared. Three different types of paranthas were prepared that is unfortified parantha (UFP), parantha fortified with encapsulated iron/zinc (EFP), and parantha fortified with unencapsulated iron/zinc (UnFP). These three paranthas were packed in aluminium laminates and vacuum packs and further stored under frozen conditions (-18°C). The prepared product was subjected to proximate analysis, bioactive analysis, microbial analysis, and organoleptic evaluation. The shelf-life analysis revealed that the product can be effectively stored for three months in aluminium laminates and five months in vacuum packs with an overall acceptability of more than seven. Thus, to combat malnutrition and deliver convenience, fortified ready-to-bake frozen potato parantha is one of the best technique to cater wide consumer demands.