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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Design, development and evaluation of a variable rate applicator for real time application of fertilizer
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Mirzakhaninafchi, Hasan; Manjeet Singh
    There is a strong need to avoid use of excessive N as it is unlikely to be effective in increasing crop yields because of its diminishing returns. Therefore, a study was conducted to design and develop a variable rate fertilizer applicator to detect real time deficiency of nitrogen in the field and applying it as per requirement of the crop. To design and develop variable rate applicator, fluted roller type metering mechanism was selected due to having more uniformity than spinner disc type applicator. Suitable nitrogen (N) sensor i.e. Greenseeker was selected for the development of applicator. The microcontroller system was developed and PWM valve was used to vary the rotational speed of hydraulic motor resulting variation in the rotation of metering mechanism shaft. Field performance of the developed machine was measured at different levels of nitrogen (kg/ha), height (cm) of sensor from the crop canopy and at different growth stages of the crop. Fluted roller type metering mechanism was selected having lesser variation (CV ranging from 6.0 to 8.0 %) in fertilizer rate applied as compared to the spinner disc type fertilizer applicator having CV ranging from 20.0-50.0 %. Fertilizer rate at 10 rpm of metering mechanism shaft was minimum i.e. 15.18 kg/ha and was maximum 54.38 kg/ha at 40 rpm of the shaft speed. Speed of shaft of metering mechanism changed from 0 to 40 rpm when NDVI was changing from 0.75 to 0.35. The response time of the control system to apply fertilizer in the field was within the range of 6.45 to 7.81 s. Applied fertilizer by using developed variable rate applicator at different growth stages of the rice crop at 40, 60 and 80 DAT indicated that when fertilizer rate is increasing from N1 to N4, NDVI is increasing from 0.49 to 0.69. Hence, shaft speed is decreasing from 27 to 7 rpm to apply the fertilizer rate 35.47 to 9.00 kg/ha respectively. Total fertilizer applied by variable rate applicator was 122.32 kg/ha instead of 225 kg/ha as recommended by the university resulting 45% saving in fertilizer by using developed variable rate applicator.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Investigations on selected design and operational parameters of threshing mechanism of conventional combine harvester for basmati crop
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Bhardwaj, Manvendra; Dogra, Ritu
    “Basmati” is a long grain aromatic rice grown for many centuries in the specific geographical area, at the Himalayan foothills of Indian sub-continent. Basmati rice is distinct among other aromatic long grain rice varieties. This study has been planned to find suitable changes required in conventional combine harvester for harvesting Basmati. The independent parameters chosen were arrangement of spikes viz., 44 (AS1), 68 (AS2) and 136 (AS3) spikes, concave clearance viz., 13-9 mm (CC1), 15-11 mm (CC2) and 17-13 mm (CC3) and cylinder speed viz., 560 rpm (CS1), 640 rpm (CS2) and 720 rpm (CS3) were chosen for experimental work. AS1CC3CS1 (44 spikes, 17-13 mm and 560 rpm) was the best combination as it gives 3.50 % (visible loss) and 17.33 % (invisible loss) (dependent variables) which was minimum during the year 2017. Based on the best combination obtained, ± 15 % was chosen for arrangement of spikes, concave clearance and cylinder speed respectively. Arrangement of spikes viz., 36 (AS1), 44 (AS2) and 52 (AS3) spikes, concave clearance viz., 15-11 mm (CC1), 17-13 mm (CC2) and 19-15 mm (CC3) and cylinder speed viz., 480 rpm (CS1), 560 rpm (CS2) and 640 rpm (CS3) were chosen for experimental work. AS1CC3CS1 (36 spikes, 19-15 mm and 480 rpm) was the best combination as it gives 0.38 % (visible loss) and 16.00 % (invisible loss) which was minimum during the year 2018, it is also comparable to prevalent practice i.e., from 0.25 to 0.95 % (visible loss) and from 1.50 to 4.50 % (invisible loss) (dependent variables) which was less as compared to harvesting with combine harvester. Threshing was almost complete with this combination (AS1CC3CS1) i.e., 98.704 and 98.686 % in the respective years (2017 and 2018). Optimum values obtained through optimization at this combination of AS1CC3CS2 where visible loss was 2.28 %, invisible loss was 16 % and threshing efficiency was 98.762 %.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Design, development and evaluation of tractor operated seeder for mat type paddy nursery
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Modi, Rajesh Uttreshawar; Manes, Gursahib Singh
    A tractor operated seeder for mat type paddy nursery was designed, developed and evaluated. The machine cuts soil from both sides and transfers it through the inclined belt conveyor to the horizontally placed soil conveying auger which distributes the soil equally on the sieving system. The sieving system drops the soil into the hopper of soil distribution unit placed beneath it. Before soil distribution unit, a soil compaction roller fitted at front of the machine compacts the soil surface. Polythene sheet roller was provided to lay downs the polythene sheet on this compacted soil surface. Soil hopper has a soil metering roller which drops the soil at a uniform thickness on the laid polythene sheet. Simultaneously, seed metering mechanism placed rear of soil distributing unit distributes the seed on the prepared soil bed in a uniform manner in one go. The machine was evaluated in the laboratory/controlled field conditions at three level of sieve oscillation (238, 318 and 398 spm), two level of sieve opening size (25×20 and 50×25 mm) and for two depth of soil cut (40 and 80 mm). These independent parameters significantly affected the dependent parameters namely seed spread, soil mat thickness and pulverization index at 5% level of significance, whereas seed damage and plastic sheet damage were non-significant. The higher overall seed spread at the middle bite of transplanter cut was 91.00 % and overall soil mat thickness at 950 mm bed width was 92.93 % corresponding to the best operational parameter combination of sieve oscillations 398 spm, sieve opening size of 25×20 mm and depth of soil cut of 80 mm. The pulverization index was 2.01 mm whereas, seed damage and plastic sheet damage was negligible. The field evaluation was conducted at these operational settings of the machine on three soil types (sandy loam, loam and silt loam) at three forward speeds 1.7, 2.2 and 2.7 km/h. The soil type had a non-significant effect whereas forward speed significantly affected the performance of the machine at 5 % level of significance. Best results were obtained at a forward speed of 1.7 km/h for 950 mm bed. At these operational parameters the mean overall seed spread was 90.93 %, mean overall soil mat thickness 97.88 %, seed germination 89.73 %, fuel consumption 4.36 l/h and effective field capacity 0.11 ha/h.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Design, development and evaluation of a dust separation system for wheat straw combine
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Ali, Mudasir; Dixit, Anoop
    In northern India, wheat straw is the main and major feed source for domestic milch animals and has huge demand and economic value. During straw combining operation a lot of dust and foreign materials goes into collector which comes from settled dirt on straw lying in the field, the undulations on the field which cause the cutter bar to hit them during operation, very low height of cut with the intention to retrieve more straw and also due to bunds and rodent burrows in the field. Excessive dirt intake may lower feed intake, disrupt digestion and may have adverse impact on animal health. The design and development of an integral dust separation system for straw combine is the need of the farmers particularly in Punjab, so as to obtain the quality straw. An integral dust separation system for wheat straw combine was designed and developed to reduce the soil entrainment into the bruised straw. A perforated sheet of 2050×425 mm effective size with 7 mm diameter hole size, was provided at a distance of 130 mm behind the cutter bar and under the straw conveying unit. To remove soil clods, which goes along the cut straw while straw being pushed towards the bruising unit, a clod trapper was made of rectangular metal sheet of size 1415×180×3 mm hinged vertically and inclined with the lower body of the machine by helical spring. A bruising drum (1450×740 mm) consisting of serrated tooth M type blades (204 blades) for bruising the wheat straw was developed. The width of concave was 1435 mm with peripheral length of 920 mm. A counter cutter (3 rows and 53 blades) for effective size reduction of straw was provided adjacent to concave, under the bruising drum with a cleaning sieve of 5.0 mm diameter hole size placed below it. A centrifugal blower having 762 mm diameter was used for the blowing of bruised wheat straw. The bruised straw was collected into the wire meshed trailer, hooked behind the machine by means of a maneuverable duct. The dust separation was evaluated in the laboratory using sieve setup. During laboratory evaluation of the dust separation system, the independent parameters viz sieve opening size (S), sieve oscillations (O) and straw load (L) had significant effect on the straw quality parameters like ash content, acid insoluble ash and dust concentration. From the laboratory study S3O3 (sieve opening size 5.0 mm and sieve oscillations 400 stroke/min) as operational parameter was selected for field evaluation. The independent parameters for field evaluation were forward speed (2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 km/h), clod/stone trapper mechanism opening (32.5 and 25.0 mm) and wheat variety (HD 3086 and HD 2967). The dependent parameters for field study were straw size, ash content, acid insoluble ash, dust concentration, fuel consumption, and actual field capacity. From field evaluation the best suited performance combination of independent parameters was found at forward speed F1 (2.0 km/h) and clod trapping mechanism opening T1 (23.5 mm) in terms of minimum ash content (8.82 and 8.89 %), minimum acid insoluble ash (4.98 and 5.01%), minimum dust concentration (6.64 and 6.67 %), minimum fuel consumption (6.20 and 6.25 l/h) and desired range of straw size (19.71 and 18.20 mm), respectively for both varieties. The field capacity of wheat straw combine having developed integral dust separation system at forward speed 2.0 km/h was 0.36 ha/h, whereas, it was 0.34 ha/h for commercial wheat straw combine. The ash content, acid insoluble ash, dust concentration and straw size of bruised straw obtained from straw combine with integral dust separation system were 4.68 %, 1.72 %, 4.61 % and 20.86 % lesser compared to straw obtained from commercial straw combine (control). The cost of operation of the improved machine was calculated to be Rs 890/h.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Design, development and evaluation of tractor operated spading machine
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Karwasra, Nitin; Dogra, Baldev
    One of the most important operation in farming is tillage that handles the breaking of soil. Soil tilth needs to be managed by best management practice in order to reduce energy consumption. Primary advantage of spading machine as compared to the other ploughing methods is that it does not over-pulverize and create compact layer at the bottom of tilled soil. The present study was conducted to design, develop and evaluate a tractor operated indigenous spading machine. A crank-rocker type motion of four-bar mechanism was selected to simulate the spading action. Analytical analysis of four-bar mechanism was conducted and the link lengths were optimized using simulation software. The gearbox was developed assuming 50hp tractor to be used for operating the machine and its 3D model was developed in CAD software. The machine was fabricated and assembled with the help of a manufacturer. Field evaluation of the developed spading machine was conducted at three levels of forward speed (S1= 2.26, S2= 3.37 and S3= 4.92 km/h), three levels of depth of operation (D1= 20 , D2 = 25 and D3= 30 cm) and three levels of angle of attack (A1= 30°, A2= 35° and A3= 40°). The performance was analyzed on selected dependent variables i.e. bulk density, PTO torque, pulverization index and cone index. Statistical analysis revealed that forward speed (S) and depth of operation (D) had significant effect at 5% level of significance, while no significant effect observed for angle of attack (A) on bulk density of tilled soil. Maximum and minimum mean bulk density was observed at S3D3A3 (1.54 Mg/m3) and S1D1A1 (1.17 Mg/m3), respectively. PTO torque was affected significantly by forward speed and depth of operation, while angle of attack had no significant effect at 5% level of significance. Maximum and minimum mean PTO torque was observed at S3D3A1 (550.78 Nm) and S1D1A3 (327.66 Nm), respectively. Pulverization index was affected significantly by forward speed and depth of operation, while angle of attack had no significant effect at 5% level of significance. Maximum and minimum mean pulverization index was observed at S3D3A1 (18.20 mm) and S1D1A3 (3.68 mm), respectively. Effect of forward speed and depth of operation was statistically significant while angle of attack had no significant effect at 5% level of significance for cone index. Maximum and minimum cone index was found at S3D3A1 (1888.09 kPa) and S1D1A3 (624.27 kPa), respectively.