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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2013) Sayanika Borah; Kiranjot, Sidhu
    The study was conducted in four state agricultural universities of India viz. PAU Punjab (North); ANGRAU, Andhra Pradesh (South); AAU, Assam (East) and MPAUT, Rajasthan (West) to study the variations in perceptions of the faculty and administrators regarding the importance of dimension of organizational climate along with their perception of prevailing and expected organizational climate. The data collected from the 216 faculty members and 60 administrators using a scale developed on 13 dimensions viz. communication, management of rewards, interpersonal relationships, control and supervision, orientation, decision making, leadership, policies and rules, innovation, physical facilities, team work, monetary gains and accountability/ evaluation revealed that communication followed by leadership, team work and physical facilities were the most important dimensions according to the faculty who ranked monetary gains, accountability/ evaluation, management of rewards and control and supervision as least important. Administrators ranked communication, leadership and decision making at the top and innovation, monetary gains and management of rewards at the least important. There was a good agreement between faculty and administrator of all selected SAU’s as well as between SAU’s in assigning ranks. Faculty perceived highest gap between the prevailing and expected climate with regard to orientation and monetary gains and lowest in management of rewards and interpersonal relationship, whereas administrators found it to be highest in monetary gains and lowest in decision making and communication. Age, income, job experience and training acquired were significantly related with the perception. Faculty suggested improvement in communication as one of the important ways to improve organizational climate.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2013) Manmeet Kaur; R.K., Dhaliwal
    The present study entitled “A study of the Research-Extension-Farmer Linkages in the agriculture sector of Punjab” was undertaken to study the existing research-extension-farmer linkages, to analyze the factors affecting these linkages, to study the attitude of researchers and extensionists towards these linkages, to study the opinion of farmers regarding research-extension-farmer linkages and study the linkages of research, extension and farmers with the market. A total of 700 farmers representing six villages from three districts were selected for the study. Apart from the farmers, 32 ADOs, 15 KVK subject matter specialists, 21 PAU extension specialists and 82 researchers from PAU were also selected. Two separate interview schedules were developed for farmers and for researchers and extensionists. The results of the study revealed that farmers had low linkages with researchers, extensionists and market in the adopted (83.9%) and non-adopted (85.2%) villages. More than 83 per cent and 79 per cent of the farmers had low extent of participation in linkage mechanisms with researchers, 90.4 per cent and 93.3 per cent had low extent of participation with extensionists while 94.5 per cent and 91.9 per cent of the farmers had low extent of participation in market linkage mechanisms in the adopted and non-adopted villages respectively. Farmers opined that researchers and extensionists do not frequently visit the farmers, farmers do not have adequate representation in research and extension, only progressive farmers have direct contacts with the researchers and KVKs and State Department of Agriculture are not very effective in developing linkages with them. They also felt that their lack of ICT skills, their inability to organize themselves into groups and inappropriate government policies discourage their market linkages. About 43% of the researchers and extensionists had low extent of participation in linkage mechanisms with each other while 45.3% had medium extent of participation with farmers. A little less than half of the researchers and extensionists (46%) had a neutral attitude towards research-extension-farmer linkages. The study revealed that factors like lack of prioritization to linkages, lack of effective communication, lack of incentives and busy schedule hampers research-extension linkages while factors like priorities to complete the targets, minimal opportunities with the researchers to link with farmers, lack of participation of the researchers in field days, negligible pressure from the resource poor farmers and lack of adequate staff affected research-extension-farmer linkages. Participatory technology generation and participatory conduct, monitoring and evaluation of research and extension activities should be used to enhance the research-extension-farmer linkages. Formation of Village Knowledge Centres and farmer’s organizations will help in increasing market linkages of the farmers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2013) Uritkhinbam Supriya Devi; D.S., Dhillon
    The present study entitled ―Study of organizational stress and scientific productivity of scientists of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana‖ was undertaken to study the nature and extent of organizational stress and measure the scientific productivity of the scientists, analyze the factors affecting the organizational stress and the measures used to manage it and relationship between the organizational stress and scientific productivity of the scientists. A total sample of 250 scientists having minimum five years of service experience belonging to three cadres of teaching, research and extension was selected in proportion to their number in each stream from each of the four constituent colleges. A questionnaire was developed and used to collect requisite information pertaining to the objectives of the study. The data were collected from the scientists using distributed questionnaire approach. The pretesting of the questionnaire was done and necessary modifications were made in the parameters of teaching, research and extension. The reliability of the measurement scales was found by using split half method and their content validity was ensured. The results of the study revealed that majority of the scientists ‗sometimes‘ faced the mental, emotional, physical and behavioural stress. About an equal per cent of teachers (23.08%) had ‗high‘ mental and physical stress respectively and one fourth of researchers (21.90%) had high level of emotional stress. About 40 per cent teachers, 41.90 per cent researchers and 40.74 per cent extensionists had ‗medium‘ level of scientific productivity. On the other hand, one fourth of teachers (25.27%), researchers (22.86%) and extensionists (24.07%) had ‗high‘ level of scientific productivity. The factors affecting the organizational stress such as self, family, environmental factors, organizational factors, role in organization, interpersonal relationships at work, workload influence on career development lead to the stress as perceived by about 36-50 per cent of the scientists. The characteristics such as family, social factors, role in organization, workload and home work interference were positively and significantly correlated with the overall scientific productivity of the scientists. It was further observed that organizational factors, organizational culture, strict adherence to working hours and influence on career development were negatively and significantly correlated with the overall scientific productivity of the scientists. Further, about 30-60 per cent scientists from all the three cadres used stress management techniques such as work related techniques, meditation, diet, social support and natural cures to manage and relieve their day to day stress.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Intervention on reproductive health of young mothers in slum areas of Ludhiana city
    (PAU, 2013) Deepshikha; Bajwa, Ashu K.
    The present study was undertaken to assess the “Impact of intervention program on reproductive health of young mothers in slum areas of Ludhiana city”. The sample was comprised of total 120 respondents i.e. young mothers (n 1 =60) and their spouses (n 2 =60). Standardized Family Planning and Birth Control Attitude Scale was used to assess the attitude of young mothers and their spouses towards family planning and birth control methods. Self-structured questionnaire was used to assess the existing physical health status and identification of health services availed by young mothers. The respondents were tested for their knowledge and attitude regarding reproductive health. Out of 120 respondents, 60 respondents (both husband and wife) falling on the poor reproductive health status were selected as experimental group for intervention programme, whereas, the rest of 60 respondents constituted the control group. The intervention programme was given to experimental group of mothers and their spouses for the period of four months. Post-testing of both the groups was done to evaluate the impact of the intervention programme. Results revealed significant relationship between education and all the eight aspects of family planning methods whereas age factor does not affect the attitude of the respondents towards family planning methods. Awareness regarding health care services was found low among young mothers. Post-test assessment revealed that intervention resulted into significant positive changes in the attitude of the young mothers towards menstruation and its related fallacies. Significant positive change in the attitude of young mothers and their spouses towards family planning methods was also observed after intervention. Knowledge of the young mothers towards food fads and fallacies related to pregnancy were improved significantly using post-intervention assessment.