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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2011) Ashu Mittal; Dinesh, Grover
    These days, it seems like everything is happening online, and accounting is no exception. While many financial bookkeeping practices have been computerized for some time, online accounting and bookkeeping is still relatively new. In a large organization, accounting requires a lot of paperwork, and maintaining accurate records can be terribly difficult. So there is an essence of computer software that provides applications for easy data entry and record of financial transactions. Keeping this in mind, Financial Management System application software has been developed. FMS application software enhances the way organizations record financial transactions and flow information through their divisions and departments. It allows easy updation of financial records electronically, without having to deal with stacks of paper. Also software application help speed the time it takes to update records and keep employees informed of important financial information. FMS plays significant role in decision making processes. This software helps senior management to prepare financial statements such as income statements. The database has been designed using MySQL and the application has been developed using PHP, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS and HTML.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2011) Sharma, Karun
    The rice-wheat rotation has led to an agrarian crisis in Punjab in terms of depleted aquifers, soil toxicity and salinity and over exploitation of natural resources. To preserve the natural resources and soil fertility, Precision farming is the need of hour and yield monitor is a logical first and important development in precision farming & agricultural machinery that allows farmers to assess the yield variability within the field during harvesting of crop. Although in advanced countries, high HP combines for large farms are available with yield monitors fitted as standard equipment or installed separately and the sensors & systems used for yield monitor are usually designed for those high HP combines and are very costly. However, these systems and sensors are difficult to install on small indigenous combines directly due to design constraint. So, to spread the use of yield monitoring combines in India, it was necessary to develop an original yield monitoring technique for indigenous combines. For development of indigenous yield monitor, components such as Auxiliary tank, Single point parallel type load cell and Inductive proximity sensor were identified; Micro-controller 8051 with Display unit was selected to process the yield data. Indigenous yield monitor was developed by assembling the designed and selected components on combine harvester. The present yield monitor was evaluated for rice crop at two levels of monitoring i.e. discrete & continuous type and three levels of forward speed i.e. 2.0, 3.0 and 4.5 km/h. The mean value of yield 4609.5 kg/ha with S.D 2116.7 kg/ha having C.V 45.3% with discrete type of monitoring and mean value of yield 5513.7 kg/ha with S.D 3337.7 kg/ha having C.V 60.6% with continuous type of monitoring was calculated at three forward speeds. The lag time was observed 12.6, 13.1 and 12.4 seconds at forward speed of 2.0, 3.0 and 4.5 km/h respectively. An average error 6.03% was observed in the measurement of yield by using indigenous yield monitor. Yield monitor, combine harvester, Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographical Information System (GIS) and yield variability
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Development and evaluation of a revolving magazine type transplanting mechanism (dropping type) for vegetable crops
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2011) Narang, Mahesh Kumar; Dhaliwal, I.S
    Vegetables are a major source of protein foods in human nutrition. India is the second largest producer of vegetables after China. Production of vegetables in India stands at 7% of the world production. Area under vegetable crops was about 7.803 million ha and production is about 125.89 million tons during 2007-08. Manual transplanting of seedlings, weeding and harvesting are the most labour consuming operations in vegetable cultivation. Therefore, the area under vegetables crops is low and can be increased by mechanization of these crops. Transplanting of vegetable seedlings in developed countries like U.S.A, China, Holland, Japan and Canada is being done mechanically using vegetable transplanters. To decrease missing and workload on the operator in existing finger type mechanism , a study was undertaken to develop a revolving magazine type transplanting mechanism for planting nursery of vegetable crops. Nursery characteristics of vegetable crops like chilli, capsicum, brinjal and tomato were studied using soil less media of coco peat, perlite and vermiculite in the ratio of 3:1:1 (on volume basis) in three plastic trays having different shapes and volume (8.8 22 and 56 cm3).The effect of types of cell on plug compactness and damage to plug of seedlings was studied. Damage to plug of seedlings of cell having volume 22 cm3 was lowest and plug compactness was 9.7 for chilli seedlings. The revolving magazine type metering mechanism was designed on the basis of nursery characteristics of nursery grown in cell having volume 22 cm3. The developed revolving magazine mechanism was evaluated in the field for chilli and capsicum. Based on the study, a two row vegetable transplanter was developed having revolving magazine type metering mechanism. Ergonomic evaluation of the machine with respect to physiological parameters heart rate, stress on eyes, overall discomfort rating, body part discomfort score, postural configuration and plant missing was carried out with dummy plants. Three feed rate( 34 plants per minute, 68 plants per minute and 102 plants per minute and three subjects (S1, S2, S3) were selected as independent parameters. The heart rate among all treatments ranged from 80.71 to 91.95 beats per minute; Stress on eyes 2.72 to 7.37 per cent; overall discomfort rate varied from 1 to 4; postural configuration varied 4.21 to 7.1 degree respectively. The workload on the operator was under moderate load. The machine was evaluated in the field for three crops i.e. two varieties of brinjal (sandhya and Punjab Barsati) and one variety of tomato crop. Plant missing varied from 2.22 to 4.44 per cent for brinjal and tomato crop. Upright plants (plants having 0 to 30 degree planting angle), depth of planting, plant mortality after 20 days was observed in the range of 85-90 per cent, 5 to 6 cm and 3.33 to 5 per cent respectively. The average field capacity of the machine was 0.122 ha/h for brinjal and 0.1115 ha/h in tomato crop.