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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (College of Veterinary and animal Science,Mannuthy, 1995) K. S PRASANNA; T. SREEKUMARAN
    An experimental model of hypothyroid state was induced in piglets, using thiourea with the objective of studying the sequence of clinico pathological changes and its influence on the animal health and growth. Tweleve Large White Yorkshire male piglets of 2-3 months age were selected for the study. The animals were divided into control group of six animals and experimental group of SIX animals. Experimental hypothyroidism was induced by feeding thiourea daily for a period of three months at the dose level of 50 mg per kg body weight. Haemogram, body weight, plasma proteins, serum chloesterol and serum thyroxine values were estimated at periodic intervals. The piglets were subjected to detailed autopsy after sacrifice. Gross lesions were recorded and detailed histopathological examination of tissues was carried out. During the course of experiment all the experimental animals recorded stunted growth and appreciable reduction in feed intake and alopecia of neck and shoulder regions. There was significant increase in blood cholesterol values and plasma protein level in thiourea fed group. A significant reduction in serum thyroxine level was also recorded. There was significant increase in the relative weight of thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands of experiinental animals. Gelatinisation of subcutaneous fat and dilatation of right ventricles were common findings at autopsy. Histologically the thyroid glands exhibited varying degree of hyperplastic changes and depletion of colloid in the follicles: Hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the lining epitheluim was also observed. Predominant histological changes in the pituitary was hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the basophil cells and degranulation of the acxdophil cells. Adrenal glands showed diffuse hyperplasia of zonafasiculata and accessory cortical nodule formation. Skin revealed acanthosis, hyperkeratosis and keratini sation of harifollicles. In all the hypothyroid animals testis showed varying degree of tubular degeneration. A random survey study was conducted to assess the thyroid status of pigs from different parts of Kerala using serum thyroxine as the marker. This concluded that most of the animals had the normal range of serum thyroxine levels.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (COLLEGE OF VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES Mannuthy - Thrissur, 1996) SILAMBAN, S.; Ramachandran, K.M.; SILAMBAN, S.
    An investigation was made to study the epidemiology, clinical signs, pathologic lesions and diagnosis of rabies in domestic animals in the state of Kerala. Epidemiology of rabies for the last 12 year period from July 1983 to June 1995 was assessed from the post-mortem records maintained at the department of Pathology. Regional distribution. Prevalence in each species and year-v/ise occurrence were studied. Canine rabies v/as found preponderant. Rabies was recorded in wild animals also. Detailed clinical signs and gross pathological changes in the rabies positive cases were .-tudied. One hundred and six rabies suspected carcasses of different species of animals were examined for the disease employing Sellers' impression smear staining, histopathology, fluorescent antibody test (FA test) and immunoperoxidase test (IP test). Twenty-two of them were confirmed positive for rabies. Negribodies were demonstrated with Sellers' staining and histopathological staining. Sellers' staining was identified to be the simple and rapid staining method that could be employed in the field laboratories. In addition to H & E, Mann's stain and Sellers' stain weii "T O staining histological sections. H & E was found to be satisfactory for routine staining. Histological changes in the brain (cerebrum, cerebellum and hippocampus), salivary gland (parotid and submaxillary) and trigeminal nerve of rabies positive animals were studied. The efficacy of the diagnostic techniques used for rabies diagnosis was compared. FA test confirmed maximum number of rabies positive cases. The results of the rabies diagnosis was cross-checked by Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine, Oregon State University, USA.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    One month old Japanese quails vaccinated with Ranikhet disease vaccine (Lasota strain) on 7th day, v.'ere divided into three groups viz.. A, B and C of 35 birds each for assessing the inununopathological responses in experimental aflatoxicosis. Birds of group B and C were administered aflatoxin B^ by oral intubation at the rate of 0.5 ppm twice weekly for two months and group A were vaccinated with R^B strain vaccine at the age of 46 days. Seven birds from each group were sacrificed at fortnightly intervals for the evaluation of various organ weights, haematological, biochemical and haemagglutination inhibition titre values. Liver weights and spleen weights were significantly increased in the toxin treated birds while bursal weights were significantly depressed from that of controls. Packed cell volume, erythrocyte count and leucocyte counts wervB significantly increased in the toxin treated birds at the end of the experiment with a significant increase i,n erythrocyte sedimentation rate at the 45th and 60th day of the experiment. A relative heterophilia and lymphopenia were observed in the toxin treated birds. Serum total protein, albumin and globulin ievels were significantly depressed in the toxin treated birds but the albumin-globulin ratio was unaltered. A relative decrease in the haemagglutination inhibition titre values of the toxin treated birds was recorded. The gross and histopathological lesions in the liver of the toxin treated birds were suggestive of progressive hepatic degeneration, necrosis and fatty changes. There was lymphoid depletion and vascular sclerosis in the spleen while the bursae of the treated birds showed lymphoid depletion, necrosis of lymphocytes, intra and interfollicular cyst formation in increasing intensities in a time dependant manner. The pathomorphological alterations and a relative depression of HI titres in the aflatoxin treated quajIs indicates a moderate depression of the immune status by aflatoxin at such a low dose level.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The i^nunopathologlcal response o£ cows suffering fro. hUnroal and suh-olinlcal .astifis was evafuafed and compared "Tth healthy non-.astitlc cows using various i^unological markers. Significant enhancement of the humoral immune response was noticed in suh-clinical cases of mastitis, whereas those suffering from clinical mastitis had only a slight difference as ccmpared to the healthy cows. Elevated T lymphocyte count was noticed in acute ,38 33 t 0.8i, and chronic ,35 r 0.93%) stages of mastitis. Those Offering from sub-clinical cases had a slight reduction in the mean T cell count (299- 83%) a=s compared to that of the healthy non-mastitic cows (31.3 ± 1.42%). Three hundred and thirty one samples ,22.23%, were sub- Clinically positive out of the 1489 samples examined by California Mastitis Test • OOuu^t Of ,t-hv.e 520 samples subjected or cultural examination 186 were cultur,.!! n n tiJie culturally positive. Fifty pen ceo, SCaphylococci, which included both coagulase positive and coagulase negative group, other pathogenic organisms isolated included Streptococci, Corynebacterium, Pseudomonas, and gram positive bacilli. Direct correlation between the somatic cell count and California Mastitis Test score was noticed. Neutrophils were the predominant cells in the milk samples. The major pathogens were more sensitive to Gentamicin (98.21%) followed by Pefloxacine (96.42%), Chloramphenecol (91.07%), Streptomycin (82.14%), Cotrimoxazole (80.35%), Ampicillin (73.21%), Oxytetracycline (71.43%) and Penicillin (60.71%) . Haematological examination of sub-clinical cases revealed leukopaenia. Slight increase in the serum total protein was noticed in sub-clinical cases. Gross changes of mastitis was noticed in 18 mammary glands tissues examined. Histologically out of the 336 glands examined, 271 were having inflammatory changes of varying degrees. Acini as well as interstitium contained inflammatory cells in 37.68 per cent of cases. The entire parenchyma was affected in 14.49 per cent a cases. Oedematous appearance of the supramammary lymphnodes was noticed. Microscopically marked expansion of the cortex by numerous lymphoid follicles in various stages of activity was noticed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The study was undertaken to assess the effect of various levels of aflatoxin on the performance of broilers and to establish the permissible level of aflatoxin in the broiler feed. One hundred and eighty day old broiler chicks were divided into SIX groups of 30 birds each and were given feed containing graded levels of aflatoxin at 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 ppb for a period of 45 days. Feed intake, weekly body weight gain, feed efficiency, haemogram, serum profile, organ weight, residual aflatoxin in tissues and pathological changes in liver, kidney, bursa and spleen were studied at fortnightly intervals to evaluate its dose related effects. A dose dependent decrease in the daily feed intake and mean body weights were noticed in all the groups. The cumulative FCR was extremely poor at 80 and 100 ppb levels at sixth week of age. The toxicopathological changes in the birds varied in its intensity in relation with the level of aflatoxin in the feed, with most severe changes being at higher dose levels. The values of haemoglobin, PCV, total leucocyte count, lymphocytes, total serum protein and albumin showed a decrease whereas the ESR, heterophil and serum enzyme were increased. The aflatoxin, even at 20 ppb levels caused degenerative and necrotic changes in liver and kidneys and the intensity of the lesions increased with higher levels of toxin. Attempt for regeneration and repair processes were well pronounced by the 30th and 45th day, Lymphoid depletion was a charactenstic feature in bursa and spleen. Degeneration and lysis of lymphocytes with cyst formation was also seen m bursal follicles. Residual aflatoxin was detected in the liver and muscle in all groups by the 45th day. The net returns from the toxin treated birds showed a dose related decline compared to control and the loss in profit at 20 ppb level was marginal About 24 per cent of the poultry feed samples tested during the period from January to July 1999 were contaminated with aflatoxin quantitatively ranging from 20 to 200 ppb. The results of the present study shows that even at 20 ppb aflatoxin causes cellular and subcellular damage to the tissues. However, the economic loss at this level was marginal when compared to higher dose levels. Hence 20 ppb can be considered as permissible level in broiler chicken feed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study was undertaken to assess the prevalence and pathology of dermatological disorders encountered in cattle in Kerala. To study the prevalence of various types of skin disorders data were collected from the Disease Suiveillence Report published by the Directorate of Animal Husbandly during the period 1989-1993. The various skin disorders encountered according to this data were tail necrosis (1.44 per cent), cutaneous mycosis (10.58 per cent), Eczematosis (6.09 per cent), pox (4.75 per cent), tick infestation (37.22 per cent), lice infestation (25.72 per cent), mangy dermatitis (13.82 per cent), wart (0.36 per cent),. In this study tick infestation was found to be highly prevalent. During the course of this investigation skin biopsies collected from 97 cattle were subjected to detailed gross and histopathological examination. They were classified as Cutaneous ulceration (22.68 per cent). Fly bite dermatitis (15.46 per cent), Decubitus ulcers (12.47 per cent), Hyperkeratosis (9.3 per cent), Papillomatosis (9.27 per cent), Hypertrichosis (8.25 per cent), Ectoparasitic injuiy (6.19 per cent). Teat lesions (6.19 per cent). Fibroma (2.07 per cent), Dermatophilosis (1.03 per cent). Squamous cell carcinoma (1.03 per cent), and Fibrosarcoma (1.03 per cent). Cutaneous ulceration was the most common disorder encountered and Biopsies revealed epidermal lysis. In fifteen animals, fly bite dermatitis was noticed with greyish white necrotic papules and wheals on the neck, shotrlder, ears and around eyes. Perivasctilar changes were seen microscopieally. Nme cases of hyperkeratosis were studied which may be associated with hypovitaminosis A. Udder and teat papillomatosis was encottntered in nine animals with ballooning degeneration and clumping of keratohyalin granules microscopically. Eight crossbred cattle recovered from the foot and mouth disease had hypertnchosis. Hair coat was shaggy and wavy Ectoparasitic injury was eneountered in cattle mainly due Boophilus infestation. Teat lesions encountered were mainly due to traumatic injury and chapping. Two cases of fibroma and one case of fibrosarcoma were encountered on the teat of cattle. A growth on the vulval region was diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma. An experimental study on the cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction in cattle to PHA, 2,4-DNCB and BCG was carried out. Mast cell response to these mitogens was also studied. Effect of Agropesticides Furadan and BHC on local application on the skin of cahes were studied. Dermatosis was the characteristic response. The need for taking care to avoid pesticide contamination on the skin of animals was stressed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    An experimental study was conducted in desi ducks to assess the cytological alteiations induced by aflatoxin B1 (AFBl) and 4 dimethyl ainino axo benzene (4 DAB). One hundred and eight desi ducks of one month age were selected for tlu: study flu- birds were divided into two treatment groups which were given AFBl ( l(bg/kg. body weight and I5^g/ kg body weight) and 4 DAlt (5 mg and 10 mg/kg. body werght) and a control group 1 ,ach group consisted of thirty six birds Body weigirt, haemognun, clotting time, total serum protein, serum albumin, serum globulin, albumin-globulin ratio, serum aspartate amino transterase, serum alanine amino transferase, serum bilirubin and cytogenetic assay were estimated at periodic intervals T he ducks were subjected to detailed autopsy and histopathology. C, linically, the experimental birds were healthy. Anaemia, leucocytosis and increased blood clotting time were noticed in birds which received I ^g/kg body weight of AFBl and both the dose levels of 4 DAB Total serum protein was reduced in all the treated birds In the aflatoxin group, serum albumin and globulin levels weie decreased Albumin-globulin ratio was increased in ^ tieated buds Serum cuspartate amino transferase level was elevated in birds which received lO^g/kg. body weight of Al Bl and 10 mg/kg body weigl.t olM I/tAB Birds which received AF B1 as well
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (COLLEGE OF VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES Mannuthy - Thrissur, 1998-02) MOHAN, S; Valsala, K. V.
    The lymphoid tissue of the upper respiratory tract includes paraocular and paranasal lymphoid structures as well as some lymphoid accumulations In the pharynx and larynx. However, of all these paraocular lymphoid tissue, the Harderlan gland Is highly Immunopotent. The role of the Harderlan gland In the Immunopathologlcal response was evaluated taking chicken and duck as models and RD, IBD and Duck plague vaccines as antigens. The sequential cellular response following ocular antlgenic stimulation was clarified. Significant Increase In the plasma cell number, enlargement of the lymphoid foci and Russell body formation following ocular antlgenic stimulation were the hall marlcs of the Immune response of the Harderlan gland of the chicken but this was not so much significant In the case of ducks. Harderlan gland was highly reactive especially In the chicken but not so much In the case of ducl
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of Blood Constituents as Diagnostic Markers for Ethmoid Carcinoma in Cattle
    (COLLEGE OF VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES Mannuthy - Thrissur, 1993-08-03) MANU MOHAN, S.; Sreekiimaran, T
    An investigation was carried out to evaluate the usefulness of blood constituents as tumour markers for carcinoma of ethmoid mucosa in cattle. During the period of two years, twenty nine tumour bearing cattle in various stages of ethmoid carcinoma procured from different parts of Kerala and twelve clinically healthy animals maintained at the University Livestock Farm, Mannuthy {controls) were bled and serum samples were collected. Serum calcium, serum phosphorus and serum magnesium levels of tumour animals were compared with that of the control animals. Tumour animals had a mean serum calcium level of 11.78+0.23 mg per cent, mean serum phosphorus level of 6.11+0.10 mg per cent and mean serum magnesium level of 2.35+0.05 mg per cent. In control animals the mean serum calcium, phosphorus and magnesium levels were 10.23+0.10 mg per cent, 6.66+0.09 mg per cent and 2.27+0.07 mg per cent respectively. There was increase in the serum calcium level and reduction in serum phosphorus level in tumour bearing animals was statistically significant. The serum magnesium level did not reveal any statistical significance. The mean serum total sialic acid and mean serum lipid bound sialic acid levels in tumour bearing animals was 95.21+0.78 ng/dl and 30.83+0.36 ng/dl respectively and in control animals it was 60.67+0.87 ng/dl and 11.67+0.43 ng/dl respectively. Both serum total sialic acid and serum lipid bound sialic acid level in tumour bearing animals was high when compared with that of control animals and the increase was statistically significant. Serum from twenty~nine tumour bearing animals and serum control animals were tested against the prepared tumour antigen using agar gel precipitation test for detecting tumour antibodies. All the twenty nine serum samples from tumour animals showed two distinct precipitin bands, one band close to the serum well and another sharp band closer towards the antigen well. Majority of the control animal serum samples also showed both the precipitin bands although some of the control samples did not show the second sharp band nearer to the antigen well. Passive haemagglutination test was conducted using tumour antigen sensitized gluteraldehyde stabilized sheep red blood cells, tumour animal serum control animal serum and proper controls. The highest titre value obtained for serum of tumour animals was 1:256 and the lowest was 1:8. In control animals it was 1:128 and 1:32 respectively for highest and lowest titre values. Since in the control animals the titre value showed only the difference of one well the comparison of the control and tumour animals titre values indicated that a base line cut off value cannot be obtained to differentiate the tumour infected and control animals. None of the tumour samples processed and inoculated into embryonated eggs revealed the presence of any haemagglutinating agents.