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  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Emergence, Growth, Productivity and Quality Enhancement Through Seed Priming and Foliar Application of Chemicals in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2024) Bola, Simranpreet Singh; Dr Harpreet Kaur Virk
    The investigation entitled, “Emergence, growth, productivity and quality enhancement through seed priming and foliar application of chemicals in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]” was conducted at two different locations simultaneously viz., Pulses Research Farm, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and Regional Research Station, Ballowal Saunkhri, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar, during kharif 2021 & 2022 and in vitro studies were conducted in Seed Physiology Laboratory, Director (Seeds), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. The soil of Ludhiana and Ballowal Saunkhri was loamy sand and sandy loam in texture, respectively, with normal pH and electrical conductivity, medium organic carbon and available potassium, low available nitrogen and high phosphorus. Under the present study, three experiments were conducted, of which the experiment I was conducted in factorial completely randomized design replicated four times and experiment II & III were conducted in factorial randomized complete block design and randomized complete block design, respectively, both replicated three times using the soybean variety SL 958. The experiment I had four temperature levels (25, 30, 35 and 40°C) and six seed priming treatments [control, hydropriming, osmo-priming with PEG 6000 solution of osmotic potentials -0.5, -1.0, -1.5 and -2.0 MPa]. The experiment II was consisted of two dates of sowing (5 June and 25 June) and six seed priming treatments [absolute control (without seed priming), polyethylene glycol (PEG)-6000 solution @ -1.5 MPa, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Pseudomonas oryzihabitans, Bradyrhizobium japonicum + Pseudomonas oryzihabitans, Bradyrhizobium japonicum + PEG @ -1.5 MPa, Pseudomonas oryzihabitans + PEG @ -1.5 MPa and Bradyrhizobium japonicum + Pseudomonas oryzihabitans + PEG @ -1.5 MPa]. The experiment III had ten foliar spray treatments [absolute control, water spray, potassium nitrate 1.5%, NPK 1.5%, boron 0.3%, ammonium molybdate 0.5%, thiourea 750 ppm, urea 2.0%, muriate of potash 0.5% and salicylic acid 100 ppm]. Results revealed that in experiment I, seed priming with PEG @ -1.5 MPa for 6 hours improved speed of germination, final germination %, total seedling length, seedling dry weight, seedling vigour indices, dehydrogenase activity and the number of stained seeds, while reduced mean germination time, the number of partially & unstained seeds and electrical conductivity of primed seeds. Seed priming with PEG @ -1.5 MPa performed significantly better at a temperature of 30°C over 25°C, 35°C and 40°C. In experiment II, during both years, priming of seeds with Bradyrhizobium japonicum + Pseudomonas oryzihabitans significantly improved emergence, growth, nodulation and yield of soybean at both Ludhiana and Ballowal Saunkhri. The 5 June sown crop recorded significantly higher growth attributes, symbiotic traits and seed yield of soybean than 25 June sowing at both the locations during both years. In experiment III, foliar application of boron 0.3% at Ludhiana and muriate of potash 0.5% at Ballowal Saunkhri applied at flowering and pod initiation stages improved growth (plant height & dry matter accumulation), yield attributes (number of pods plant-1, number of filled pods plant-1 and 100-seed weight), quality parameters (total soluble sugar, starch and protein content) and seed yield of soybean.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Optimizing sub-surface drip fertigation system for better productivity and resource use efficiency of cotton-wheat cropping system
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2024) Vaddula Yamini; Kulvir Singh
    Sustainability concerns have loomed over cotton-wheat cropping system (CWCS) as conventional irrigation and fertilization methods have been resulting in huge wastage of water besides leaching of nutrients. This has stimulated an interest in sub-surface drip fertigation (SSDF), which could serve as transformative solution offering precise nutrient and water delivery to the crop. Therefore, a two-year field study was conducted during 2021-22 and 2022-23 at PAU, Regional Research Station, Faridkot to optimize lateral depth, emitter spacing and fertigation scheduling for sub-surface drip fertigated cotton-wheat cropping system. Experiment was laid out in a Split-Plot Design with a combination of lateral depths (25 ± 2.5 cm and 30 ± 2.5 cm) and emitter spacings (30 and 40 cm) in main plots and fertigation schedules [100% N (112.5 kg ha-1) and 125% N in 10 and 14 equal splits (cotton); 80 and 100% NP (100:50 kg NP ha-1) in 08 & 10 equal splits (wheat)] in sub plots. Two additional control treatments i.e., (surface flood irrigation with 100% RDF through manual broadcasting of fertilizers and SSDF at 20 ± 2.5 cm depth, 20 cm emitter spacing, and 100% RD N for cotton, and 80% RD NP for wheat) were also studied. Placing sub-surface drip laterals at 25 ± 2.5 cm and emitter spacing of 30 cm increased seed cotton yield by 15.4 and 8.7 per cent, and wheat grain yield by 7.7 and 3.7 per cent, respectively as compared with the deeper lateral placement (30 ± 2.5 cm) and wider emitter spacing (40 cm). Among fertigation levels, application of 125% N in 14 equal splits recorded 18.6 per cent higher SCY (3432.2 kg ha-1) over 100% N delivered in 10 equal splits (2895.1 kg ha-1). The productivity of CWCS under SSDF was improved by 18.6 per cent, when cotton and wheat were fertigated with 125% N in 14 equal splits and 100% NP in 10 equal splits, respectively in comparison to 100% N applied in 10 equal splits (cotton) and 80% NP application in 08 equal splits (wheat). Sub-surface drip fertigation with 125% N in 14 equal splits improved net returns by 49.7-54.2 per cent, besides saving 57.4-58.8 per cent of irrigation water relative to surface flood irrigation in cotton. Whereas, fertigation with 100% NP in 10 equal splits improved net returns by 21.6-16.2 per cent, additionally saving irrigation water by 45.9-47.7 per cent as compared with surface flood irrigation in wheat. Furthermore, lateral placement (25 ± 2.5 cm), emitter spacing (30 cm), and higher fertigation level [125% N in 14 equal splits (cotton) and (100% NP in 10 equal splits (wheat)] improved crop, irrigation and total water productivity indices by 1.3, 3.1, and 2.1 folds, respectively as compared with surface flood, accentuating the inefficient use of applied water by surface flood method of irrigation. These findings elucidated that SSDF with lateral placement of 25 ± 2.5 cm, emitter spacing of 30 cm, and N fertigation of 125% N (140 kg N ha-1) in 14 equal splits (cotton); 100% NP (125: 62.5 kg NP ha-1) in 10 equal splits (wheat) could be a novel and sustainable water-savvy concept in improving the growth and productivity of cotton-wheat cropping system in North-Western India.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Management of rice straw, maize straw, nutrients and gibberellic acid (GA3) to enhance the productivity of rice/maize-potato- wheat cropping system
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Noori, Nooriali; Manhas, Surjit Singh
    The present study entitled “Management of rice straw, maize straw, nutrients and gibberellic acid (GA3) to enhance the productivity of rice/maize-potato- wheat cropping system” was carried out at Students' Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during rabi and kharif seasons 2020-21 and 2021-22. The experiment I was laid out in randomized block design (factorial) with two nutrient management factors (rice straw incorporation+100 RDF+FYM@25 tha-1 and without rice straw incorporation+100RDF+FYM@50tha-1) and nine nutrients’ levels with GA3 factors. The experiment II was also laid out in randomized block design (factorial) with two nutrient management factors (maize straw incorporation+100RDF+FYM @ 25tha-1 and without maize straw incorporation+100RDF+FYM@ 50tha-1) and eight nutrients’ levels with GA3 factors. Without rice straw incorporation (RSI)+100% RDF + FYM @50 tha-1 applied to preceding potato crop resulted significantly higher growth parameter, yield and yield attributing character as compared to rice straw incorporation (RSI) + 100% RDF + FYM @ 25 tha-1 during both the year. The application of no rice residue with FYM @ 50 t ha-1+100 % RDF produced 12.8 and 14.9 percent increased grain yield of wheat than rice straw incorporation (RSI)+100% RDF+FYM @25 t ha-1respectively during 2020-21 and 2021-22.The second factor involved applying nutrients with gibberellic acid (GA3) to wheat crops. The seed treatment with GA3 @ 100 and 200 ppm significantly improved the germination percentage as compared to no GA3 seed treatment at any dose of nutrition during both the years. The results showed that using 75% RDN&P +GA3 @200 ppm resulted significantly more yield and yield attributing character than GA3@100 ppm + 50% RDN, water soaking + 50% RDN and without GA3 application treatments (50% RDN) while at par with GA3@200 ppm+75% RDN, 75% RDN&P, 75% RDN, 50% RDN&P and GA3@100 ppm+50% RDN &P during both the years. In experiment II, without maize straw incorporation (WMSI) + 100% RDF + FYM @ 50 t ha-1 applied to preceding potato crop resulted significantly higher growth parameter, yield and yield attributing character as compared to maize straw incorporation (MSI) + 100% RDF + FYM @25 t ha-1 during both the year. The application of no maize residue with FYM @ 50 t ha-1+100 % RDF produced 7.5 and 7.8 percent increase in grain yield of wheat than maize straw incorporation (MSI) + 100% RDF + FYM @25 t ha-1 respectively during 2020-21 and 2021-22. The second factor involved applying nutrients with gibberellic acid (GA3) to wheat crops. The results showed that using 75% RDN&P +GA3 @20 ppm resulted significantly more yield and yield attributing character than GA3@10 ppm + 50% RDN and without GA3 application treatment (50% RDN) while at par with GA3@20 ppm+75% RDN, 75% RDN&P, 75% RDN, 50% RDN&P and GA3@10 ppm+50% RDN &P during both the years. The application of rice straw, FYM, nutrients to preceding potato crop and nutrients to wheat crop had significant effect on growth and yield of succeeding rice crop. Similarly, application of maize straw, FYM, nutrients to preceding potato crop and nutrients to wheat crop had significant effect on growth and yield of succeeding maize crop. Rice/maize straw incorporation + 100% RDF + FYM @25 t ha-1 and without rice/maize straw incorporation + 100% RDF + FYM @ 50 t ha-1 had resulted non-significantly effect on growth, yield and yield attributing character of potato during both the year. The application of FYM with or without rice/ maize straw and with different nutrients level improved the available nutrients in soil.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of agronomic manipulations on crop productivity and weed dynamics in poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr.) based agroforestry system
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Parija, Bhadra; Navneet Kaur
    Present study entitled “Effect of agronomic manipulations on crop productivity and weed dynamics in poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr.) based agroforestry system” was carried out at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and KVK, Roopnagar (Experiment I) during 2017- 18 and 2018-19. Experiment I consisted of crop establishment methods of wheat viz. two methods of sowing (line sowing and broadcasting) and two seed rates (100 kg/ha and 125 kg/ha) along with five weed control treatments viz. carfentrazone 20 g/ha, pinoxaden 50 g/ha, clodinafop+metribuzin 270 g/ha, weed free check and weedy check in factorial RBD with 3 replications. The age of the poplar tree was 4 years in Ludhiana with 12.4 m height and 15.8 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) while at Roopnagar the age of the plantation was 3 years with an average 9.3 m height and 12.1 cm dbh during 2018-19. Experiment II consisted of planting geometry viz. two poplar spacings (8m×2.5m and 7m×3m, paired at 2.5m) and two potato planting geometry (65cm×18.5cm and 75cm×15cm) in main plots and weed control treatments (atrazine 0.250 kg/ha, metribuzin 0.350 kg/ha, paraquat 0.300 kg/ha, clodinafop+metribuzin 0.270 kg/ha, weed free check and weedy check) in sub-plots with three replications in split-plot design. The age of the poplar here was 6 years old with 19.6 m height and 26.5 cm DBH during 2018-19. The results of experiment I revealed that line sown wheat (38.0-42.8 q/ha) with higher seed rate of 125 kg/ha (37.3-41.5 q/ha) under weed free check (40.2-45.4 q/ha) had higher yield advantages with a greater number of effective tillers, spike length, grains/ear and 1000-grain weight in comparison to broadcasted with lower seed rate wheat crop under the rest weed control treatments and it was statistically at par with clodinafop+metribuzin 270 g/ha (36.5-41.3 q/ha) applied treatments. The application of clodinafop+metribuzin 270 g/ha effectively reduced the weed count and biomass. In experiment II, poplar spacing of 8m×2.5m (263.5-272.0 q/ha) and potato planting geometry of 75cm×15cm (256.6-262.1 q/ha) recorded significantly higher potato tuber yield. Among the weed control treatments weed free check (294.9-302.9 q/ha) was at par with clodinafop+metribuzin 0.270 kg/ha (289.4-293.2 q/ha) in terms of potato tuber no., weight/hill and yield. These treatments have exhibited a higher weed smothering effect thereby subsequently reduced the weed seed bank and seed recruitment in both the experiments. All the herbicides used in both the experiments temporarily reduced the microbial population and their activity upto 90 days of application and then it recovered till harvesting of the intercrops.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Sub-surface drip irrigation studies in cotton-wheat cropping system
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Preksha; Brar, Ajmer Singh
    An increasing concern over the sustainability of the water resources in north-west India has stimulated an interest in drip irrigation. However, the high investment cost and the labour-intensive operation of removing laterals at the end of crop season discourage farmers to adopt surface drip irrigation in multiple cropping systems. Sub-surface drip laterals placed at suitable depth intended for multiple years could be a valid option for multiple cropping systems in northwest India. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted for the period of two years (2020-2021 and 2021-2022) to optimize lateral depth, emitter spacing and irrigation scheduling for sub-surface drip irrigated cotton-wheat cropping system. Experiment was laid out in a split-plot design using combinations of drip lateral depths (20, 25, and 30 cm), and emitter spacings (20, 30, and 40 cm) in main plots and irrigation schedules (100% ETc, 80% ETc, and 60% ETc) in sub-plots. Different combinations of sub-surface lateral depths and emitter spacings were compared with two additional controls (flood irrigation and surface drip irrigation). Seed cotton yields were comparable for lateral depths ranging from 20 to 30 cm, and emitter spacings ranging from 20 to 40 cm. Wheat yields and total system productivity were reduced with deeper lateral depth of 30 cm in dry year. A 7.9% reduction in system productivity was observed with deeper placement of laterals at 30 cm relative to 20 cm depth in drier year. Emitter spacings reduced wheat yields however, system productivity remained unaffected. Irrigation at 100% ETc resulted in highest productivity of cotton-wheat cropping system. Sub-surface drip placement depth of 20 cm resulted in highest total water productivity for cotton-wheat cropping system which was comparable with drip lateral depth of 25 cm. Sub-surface drip placement depth of 20 cm resulted in highest energy efficiency and net returns of cotton-wheat cropping system which were comparable with drip lateral depth of 25 cm. Closer emitter spacing of 20 cm was most energy efficient during dry year. Irrigation at 100% ETc resulted in highest energy efficiency and highest net returns of cotton-wheat cropping system which was comparable with irrigation at 80% ETc. Irrigation at 80% ETc through sub-surface drip system improved the net returns by 10.3-19.6% over flood irrigation while saving 38.3-44.7% irrigation water relative to flood irrigation. These findings emphasize that it is economically viable to invest in sub-surface drip irrigation using 20 cm lateral depth, 20-40 cm emitter spacing and irrigating at 80% ETc, increasing water productivity while having higher yield and profitability than flood irrigation and surface drip irrigation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of agronomic manipulations on crop productivity and weed dynamics in poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr.) based agroforestry system
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Parija, Bhadra; Navneet Kaur
    Present study entitled “Effect of agronomic manipulations on crop productivity and weed dynamics in poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr.) based agroforestry system” was carried out at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and KVK, Roopnagar (Experiment I) during 2017- 18 and 2018-19. Experiment I consisted of crop establishment methods of wheat viz. two methods of sowing (line sowing and broadcasting) and two seed rates (100 kg/ha and 125 kg/ha) along with five weed control treatments viz. carfentrazone 20 g/ha, pinoxaden 50 g/ha, clodinafop+metribuzin 270 g/ha, weed free check and weedy check in factorial RBD with 3 replications. The age of the poplar tree was 4 years in Ludhiana with 12.4 m height and 15.8 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) while at Roopnagar the age of the plantation was 3 years with an average 9.3 m height and 12.1 cm dbh during 2018-19. Experiment II consisted of planting geometry viz. two poplar spacings (8m×2.5m and 7m×3m, paired at 2.5m) and two potato planting geometry (65cm×18.5cm and 75cm×15cm) in main plots and weed control treatments (atrazine 0.250 kg/ha, metribuzin 0.350 kg/ha, paraquat 0.300 kg/ha, clodinafop+metribuzin 0.270 kg/ha, weed free check and weedy check) in sub-plots with three replications in split-plot design. The age of the poplar here was 6 years old with 19.6 m height and 26.5 cm DBH during 2018-19. The results of experiment I revealed that line sown wheat (38.0-42.8 q/ha) with higher seed rate of 125 kg/ha (37.3-41.5 q/ha) under weed free check (40.2-45.4 q/ha) had higher yield advantages with a greater number of effective tillers, spike length, grains/ear and 1000-grain weight in comparison to broadcasted with lower seed rate wheat crop under the rest weed control treatments and it was statistically at par with clodinafop+metribuzin 270 g/ha (36.5-41.3 q/ha) applied treatments. The application of clodinafop+metribuzin 270 g/ha effectively reduced the weed count and biomass. In experiment II, poplar spacing of 8m×2.5m (263.5-272.0 q/ha) and potato planting geometry of 75cm×15cm (256.6-262.1 q/ha) recorded significantly higher potato tuber yield. Among the weed control treatments weed free check (294.9-302.9 q/ha) was at par with clodinafop+metribuzin 0.270 kg/ha (289.4-293.2 q/ha) in terms of potato tuber no., weight/hill and yield. These treatments have exhibited a higher weed smothering effect thereby subsequently reduced the weed seed bank and seed recruitment in both the experiments. All the herbicides used in both the experiments temporarily reduced the microbial population and their activity upto 90 days of application and then it recovered till harvesting of the intercrops.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Optimizing irigation schedule for wheat (Triticun aestivıum L) through field and simulation studies
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2021) Sukhpreet Singh; Brar, AS
    The present study "Optimizing irrigation schedule for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.y" through field and simulation studies" was carried out at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ropar during 2017-18 and 2018-19. Experiment I was conducted in split plot design, keeping factorial combinations of three sowing dates 2s" October (D), 10" November (D,) and 25" November (D)}and two cultivars {Unnat PBW 550 (V) and PBW 725 (V)} in main plots and four irrigation schedules {irigation at CuluAo (L.) 50 (1) and PAU recommended irrigation schedule (L4)} in sub plots. The results revealed that J0d decreased by 8.2 and 3.8% from D, to D, and 18.0 and 11.5% from D, to D, during 2017-18 and 110 respectively. The correspondıng figures for Ropar were 6.1 and 1.3% and 17.6 and 12.5% during 017.18 and 2018-19, respectively. The variety PBW 725 produced 9.5 and 11.6% higher yield as compared Unnat PBW 550 during 2017-18 and 2018-19, respectively at Ludhiana and 9.8 and 11.5% at Ropar. respectively. However, the results showed the variety Unnat PBW 550 performed better under late sown conditions as compared to PBW 725. The highest grain yield was obtained in I, which was significantly better than all other depletion-based irigation treatments but statistically at par with L4. The grain yield in I, was 31.4 and 28.5% higher as compared to I; during 2017-18 and 2018-19, respectively whereas at Ropar it was 314 and 43.1%, respectively. The grain yield and ETc in I, and LĻ were at par, but crop and apparent water productivity was significantly higher in I, as compared to CP. The DSSAT-CERES-Wheat model performed well [as revealed by high correlation coefficient (r), low root mean square error (RMSE) and low mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)] in simulating the days to anthesis (r=0.95 and 0.92; RMSE-4.27 and 4.99 days; MAPE-3.60 and 4.20%), maturity (r-0.96 and 0.94; RMSE-6.02 and 7.51 days; MAPE=3.41 and 4.35%), leaf area index (r=0.92 and 0.84; RMSE-0.16 and 0.15; MAPE=4.58 and 4.50%), grain yield (r=0.94 and 0.96; RMSE=133.3 and 214.6 kg ha'; MAPE=2.66 and 4.87%), biological yield (r-0.92 and 0.93, RMSE=130.6 and 397.1 kg ha': MAPE=1.12 and 2.87%), ETc (r-0.95 and 0.91; RMSE=114 and 10.2 mm; MAPE-3.31 and 3.18%) and CWP (-0.88 and 0.85, RMSE-0.07 and 0.09 kg ha'; MAPE-4.50 and 5.60%) during 2017-18 and 2018-19, respectively. Experiment II was also conducted in split plot design, keeping three irigation timings {three irrigations at crown root initiation, booting and milking (CBM); four irigations at crown root initiation, tillering, flowering and milking (CTFM) and five irrigations at crown root initiation, tillering, booting, flowering and dough (CTBFD)} in main plots and factorial combinations of 3 depths of first ITigation {65 mm (F): 75 mm (F.) and 85 mm (F)} and 3 depths of subsequent irigations {55 mm (S): 65 mm (S.) and 75 mm (S)} in sub plots. There was significant increase in grain yield, apparent and crop water productivity when number of irigations were increased from 3 in CBM to 5 in CTBFD. The grain yield increased significantly when depth of first irrigation was increased from 65 to 75 mm whereas further increase Tesulted in numeric increase only. Similarly, the effect of depth of subsequent irigations was significant only p tO 0 mm. The grain yield was maximum in the treatment CTBFD with 75 mm depth of first irrigation but S Was Statistically at par with the treatment CTBFD with 55 and 65 mm irrigation depth of first irrigation. e DSSAT-CERES-Wheat model performed well in simulating the days to anthesis (RMSE-1.19 and 1.94 days; 1MAPE-0.94 and 1.799%), maturity (RMSE=1.59 and 1.86 days: MAPE=0.90 and 1.02%), leaf area index na 0.86; RMSE-0.39 and 0.,13: MAPE=2.33 and 3.43%), grain yield (r=0.94 and 0.98; RMSE=160.6, Kg ha ; MAPE=3.43 and 3.51%), biological yield (r-0.93 and 0.95; RMSE494.0 and 362.7 kg ha PEF3.63 and 2.86%). ETc (r=0 94 and 0.96: RMSE=8.28 and 11.73 mm; MAPE-2.34 and 3.49%o) and TesU.04 and 0.79; RMSE-0.12 and 0.14 mm: MAPE=8.03 and 9.18%) during 2017-18 and 2018-19, respectively. The study finally concluded that simulation modelling along with field experimentation may help in determining , optimum sowing time of different cultivars and optimizing irigation water use in wheat.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Crop productivity and weed dynamics under different crop establishment methods and residue management strategies in rice (Oryza sativa L.) – wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Jasvir Singh; Bhullar, Makhan Singh
    The study “Crop productivity and weed dynamics under different crop establishment methods and residue management strategies in rice (Oryza sativa L.) – wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system” consisted of two field experiments. Experiment I „Influence of crop establishment, crop residues and herbicides on weed dynamics and crop productivity under direct-seeded and puddletransplanted rice-wheat cropping systems‟ was conducted in split-plot design with three methods of rice establishment i.e. direct seeded rice (DSR) after cover crop (surface mulch) of Crotalaria juncea, puddled transplanted rice (after incorporation of Crotalaria juncea) and puddled transplanted rice (PTR) in main plots. In sub-plots, combination of two method of in-situ rice straw management (incorporation-using Super Seeder (SS); retention on surface-using PAU Happy Seeder (HS) and two weed control treatments (in wheat) i.e. unsprayed control, metribuzin 42 % + clodinafop12 % at 270 g ha-1 (as post-emergence). Experiment II „Effect of methods of sowing, weed control and timing of first irrigation on weed dynamics and productivity of direct seeded rice and wheat in a rice-wheat cropping system‟ was conducted in a split-split plot design with sowing methods (flat bed and raised bed) in main plots, timing of first irrigation [7 and 21 days after sowing (DAS) for rice; 28 and 42 DAS for wheat] in sub plots and four weed control (for rice and wheat) treatments in sub-sub plots. Weed control treatments in rice consisted of viz. pendimethalin 750 g a.i. followed by (fb) bispyribac-Na at 25 g a.i./ha, pendimethalin 750 g a.i. fb cyhalofop butyl 5.1% + penoxsulam 1.02% at 135 g a.i/.ha, integrated weed management (pendimethalin 750 g a.i. fb bispyribac-Na 25 g a.i./ha + one hand weeding) and unsprayed control. In wheat, it consisted of viz. metribuzin 42 % + clodinafop 12 % at 270 g ha-1 at 35, 45 and 55 DAS and unsprayed control. The field experiments were conducted at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Expt II) and at village Ghawaddi (Ludhiana) (Expt I and II) during Kharif and Rabi seasons of 2019-20 and 2020-21. The experimental soils at Ludhiana was loamy sand, 0.40% organic matter and normal in reaction. At Ghawaddi, the soil was sandy loam, 0.50% organic matter and normal in reaction. The results indicated that in case of RICE, DSR sown with HS (C. juncea as surface mulch) provided similar rice grain yield and yield attributes PTR (with green manuring of C. juncea)); both these treatments provided significantly higher grain yield than PTR (without green manure). DSR sown on flat beds, in a Tarr-Wattar field (workable but high soil moisture) recorded grain yield similar to tar-wattar DSR sown on raised beds. First irrigation to TarrWattar DSR, sown on flat bed as well as raised bed, at 21 DAS, provided grain yield similar to first irrigation at 7 DAS. In DSR, integration of pre- and post- emergence herbicides with one hand weeding recorded the best weed control. In case of WHEAT, sowing with HS (paddy residues retained as surface mulch) had lower weeds and it provided significantly higher grain yield than sowing with SS (paddy residues incorporated), both under unsprayed as well as recommended herbicide treatments. In HS wheat, sowing on flat beds had lower weeds and it recorded significantly higher grain yield than sowing on raised beds. First irrigation to HS wheat at 42 DAS recorded similar grain yield and lower weeds than first irrigation at 28 DAS. In HS wheat, herbicide application from 45-55 DAS provided better weed control and significantly higher grain yield than its application at 35 DAS.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Weed and water management in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Fiori et Paol.) grown after different rice (Oryza sativa L.) residue management systems
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2022) Ramanpreet Kaur; Deol, J.S.
    The present study entitled „Weed and water management in wheat grown after different rice residue management systems‟ consisted of two experiments conducted at Students‟ Research Farm, Departments of Agronomy and Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during Rabi 2019-20 and 2020-21. Both the experiments were conducted using spilt-split plot with three replications. Experiment I entitled „Weed management in wheat crop in relation to rice residue management and wheat planting time‟ consisted of combination of rice residue load (using rice cultivars PR122 and PR 126) and wheat planting time (25th October and 15th November) in main plots, different residue management systems i.e. conventional tillage, Happy Seeder, mould board plough+ rotavator and burning was kept in sub plots and three weed control treatments (tank-mix of pinoxaden 50 g ha-1 + metribuzin 175 g ha-1, metribuzin plus clodinafop 260 g ha-1 and weedy plots) were kept in the sub-sub-plots. Weed population per unit area was recorded lower under high rice residue load of PR 122 in the first year. In second year, rice residue load has non-significant effect on weed density due to rainfall in early November. Higher population of Medicago denticulata was recorded under early sown wheat whereas, other broad leaf weeds and Phalaris minor was recorded lower under early sown wheat. Significantly lower density of different weeds was observed under Happy Seeder as compared to other rice residue management methods. Weed control by application of metribuzin plus clodinafop 260 g ha-1 resulted in significantly lower weed population per unit area and weed biomass as compared to weedy, but was statistically at par with tank-mix of pinoxaden 50 g ha-1 + metribuzin 175 g ha-1. Both broad-spectrum herbicides resulted in effective weed control and higher wheat grain yield under rice residue management with Happy Seeder. „Effect of rice residue and irrigation scheduling on weed dynamics and productivity of wheat under rice-wheat growing system‟ was the second experiment that consisted of four rice residue management system (conventional tillage, Happy Seeder, mould board plough+ rotavator and burning) in main plots, four irrigation scheduling (20% depletion of available soil moisture, 30% depletion of available soil moisture, 40% depletion of available soil moisture and PAU recommendation) in sub plots and four weed management practices i.e. metribuzin plus clodinafop 260 g a.i. ha-1; pinoxaden 50 g a.i. ha-1; metsulfuron plus carfentrazone 25 g a.i. ha-1; weedy plot in sub-sub plots. Density of dominant weeds Rumex dentatus, M. denticulata and P. minor was lower under Happy Seeder as compared to other systems. Significantly higher population of weeds were recorded under water surplus conditions (20%, 30% depletion of available soil moisture and PAU recommendation) as compared to water stress condition under 40% depletion of available soil moisture. Weed control by application of metsulfuron plus carfentrazone 25 g a.i. ha-1 resulted in significantly lower broad leaf weed population per unit area as compared to weedy, but was found to be statistically at par with metribuzin plus clodinafop 260 gha-1. For broad leaf weed flora, both post emergence herbicides resulted in effective weed control and higher wheat grain yield.