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  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Comparative study of carbon, nitrogen and lignin metabolism in relation to lodging resistance in oat (Avena sativa L.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2024) Gupta, Himani; Dr. Meenakshi Goyal
    Oat (Avena sativa L.) commonly known as javi, jodar or jai is a dual purpose crop used for human food consumption, as animal feed and as a source of high value compounds with industrial applications. Lodging in oat is the most chronic constraint that negatively affects its productivity and is one of the main barriers on the way to higher yield. In this study, the importance of various morphological and anatomical attributes, carbon, nitrogen and lignin metabolism and quality traits has been studied in ten recently released oat varieties (OL-1769- 1, RO-11-1, OL-13, OL-1896, JHO-822, OL-15, OL-14, OL-12, Kent and OL-11) to evaluate the impact of stem lodging on oat varieties. Morphological and anatomical attributes depicted that OL-1769-1, RO-11-1, OL-13 proved to be more efficient in overcoming lodging stress as compared to other varieties. RO-11-1 was lower in lodging susceptibility index, lodging score, percent reduction in thousand grain weight, lignin content, dry matter yield of lodged plants and higher breaking strength, culm lodging resistance index than OL-15. Vascular bundle area and xylem tissue contributed towards lodging resistance. Lodging directly impaired source-sink relationship by reducing the photosynthetic ability, transport of carbohydrates, dry matter accumulation and hence caused alterations in carbon-nitrogen metabolism. For carbon metabolism, RO-11-1 had better carbohydrate partitioning than other varieties due to effective synchronization between its carbon metabolizing enzymes (sucrose phosphate synthase, sucrose synthase synthesis, sucrose synthase cleavage, acid invertase, neutral invertase) among flag leaf, grains and basal second internode. The nitrogen metabolizing enzymes were less effected with lodging in RO-11-1 compared to other varieties that showed wide variations. The activities of lignin metabolizing enzymes phenylalanine ammonia lyase and tyrosine ammonia lyase were upregulated in RO-11-1 but 4-coumarate CoA ligase, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase and peroxidase activities were higher in OL-15, indicating that these enzymes might be determining lodging resistance in oat varieties. Further, increased levels of secondary metabolites contribute towards plant defense against lodging stress. Higher cell wall constituents, crude protein, ash, silica and crude fat in RO-11-1 than other varieties could be the additional factor for providing lodging resistance.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Evaluation of Momordica spp. for bioactive components and antidiabetic potential
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2022) Singla, Diksha; Sangha, Manjeet Kaur
    The present study evaluated antidiabetic potential of bioactive components from immature fruits (60 genotypes) of Momordica spp. in streptozotocin-induced diabetic Wistar rats. The fruit and its parts; epicarp, mesocarp, endocarp, and seeds were evaluated for biochemicals. PAUBG-407 possessed higher phenolics, fiber components, carotenoids, saponins, macro and microminerals; PAUBG-195 (alkaloids); PAUBG-130 (ascorbic acid and tocopherols); PAUBG-218 (proteins) and Punjab-15 (most bioactives). Whole fruit was rich in many bioactives. Charantin, soluble dietary fiber and momordicin-II were purified from whole fruits of PAUBG-407 while vicine and momordicin-I were purified from whole fruit of PAUBG- 195 and PAUBG-89, respectively and characterized on NMR and FT-IR. Their antidiabetic potential was evaluated in 7-8 week old rats, orally administered bioactives @100mg/kg b.w, daily for 4 weeks. Nine groups were made; normal (), untreated diabetic (II), diabetic + (metformin (I), charantin (IV), SDF (V), vicine (VI), momordicin-I (VII), momordicin-II (V), and diabetic+ all bioactives mixed in equal ratio (IX)). Their effect was assessed weekly and at 4 weeks (some parameters). Fasting and random blood glucose; kidney and Iiver CAT, SOD, GPx, GST, GSH. and TBARS: KFT (urea, creatinine, uric acid, Na', K and Ca); LFT (bilirubin. direct and indirect bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, ALP, total protein, albumin and globulin): plasma insulin, Hb and HbAl c; serum lipid profile (TC, TG, VLDL, DL and LDL), hepatic enzymes- hexokinase, glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-6- phosphatase; histological aberrations observed in liver, kidney, pancreas and brain improved SIgnificantly (p<0.0001) in diabetic rats treated with all bioactives but highly with momordicin-II and bjoactive mixture. PAUBG-407 may be used in improvement programmes generating antidiabetic karela. Future plans may envisage in testing antidiabetic potential of f targeted bioactives or use of targeted advanced line in diabetic human subjects.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Malt quality and thermostability studies in mutants, hulled, hull-less and wild genotypes of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Heena Rani; Bhardwaj, Rachana D
    Despite various attempts to develop malt hydrolytic enzymes, the catalytic activity and thermostability of these enzymes are still far from sufficiency for their use in the malting process. The present study explored diverse barley germplasm to identify the genotypes with high activity and thermostability of enzymes alongwith the proteins responsible for high malt yield. Based on enzymatic assays, we selected BL1714T, DWRB137T and BL2105T with highly activity and thermostability of α and β amylases and limit dextrinase, which are key diastatic power enzymes. The barley proteome of these genotypes was analyzed before and after kilning using label-free quantitative global proteomic approach against the control genotypes; BL1718Ctrl, DWRUB64Ctrl and BL2083Ctrl, respectively. Among various isoforms of hydrolytic enzymes Bamy 1 and Amy1_2 were more abundant in thermostable genotypes indicating their role in controlling the activity of these enzymes at high temperatures. Gene ontology enrichment analysis indicated disulfide reductase, exopeptidase, serine-type peptidase (serpin), cell wall hydrolase and oxidoreductase activities as most common enriched terms in thermostable genotypes. These proteins work to release the bound form of hydrolytic enzymes, resulting in their increased overall activity. These proteins could be employed as biochemical indicators for identifying barley lines with high activity and thermostability. Using GC-MS/MS, we identified maltose, glucose, talose, sucrose, fructose, turanose and other minor sugars in green and kilned malt. Talose and turanose were identified among major sugars for the first time during malting. Further, malt quality analysis suggested that βglucanase and malt β-glucan can be used as additional traits to produce malt with superior quality.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Phytochemicals, antioxidant activity and grain quality in pigmented and non-pigmented rice
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Gosangi Avinash; Sharma, Neerja
    Pigmented rice are rich source of bioactive compounds especially polyphenolic components, tocopherols, (TOC), tocotrienols (T3) and γ- oryzanol, which impart positive effects on human health. The present study, was therefore, planned to study the variation in phytochemical composition, antioxidant activity and grain quality of a set of rice genotypes, comprising 9 pigmented (PR, 3 black and 6 red ) and 7 non-pigmented (NP) rices. The results revealed that PR rices (black followed by red) had higher ash, crude protein, crude fat and crude fibre content compared to NP rices in the bran, whole grain and milled rice fractions. Total dietary fibre content was highest in black rice genotypes. Insoluble dietary fibres were ~10 - folds higher than soluble dietary fibres in all the three colour groups. NP rices were observed to have the best milling, cooking and physicochemical quality parameters. Black rice genotypes displayed the highest total phenolic content (TPC) and the contribution of bound phenolics to TPC in all 16 genotypes under study was higher than free phenolics. The in vitro antioxidant activity of black rice group was highest followed by red and NP group. The total flavonoid and anthocyanin content was highest in black rice group while proanthocyanidins were highest in red rice group in both bran and whole grain fraction. In all the three colour groups, bound phenolic acid content was higher than free phenolic acids. The main bound phenolic acids were t-ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid, and 2,5 - hydroxybenzoic acid (2,5-DHA), while in the free form, p- hydroxybenzoic acid and syringic acid were the major phenolic acids in both the grain fractions of all three colour groups. 2, 5 - DHA was quantified for the first time in bran and whole grain fractions of NP rices. The total γ- oryzanol content in bran was highest in black rice followed by red and NP group. 24 methylene cycloartenyl ferulate and cycloartenyl ferulate were the major contributors to total γ- oryzanol content in all 16 genotypes. Total vitamin E content was highest in black rices followed by red and NP rices. In bran, α -T3 and δ-TOC were found to be major contributors to total vitamin E content while in whole grain these were γ-T3 and δ- TOC, irrespective of colour of genotypes. The free phenolics were more susceptible to degradation on parboiling compared to bound phenolics. These findings contributed towards further understanding of the distribution of nutritional and phytochemical components in rice grain fractions of PR and NP rices, and may assist rice breeders and rice growers with new opportunities to promote production of rice with enhanced level of phytochemicals to augment human health.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Defense response and source-sink relationship for imazethapyr tolerance in lentil (Lens culinaris L.).
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2023) Shivani; Grewal, Satvir Kaur
    Plant growth and yield reduction in lentil crop due to weed infestation is due to poor weed-crop competition. Imazethapyr (IM), controls wide spectrum of weeds as a selective herbicide that targets acetolactate synthase (ALS) which catalyzes the first reaction in biosynthesis of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), required for plant growth and development. The present investigation was conducted to understand the effect of IM treatment and weed interference on defence mechanism, source-sink relationship and ALS activity along with morpho-physiological traits in IM-tolerant (LL1397 and LL1612) and susceptible (FLIP2004-7L and PL07) lentil genotypes. Lentil genotypes were grown under control (weed free), weedy check (weeds were growing with crop) and sprayed with imazethapyr at 50 days after sowing (DAS). Lower accumulation of methylglyoxal (MG) is due to higher activities of glyoxalase I, II & III enzymes, methylglyoxal reductase (MGR) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in LL1397 and LL1612 after IM treatment as compared to FLIP2004-7L and PL07 along with higher glutathione (GSH) content due to increased γ-Glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-GCS) help in their recovery post herbicide treatment. Imazethapyr treatment decreased chlorophyll and carotenoid content, plant height and number of pods under IM treatment in FLIP2004-7L and PL07, which resulted in decreased seed yield. Higher activities of ALS, threonine deaminase (TD) with or without any effector molecules and leucine dehydrogenase (LeuDH) was observed in LL1397 and LL1612 for maintaining BCAA pools as compared to FLIP2004-7L and PL07. Expression analysis of ALS gene depicted that 4 days after spray is a critical stage to show its effectiveness at which LL1397 and LL1612 showed higher expression while in PL07 and FLIP2004-7L, expression was highly reduced. Lower H2O2, MDA and DHA content, higher activities of antioxidant and proline metabolizing enzyme activities along with higher ascorbate and proline contents in tolerant (LL1397 and LL1612) might be protecting from herbicide induced oxidative damage thereby improving crop yield. Significantly higher activities of carbon metabolism enzymes in leaves, podwalls and seeds at different developmental stages in tolerant genotypes under herbicide stress as compared to susceptible lentil genotypes might be responsible for maintaining source-sink relationship required for proper growth, grain filling and seed setting. Similarly, enzymes of nitrogen metabolism also showed higher activities in all tissues of tolerant genotypes required for proper nitrogen uptake and better assimilation of inorganic nitrogen into organic nitrogen. Tolerant genotypes had higher total phenolic acid content after imazethapyr treatment as compared to susceptible genotypes with higher content of catechin hydrate, p-coumaric acid, caffeic acid, vanillic acid and rutin that might be contributing towards their better tolerance ability. Soluble protein content was decreased in all tissues of susceptible genotypes as IM treatment affected the protein turnover by accumulating free amino acids. This comprehensive knowledge of mechanisms underlying these metabolic changes after herbicide treatment might provide an efficient way of crop improvement by developing IM-tolerant genotypes.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Utilization of sugarcane juice and bagasse for bioethanol production
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Jaspreet Kaur; Taggar, Monica Sachdeva
    The present study was carried out to optimize the process for bioethanol production from sugarcane juice and bagasse. The juice and bagasse of 29 sugarcane varieties/clones belonging to different maturity groups (early and mid-late) was evaluated for various biochemical parameters. Among all varieties/clones, high holocellulose (69.75%) and cellulose (39.55%) along with low lignin (20.05%) and ash content (1.80%) was observed in the bagasse of sugarcane variety CoPb 92. The juice of this variety also contained high total sugars (19.09 g 100ml-1) and sucrose content (18.55 g 100ml-1). On the basis of desirable chemical components of the bagasse and juice, sugarcane variety CoPb 92 was identified to be the most suitable for ethanol production and selected for further studies. Bagasse of sugarcane variety CoPb 92 was subjected to different chemical pre-treatments, out of which alkali pre-treatment, i.e. 1 M sodium hydroxide for 60 min (T15) was found to be the effective in decreasing the lignin content of bagasse along with high recovery of holocellulose and cellulose content. A total of 17 fungi were isolated for cellulase production and their cellulolytic index ranged from 0.12 to 0.94. Quantitative cellulase production by five fungal isolates showing high cellulolytic index under liquid shake flask fermentation was carried out. Significantly high carboxymethyl cellulase (171.98 U l-1), cellobiase (78.65 U l-1), filter paper activities (43.52 U l-1) and extracellular protein content (422.34 mg l-1) was recorded for the fungal isolate JS17. Sequencing and analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the isolated fungal strain JS17 revealed that these regions had the highest identity (100%) with Penicillium mallochii. Endoglucanase enzyme was purified and three isoforms, i.e. EG-I, EG-II and EG-III were identified with molecular weight of 23.4, 24.5 and 19.9 kDa, respectively. The enzymatic saccharification of alkali pre-treated sugarcane bagasse with inhouse cellulase from P. mallochii resulted in the maximum reducing sugar content of 651.60 mg g-1 with hydrolytic efficiency of 78.29 per cent. The maximum ethanol concentration of 67.90 g l-1 was obtained from the sugarcane juice (CoPb 92) fermented by yeast S. cerevisiae NCIM3078 at 96 h of fermentation. Significantly high ethanol concentration of 9.55 g l-1 was recorded from the sugarcane bagasse saccharified with in-house cellulase produced from P. mallochii. The present study, thus, revealed that sugarcane in terms of juice and bagasse could be ideally used as a substrate for bioethanol production using the optimized pre-treatment, hydrolysis and fermentation parameters.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Biochemical studies on methionine accumulation in maize grains
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Veena Devi; Chaudhary, Dharam Paul
    Present study was designed to understand the accumulation pattern of essential amino acids (methionine, lysine and tryptophan), methionine synthesis associated key enzymes activities and responsible genes expression in maize grains. For this purpose diverse panel of 300 inbred lines, procured from ICAR-IIMR and CIMMYT were screened for methionine content and a set of 22 experimental lines (12 high methionine and 10 low methionine) was selected for further study. Field parameters viz., Plant height, cob height, stem and root logging, no. of cobs, no. of rows/cob, no. of seeds/row, germination rate, anthesis and silking intervals, 100 kernel weight, specific gravity, moisture content were recorded. None of the field parameter showed any positive significant correlation with methionine content. The lines E7-24-3, E711-1, E19-14-1, E4-5-2, E2-52-1, E2-7 and E19-22-2 showed better field performance whereas the lines 174705 (3.293%) and 194010 (2.275%) showed highest methionine content thus can be used as acceptor and donors in breeding high methionine maize, respectively. Kernel colour showed correlation with methionine content. Lysine and tryptophan showed declining trend during kernel development and their accumulation was higher in low methionine lines. Aspartate kinase showed similar activity in both high and low methionine lines whereas cystathionine-gamma-synthase does not showed any fixed trend. Serine acetyltransferase enzyme activity was observed to be higher in high methionine than low methionine lines. Higher activity in high methionione lines indicated higher rate of cysteine synthesis, and its flow towards the synthesis of methionine. Its activity showed significant correlation (r = 0.87) with methionine content at 45th DAP. During kernel development zein (prolamin and prolamin-like) accumulated at higher rate in comparison to non-zeins (albumin, globulin and glutelins) in total protein. Methionine showed significant positive correlation with prolamins (r = 0.65) and proteins (r = 0.47). In SDS-PAGE 10-kDa δ-zein was more prominent in high methionine lines, whereas other zeins did not showed any change in high and low methionine lines. Lastly, the mRNA was quantified to study the expression profile of genes responsible for methionine accumulation. It was observed that 10-kDa δ-zein showed enhanced expression in high methionine lines, so its expression affects the accumulation of methionine in developing maize kernel.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Role of γ-amino butyric acid against stripe rust in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Parmdeep Singh; Zhawar, Vikramjit Kaur
    PBW 725 was found the most resistant cultivar against stripe rust in a screen of seven wheat cultivars under field conditions. GABA applications improved the performance of all seven cultivars against stripe rust. PBW 725 (resistant) and HD 2967 (susceptible) were compared for antioxidant, phenolic, GABA, and carbohydrate metabolisms at 1, 2, and 4 d of GABA, Puccinia striiformis. sp. tritici (Pst), GABA+Pst given to 30-d old seedlings growing in the greenhouse. Fold increase of SOD, APX, GR, GPX, and GST was higher at 1 d in PBW 725 while at 4 d in HD 2967. H2O2 increased at 1 d but decreased at later stages in HD 2967, while PBW 725 maintained H2O2 level during the stress period. PBW725 sustained CAT, DHAR, MDHAR, soluble-POX/PPO, lignin, phenolics, and flavonoids, while HD 2967 became deficient at the late stage Pst. An early increase of lignin was seen in leaves of PBW 725 only. Glucanase and chitinase increased by a significant amount at the late stage of Pst in HD 2967 only. Compared to PBW 725, starch decreased earlier and glucose utilized by more amount in leaves while starch hydrolyzed poorly, and fructose, sucrose, and proline became deficient in roots in HD 2967 under Pst. Compared to PBW 725, glutamate decarboxylase, diamine oxidase, and GABA increased poorly in HD 2967 under Pst. Proteases increased only in HD 2967 at earlier stages but decreased by 4 d of Pst. Protein levels became low by 4 d of Pst in HD 2967 only. Toxicity as hydroxyl, malondialdehyde and protein carbonyls increased only in HD 2967 and raised more in roots than leaves under Pst. GABA improved all studied metabolisms in both cultivars under non-stressed as well as stressed conditions. Toxicity decreased, and defense increased on the application of GABA in HD 2967 under stripe rust. Results concluded that stress response over time is related to resistance against stripe rust. Antioxidant sustainability during the stress period, sugar to starch interconversions, and GABA-shunt activity may be the components of resistance. GABA applications can improve stripe rust resistance in wheat.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Characterization of wheat lines with rye translocation for biochemical and quality parameters
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Ramandeep Kaur; Grewal, Satvir Kaur
    The replacement of the short arm of wheat chromosome 1B with short arm of rye 1R chromosome (1BL/1RS translocation) has been widely used around the world to enhance wheat yield potential, resistance to rust and mildew and adaptation. However, the translocation is combined with inherent quality problems associated with reduced dough strength and dough stickiness (`sticky dough syndrome') mainly because of two loci on 1RS, presence of Sec-1 on proximal end encoding ω-and γsecalins and absence of Glu-B3 linked Gli-B1 on distal end. The study aimed at using two NILs, one carrying Glu-B3-/Sec-1 and the other carrying Glu-B3+/Sec-1+ from 1BS, generated in background of Pavon (Pavon44:38 and Pavon40:9) for transferring these two loci in yellow rust resistant version of two elite wheat varieties PBW550 + Yr5 (BWL3558) and DBW17 + Yr5 (BWL3279) carrying 1BL/RS translocation (Glu-B3-/Sec-1+) through maker assisted backcross breeding (MABB) for addressing the quality concern of 1BL/1RS translocation lines and their characterization on the basis of biochemical and quality parameters associated with bread baking characteristics. BC1F5:6 advanced backcross introgression lines (ABILs) (Glu-B3-/Sec-1- and Glu-B3+/Sec+1) were generated from four different crosses (Pavon44:38xBWL3558, Pavon44:38xBWL3279, Pavon40:9xBWL3558 and Pavon40: 9xBWL3279) through foreground and background selection. The absence of Secalin protein and presence of GluB3/GliB1 proteins of the selected 126 ABILs were also confirmed through SDS-PAGE. The evaluation of these 126 selected ABILs for yield related traits, biochemical as well as quality characteristics was done for two years. In yield trial, 21 ABILs with Sec-1 and 9 ABILs with Glu-B3 gene in the background of PBW550/DBW17 whose performance was better to recurrent parent were selected. Significant GxE effect was observed across the years. On the other end, from these 126 ABILs the well performed ABILs for biochemical and quality characteristics were selected for product making along with the donor and recurrent parent as checks. Effect of environment was found to be significant on all the biochemical and quality traits of the grains. The ABILs selected for product making were having total phenol content (≤ 2mg/g), total carotenoids content (≥ 3.5), free amino acid content (≥ 1.3), protein content (11-12%), hectolitre weight (72-76kg/hl), grain hardness (10-12kg), phenol reaction score (2.5-3.5), grain appearance score (5-6), sedimentation value (40-50cc), gluten index (90-100),), and gluten content (12-15%). In these selected ABILs there were 9 ABILs with Glu-B3-/Sec-1-1 and 4 ABILs with Glu-B3-/Sec-1- gene configuration on 1RS chromosome. The loaf volume and loaf rise was better of the ABILs in which Sec-1- locus have been transferred which indicated that the presence of Sec-1 is more deleterious than the absence of Glu-B3. The developed two sets of recombinant 1BL/1RS lines (Glu-B3-/Sec-1- and Glu-B3+/Sec+1) can be intercrossed and used for the generation of more improved version of 1BL/1RS cultivars (Glu-B3+/Sec-1-).