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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of nutrition and planting distance on production of quality cut stems of chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum Ramat.) Kitam
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Malkit Singh; Madhu Bala
    The study was conducted on “Effect of nutrition and planting distance on production of quality cut stems of chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum Ramat.) Kitam.” at the Research Farm and Postgraduate Laboratory of the Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during the year 2018-19. Plants of chrysanthemum cv. “Yellow Star” planted at different spacings (10×10 cm, 15×10 cm and 20×10 cm) were subjected to different applications of nitrogen levels (control, 10, 20, 30 and 40 g/m2). The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three replications. The observations recorded revealed that all the vegetative and floral parameters were influenced by different levels of nitrogen and plant distances. Nitrogen applied @ 10 g/m2 recorded the minimum days to bud appearance (89.11 days) and days to 50 % flowering (102.00 days). The maximum flower diameter (12.52 cm), number of flowers/stem (11.73), weight of fresh cut stem (86.80 g) and vase life (21.66 days) were also observed in the same treatment, whereas, nitrogen applied @ 40 g/m2 resulted in the maximum plant height (83.77 cm), number of leaves/plant (43.62) and length of cut stem (77.14 cm). With respect to spacing treatments, the results obtained from plants planted at 20×10 cm revealed the maximum leaf area/plant (1326.34 cm2), number of leaves/plant (37.53), flower diameter (11.24 cm), number of flowers/stem (9.48), weight of fresh cut stem (75.83 g) and vase life (19.33 days). However, the maximum plant height (80.65 cm), minimum days to bud appearance (90.93 days), minimum days to 50% flowering (106.40 days) and maximum cut stem length (74.64 cm) was recorded in plants planted at 10×10 cm. From the present study, it can be concluded that chrysanthemum plants fertilized with nitrogen @ 10 g/m2 and planted at 20×10 cm spacing is an ideal combination of fertilization and plant distance for production of good quality cut stems of chrysanthemum cv. „Yellow Star”.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Integrated Weed Management in Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Anish Chander; Dhatt, K. K.
    This present investigation entitled “Integrated weed management in gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.)” was carried out at Research Farm, Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab during 2018-2019. Different mulching materials viz. black 25μ, silver on black 25μ, transparent 25μ and white 50μ polythene mulch and paddy straw mulch at 1 kg, 1.5 kg, 2 kg/m2 were used. The effect on vegetative, floral and corm production along with their effect on weed control was studied to ascertain the effective mulching material that can promote the plant growth, suppress the weed growth and increase weed control efficiency. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications in each treatment. The results showed significant increase in the above-mentioned plant growth parameters than the control. Transparent and white polythene mulch showed earliness in sprouting (9.23 days) and (9.27 days), bud initiation (55.61 days and 56.22 days) and days to flowering (74.07 days 75.50 days). Black polythene mulch showed better plant growth in terms of plant height (90.30 cm), spike length (75.31 cm). The number of florets per spike (12.39) and the duration of flowering (15.60 days) was the maximum in white polythene mulch (50 μ). Black polythene mulch showed better cormel growth in terms of corm per plant (1.86), corm weight (61.20 g) and cormels per plant (28.35). The predominant weeds observed were Oenothera laciniata, Coronopus didymus and Poa annua. The maximum weed count was observed in the weedy check plot (39.76) along with maximum weed fresh weight (41.26g) and dry weight (26.99g). Pendimethalin @ 0.5 kg/ha recorded the minimum weed count (1.75). Hand-weeded plot showed maximum weed control efficiency (WCE) (100 %). Paddy straw mulch 1 kg/ m2 conserved the soil moisture the most (9.82 %). The average maximum soil temperature during the investigation was found to be in transparent polythene mulch 25μ and white polythene mulch 50μ. The transparent polythene mulch 25μ and white polythene mulch 50μ showed earliness in sprouting, bud initiation and days to flowering. The black polythene mulch 25μ promoted plant growth in terms of plant height, spike length and duration of flowering and enhanced cormel growth in terms of corms and cormel per plant along with corm weight and also suppressed the weeds efficiently with minimum weed count recorded (2.33).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of growth regulators on propagation of Song of India (Dracaena reflexa Lam.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Bhatia, Navjot; Parminder Singh
    The present investigations entitled ―Effect of growth regulators on propagation of Song of India (Dracaena reflexa Lam.)‖ were undertaken at research farm of Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 2018-19. Terminal cuttings of Song of India were treated with five concentrations each of IBA (100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm) and NAA (100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm) for three minutes. Treated cuttings were planted in two rooting media i.e. sand and water during second fortnight each of February and July along with control treatment. Results showed that number of days taken for sprouting of cuttings were least when cuttings were treated with IBA 200 ppm (18.58) and NAA 300 ppm (18.67). Rooting percentage, root length, number of roots, fresh and dry weight of roots, shoot length and stem thickness were observed maximum with IBA 200 ppm and NAA 300 ppm. Survivability of plants was recorded maximum (100 %) with IBA 200 ppm, IBA 300 ppm, IBA 400 ppm, IBA 500 ppm, NAA 200 ppm and NAA 300 ppm. Number of leaves was recorded highest with IBA 200 ppm (12.54) and NAA 200 ppm (12.12). Among planting times, second fortnight of February had significant effect on number of days taken for sprouting of cuttings, dry weight of roots, shoot length, stem thickness and number of leaves, while second fortnight of July gave maximum rooting percentage, root length and percentage survival after three months of transplanting. To conclude, cuttings of Song of India treated with IBA 200 ppm and NAA 300 ppm in the month of July and planted in sand media were found to be the best for its propagation.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Genotype × Environment Interactions for Quantitative Traits in Gladiolus
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Harsimrat Kaur; Dhatt, K. K.
    The present investigation entitled “Genotype × environment interactions for quantitative traits in gladiolus” was undertaken in the experimental field area of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, during 2018-2019. Eight genotypes of gladiolus were planted on six different dates i.e. 15th October, 10th December, 30th December, 20th January, 10th February and 28th February. The analysis of variance was conducted as per randomized block design to assess the level of variability and phenotypic stability for each trait among the genotypes. Mean square values for genotypes and environments were found significant. The planting on 15th October gave the best results for all the genotypes. Variety Novalux (6.07 days) took minimum number of days from bud initiation to flowering when planted on 20th January. Variety Punjab Pink Elegance planted on 15th October resulted into tallest plants (99.28 cm), longest spikes (85.67 cm), maximum number of florets per spike (15.62), maximum vase life (15.13 days) and long flowering duration (19.25 days). Variety Punjab Glance produced bigger florets (7.93 cm) and maximum number of corms (1.73), and also resulted in maximum corm weight (83.43 g/corm). Variety Punjab Pink Elegance possessed high mean, regression coefficient unity (bi = 1) for days to bud initiation (73.21 days), plant height (76.33 cm), spike length (64.55 cm), number of florets per spike (12.79) and Punjab Glance had high means and regression coefficient bi=1 for days to sprouting (21.26 days), corm diameter (3.60 cm) which represents average stability for these parameters and it is well adapted to all the environments. Hence variety Punjab Pink Elegance and variety Punjab Glance proved to be the best performing and the most stable varieties among the eight genotypes.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Evaluation and nutrient management of turf grass species
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Simrandeep Singh; Madhu Bala
    The present investigations entitled “Evaluation and Nutrient Management of Turf grass Species.” were carried out at Research Farm Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab during 2018-19 with the objectives to evaluate different turf grass species suitable for different purposes and also to standardize nitrogen requirements for Selection No. 1 grass species. The different species of turf grasses, viz. Cynodon dactylon var. Selection No. 1, Cynodon dactylon var. Tif Dwarf, Cynodon dactylon var. Local tift and other species like Zoysia japonica and Zoysia tenufolia were evaluated for different parameters. The maximum leaf length (3.77 cm), leaf width (2.13 mm), root length (16.10 cm), fresh weight of clippings (123.30 g), dry weight of clippings (61.34 g) and number of mowings (1.85) was recorded in Cynodon dactylon var. Selection No. 1. The highest shoot density in Cynodon dactylon varieties was recorded in Local tift (269.31 shoots/ 100 cm2). Among the Cynodon dactylon varieties Local tift exhibited lowest leaf width (1.34 mm), fresh weight of clippings (5.14 g), dry weight of clippings (3.16 g) and lowest number of mowings (0.28). The leaf length (1.31 cm) and root length (13.33 cm) was found minimum in Cynodon dactylon var. Tif Dwarf and the minimum shoot density (142.56 shoots /100 cm2) was recorded in Cynodon dactylon var. Selection No. 1. Among Zoysia species, Zoysia japonica and Zoysia tenuifolia were at par for leaf length and leaf width, whereas, shoot density (352.06 shoots/ 100 cm2) was recorded in Zoysia japonica. The maximum root length (14.31 cm), fresh weight of clippings (74.23 g), dry weight of clippings (36.24 g) and number of mowings (1.28) was observed in Zoysia tenuifolia. In second experiment, Cynodon dactylon var. Selection No. 1 grass species used to standardize the different level of nitrogen (0, 10, 20 and 30g). It was observed that the application of N @ 30 g resulted in the maximum leaf length (4.72 cm), shoot density (262.75 shoots /100 cm2), fresh weight of clippings (138.41 g), dry weight of clippings (79.77 g) and numbers of mowings (2), however, the maximum leaf width (2.53 mm) was recorded at 20 g N application. The highest root length (19.73 cm) was found with the 10 g N dose. The minimum leaf length (3.66 cm), leaf width (1.99 mm), shoot density (142.91 shoots/100 cm2), root length (16.77 cm), fresh weight of clippings (123.46 g), dry weight of clippings (65.34 g) and number of mowings (1.33) was recorded in control (0 g N) due to less growth. It was concluded that Cynodon dactylon var. Selection No. 1 performed best for all morphological parameters and suitable for commercial cultivation. Cynodon dactylon var. Local tift having ability to form cushion or soft turf grass, best for low maintenance and suitable for smaller area. The second experiment, it was concluded that N application @ 30 g/ square meter improved the turf quality with respective to leaf length, shoot density, fresh weight of clippings, dry weight of clippings and numbers of mowings.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of pre-harvest factors on growth and vase life of flowers in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Sharma, Nidhi; Madhu Bala
    The present investigations entitled “Effect of pre-harvest factors on growth and vase life of flowers in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.)‟‟ were carried out at Research Farm and Postgraduate Laboratory, Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab during 2018-2019. Effect of various levels of nitrogen (0, 10, 15 and 20 g m-2) on growth and flowering of chrysanthemum cultivar „White Star‟ was studied to standardize the cost-effective dose of nitrogen for maximum yield and quality cut flower production. The experiment was laid out as randomized block design with five replications under each treatment and the results showed that there was significant increase in all the parameters in each treatment as compared to control. The earliness in bud appearance (88.20 days), number of flowers per stem (10.60), weight of cut stem (30.21 gm), stem diameter (7.24 mm), flower diameter (13.01 cm), leaf area (1579.78 cm2) and vase life in distilled water (20.07 days) was recorded to be the maximum when the plants were fertilized with nitrogen @ 10 g m-2 and this dose was the best dose that can be recommended as economic dose for commercial cut flower production in chrysanthemum. In another experiment different concentrations of floral preservatives were used as holding solutions to standardize the optimum concentration to increase the post-harvest keeping quality of chrysanthemum cut stems. The chrysanthemum cut stems harvested from the field fertilized with the best level of nitrogen i.e. 10 g m-2 were placed in different holding solutions containing sucrose (2%), aluminium sulphate (300 ppm) and benzyl adenine (25 and 50 ppm) along with distilled water (control). The experiment was laid out using completely randomised block design with three replications under seven treatments. The holding solution containing sucrose (2%) + aluminium sulphate (300 ppm) + benzyl adenine (25 ppm) was recorded to be the best treatment with respect to the maximum delay in leaf yellowing (17.89 days), complete floret senescence (29.98 days) and improved water uptake (138.67 ml/cut stem) as well as the maximum vase life (27.22 days) of the chrysanthemum stems.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Weed management in rose through integration of straw mulch and oxyfluorfen
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Komaldeep Kaur; Dubey, R.K.
    A research trial entitled “Weed management in rose through integration of straw mulch and oxyfluorfen” was enacted at the Research Farm, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana to study the influence of integration of straw mulch and oxyfluorfen on weeds, on growth as well as flowering parameters of rose. The experiment was spread out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with seven treatments that consists of Paddy straw mulch @0.6kg/m2, Paddy straw mulch @1.2 kg/m2, Oxyfluorfen @0.025g/m2, Oxyfluorfen @0.025g/m2 + Paddy straw mulch @0.6kg/m2, Oxyfluorfen @0.025g/m2 + Paddy straw mulch @1.2kg/m2, Hand weeding (at monthly interval) and unweeded control. The weed species Amaranthus viridis, Anagallis arvensis, Chenopodium album, Euphorbia hirta, Oxalis martiana, Phyllanthus niruri as broadleaves, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Digitaria sanguinalis and Eleusine indica as grasses and Cyperus rotundus as sedge were observed in the field. The findings unfold that integration of straw mulch and oxyfluorfen decreased the weed density of all aforesaid weed species and biomass of dry weeds of sedges, grasses, and broadleaves weeds, rather than the application of paddy straw mulch and herbicide alone. Further, the effect of Oxyfluorfen @0.025g/m2 + Paddy straw mulch @1.2kg/m2 was more pronounced than Oxyfluorfen @ 0.025g/m2 + Paddy straw mulch @0.6kg/m2. The expansion in the growth parameters attributing to plant height, plant spread and a number of branches as well as a rise in the number of flowers, flower yield, flowering duration, and flower diameter was observed with oxyfluorfen @0.025g/m2 + Paddy straw mulch @1.2kg/m2. Apart from that, minimal days to flowering and the highest net returns were also turned out in the same. However, all these parameters were recorded superior in hand weeding but expensive. The mulching results in increase in soil temperature during cold periods and drop in the same with rise in temperature. Along these lines, for realizing better management of weeds and higher production, the combination of oxyfluorfen @0.025g/m2 with Paddy straw mulch @1.2 kg/m2 could be taken over in rose.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of different shade levels on growth and development of Peace lily (Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum (Liebm.) Engl.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Tejukumar B K; Parminder Singh
    The study was conducted in pots to determine the effect of different shade levels (open field condition, 35%, 50%, 75% and 90%) on growth and development of Peace lily (Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum (Liebm.) Engl.) during 2018-19 under the subtropical region of Ludhiana, India. The optimum shade level on vegetative growth and quality production was evaluated at quarterly intervals for plant growth. Shade nets not only secure plants from high light intensities but also increase the vegetative growth, quality and vase life of cut foliage of Spathiphyllum. Plants which were grown under open field conditions were severely affected during both the extremes. Plants grown under 75% shade level showed best vegetative parameters such as plant spread, leaf length, No. of leaves per plant, leaf thickness, petiole girth, fresh and dry weight of leaves and flower parameters such as No. of flowers per plant, flower stalk diameter when compared to other treatments. Plant height, leaf breadth, chlorophyll content of leaves, flower stalk length, spathe length, spathe breadth and vase life was increased with increase in shade levels and seen highest under 90% shade level but these were at par with 75% shade level. So it can be concluded that Spathiphyllum plants don‘t survive under open field conditions and require 75% shade for their optimum growth and development.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of sewage water and potting media on growth and flowering of Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Gurjeet Singh; Dubey, R.K.
    The present study was conducted to evaluate the interactive effect of treated sewage water and organic potting media on growth and flowering of Calendula officinalis. Four main organic potting media Soil + Farm Yard Manure (FYM), Cocopeat +Soil+ FYM, Cocopeat+ FYM and Cocopeat + Soil were used and plants were irrigated with Tap water (100%), Sewage water (100%), Tap water + Sewage water (75%:25%) and Tap water + Sewage water (50%:50%) .Maximum plant height (31.06 cm), plant spread (37.36 cm), number of branches / plant (22.87), early bud appearance (36.05 days), early flowering (42.60 days), more number of flowers/plant (36.68), more duration of flowering (96.74 days), larger flower size (5.61 cm) and individual flower life (9.67 days) of calendula were observed in Cocopeat + FYM. Sewage water (100%) showed maximum plant height (28.24 cm), plant spread (33.99 cm), number of branches/plant (18.62), early bud appearance (38.28 days), early flowering (43.40 days), more number of flowers/plant (32.80), more flowering duration (96.88 days), larger flower size (5.41 cm) and individual flower life (8.09 days) in calendula. Cocopeat + FYM shows the maximum EC(4.25 ds/m), percent available N (0.70%), percent available K (0.91%), total porosity (66.6 %) and minimum pH (7.23). Cocopeat + Soil + FYM shows maximum percent available P (0.53%).Sewage water (100%) shows maximum pH (7.74), EC (2.13 dS/m), N (0.92mg L-1), P (1.63 mg L-1) and K (24.15 mg L-1). Tap water shows minimum N, P and K.Sewage water (100%) shows maximum lead (3.61 mg L-1), cadium (0.33 mg L-1), chromium (3.62 mg L-1), nickel (8.71 mg L-1) and tap water (100%) shows minimum lead, cadmium, chromium and nickel.