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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Higher order contributions to electron-acoustic solitary waves featuring cairns-tsallis distribution of electrons
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Sharma, Anjali; Parveen Bala
    In this thesis, a homogeneous system of unmagnetized and collisionless plasma constituting of cold electron fluid, immobile ions and hot electrons has been studied. The hot electrons are assumed to obey hybrid Cairns-Tsallis distribution. This distribution is applicable within the range and .Using standard Reductive Perturbation Method (RPM), dispersion relation and Korteweg de-Vries (KdV) equation has been derived. Reductive preturbation method is further extended to include the contribution of higher order terms. Renormalization method is employed in studying the propagation of electron acoustic solitary waves as well as higher order solitary waves. Our present investigation focuses on revealing the dependency of the behavior of these waves on nonthermal parameter( ), hot-to-cold electron density ratio( ), hot-to-cold electron temperature ratio( ), Mach number( ) and nonextensive parameter( ). Only negative potential structures are reported in our plasma model. The numerical results reflects that on taking the higher order correction terms into account, the amplitude of the dressed soliton solution increases however its width narrows. The present plasma model may be helpful in simulating the electron acoustic solitary behavior in the auroral regions and magnetospheric plasmas of earth.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Higher order contributions to electron-acoustic solitary waves featuring cairns-tsallis distribution of electrons
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Sharma, Anjali; Bala, Parveen
    In this thesis, a homogeneous system of unmagnetized and collisionless plasma constituting of cold electron fluid, immobile ions and hot electrons has been studied. The hot electrons are assumed to obey hybrid Cairns-Tsallis distribution. This distribution is applicable within the range and .Using standard Reductive Perturbation Method (RPM), dispersion relation and Korteweg de-Vries (KdV) equation has been derived. Reductive preturbation method is further extended to include the contribution of higher order terms. Renormalization method is employed in studying the propagation of electron acoustic solitary waves as well as higher order solitary waves. Our present investigation focuses on revealing the dependency of the behavior of these waves on nonthermal parameter( ), hot-to-cold electron density ratio( ), hot-to-cold electron temperature ratio( ), Mach number( ) and nonextensive parameter( ). Only negative potential structures are reported in our plasma model. The numerical results reflects that on taking the higher order correction terms into account, the amplitude of the dressed soliton solution increases however its width narrows. The present plasma model may be helpful in simulating the electron acoustic solitary behavior in the auroral regions and magnetospheric plasmas of earth.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Cylindrical electron-acoustic solitary waves with hybrid Cairns-Tsallis distributed hot electrons
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Harmanpreet Kaur; Parveen Bala
    The propagation of cylindrical electron acoustic solitary waves in a plasma system constituting cold electron fluid, immobile ions and hot electrons has been studied. The hot electrons are assumed to follow hybrid nonthermal-nonextensive distribution popularly known as Cairns-Tsallis distribution. This distribution is applicable within the parameters range 0.6  q 1 and 0    0.25. Using Reductive preturbation method Korteweg de- Vries (KdV) is derived to obtain the required solution for cylindrical electron acoustic solitary waves. Our present investigation focuses on revealing the dependency of the behavior of these waves on nonthermal parameter ( ) , hot-to-cold electron density ratio ( ) and nonextensive parameter ( q ). Only negative potential structures are reported in our plasma model. The effect of nonextensivity (q), nonthermality ( ) and cylindrical geometry on the amplitudes and width of electron acoustic potential structures have been studied numerically. The numerical results are presented in the form of graphs in given parametric ranges. The present plasma model may be helpful in simulating the electron acoustic solitary behavior in the auroral regions and magnetospheric plasmas of earth.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Electron-acoustic double layers featuring cairns-tsallis distribution of electrons
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Arshpreet Kaur; Parveen Bala
    Plasma is an ionized gas that can be considered as collection of positive and negative charge carriers and has net zero charge. It exihibits various striking nonlinear structures such as solitons and double layers. The nonlinear dynamics of large amplitude electron acoustic double layers in an unmagnetized collisionless plasma consisting of cold and hot electrons has been studied. The electrons are assumed to follows the cairns-tsallis distribution. Sagdeev pseudopotential method has been used to investigate the occurance of large amplitude double layers, focusing on how their characteristics depends upon the different parameters. For the selected range of parameters, it is found that only compressive double layers can exist. Further, the analysis is extended for small amplitude double layer solution by expanding the Sagdeev potential in the weakly coupled plasma limit ( <<1). The upper limits of the Mach number for the existence of double layer are dertermined, and their values are significantly modified in the presence of Cairns-Tsallis distributed electrons. Polarity of the nonlinear structures strongly depends on the nonthermal parameter ( ) and nonextensivity (q) of electrons. Depending on the nature of these double layers, their associated electric fields are thought to be responsible for particle acceleration or deceleration.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of adulteration on dielectric properties and electrical conductivity of honey
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Zorawar Singh; Paramjit Sin
    Non-destructive techniques for determining the adulteration of food products are rapidly gaining a wide scientific interest, partly due to their utilization in the industrial sector. One of the important non-destructive techniques is the measurement of dielectric properties and electrical conductivity. Under this technique, the substance under study is subject to an alternating electric field and a rapid energy gaining and losing process starts due to molecular alignments. This process can be characterized by two parameters; dielectric constant and loss tangent. Also, electrical conductivity measures the charge carrying capacity of the substance. The present study aims to evaluate the effect of adulteration of honey, with sugar syrup, on the dielectric properties and electrical conductivity. These properties were studied at five different frequencies (10, 30, 50, 70, and 100 kHz) and seven different temperatures (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 °C) for pure honey, sucrose syrup and five different concentrations of sugar syrup in honey (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50%). Dielectric properties decreased with increasing frequency. Meanwhile, dielectric constant decreased and loss tangent increased with temperature. Both parameters decreased in a linear fashion with the addition of sugar syrup. The adulteration of honey has a significant effect on its dielectric properties for impurity levels above 10% and temperatures below 50 °C. Electrical conductivity increased linearly with temperature and sugar syrup impurity level, while the frequency has negligible effect on it. Further, the statistical analysis showed that the effect of adulteration of honey on its electrical conductivity is significant at temperatures above 50 °C and for impurity levels above 20%.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Control sample studies for rare radiative decay using Belle detector
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Amritpal Singh; Sharma, Rajeev Kumar
    We study the decay modes of B mesons to final states including J/ψ and 􀟨􀍲 mesons based on a large amount of data sample at the ϒ(4S) state collected with Belle detector in KEKB asymmetric energy 􀝁􀵆􀝁􀵅 collider. 􀜤
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Solitary Waves in four component Dusty Plasma using Kappa Distribution of Electrons and Ions
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Amanpreet Kaur; Parveen Bala
    Dusty plasma plays important role in space, astrophysical and laboratory environment. The presence of charged dust particles along with other particles in plasma creates solitary waves. An unmagnetized dusty plasma consisting of positively charged dust, negatively charged dust, kappa distributed electrons and ions is considered. The K-dV equation for solitary waves in such plasma system is derived using reductive perturbation method. This K-dV equation describes the solitary waves in dusty plasma and gives the nonlinearity and dispersion effects in such dusty plasma system. The soliton solution is found for the K-dV equation which is of the sech2 form. Both compressive and rarefactive solutions are found in fast and slow modes. The effects of the dusty plasma parameters and kappa parameters on the dynamics of these solitons in both modes are discussed numerically. The kappa distribution has only a quantitative, not a qualitative effect on the existence of solitary waves. The results which, have been obtained from this investigation, would be useful in understanding the properties of nonlinear solitary waves in laboratory and in space dusty plasmas.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of magnetic field on the solubility and pH of sodium chloride in distilled water
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Anjali; Paramjeet Singh
    The water passed through magnetic field is known as magnetized water and it has been claimed that the magnetic water change the physical, chemical and microbiological properties. The influence of magnetic field on water is to change the dimension of the cluster, which affects the physical properties of water. Magnetic water has very useful effects in agriculture such as on germination of seeds, pH of soil, increase in yield, plant length and crop productivity. Magnetic water has different properties and action than ordinary water. The main purpose of the present study is to investigate whether or not magnetic water treatment changes the electrical conductivity, TDS and pH of NaCl solution. During the experiment, NaCl solution was exposed to different exposure of magnetic field strength and change in electrical conductivity, total dissolved salts (TDS) and pH of NaCl solution before and after the effect of magnetic field strength was compared. In the present study, the physical parameters like electrical conductivity and total dissolved salts of NaCl solution increases with more exposure of time (3hrs, 5 hrs and 7 hrs) at magnetic field strength (0.05T-0.25T). pH of the NaCl solution increases with magnetic field strength but for 3 hours is more and for 7 hours is less. Statistical analysis of data with SPPS software version 20.0 changes values for TDS, electrical conductivity and pH of NaCl solution. Analysis with regression coefficient and ANOVA at 5% level of significant (p < 0.05) has been tested.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Gamma attenuation studies in selected wood samples at varying moisture level.
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Harneet Kaur; Rajeev Kumar
    The moisture content of wood is known to have a significant influence on the wood‟s mechanical properties. Changes in wood moisture content lead to changes of virtually all physical and mechanical properties (e.g. strength and stiffness properties) of wood. Another effect of changes of the wood moisture content is the associated shrinkage or swelling of the material. The present study deals with the determination of mass attenuation coefficients of Dek and Poplar wood samples at varying moisture levels using gamma ray transmission method. Measurements were performed using NaI(Tl) scintillation detector and a radioactive source 137Cs of energy 0.662 MeV. In order to vary moisture content of wood samples they were placed in an oven for fixed durations. A graph was plotted between the measured relative transmitted intensities against the thickness of wood samples and we observed the mass attenuation coefficient from the slopes of the plots at different moisture levels. The obtained mass attenuation coefficients were plotted against the relative moisture content of wood samples and it showed that attenuation coefficient increases with decreasing moisture content, i.e., mass attenuation coefficient is least for completely wet samples and is highest for the oven dried samples. We also measured the densities of both wood samples at different moisture levels by using radiation technique and conventional method and compared the results and found very small percentage difference. Wood density is a vital parameter to have knowledge about anatomical and physical properties of wood and thus it can be a useful parameter for determination of quality of wood.