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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of Solar Energy Based Inclined Plate Honey Moisture Reduction System
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Iqbal Singh; Sukhmeet Singh
    Honey is delicious, nutritious and has high medicinal value in comparison to other sweeteners. Honey is usually extracted from comb as immature product which results in high moisture which makes it more liable to be fermented by osmophilic yeasts. So, it needs to be processed for moisture reduction, to delay crystallization and to overcome the problem of fermentation. The present study was undertaken to develop honey moisture reduction system based on solar energy with auxiliary electric heating. The system consists of a flat plate inclined at an angle. The plate is heated from the underside and honey for moisture reduction is re-circulated over it until desired moisture content is achieved. During testing, the moisture content of honey was reduced from 21.5% (w.b.) to 17% (w.b.). The moisture reduction system requires energy input for honey pumping, water pumping and water heating. The drying behavior and honey quality parameters affected by heating viz. HMF (Hydroxymethylfurfural content), diastase activity and colour difference from raw honey were investigated. The process parameters, water temperature and plate inclination were investigated in the range 40 to 70oC and 30 to 60o using four level full factorial design. The process parameters were optimized under simulated indoor conditions based on quality parameters and minimum energy input. The optimum water temperature and plate inclination have been found as 60oC and 60o. The solar energy based honey moisture reduction system has been validated at optimized conditions for quality parameters. The benefit cost ratio of the system considering the cost of raw and processed honey has been determined to be 3.90, thereby indicating that the developed system can be used profitably to reduce the moisture content of honey.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Farm Level Storage of Sunflower Oil
    (Department of Processing & Agricultural Structure, College of Agricultural Engineering, PAU, Ludhiana, 1996) Raghav, Pramod Kumar; Grover, P. C
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Microprocessor based force data acquisition system applicable to tralled implements
    (College of Agricultural Engineering PAU – Ludhiana, 1991) Soni, Deepak; Dhingra, D. S
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Study of soil failure patterns ahead of a simple tillage tool
    (College of Agricultural Engineering PAU – Ludhiana, 1991) Jindal, Navdeep; Wadhwa, D. S
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Investigation on the suitability of selected plant oil esters as alternate fuels in a 5 HP Unmodified CI Engine
    (Colelge of Agricultural Engineering PAU, Ludhiana, 1987) Soni, Rajesh; Verma, S. R
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Design and development of an anti roll safety farme for a 35 HP Tractor
    (Department of Farm Power and Machinery PAU, Ludhiana, 1981) Singh, Dalip; Mittal, V. K
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Design of automatic feeding system for poultry Birds
    (College of Agricultural Engineering PAU - Ludhiana, 1981) Gupta, Suraj; Dhingra, D. P
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Thermal and thermohydraulic performance evaluation of an evacuated tube collector solar air heater
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Daljit Singh; Hans, V.S.
    The thermal and thermohydraulic performance of an evacuated tube collector (ETC) solar air heater and flat plate collector solar air heater (FPC) were experimentally investigated and compared in the outdoor conditions at different mass flow rates of air. ETC collector having two square channels and 15 one ended tubes were used in the present study. The aperture area of ETC and FPC was 0.83 m2 and 1.33 m2 respectively. The mass flow rate was varied from 0.002 kg/s-m2 to 0.012 kg/s-m2 in six levels for both the collectors. A mathematical method was used to evaluate the daily collectible solar radiation on single tube of all glass ETC collectors. The maximum values of outlet air temperature and rise in temperature of ETC and FPC were observed to be 110.8 °C,71.8 °C, 68.8 °C and 30.3 °C respectively corresponding to mass flow rate of 0.002 kg/s-m2. The maximum thermal efficiency of ETC and FPC were found to be 86.47% and 39.33 % at mass flow rate of 0.012 Kg/s-m2. The maximum pressure drop across ETC and FPC collectors were observed to be 51.3 Pa and 2.7 Pa respectively, corresponding to mass flow rate 0.012 kg/s-m2. Whereas, the maximum thermohydraulic efficiency of ETC and FPC were obtained as 86.11 % and 39.31 % respectively corresponding to the mass flow rate of 0.012 Kg/s-m2. On the basis of thermal and thermohydraulic performance, ETC solar air heater has found to be better as compared to the FPC solar air heater.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Recovery of sensible heat from air leaving drying chamber of conventional forced circulation solar dryer
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Simranjeet Singh; Sukhmeet Singh
    Air leaving drying chamber of conventional solar crop dryers is at higher temperature than ambient which leads to wastage of energy. Therefore it is proposed to use thermal storage at exit of the drying chamber of solar dryers to extract heat from leaving air, which can later on be utilised. In this research work, the proposed method is tested for conventional forced circulation solar dryer. The setup consists of multi-tray drying chamber, air heating unit, electric air blower and sensible heat storage unit. Crushed rocks were used for sensible heat storage. Electric heaters were used instead of solar air heaters to have control over drying air temperature. Heat recovery was tested for extending drying operation in two scenerios, namely, with thermal storage only and thermal storage along with auxiliary heating. Evaluation was done at constant inlet air temperatures of 55, 60, 65 and 70oC and fixed air mass flow rate of 0.025 kg/s. 5.850 kg fresh carrots were loaded in each experiment. It was found that thermal storage at exit of drying chamber is beneficial in both cases. During testing, 1.08-9.41% energy savings were achieved along with extended drying operation. Further, heat recovery supplemented by auxiliary heating proved to be more effective. For drying at 60oC, recovered energy was 1.53 MJ and 1.7 MJ with and without auxiliary heating. Computer model has also been developed to predict drying rate for the same setup using air from solar air heater.