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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Determinants of entrepreneurship development in beekeeping : case studies of Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Vajpai, Vikas; Rupinder Kaur
    The present study was undertaken with the objectives to study the socio-economic and psychological traits, institutional framework, impact of family capital and social capital on beekeeping, document marketing strategies and innovations used by beekeepers, identify challenges in exploiting innovative opportunities and identify major problems being faced by the beekeepers. Study was conducted in 22 districts of Punjab state. A total of 44 progressive beekeepers were selected using proportional probability sampling and case study design for the study. Data were collected by personal interview method. It was found that 47.73 per cent of the respondents belonged to middle age (44-55) and most of them were educated up to senior secondary with operational land holding more than 10 acres. Respondents had high level of mass media exposure. Hort. Dept. and PAU scientists were major formal sources of information. Nearly 60.00 of the respondents had high level of achievement motivation and half were moderate internal risk takers. Respondents had rational decision-making style. Nearly one third of the respondents had balanced locus of control and 60.00 per cent of farmers were having high level of innovativeness. Commercial banks were the first preferred economic institutional support by the Respondents. Majority of the respondents preferred “PAU or KVKs” For capacity building through training. In case of standardization and certification of honey, respondents were registered under the AGMARK. Nearly one third of the Respondents preferred NAFED/ MARKFED for regulating market quality, supply and price of honey and honey products. For social support respondents preferred family. Family capital and social capital both had positive impact on up scaled beekeeping enterprise. For maintenance of good quality of honey, nearly 66.00 per cent of respondents avoided the use of restricted chemicals as well as keeping honey in air tight containers. About two third of the respondents were practicing direct marketing of honey and honey products. Nearly 61.36 per cent of the respondents had sold honey directly to wholesaler/ through distributors. Very few (13.64%) respondents exported honey through APEDA. The challenges faced by the respondents which had a key role of exploiting innovative opportunities were seeking financial support for the enterprise followed by looking market for quality bee products, convincing/ satisfying consumers for quality and search of bee flora in other states as well as meeting standard of quality of trade the major challenges. The major problems were lack of bee flora in the Punjab state followed by too much use of agrochemicals, lack of insurances policy, accidental or any other major loss and burning of crop residue.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Adoption status of food preservation practices disseminated through vocational training courses of Krishi Vigyan Kendras
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Gagandeep Kaur; Kanwaljit Kaur
    The study was conducted to assess the adoption status of food preservation practices disseminated through vocational training courses of Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Punjab. Nine Krishi Vigyan Kendras i.e. Amritsar, Bathinda, Hoshiarpur, Patiala, Fatehgarh Sahib, Mukatsar Sahib, Jalandhar, Moga and Ludhiana were selected to conduct the study. These Krishi Vigyan Kendras had organized twenty three short duration courses from year 2011 to 2013. Out of 582 women trainees who had attended the vocational training courses of Krishi Vigyan Kendras, 179 trainees constituted the sample of study. Data were collected through self structured interview schedule. Majority of trainees were belonged to schedule caste category. Large majority of trainees had low level of mass media exposure. Vocational training was assessed in terms of adoption status, extent of adoption and level of use of training. Training on pappad and vadian, chawanparash and preserves/Murabha had achieved the highest adoption status. Lowest adoption status was observed in sun drying of vegetable, pickle making and preparation of squashes. Adoption status of majority of practices in terms of its use at household level was high. But practices related to recommended quantity of food preservator were either not adopted or discontinued. Extent of adoption of different practices on food preservation training course was also observed high. Only one percent of trainees had established an enterprise after receiving training and two percent were using training for income generation purpose. Major constraint for non-establishment of an enterprise was weak financial position. It can be concluded that awareness regarding financial assistance provided by the government to start an enterprise should be created to trainees. The trainees also suggested that transport facility should be provided to them for attending on-campus training course.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Perception and adoption of kitchen gardening by the farmers trained by KVK Jalandhar
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Iqbal Kaur; Kuldeep Singh
    The study entitled “Perception and adoption of Kitchen Gardening by the farmers trained by KVK Jalandhar” was undertaken with the objective to study the Perception and adoption of the farmers regarding Kitchen Gardening. The study was conducted purposively in Jalandhar district of Punjab. A list of 348 trained farmers on Kitchen Gardening during the period of 2011-2015 was obtained from KVK, Jalandhar. Out of procured list, a total sample of 200 respondents was selected on based of probability proportional to the number of trainees in each year from 2011-2015. The data was collected with the help of interview schedule method. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the respondents were in the age group of above 50 years were matriculates and had high (48.50%) experience level in Kitchen Gardening and had large (<10 ha) operational land holding because most of the farmers (47.00%) had leased in land. Majority of the respondents (55.00%) had medium level of Mass media exposure. Mera Pind Mere Khet was the most popular TV programme among the farmers for agricultural information and (44.00%) high level of extension contacts and participation in extension activities. Majority of the farmers preferred to seek their advice from scientists of PAU/ KVK. It was found that all the respondents perceived that all the vegetables produced at home were chemical free and easy available round the year to their kitchen. The findings revealed that area under Kitchen Gardening was low (56.00%) and moreover, site of location of Kitchen Garden was at farm. All the respondents used organic methods of vegetable production using farm yard manure, cow urine and roughing operations to protect the vegetables from insect-pest and diseases. Majority of the respondents (95.50%) obtained the seed from PAU/KVK and grew own nursery. The main problem faced by them, was from stray animals and overflow water during rainy season.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Farmer’s perception on their Vulnerability towards Weather Variability in different cropping systems of Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Deepika; Manmeet Kaur
    The study entitled “Farmer’s perception on their Vulnerability towards Weather Variability in different cropping systems of Punjab” was undertaken with the objectives to study perception of farmers regarding their exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity towards weather variability in different cropping systems viz. wheat-rice, wheat-maize and wheat cotton and to determine the vulnerability of different cropping systems towards weather variability as perceived by the farmers of Punjab. Two-forty farmers were selected from the six selected districts of three agro-climatic zones of Punjab through multistage sampling method. The data were collected with the help of interview schedule. Findings of the study revealed that majority of the farmers perceived an increase in summer and winter temperature while all farmers perceived a decrease in annual rainfall in all zones over a period of ten years. Most of the farmers perceived above normal mean temperature at sowing, tillering and booting stage of wheat crop while low tillering and low germination were the wheat crop sensitivities towards above normal mean temperature exposure. Maximum farmers were found to have exposure to weather parameters leading to insect-pest and disease attack which lead to increase in number of pesticidal sprays as to adapt to these sensitivities. Farmers perceived a below normal rainfall in paddy crop resulting in low seedling emergence due to scorching and desiccation of seedlings. Farmers increased the number of irrigations as their adaptive capacity in paddy. In maize crop, above normal rainfall was perceived by farmers which lead to water logging and hampered growth of plants. Majority of the farmers adapted proper drainage management strategies for this. Flowering stage was highly exposed to mean temperature above normal, rainfall below normal and mean relative humidity above normal thus causing white fly attack in cotton. Almost all farmers increased the number of insecticidal sprays. Vulnerability index was determined by using three indices i.e., exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity which revealed that Moga was highly vulnerable in wheat and rice crop as perceived by the farmers. Age was found to be significant factor for resowing and thinning while farmer’s operational land holding and annual income was found to be positively and significantly related with purchase of combines, resowing and increase in number of irrigations. ANOVA analysis revealed that significant zone wise weather variations were found at different stages of wheat and rice while Z-test analysis showed that increase in mean temperature was found to be a significant weather variability in maize and cotton
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Adoption of recommended cultivation practices of kharif maize crop in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Gurloveleen Singh; Bhalla, Jaswinder Singh
    The study entitled “Adoption of recommended cultivation practices of kharif maize crop in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab” was undertaken with the objectives to study the knowledge level and extent of adoption and problems faced by the farmers in adoption of recommended cultivation practices of kharif maize. Out of ten blocks of district, four blocks were selected randomly. From each block, two villages were selected randomly, from each village 20 farmers were selected by using simple random sampling technique, so a total of 160 respondents were randomly selected from 8 villages. Data were collected by personally visiting the study area and interviewing the farmers. It was observed that majority of the farmers were of the middle age group (45-66 years), had gained education upto matric and fell in the category of medium (10-25 acres) operational land holding. Majority of the respondents belonged to low mass media exposure. It was also found that overall knowledge level regarding recommended cultivation practices of kharif maize was low among the farmers. . More than half of the farmers (52.5%) applied recommended seed rate. Majority of farmers (74.38%) were sown kharif maize crop at recommended time. Majority of farmers (85.62%) have adopted non recommended varieties. Majority of farmers have applied recommended fertilizers with recommended time and methods. Majority of farmers have applied recommended herbicides with recommended dose. 75.63 per cent farmers were satisfied from kharif maize cultivation. Majority of farmers (80.63%) have always faced the problem of high cost of improved seed, non-availability of recommended varieties (85.62%), high cost of fertilizers (100%) and herbicides (100%), lack of knowledge regarding the type of nozzle to be used (49.37%), lack of subsidized chemicals (100%), less availability of drier for maize produce (71.25%), lack of marketing facilities by govt. at proper price/rate (35%), no marketing facilities in rural areas (43.75%), non-procurement of maize produce by government at minimum support price (77.50%) and 56.87 per cent of farmers had problem of less price of produce having high moisture content.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Reactions of farmers regarding Kisan Mela organised at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Talwar, Amandeep; Rupinder Kaur
    The study entitled “Reactions of farmers regarding Kisan Mela organised at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana” was undertaken with the objectives to study the reactions of the farmers regarding various components of PAU Kisan Mela and to study the problems faced by the farmers during PAU Kisan Mela. The study also focused on suggestions given by the farmers regarding various components of PAU Kisan Mela for making improvements. Sixty farmers were selected purposively during each of the Melas i.e. March and September who visited the Kisan Mela at least twice before. Thus a total of 120 farmers were taken as sample of the study. Data were collected personally by interviewing them. It was observed that majority of the farmers were of the young age group (22-37 years), had gained education upto graduation, had annual income between 2.5-5.0 lakhs and fell in the category of semi-medium (5-10 acres) operational land holding. Majority of the respondents were having high extension contacts and extension participation. It was also found that majority of the farmers visited Kisan Mela with a purpose to purchase good quality seed/nursery plants. Most of the farmers were fully satisfied with the visit to Museum of Social History of Rural Punjab, parking facility, information gain about innovations and duration of question-answer session and clarification of queries at the demonstrations. Majority of the respondents faced problems regarding issue of the chits for seed and urinal & toilet facilities during PAU Kisan Mela. A large number of the respondents suggested to increase number of stalls for issuing of the chits for seed and to improve urinals and toilet in number and cleanliness.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Socio-economic impact of Bt cotton cultivation among the farmers of Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Jagmit Singh; Dharminder Singh
    The present study was conducted to analyze the socio-economic impact of Bt cotton cultivation among the farmers of Punjab. A total sample of 150 farmers was selected from three major cotton growing districts of Punjab. Data were collected with the help of structured interview schedule. It was found that most of the respondents were falling under the age group of 43 to 56 years and were matriculates and belonged to nuclear families. Nearly half of the respondents possessed the medium size of operational land holding. The majority of the respondents had medium level of innovativeness and scientific orientation. Study revealed that all the respondents had grown double gene Bt cotton hybrids i.e. BG-II after purchasing the seed from private seed shops. It was found that 76.00 per cent of the farmers had sown Bt cotton seeds at recommended time and about 80.00 per cent of the area under Bt cotton was covered by non-recommended hybrids. The average productivity was decreased from 23.00 q/ha in the year 2004 to 19.98 q/ha during the year 2014 and further to 8.32 q/ha in the year 2015. The advent of Bt cotton technology significantly reduced the insecticide usage by the respondents on cotton crop and the average numbers of insecticide sprays were reduced significantly from 13.07 in the year 2004 to 6.20 in the year 2014. However, it was slightly increased to 8.91 in the year 2015 due to widespread attack of whitefly in the entire north zone. The number of insecticide sprays for bollworm significantly decreased from 8.50 in the year 2004 to 0.84 in the year 2014. The net income from Bt cotton crop was increased significantly from Rs. 19,396 per hectare in the year 2004 to Rs. 53,680 in the year 2014, which however decreased to a greater extent in the year 2015 due to whitefly outbreak. The cost on the variables like fertilizers, irrigation, hoeing and harvesting was found to be significant in affecting the total production of the Bt cotton. Also education, land holding and gross annual income of the respondents had a significant impact on the number of insecticide sprays. The major constraints faced by the respondents were price fluctuations (96.67%), lower MSP (94.67%), ineffectiveness of pesticides (94.67%) and substandard quality of pesticides (87.33%). The major suggestions given by the respondents were to develop better resistant Bt varieties and to keep check on seeds and pesticides along with fixed market selling prices.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Adoption of PAU recommended varieties of wheat and paddy in Ludhiana district of Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Savtinder Kaur; Bhalla, Jaswinder Singh
    The present study was conducted to determine the adoption of PAU recommended varieties of wheat and paddy in Ludhiana district of Punjab. There were twelve blocks in the district. Out of twelve blocks, four blocks were selected randomly, and then three villages from each block were selected randomly. A list of farmers in each 12 villages (who were growing wheat and rice for last 5 years) was prepared and then from this list, 15 farmers from each village were selected randomly. Thus, the sample comprised of 180 farmers from all 12 villages. The data was collected through interview schedule by personal interview. It was observed 47.78 per cent of the respondents belonged to middle age category, were educated and had semi medium operational land holding. Cent per cent were aware of PAU recommended variety of Paddy i.e. PR111 and unrecommended variety Pusa 44 respectively. Cent per cent were aware of recommended HD 2967 variety of wheat. Majority of the farmers adopted Pusa 44 variety of paddy but it is unrecommended by PAU. The extent of adoption was high in case of HD 2967. Most of the farmers gave the reason of high yield of HD 2967, HD 3086 for adoption of wheat varieties. Most of the farmers suggested to release high yielding varieties of paddy.