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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Combining ability and gene action studies for economic traits and disease resistance in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)
    (palampur, 2019-05-02) Sran, Ranjeet Singh; Satish Paul
    The present investigation entitled “Combining ability and gene action studies for economic traits and disease resistance in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)” was undertaken to get the information on nature and magnitude of gene action, combining ability and heterosis and thereby identifying potential parents and cross combinations for seed yield, fibre yield and associated traits under variable environments that could support further improvements of linseed productivity using appropriate breeding methodology. Eight linseed varieties viz., Surbhi, Bhagsu, Nagarkot, T-397, Himani, Baner, JRF-4 and JRF-1 were hybridized following Griffing’s Method 2, Model 1 in a half diallel fashion. Experimental materials comprising of eight linseed varieties and 28 F1 progenies were evaluated in RBD with three replications during the year 2016-17 and 2017-18 at Experimental Farm of the Department of Crop Improvement, CSK HPKV, Palampur. Various cross combinations were also examined to study the genetics of resistance to powdery mildew and rust in linseed at Palampur and research station SAREC Kangra, respectively during the year 2017-18. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the genotypes for all the traits studied during 2016-17, 2017- 18 and pooled over environments, suggesting prevalence of wide range of genetic variability. Variance due to environment in pooled analysis revealed significant differences for all the traits studied except seeds per capsule. Genotype × environment (G × E) interaction was significant for most of the traits except plant height and technical height indicated a definite role of environment on the performance of genotypes. Variances due to GCA, SCA and their interaction with environment were significant for most of the traits. For most of the traits, there was preponderance of non-additive gene action, under such situation diallel selective mating or biparental mating in early segregating generations followed by recurrent selection might be appropriate approach toward genetic improvement of these traits. Based on GCA, Nagarkot and Surbhi were found to be good general combiner for seed yield whereas, JRF-1 and JRF-4 for fibre yield. On the basis of SCA effect and heterosis, the cross combinations Surbhi × Baner, Himani × JRF-4 and Bhagsu × Nagarkot for seed yield and Nagarkot × Himani for fibre yield were found best in pooled over the environments. The segregation pattern of powdery mildew and rust disease indicated that resistance was governed by a single dominant gene in cross combination T-397 × Nagarkot.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2019) Sharma, Parul; Chaudhary, H.K.
    The prresentt rresearrch endeavorr was underrttaken tto accellerratte tthe wheatt iimprrovementt prrogrramme tthrrough devellopmentt,, dettecttiion and charractterriizattiion off rrye iinttrrogrressed brread wheatt rrecombiinantts att iin viittro and iin viivo llevell fforr drroughtt ttollerrance and yellllow rrustt rresiisttance.. Fiive ttrriittiicalles,, Hiimallayan rrye and varriious wheatt genottypes werre uttiilliized as tthe parrentts iin tthe wiide hybrriidiizattiion prrogrramme.. Among tthe diifffferrentt wheatt genottypes,, C--306,, VL--829 and Tyarrii--3 had hiighestt seed settttiing ffrrequency off 30..67 perr centt,, 27..27 perr centt and 17..41 perr centt,, rrespecttiivelly,, iin wheatt x rrye hybrriidiizattiion prrogrramme.. The ttrriittiicalle x wheatt and wheatt x rrye rrecombiinantts werre ffurrttherr subjjectted tto IImperatta cylliindriica–mediiatted chrromosome elliimiinattiion apprroach off doublled haplloiidy brreediing.. The varriiabiilliitty iin tthe haplloiid iinducttiion parrametterrs was obserrved tto be underr genettiic conttrroll fforr embrryo fforrmattiion and rregenerrattiion,, whiille pseudoseed fforrmattiion was onlly affffectted by auxiin ttrreattmentt.. Among tthe diifffferrentt generrattiions,, tthe backcrross generrattiions viiz..,, BC1F1 and BC1F2 werre ffound tto exhiibiitt siigniiffiicantt posiittiive rresponse ttowarrds haplloiid iinducttiion parrametterrs iin botth ttrriittiicalle x wheatt and wheatt x rrye hybrriidiizattiion.. The dettecttiion off new rrecombiinantts fforr iinttrrogrressiion off rrye chrromattiin tthrrough mollecullarr cyttogenettiic anallysiis rrevealled 1BL..1RS ttrransllocattiion iin 33 lliines ((55..93 perr centt)),, 1BL..1RS ttrransllocattiion allong wiitth substtiittuttiion iin 5 lliines ((8..47 perr centt)),, 1BL..1RS ttrransllocattiion allong wiitth addiittiion iin 8 lliines ((13..56 perr centt)),, substtiittuttiion off siinglle paiirr off rrye chrromosomes iin 5 lliines ((8..47 perr centt)) and addiittiion off rrye chrromattiin iin 1 lliine ((1..69 perr centt)).. Whiille 7 lliines werre ffound wiitth no rrye chrromattiin.. To valliidatte tthe effffectt off rrye iinttrrogrressiion on drroughtt ttollerrance and yellllow rrustt rresiisttance,, allll 59 rrecombiinantts werre evalluatted underr wellll watterred and watterr sttrressed condiittiions att iin viivo and iin viittro llevell.. Anallysiis off varriiance rrevealled suffffiiciientt genettiic varriiabiilliitty among genottypes fforr diifffferrentt ttrraiitts att botth iin viivo and iin viittro llevells.. Underr ffiielld condiittiions,, diirrectt iinfflluence off rrye iinttrrogrressiion was obserrved on pllantt heiightt,, grraiin yiielld,, biiollogiicall yiielld and harrvestt iindex.. The scrreeniing fforr drroughtt ttollerrance underr iin viittro condiittiions rrevealled posiittiive siigniiffiicantt effffectt off rrye iinttrrogrressiions on gerrmiinattiion perrcenttage,, shoott llengtth,, rroott llengtth,, rroott numberr,, colleopttiille llengtth and seedlliing viigourr iindex.. Overrallll,, 1BL..1RS ttrransllocattiions and substtiittuttiions werre ffound tto exhiibiitt siigniiffiicantt iinfflluence on mostt off tthe drroughtt parrametterrs.. The scrreeniing fforr yellllow rrustt rresiisttance rrevealled diifffferrenttiiall diisease rreacttiion,, wherre 52 rrecombiinantts werre obserrved tto be rresiisttantt.. The lliines exhiibiittiing superriiorriitty fforr tthe ttrraiitts can be used as a parrenttall sourrce iin wheatt iimprrovementt endeavorrs.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2019-01-07) Sharma, Neha; Mittal, Raj Kumar
    The present investigation entitled “Studies on combining ability gene action for seed yield its component traits in urdbean (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper)” was undertaken to study the nature and magnitude of gene action for yield and its component traits and to identify potential parents that can be utilized in a breeding programme for high seed yield and early maturity. Nine urdbean genotypes were crossed in a half diallel, following Griffing’s Method 2 and Model I. Experimental material comprising of nine parents, 36 F1’s and one check (Palampur-93) were evaluated in CRBD with three replications in kharif 2017 at Palampur. The combining ability analysis revealed significant GCA and SCA variances for all the traits except pod length, indicating that most of the traits were governed by both additive and non-additive gene action. The estimates of genetic components of variances as per Griffing’s approach indicated partial dominance in seeds per pod and overdominance in all the other traits. DU-1 was good general combiner with respect to early flowering; Him Mash-1 and DKU-98 for early maturity; HPBU-111 and KU-553 for number of branches per plant and pods per plant; and DU-1 and KU-553 for seed yield. KU-553 was the most desirable parent as it exhibited significant GCA effect for most of the traits viz., branches per plant, pods per plant, pod length, biological yield, seed yield and crude protein. DKU-98 × IC-281994 was good specific combiner for maximum number of traits along with seed yield per plant. Significantly high SCA effects were observed in Palampur-93 × KU-553, Him Mash-1 × HPBU-124, HPBU-111 × KU-553 and DKU-98 × IC-413304 for earliness. Promising crosses with respect to seed yield and its component traits were HPBU-124 × HPBU-111, Palampur-93 × DU-1, HPBU-124 × DU-1, HPBU-111 × IC-281994, DU-1 × DKU-98 and DU-1 × IC-413304. Hayman’s genetic component analysis revealed that majority of traits had significant additive and non-additive genetic variance with preponderance of later. The asymmetric distribution of positive and negative genes in parents was observed for most of the traits along with preponderance of dominant genes. Dominance appeared to be unidirectional in case of days to 75 per cent maturity, plant height, branches per plant, pods per plant, biological yield per plant, seed yield per plant and crude protein content and bi-directional in rest of the traits. One major gene group was found controlling each trait except days to 75 per cent maturity and branches per plant where, two major gene groups were involved. The assumptions of diallel were not fulfilled for plant height, pod length, harvest index and crude protein. Epistatic effects were influencing all the traits except days to 75 per cent maturity. These factors led to the disparity in the results observed from Griffing’s and Hayman’s approach. Two crosses viz., Him Mash-1 × HPBU-111 and HPBU-124 × IC-413304 exhibited high magnitude of heterobeltiosis for earliness. Heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis for pods per plant was exhibited by 17 and seven crosses respectively; and 18 and seven crosses, respectively, for seed yield. HPBU-124 × KU-553, HPBU-124 × IC-413304, HPBU-111 × KU-553, DU-1 × KU-553, DU-1 × DKU-98, DU-1 × IC-413304 and KU-553 × IC-413304 outperformed Palampur-93 for seed yield and can be further exploited to obtain high yielding transgressive segregants. Palampur-93 × HPBU-111, Him Mash-1 × HPBU-111 × HPBU-124 × DKU-98 and HPBU-111 × DKU-98 had moderate to high resistance reaction to anthracnose, Cercospora leaf spots and powdery mildew under natural epiphytotic conditions at Palampur. HPBU-124 × DKU-98 also had high SCA effect and heterobeltiosis for seed yield per plant along with resistance to all the three diseases. Due to predominance of non-additive gene action, SSD or bulk pedigree method with selection in later generations will be the best breeding strategy to obtain maximum transgressive segregants.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2019-01-05) Dhial, Ritika Singh; Paul, Satish
    The present investigation entitled “Gene action for seed yield and fibre traits in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)” was undertaken to detect the presence of non-allelic interactions by understanding nature and magnitude of various genic effects including interactions for seed yield, oil content, fibre yield and associated traits, study the inheritance of powdery mildew and rust diseases, and to identify potential parents and cross combinations on the basis of heterosis in linseed. Eight generations namely, two parents (P1 and P2), F1, F2, BC1, BC2, BC1F2/B1S, BC2F2/B2S were evaluated in compact family block design with three replications for 16 characters in five cross combinations namely, Surbhi × Nagarkot, Baner × Belinka, KL-270 × JRF-1, T-397 × Surbhi and K1-Raja × Nagarkot. The research was carried out in Experimental Farm, Department of Crop Improvement, CSK HPKV, Palampur and research station SAREC Kangra and HAREC Kukumseri during the year 2015-16 to 2017-18. Generation mean analysis suggested that both additive and dominance effects were important for most of the traits but dominance was predominant as compared to additive effects. Duplicate type of gene action was observed in Surbhi × Nagarkot for four characters namely, primary branches per plant, secondary branches per plant, capsules per plant and 1000-seed weight; Baner × Belinka for four characters namely, plant height, technical height, primary branches per plant and capsules per plant; KL-270 × JRF-1 for four characters namely, plant height, primary branches per plant, secondary branches per plant and capsules per plant. In T-397 × Surbhi, one character i.e. harvest index and K1-Raja × Nagarkot for six characters namely, primary branches per plant, aerial biomass per plant, seed yield per plant, 1000-seed weight, fibre yield per plant and oil content which suggested the exploitation of these crosses by growing large segregating populations and adopting biparental mating to get transgressive segregants. Complementary type of gene action was observed in Surbhi × Nagarkot for plant height; K1-Raja × Nagarkot for secondary branches per plant and Baner × Belinka for both seed yield per plant and fibre yield per plant which implies the use of biparental approach and early generation selection to be followed. Significant positive heterosis over better parent for all the cross combinations were observed for eight characters viz., plant height, primary branches per plant, secondary branches per plant, capsules per plant, seeds per capsule, seed yield per plant, straw weight and retted straw weight. The best heterotic crosses were Baner × Belinka (seed yield) and KL-270 × JRF-1 (fibre yield). Crosses with significant heterosis also showed significant inbreeding depression in F2. The segregation pattern of rust and powdery mildew indicated that single dominant gene controls the inheritance of these diseases having the ratio of 3:1 in linseed. The outcome of the present endeavour suggested that for developing the dual purpose variety for seed yield, fibre yield and oil content crosses; Baner × Belinka and KL- 270 × JRF-1 may be exploited through biparental approach followed by recurrent selection. Therefore, promising parents and crosses could be utilized in future breeding programme.