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  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Effect of silicon dioxide application on morphological traits and corm production in gladiolus
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2024) Jasmeen Kaur; Dr. Tanya Thakur
    The study entitled “Effect of silicon dioxide application on morphological traits and corm production in gladiolus” was carried out at Research Farm, Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab during 2022-23. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications to study the effect of different basal treatments of silicon dioxide (S1: 0 kg/ha (control), S2: 25 kg/ha, S3: 50 kg/ha, S4: 75 kg/ha and S5: 100 kg/ha) applied along with four foliar treatments (F1: water spray (control), F2: 1% SiO2, F3: 2% SiO2 and F4: 3% SiO2) in gladiolus cv. ‘White Prosperity’. The basal application of silicon dioxide @100 kg/ha recorded earliest corm sprouting (8.17 days), spike emergence (101.68 days), flowering (122.42 days) as well as maximum plant height (103.91 cm), spike length (79.88 cm), spike weight (15.51 g), vase life (8.75 days), number of corms (1.40) and cormels (28.74) per plant, cormels weight per plant (22.65 g) and silicon content in leaves (2.04%), whereas @75 kg/hectare recorded maximum leaf length (54.97cm), total dry spike matter yield (2.80 g), size of corm per plant (4.31 cm) and nitrogen content in leaves (1.23 %) which were at par with 100 kg/ha. The foliar application @3% SiO2 (F4) observed early spike emergence (101.53 days) and flowering (122.28 days) along with maximum plant height (99.33 cm), spike length (82.18 cm), floret size (9.73), spike weight (15.51 g), number of corms (1.42), cormels (29.24) per plant, size of corm (3.93 cm), corm and cormel weight per plant (32.34 g and 17.58 g), silicon content in leaves (1.88%) and partitioning coefficient (0.26). Hence, it was concluded that the basal application of silicon dioxide @100 kg/ha along with the foliar treatment @ 3% at 3rd and 6th leaf stage could be recommended to improve vegetative growth, flowering and cormel production in gladiolus.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Effect of salt stress on growth and flowering of selected winter annuals
    (2024) Aishwarya; Dr. R. K. Dubey
    This study was carried out to analyse the morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of four winter annuals; Tagetes erecta, Tagetes patula, Calendula officinalis and Dianthus chinensis under salt stress. Thirty days old seedlings of uniform height were transplanted in 8” earthen pots containing soil: FYM (2:1) as growing media in third week of October, 2022. The plants were irrigated with six different NaCl concentrations viz T1 (0 mM - control), T2 (40 mM), T3 (80 mM), T4 (120 mM), T5 (160 mM) and T6 (200 mM). Calendula officinalis was found to perform best with 100 % survival rates till T3 (80 mM). Also highest plant height (45.13 cm), plant spread (21.77 cm), number of branches per plant (13.40), number of leaves per plant (132.33), leaf area per plant (688.16 cm2), number of flowers per plant (14.47) and flower size (6.05 cm) was observed in T3 (80 mM) for C. officinalis. Survival percentage was observed to be 100 % for T1(0 mM) in T. erecta, till T2 (40 mM) in T. patula and D. chinensis and was decreased for further treatments. Results suggested that highest plant height, plant spread, number of branches per plant, number of leaves per plant and leaf area per plant was observed for T1(0 mM) in T. erecta, for T2 (40 mM) in T. patula and D. chinensis and was decreased thereafter with increase in NaCl concentration. Early bud appearance and lesser days to full bloom were recorded for plants irrigated with saline water than taken in control. Highest number of flowers per plant, flower size, chlorophyll ‘a’, chlorophyll ‘b’ and carotenoid content was observed for T1(0 mM) in T. erecta, for T2 (40 mM) in T. patula and D. chinensis and decreased with increasing salt concentration thereafter. Relative leaf water content followed an inverse relation whereas electrolyte leakage followed a direct relation with salt concentration. Proline content, SOD, POD and catalase activity was increased with increase in salt concentration. The results obtained indicate the sequence of salt tolerance is Calendula officinalis > Dianthus chinensis > Tagetes patula > Tagetes erecta.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Exploring chrysanthemum genotypes (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) to overcome pre-fertilization barriers for improvement of self and cross compatibility traits
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2024) Shaik Rehana; Madhu Bala
    The present investigations entitled “Exploring chrysanthemum genotypes (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) to overcome pre-fertilization barriers for improvement of self and cross compatibility traits” were undertaken at the Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Punjab Agricultural University and Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana during 2020-2023. In the present study, twenty chrysanthemum genotypes were evaluated for various morphological attributes, among which Punjab Shyamli (cut flower), Punjab Shingar (loose flower), Gul-e-Sahir, Haldi Ghati and Punjab Mohini (pot culture) were identified as promising genotypes. The same genotypes were explored for self-incompatibility traits through selfing and further categorized as self-compatible (SC: 4 genotypes), partially self-compatible (PSC: 9 genotypes) and self-incompatible (SI: 7 genotypes). Various pre-fertilization barriers i.e., low pollen germination, inhibition of pollen tube growth on stigma and degeneration of embryo sac were identified as potential causes of failure of autogamy. Cross-compatibility was also assessed by evaluating the reproductive traits following crossing in ten genotypes and found that, all the genotypes were cross compatible. The SI (7) and PSC (9) genotypes identified from experiment-1 were subjected to various special pollination techniques i.e., early bud pollination, delayed pollination, GA3 @ 50 mg L-1, mentor pollination and gamma irradiation (100 Gy for 15 seconds) and the best results were achieved with the mentor pollination technique in various SI and PSC genotypes. Furthermore, a segregating population of fifteen selfed and twenty crossed F1 progenies was raised from the seeds obtained in experiments1 and 2 which were evaluated for various morphological and reproductive traits. From the F1 population, three superior hybrids viz., S₁₀P₁ (Himanshu selfed), C₁P₁ (Gul-e-Sahir x Gauri) and C₂P₁ (Reagan Emperor x Himanshu) were identified and forwarded for further improvement.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of nutrition and planting distance on yield and quality loose flower production in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Maan, Ravinderpal Singh; Madhu Bala
    The study was conducted on "Effect of nutrition and planting distance on yield and quality loose flower production in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.)" at Research Farm, Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during the year 2020. Rooted cuttings of chrysanthemum variety "Punjab Shingar' planted at different spacings (40×30cm, 40x40cm and 40×60cm) were subjected to application of different nitrogen levels (control, 30, 40 and 50 kg/acre). The experiment was laid out in Split plot design with three replications. The observations were recorded on all the vegetative and floral parameters. The result revealed that the maximum plant height (52.52cm), flowers/plant (90.54), shelf life (7.66days) and yield/acre (74.96q) were observed with nitrogen @ 4Okg/acre, whereas, nitrogen applied @ 50 kg/acre resulted in the maximum plant spread (43.14cm), branches/plant (7.30), and flower diameter (5.82). With respect to the spacing treatments, the plants planted at 40x40cm resulted in the maximum flower yield/acre (66.97) Spacing level 40x60 cm resulted in the maximum plant spread (40.36), branches/plant (6.50), flower/plant (86.80) and flowering duration (36.92). From the present study, it can be concluded that chrysanthemum plants fertilized with nitrogen @ 40 kg/acre with 40x40 cm spacing is an ideal combination of fertilization and planting distance for producing maximum yield and quality loose flower of variety "Punjab Shingar".
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Effect of pruning level and time on growth and flowering of ornamental climbers
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Parteek Singh; Dhatt, K.K.
    The study entitled “Effect of pruning level and time on growth and flowering of ornamental climbers” was carried out at Research Farm, Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab during 2022-2023. The present study was planned with the objective to standardize the pruning time and level of ornamental climbers. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications to study the different pruning time (2) and pruning levels (4 bud stage, 8 bud stage, Tip pruning and control). The optimal pruning time for Adenocalymma alliaceum was late September, that resulted in early bud initiation, bud sprouting, flower bud initiation, and flowering (40.20 days). Plants pruned at the 8-bud stage (L3) took minimum time to leaf bud initiation (22.41 days), leaf bud sprouting, and time to flowering (48.33 days). For Petrea volubilis, late January pruning resulted in minimum time for leaf bud initiation, bud sprouting, leaf sprouting, flower bud initiation, and flowering (47.16 days). In Petrea volubilis pruning at the 4-bud stage was early to leaf bud initiation, bud sprouting, leaf sprouting, and flower bud initiation (45.33 days). In Quisqualis indica, late March pruning leads to the least time for flower bud initiation (46.00 days) and flowering (64.58 days). Leaf bud initiation (5.33 days), bud sprouting, leaf sprouting, flower bud initiation (52.25 days), and flowering (70.83 days) was earliest in plants pruned at 4 bud stage (L2). Pruning at 4 bud stage in Pyrostegia venusta has same trend as in Quisqualis indica with maximum leaf length, width and area.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Evaluation of different genotypes of French Marigold (Tagetes Patula L.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Jashandeep; Parminder Singh
    The present study entitled “Evaluation of different genotypes of French marigold (Tagetes patula L.)” was conducted during rainy and winter season of 2020 at Research Farm, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab. The study aimed at finding out the best genotype for both rainy and winter season amongst the eleven genotypes in terms of plant growth and flower yield. During rainy season, the maximum plant height (55.17 cm), plant spread (68.64 cm), stem diameter (11.73 mm), flowering duration (57.70 days), number of flowers per plant (266.30), flower size (4.83 cm) and flower yield/plot (12.78 kg) were observed in „Local Selection No.2‟ genotype. Days taken to bud visibility (35.48 days) were also observed to be minimum in „Local Selection No.2‟, whereas, number of braches per plant (14.71) were maximum in „Local Selection No.3‟. During winter season, maximum plant height (52.10 cm), plant spread (55.59 cm), number of branches per plant (11.47), stem diameter (11.16 mm), flower duration (57.68 days), number of flower per plant (255.10), flower size (4.88 cm) and flower yield/plot (14.52 kg) were observed in „Local Selection No.9‟ genotype. Number of days taken to bud visibility (31.18 days) were also observed to be minimum in „Local Selection No.9‟, whereas, days taken from bud to flower opening (18.16 days) was minimum in „Local Selection No.7‟. It is concluded from this study that „Local selection no.2‟ for rainy season and „Local Selection No.9‟ for winter season were found to be the best in terms of growth and flower yield of French marigold.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of Different Fertigation Levels on Growth and Flower Production in Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii L.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Maddirala, Vamsi; Parminder Singh
    Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii L.) commonly known Transvaal daisy is an important commercial cut flower crop. Gerbera flower stalks are long, thin and leafless and have a long vase life. Experiment was conducted to determine the impact of different fertigation levels on growth and flower production in Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii L.). Five fertigation levels i.e., T1 to T5 (60, 80, 100, 120 and 140% of commercial fertigation schedule) and four varieties V1 to V4 (1654, Livia, Haimi and Petali) were used to conduct the trial. Quarterly observations were recorded on multiple traits. In the month of June, treatment T4 had the maximum plant height, plant spread, number of leaves, leaf area and SPAD value. Treatment T3 caused early flower bud opening with larger flowers, longer stalk length, higher flower yield and more vase life. In varieties, V4 had the maximum plant spread, leaf area and SPAD value while V3 had maximum flower diameter, stalk length and disc diameter. Number of flowers per plant and vase life was maximum in V2. In the subsequent quarters i.e., September, December and March, fertigation treatment T3 recorded highest plant height, plant spread, leaf area, SPAD value, early flower bud opening, flower diameter, stalk length, number of flowers and vase life. Amongst varieties, V4 had higher plant height, plant spread, leaf count and flowers, whereas, V2 had shown early flower bud opening, maximum flower diameter, flowering duration and vase life. So, to conclude, fertigation treatment, T3 (100% of commercial fertigation schedule) caused significant improvement in the plant growth and flower production which was statistically at par with treatment T4 (120% of commercial fertigation schedule). Variety V4 (Petali) performed best in terms of flower production and vase life that was statistically at par with V2 (Livia).
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of pruning time and height on growth and flowering of rose (Rosa gruss-am-teplitz)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2022) Gurveer Kaur; Ranjit Singh
    The study was conducted to find the effect of pruning time and height on growth and flowering of Rose Rosa gruss-an-teplit2). Two-year old plants were used for the research. The Five pruning time treatments (1sh September, 1sh October, 15h November, 15h December and 15h January) were combined at height of PH (45cm) and PH, (90cm) from ground level. The Factorial Randomized Block Design method was used to set up the experiment with three replications. For vegetative parameters, maximum (144.08 cm) plant height was recorded at 90 cm pruning height, maximum (93.16 cm) plant spread was recorded in 90 cm pruning height, maximum (44.00) number of branches and maximum (2027.2) number of leaves were also observed at height of 90 cm from ground level. In case of floral parameters, early (31.17) days to visible bud appearance, less (37.13) days to color break, less (45.16) days to opening of first flower and less (60.50) days to 50 % flowering were recorded in pruning at height of 45 cm from ground level on 15h September pruning whereas maximum (7.27 cm) flower diameter was obtained on 15" November pruning. The number of petals, petal length and petal width were reported almost similar in all pruning time and pruning height treatments whereas pruning on 15h November showed maximum flower weight which was almost similar in 15 October pruning. In case of yield parameters, maximum (362.33) number of flowers was recorded at height of 45 cm height in 1sh September month pruning which was also found at par with 15 October and 15 November pruning but maximum (1715.6) flower yield was recorded at 45 cm pruning height in October which was almost recorded similar in November month pruning at 45 cm pruning height. So, on the basis of result obtained in study, pruning at height of 45 cm from 1s October to 15h November was best in improving flower yield of Rosa gruss-an-teplitz in open field conditions of Punjab.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Evaluation of green waste compost as a growing media for flowering annuals
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Sharma, Sukhdeep Kumar; Dubey, R.K.
    The present investigations entitled “Evaluation of green waste compost as a growing media for flowering annuals” were undertaken at Landscape Nursery, Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, during October - 2020. Four flowering annuals (Dianthus chinensis, Calendula officinalis and Bellis perennis and Tagetes patula) were transplanted in polybags of size 7 x 5 and 12 x 10 inches, filled with green waste compost (GWC) and soil in different proportions i.e. . GWC 100%, GWC 75% + Soil 25%, GWC 50% + Soil 50%, GWC 25% + Soil 75% , FYM 50% + Soil 50% (Check) and Soil 100% (Control) during October 2020. Maximum plant height (43.89 cm), were observed in Dianthus chinensis, maximum plant spread (36.64 cm) were observed in Calendula officinalis, maximum number of primary branches per plant (24.20) were observed in Calendula officinalis, higher number of flower per plant (30.35) were observed in Calendula officinalis and maximum flower size (5.81 cm) were observed in Calendula officinalis in T3 (GWC 50% + Soil 50%). Maximum Shelf life (12.71 days) were observed in Dianthus chinensis and Duration of flowering (96.03 days) were observed in Calendula officinalis in T3 (GWC 50% + Soil 50%).Plants growing in media (GWC 100%) were somewhat stunted and chlorotic for several weeks after transplanting probably due to higher levels of EC (2.82 dS/m) and pH (7.53). The growing media composition was observed to be an ideal in T3 (GWC 50% + Soil 50%) i.e. pH (7.20), EC (0.43 dS/m), OC (1.26%), percent available nitrogen (0.27%), percent available phosphorus (0.22%), percent available K (0.20%), total porosity (40.83%) and water holding capacity (75.80%) for nursery raising of flowering annuals. On the basis of growth performance evaluated, the sequence for growth parameters is Calendula officinalis>Dianthus chinensis> Tagetes patula and Bellis perennis . GWC 50% + Soil 50% proved superior growing medium for growth of four flowering annuals than other media.