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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Study of Compliance of Basel II Norms by Selected Banks
    (College of Basic Science and Humanities, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2011) Sharma, Sarishma; Kumar, Babita
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on potentials of farm income in Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2011) Sachdeva, Jatinder; Sharma, J. L.
    The study was undertaken with a view to identify the potentials of increasing farm income in Punjab. The study was conducted in all the three agro-climatic zones of Punjab to make it representative for the state. The primary data were collected from a sample of 300 farmers pertaining to the agricultural year 2008-09. The techniques of multiple regression analysis and linear programming were used to analyze the data. The production function analysis revealed that human labour employed, availability of irrigation machinery and farm size were the most important determinants of the gross value of produce from crop production. Whereas, in the case of dairy farming quantity of concentrates fed and expenditure on veterinary care emerged as important determinants of the gross value of milk produced. The technical efficiency of the farms of Central Plain Zone (Zone-II) was the highest followed by South-western Zone (Zone-III) and Sub-mountainous Zone (Zone-I). This can be attributed to favourable soil, water and climatic conditions and better access to research and extension agencies in Zone-II. The improved plans developed at two levels of technology increased the returns to fixed farm resources ranging from 2.19 to 3.86 per cent in Improved Plan-I and 13.95 to 17.06 per cent in Improved Plan-II on farms of different size categories in the state. The findings of the study revealed that by developing irrigation facilities, providing training for vegetable cultivation and short term credit facilities will help in increasing farm income especially in Sub-mountainous Zone. The development of short duration varieties of oilseeds and pulses which can easily fit in the paddy-wheat rotation will also help in increasing the income of farmers. The rational use of inputs like fertilizers and insecticides-pesticides helps in decreasing variable cost and ultimately increases the farm income. To make the agricultural system competitive and to increase the income of farmers, efforts should be made by all the interest groups involved in the farm sector.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2013) Udeshna Talukdar; Kamal, Vatta
    The present study was conducted to examine the economics of value addition and to estimate the extent of employment generation through value addition activities of FAPRO (Farm Produce Promotion Society). The study was based on both primary and secondary data. The secondary data were collected from audit reports and accounts maintained by the organization. The primary data were also collected from 40 turmeric growers and 10 beekeepers who were the members of FAPRO. Apart from the economics of cultivation at the farm level, the data were also collected on various activities being undertaken by FAPRO. The processing of turmeric gave net profits of Rs 2838/q with the resulting benefit-cost ratio of 1:1.31. The processing of honey gave net profits of Rs 4310/q with the benefit-cost ratio of 1:1.32. The capacity utilization of FAPRO was very low at 4.67 per cent for turmeric and 3.50 per cent for honey processing. Approximately 2300 man days of employment was generated at the FAPRO premises for processing of turmeric and honey. In addition, turmeric cultivation generated the demand for 33 man days per acre for its cultivation. A colony of 100 boxes also resulted into 162 man days of labour requirement. The lack of modern machines and equipment, under-utilization of installed capacity and problems of marketing were the major constraints of FAPRO. Improvement in the quality, increased expenditure on advertisement and publicity, improved packaging and increase in capacity utilization are necessary for improving the economic performance of FAPRO in future.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2013) Kamala; S S, Chahal
    The present study was conducted to assess the financial, managerial and organizational efficiency of Punjab Mandi Board in handling of fruits and vegetables. The stratified random sampling technique was used to select markets based on volume of market arrivals. The farmers, intermediaries and market labourer were selected randomly from each sample market. The secondary data were collected on various parameters such as market arrivals, market fee, income, expenditure, etc were collected from the headquarters of Punjab Mandi Board and the selected market committees. The primary data were collected from the sample respondents through personal interview method pertaining to facilities, problems, etc. faced by them in the disposal and handling of fruits and vegetables. The data were analysed using compound growth rate and relative changes in real term, etc. There was a significant growth in both the share of fruits and vegetables to total market arrivals and per quintal market fee. A decline was seen in both real investment of Punjab Mandi Board on developmental activities and investment at current price, though, in the case of link roads and grading, the real investment has increased over time. The financial, managerial and organization performance of the Mandi Board and sample market committees was up to mark. As far as the market committees were concerned, the large markets were working more efficiently as compared to small and medium markets. The result pertaining to adequacy of various facilities revealed that the farmers, commission agents and market labourers were not fully satisfied. So, there is need to improve the working of the market committees in respect of physical facilities to fine tune up the present marketing system.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2011) CHANDAN GOEL; Pratibha, Goyal
    The research project titled ―Customer expectations and perceptions regarding service quality in organised retail stores in Ludhiana‖ was undertaken with the objectives to study the gap between expectations and perceptions of customer towards organised retail stores in Ludhiana and to identify the reasons behind gap between customer‘s expectations and perceptions, if any, and to suggest solutions for the same. The study was conducted by selecting four organised retail stores from Ludhiana city on convenience basis and 25 customers were selected from these stores, thus a total sample size of 100 customers were selected for the study. Primary data was collected with the help of RSQS scale. The study shows that majority of the respondents were willing.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2011) RAMANDEEP SINGH; Gagandeep, Banga
    The research was under taken with the objectives of analyzing the marketing practices of the selected mushroom growers in Punjab and identifying the problems involved in marketing of mushroom in Punjab. A sample of 50 mushroom growers was selected from list of mushroom growers taken from directorate of horticulture, Punjab and Department of Microbiology, Punjab Agricultural University, Punjab. None of the mushroom growers were using promotional elements for marketing their produce. All the mushroom growers were selling their produce in packaged form but without any brand name. The major problems faced by mushroom growers in marketing the produce were nonpopularity of the produce, high perishability of the produce, low demand due to high prices lack of local processing facilities, and inadequate transportation facility from farm to market. Non-availability of sufficient market information also affects operational efficiency of the mushroom growers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2012) SOURAV JAIN; Gagandeep, Banga
    The present reseach was undertaken with the objectives to study the promotional strategies by food-based superstores in Punjab and to study the Point of Purchase strategies(Instore-displays) followed by these stores. The study was conducted by selecting 10 food-based superstores from Punjab on judgment basis. Primary data was collected with the help of a structured non dis-guised questionnaire. The study shows that all the superstores were using promotional strategies. The most important promotional tools were advertising and sales promotion. The purpose of P-o-P is informing the customer about the product, service and promotional schemes. The study further shows that the most effective P-o-P strategies are product displays and shelf talkers and the most effective In-store displays are the rack display and ensemble displays.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2013) Navjot Kaur; Mini, Goyal
    The present study was conducted to examine the socio – economic and work profile of child labour in agricultural tool making units in Mandi Ahmedgarh of Sangrur district of Punjab. Different factors affecting their employment and the contribution towards their family income was also analyzed. A total number of 31 sickle making units were found in Mandi Ahmedgarh. The primary data were collected from 102 children working in these units. The study revealed that all the children employed in sickle making units were male and their mean age was found to be twelve years. Nearly ninety per cent of the working children were migrants and were from lower social strata of the society. Nearly half of the respondents were illiterate and the parents of majority of working children were also illiterate. The working children were found engaged in the activities like iron moulding, assembling and nailing in the sickle making. Per day mean wages of the child labour were about rupees eighty three only. The main reason which forced the children to join the work force was poverty and lack of their interest in the studies. The working conditions were not good and the behaviour of employer was bad. The employment of children helped the parents to take loan from the employer and gave the freedom to the children to spend their pocket money at their own will. The working children were found indulged in bad habits like smoking, consuming liquor, gutka, gambling etc. Though a social evil, child labour was found helpful in removing the poverty of the family to some extent. The children wanted to be educated and to be successful in their life. The study suggested the provision of night classes for those who wanted to study along with their work so that they may become literate and contribute in the nation’s development.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (2013) Rajdeep Singh; J.M. Singh
    Punjab predominantly being an agrarian economy resulted in ushering an era of green revolution during seventies of previous century. However, during last decades, the stagnating farm incomes prompted Punjab’s peasantry for undertaking subsidiary occupations of farming such as mushroom growing. Keeping this in view, the present study was planned to examine the costreturn structure of white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus), factors affecting its value productivity and marketing mechanism in the Punjab state. Two districts, namely Amritsar and Gurdaspur, were selected which were having maximum concentration of mushroom growers and a sample of 80 mushroom growers were interviewed for the study. Also, to examine the marketing structure of mushrooms, equal number of wholesalers and retailers were randomly selected from Amritsar and Gurdaspur markets. Mushroom growers were divided into three categories on the basis of bed area spawned using cumulative cube root frequency method. The results revealed that majority of the mushroom growers were medium category farmers who took up mushroom growing to supplement their family income. Economic analysis brought out that non-recurring and recurring expenditure per square metre of bed area spawned declined with increase in mushroom farm size due to the economies of scale. Labor use pattern inferred that picking, packing and composting were labour intensive operations utilizing about 80 per cent of the total labour force employed. Gross returns were higher on medium mushroom farms due to comparatively higher average price realized by the growers while net returns were higher on large mushroom farms due to lower total cost. Input-output ratio was highest (1.80) on large mushroom farms while lower on medium (1.47) and small (1.35) mushroom farm categories. The regression analysis inferred that factors augmenting value productivity of mushroom were; judicious use of pesticides, labour use in picking, packing and casing operations. Marketing pattern revealed that the net price received by the growers was highest in producer-consumer channel while the marketing agency through which major chunk of produce transected was wholesaler. The production and marketing problems faced by mushroom growers were; inadequate and poor quality of spawn, lack of assured market, price fluctuation, lack of canning and processing units and refrigerated storage. The study emphasized the need of creating awareness regarding availability of crop loan for mushroom growing among marginal and small farmers, training needs of growers for disinfection of mushroom growing sheds, need of mechanized compost preparation plant, canning and refrigeration facility and creating awareness among masses about nutritional importance of mushrooms to increase its consumption.