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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2011) Rajneesh Kumar; Anoop Kumar, Dixit
    The agriculture sector of the country is mainly dependent on diesel for its motive power and to a large extent for power applications. Increased farm mechanization in agriculture, further increases requirement of this depleting fuel source. To overcome the problems associated with the use of petroleum derived fuels, it becomes necessary to develop alternative fuels with properties comparable to petroleum based fuels. Among the alternative fuels, biodiesel fuel has received much attention in recent years for use in diesel engines and could be one alternative in the country to reduce petroleum diesel import. Research has been done in the country using methanol. But, methanol is toxic in nature. Ethanol is derived from biomass. Ethyl ester derived from plant oils by using ethanol brings extra carbon atoms through ethanol molecule which slightly increases the heat content and the cetane number. Ethyl esters have lower cloud and pour points than the methyl esters. This fact improves the cold start of engine. Jatropha plant oil is non edible oil so it was selected for preparation of ethyl ester. The available Jatropha oil had high free fatty acid therefore, a twostep transesterification process was used to prepare ester for the study. Fuel characteristics of different blends of ethyl ester and diesel were determined in terms of kinematic viscosity (cS), gross heating value (MJ/kg), density (g/cm3), flash point (ºC), cloud point (ºC) and pour point (ºC) and were compared with that of pure diesel fuel. Thereafter, five blends of ester and diesel were used as fuel at four levels of loads i.e. 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% of the rated load for engine performance study at two different compression ratio (16.5:1 and 18.5:1) and compare the results with the results obtained in case of diesel fuel. Maximum recovery of ester was obtained by pretreating the oil with 5% H2SO4 and 20% ethanol and then its transesterification using 30% ethanol and 3% KOH. Kinematic viscosity (cS), density (g/cm3), flash point (ºC), cloud point (ºC) and pour point (ºC) of all blends of ethyl esters (B10, B20, B30 and B40) were higher than that of diesel and gross heating values (MJ/kg) of all biodiesel blends were less as compared to diesel. Nitric oxide (NOx) emissions in case of all biodiesel blends were more as compared to diesel. NOx concentration in exhaust gases was increased with increase of ester in blends and also increased with increase in compression ratio. Carbon monoxide (CO) emission for all biodiesel blends was less as compared to diesel. CO concentration in exhaust gases was decreased with increase in percentage of ester in the blend and also decreased with increase in compression ratio. Brake thermal efficiency for all biodiesel blends was more as compared to diesel. Brake thermal efficiency increased with increase in load and also increased with increase in compression ratio. Brake specific fuel consumption in case of blends was more as compared to diesel. Brake specific fuel consumption decreased with increase in load as well as with increase in compression ratio.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PAU, 2011) Gurvinder Singh
    A study was conducted at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana to evaluate the performance of commonly used rotary blades of different shapes in terms of power requirement, pudding quality on selected soils and to find out the best combination of blade shape and rotary speed of rotary puddler. Experiments were conducted on three blade shapes (J, C and L) at three rotor speeds (245, 263 and 280 rpm) in two types of soils S1 (Clay 10.2%, Silt 17.2% and Sand 72.6%) and S2 (Clay 21.4%, Silt 15.5% and Sand 63.1%) to study the effect of blade shape and rotor speed on puddling index, infiltration rate, PTO power requirement and fuel consumption. The treatment combinations were compared with control (Puddling with cultivator x 2 + Planker x 1). For measuring puddling index, soil water suspension samples were taken in graduated glass tube after the operation of rotavator and were kept undisturbed for 48 hours. Infiltration rate was measured by fixing the measuring scales in the field after puddling which gave the amount of water infiltrated into the soil. PTO power requirement was measured by installing a torque transducer on the PTO shaft. Fuel flow meter was installed in the fuel line of the tractor to measure fuel consumption. The results for each dependent parameter (puddling index, infiltration rate, power requirement and fuel consumption) were analyzed on the basis of Randomized Block Design (RBD) test using software “SAS 9.2 Version”. J shape blades gave maximum puddling index (70.22 and 73.78 %) and minimum infiltration rate (0.04 and 0.01 mm/h) at 280 rpm rotor speed in comparison to C and L blades and control for both soils S1 and S2 respectively. J shape blades required minimum PTO power (18.89 and 19.10 kW) and consumed minimum fuel (16.35 and 16.40 l/ha) at 245 rpm rotor speed as compared to C and L blades and control for both soils S1 and S2 respectively. J shape blades deposited maximum clay content (21.07 and 28.27 %) and minimum sand content (60.97 and 54.03%) in top 10 mm layer of soils S1 and S2 respectively. J shape blades at rotor speed of 280 rpm gave better results for puddling index, infiltration rate, PTO power requirement and fuel consumption as compared to C, L and control for both soils S1 and S2 respectively. So, J shape blade at 280 rpm rotor speed can be considered as the best combination for puddling.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Design and fabrication of pea depoding machine
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2011) Parminder Kamboj
    Agro processing is regarded as a sunrise sector of Indian economy in view of its large potential for employment and income generation. In India, post- harvest processing of agricultural produce is very low in comparison to other countries, which may be mainly due to lack of processing technologies. There is a dire need to develop more processing machinery for value addition of agricultural produce with a reduction in time and labour. Pea is an important cool season, leguminous crop of India. Manual removal of peas from pods is a labourious and time consuming job with one person depod about 3-3.5 kg of peas from pods in one hour. In view of non-availability of efficient pea depoding machine work on design and fabrication of power operated pea depoding machine was undertaken by Department of Processing and Food Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Computer aided design of machine was made by using “Solid Works” software. The machine is based on the principle of friction generated by the rubbing of pea pods between the blade and the sieve of the machine which helps in opening the pods of pea grains. The model of machine was fabricated by using the low cost material available in the market and computer aided design helps to find dimensions of various components of machine in very small time. A simulation model of machine was made, which gives very fine representation of machine components. Performance evaluation of machine was done to optimize these machine parameters by such as RPM of blades shaft, blade size and clearance between sieve and blades. Based upon performance analysis the depoding efficiency of pea was 95.4% and whole grain efficiency of peas was 91.3% with grain damage of 2% was obtained at 60 RPM and 10 mm clearance between blades and sieve by using blades of 2.5” size aligned at angle of 1800 with respect to each other. This machine is simple in design and is capable of extracting 30 kg/h of shelled peas. This technology will save time and labour and will provide maximum benefits to the farming community by enhancing their income