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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Pathological and Immunological studies on experimental Salmonella infection in Broiler and Backyard chicken with Ameliorative effect of Allium sativum
    (SKUAST Kashmir, 2022) Janwari, Anisa Qadir; Mir, Masood Saleem
    Present study was aimed at comparative evaluation of Salmonella infection in Broiler and Backyard chickens viz-a-viz susceptibility, clinic-pathological and patho-morphological alteration, oxidative stress, immunocompetance, and the ameliorative effect of garlic extract. Day old Vanaraja and commercial broiler chicks (80 each), were divided in to 4 groups each (20 birds each) including control, garlic control, infection and garlic supplemented infection groups. Salmonella Gallinarium was given via Intraperitoneal route @ 2x109 CFU in 0.2 ml NSS, on 7th day. Aqueous aged garlic extract (AGE) was administered @176mg/kg feed. The investigations included clinical symptoms, mortality, haematology, serum biochemistry, serum HI titres against ND vaccine virus, DTH response to DNCB, lipid peroxidise, catalase and superoxide dismutase activities in liver, spleen, and heart and pathomorphology. Infection was confirmed by isolation and identification of causative organism from visceral organs.The nature and progression of clinical disease was similar in Vanaraja and broiler chickens. More severe disease with early clinical appearance and higher mortality was observed in broiler than inVanaraja chickens. Salmonella Gallinarum infection caused decrease of Hb levels, PCV, and TEC; leucocytosis with heterophilia, monocytosis and lymphopaenia; decrease in Serum TP, Albumin, and globulin; increase in A:G ratio, AST activity, ALT activity, and Creatinine levels; higher LPO and catalase activity and lower SOD activity; and decreased humoral immune response against NDV and higher DTH response. Vascular changes including congestion and haemorrhages, degeneration, and inflammatory changes characterized by infiltration of admixture of mononuclear cells and heterophils was haul mark of the pathomorphological alterations. Severity of changes was comparative less in garlic supplemented group. It was concluded that both broiler and Vanaraja chickens are susceptible to Salmonella Gallinarum infection with similar pathobiological effects but Vanaraja appeared to be comparatively more tolerant; and garlic supplementation showed ameliorative effects reducing the severity of disease.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the occurrence and pathology of coccidiosis in broiler and layer chickens in central Kashmir
    (SKUAST Kashmir, 2020) Mehreen Yaqub; Shah, Showkat Ahmad
    Present work was aimed to isolate and identify the various species of Eimeria and to study the overall occurrence and pathology of this disease. A total of 45 outbreaks of coccidiosis in chicken were recorded from three different districts, fifteen from each district namely Srinagar, Ganderbal and Budgam. The outbreaks were recorded in chicken of different age groups which included 15, 15, 10 and 5 outbreaks in age groups of 2-3, 3-4, 4-5 weeks of age and layers, respectively. The overall mortality in the flocks was 2.6%, with highest mortality of 3.2% (983/30061) recorded in the age group of 3-4 weeks. Out of a total number of 3057 carcasses necropsied, coccidiosis was observed in 325 cases giving an overall occurrence of 10.63%. A total of seven different species of Eimeria were identified from the cases of coccidiosis among broilers and layers namely Eimeria tenella, E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. necatrix, E. mitis, E. praecox and E. brunetti. Among these species, E. tenella (31.1%) was recorded with highest occurrence and E. brunetti (3.1%) with lowest occurrence in broilers. The occurrence of other species in broilers was recorded as 19.0% for E. acervulina, 11.4% for E. maxima, 9.6% for E. necatrix, 3.8% for E. mitis, 3.4% for E. praecox and 3.1% for E. brunetti. Grossly, the carcasses of the birds that had died of coccidiosis were anemic, pale, emaciated and dehydrated. In most severe cases of cecal coccidiosis, liver, breast muscles, eyes and bursa were also appeared pale due to anemia. Histopathology revealed destruction of large number of epithelial cells due to the development of the asexual stages. Organisms in various stages of schizogony were found to cause erosive and hemorrhagic lesions in whole intestine. Mucosa was found to be denuded and disrupted with intense inflammation of lamina propria and further up to sub-mucosa. Thickening of tunica muscularis was common with broken or fused tips of villi.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Etio-pathology of nephropathy in broiler chickens in Kashmir valley
    (SKUAST Kashmir, 2020) Mehvish Rafiq; Goswami, Pankaj
    The present study was aimed to elucidate the renal pathology of broiler birds associated with various disease conditions in the Kashmir valley. The study comprised on thorough examination of 1000 necropsied birds of different poultry farms of Kashmir and incidence of nephropathy was found to be 32% (320/1000) among broiler chicken. The nephropathy in broiler was found to be associated with infectious and non-infectious causes as well as with non specific conditions. The different disease conditions, specific as well as non-specific causes with prominent renal lesion were identified and recorded as Infectious Bursal disease (15.0%), New Castle disease (7.5%), Colibacillosis (26.8%), Salmonellosis (8.1%), Gout (3.13%), Aspergillosis (2.2%), Suspected Mycotoxicoses (25.0%) and nonspecific causes (12.2%). Samples of affected kidneys were cultured on different microbial agar plates and isolates were confirmed by special culture and biochemical test. The isolated microorganism included were E. coli (76.7%), Salmonella spp (7.8%) and Proteus spp (16.1%). The renal lesion in bacterial nephritis included were enlargement, congestion, oedema and petechiae on kidneys. The histological lesions were characterized by enlargement of epithelial cells of renal tubules with pale cytoplasm, congestion of capillaries in both renal glomeruli and intertubular space with hypercellularity of glomeruli and interstitial oedema. Nephropathy observed in specific viral disease viz. IBD and NCD and renal lesion were comprised of haemorrhages in cortico medullary junction with marked degenerative changes in kidney tubules, interstitial nephritis, marked lymphocytic infiltration and vascular congestion. Presence of white plaques caseous nodules on the serosal surface of kidney with hyperaemia in surrounding tissues, tubular necrosis and infiltration by group of heterophils and histiocytes along with atrophy of glomeruli was noted in aspergillosis. The non-infectious causes producing renal lesion were recorded for gout and mycotoxicosis. The gross changes of visceral form of gout recorded in 10 cases showing deposition of whitish crystalloid urate in kidney, ureter and visceral organs. The microscopic renal lesion characterised by degenerative and necrotic changes involving glomeruli, cortical and medullary tubules, collecting ducts and medullary tracts and varying sized foci of urate deposition (tophi) admixed with necrotic debris found in Bowmans capsules, tubules and interstitial tissues. A major proportion of nephropathy was observed for suspected mycotoxicosis revealing severe enlargement of all divisions of kidneys protruding from renal fossa of pelvic cavity, with marked petechial to ecchymotic haemorrhages. Marked dgenerative changes in kidney, liver and lymphoid organs were classically described for suspected cases of nephropathy. Besides the specific causes, non specific nephropathy was observed in 39 (12.2%) cases in which no explicit etiology was found. Non-specific nephropathy lesions comprised of dehydrated birds, congested visceral organs and in most of the cases there were mild to moderate enlargement and congestion of kidneys along with dilatation of ureter. Histologically lesion of kidneys were categorised as vascular compromise, acute tubular nephrosis, acute to subacute nephritis, glomerulonephritis and interstitial nephritis. The results strengthen the fact that renal lesion is one of the leading issues associated with various ailments irrespective of infectious, non-infectious or metabolic diseases.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Pathomorphology of Lymph nodes, Spleen and Endocrine Glands in Sheep and Goats
    (SKUAST Kashmir, 2019) Ashaq Ashraf; Darzi, M.M.
    The present study was conducted on 200 domestic small ruminants comprising of 103 goats and 97 sheep to study the prevalence of pathological affections of lymphoid organs and endocrine glands in Ganderbal, Bandipore and Srinagar districts of Kashmir valley. The lymphoid organs included prescapular, prefemoral, mesenteric lymph nodes and spleen while the endocrine glands included were pancreas, adrenal and thyroid glands. The dead animals from which the samples were collected were categorized to have died different infectious and non- infectious diseases .Various diseases diagnosed were paratuberculosis, coccidiosis, enterotoxaemia, haemonchosis and congenital goitre. Species did not seem to influence the involvement of the lymph nodes and endocrine glands. Both the species showed highest involvement of adrenal glands (55.6% and 56.3% in sheep and goats, respectively), whereas among lymphoid organs, mesenteric lymph nodes were the most affected in both the species (71% and 78% in sheep and goats, respectively). Sex-wise males showed higher involvement of adrenal glands (84% and 80% in sheep and goats, respectively) in both the species compared to females (45% and 48.7% in sheep and goats, respectively). Adult goats of 2 years and above age showed highest prevalence percentage (91.30%) in mesenteric lymph nodes, followed by 80.60% in young animals below age of 1 year. Mesenteric lymph nodes followed by spleen and adrenal glands were the most affected organs in any disease except congenital goitre where only thyroid glands were seen to be affected. In paratuberculosis alone or in concurrent infection of Linguatulosis, intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes were the most affected organs as 78% and 81.6% of the mesenteric lymph nodes in sheep and goats, respectively, were having some kind of pathological lesions. In coccidiosis, developmental stages of coccidia were observed in the mucosal epithelium of intestinal villi and the necrotic debris in lumen. Coccidial oocysts and macrogametocytes in large numbers were found in the subcapsular lymph space, cortex and medullary regions of the mesenteric lymph nodes resulting in Lymphadenitis. Macrogametocytes and coccidial oocysts were also observed in the ductal epithelium and in the interlobular connective tissue of the pancreas.. Multi systemic ecchymotic haemorrhages observed in enterotoxaemia involved the lymph nodes and endocrine glands. In haemonchosis mesenteric lymph nodes were pale, oedematous and revealed lymphoid hyperplasia in cortical and medullary regions. Patches of metastatic cellular aggregates in one prescapular lymph node and Capillary haemangioma in one spleen were incidental observations. Congenital goitre was observed in three kids born as triplets. The study demonstrated that the lymph nodes and endocrine affections are common in small ruminants which may or may not be associated with specific diseases.Concuurent infection of Paratuberculosis and Linguatulosis seemed to induce severe lesions in the mesenteric lymph nodes compared to Paratuberculosis alone, and the coccidiosis of goats might have an extended life cycle in mesenteric lymph nodes and pancreas. Presence of congenital goitre of hyperplastic nature in kids especially those born as triplets indicate the imbalanced nutrition as origin of the condition thereby warranting the nutritional adequacy during pregnancy of the does.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Etio-pathological profiling of Digestive System Affections in Chicken
    (SKUAST Kashmir, 2019) Rehab Altaf; Mir, Masood Saleem
    Present study was aimed to study nature and occurrence of patho-morphological alterations of digestive system in chicken viz-a-viz inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions and to investigate occurrence and pathology of spontaneously occurring specific disease conditions of digestive system in chicken. Necropsy of 7657 broiler chicken in 201 outbreaks revealed GIT lesions in 95.85% birds including 83.64% with specific and 12.21% non-specific disease conditions. Highest proportionate mortality occurred in age group 2-3 weeks (39.14%) followed by 0-1 week (21.46%), 3-4 weeks (18.11%), 4-5 weeks (12.21%) and 1-2 weeks (9.08%). Also, the proportionate mortality was significantly higher in spring (38.03%) followed summer (33.05%), autumn (15.05%), and winter (13.87%). The commercial strain (CS) showed a significant effect with overall case prevalence ranging from 51.58% in CS10 to 100% in CS8 and CS9. Case prevalence of gross liver lesions was 87.79% including 76.10% specific and 11.69% non-specific lesions. Mortality with liver affections was significantly higher in age group 2-3 weeks (38.31) followed by 0-1 (22.66%), 3-4 (17.60%), 4-5 (12.65%), and 1-2 weeks (8.79%). Seasonal occurrence was highest in spring (92.41%) and winter (90.68), followed by autumn (87.41%) and summer (81.43%). Grossly lesions were evident in one or more segments of GIT. Jejunum was involved in significantly higher number of cases (81.96%) followed by ileum (81.20%), duodenum (74.06%), proventriculus (42.13%), caecum (38.34%) and caecal tonsils (24.14%). Proventricular lesions included congestion, haemorrhage, thickened/oedematous mucosa and catarrhal exudate. Lesions observed in different segments of intestines included varied degree of congestion, hemorrhages, ulcers, thickened oedematous mucosa, and presence of catarrhal exudate. Evaluation of different lesions across different segments of GIT, by Severity Score Analysis based on weighed mean score of different conditions in different segments indicated that catarrhal exudation was the most frequent type of response observed in GIT (LSRS= 30), followed by mucosal thickening (LSRS=28), mucosal congestion (LSRS=25) and haemorrhage (LSRS=23). Mucosal denudation and ulceration appeared to be the least frequent or rare response with LSRS of 9 and 12 respectively. Case prevalence for gross liver lesions was 87.79%. Lesions observed included varied degree of congestion, hemorrhages, fibrinous perihepatitis, necrosis and haematoma with relative case prevalence of 56.41%, 16.02%, 23.19%, 4.3% and 0.074% respectively. No pathological gross lesions were observed in pancreas. Occurrence of gross bursal lesions was 35.11% and included varied degree of swelling, mucosal thickening/oedema, catarrhal exudation, serous exudation, congestion, hemorrhages, and bursal core with relative case prevalence of 30.02%, 76.34%, 62.98%, 3.46%, 40.88, 26.97 and 1.64%, respectively. The specific diseases/disease conditions associated with lesions in digestive system include intussusception, intestinal torsion, omphalitis, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, IBD, ND, Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza, aspergillosis, coccidiosis, gout, and ascites.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Pathomorphological Studies on Liver Affections of Sheep
    (SKUAST Kashmir, 2017) Sanjoo Sheikh Saddam; Kamil, Shayaib Ahmad
    Present study was aimed to study the occurrence of liver affections in sheep in Kashmir, to characterize pathomorphological lesions associated with liver affections in sheep and to study histochemical changes in various liver affections in sheep. Samples comprised of both local and non local sheep which were slaughtered in various slaughter houses /butcheries and sheep carcasses bought for post mortem examination to Division of Veterinary Pathology. Following gross examination specimens were preserved and processed for histopathological and histochemical examination. Out of a total number of 1500 sheep were necropsied, 291 animals revealed gross hepatic lesions. Maximum number of gross liver lesions were recorded in age group of more than 2 years, comprising of 131 animals (45.01%), having 78 males (59.55%) & 53 females (40.45%). Parasitic conditions constituted the major portion of liver affections in sheep. Cysticercosis was more prevalent (28.17 %), followed by Echinococosis (26.11%), Fascioliasis (7.56%) and Dicrocoeliasis (3.78%) among specific hepatic conditions. Among non- specific hepatic conditions, necrotic hepatitis (17.86%), were more prevalent followed by haemorrhages (5.15%), abscesses (4.81%), congestive changes (3.43%), fatty changes (2.06%), and cirrhosis (1.03%) respectively. Livers infected with flukes and cestodes were generally fibrosed, except in acute cases, resulting in degeneration and replacement of hepatic parenchyma along with severe cellular infiltration. Various types of bacillary and coccobacillary organisms were demonstrated in tissues having hepatic abscesses. Amongst non specific conditions, cirrhosis resulted in metaplastic changes associated with hepatic parenchyma.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Prevalence, Pathoanatomical, Histochemical and Cytological Studies on Reproductive Disorders of Sheep
    (SKUAST Kashmir, 2016) Malik, Rayees Ahmed; Darzi, M.M
    Present study was aimed to find the prevalence of various reproductive disorders in sheep. 603 female genitalia of ewes collected from various slaughter houses, local butcher’s shops and organised farms were screened for the presence of any morphological abnormality. 166 uteri were gravid accounting to 27.5% foetal loss. Pathological abnormalities were noted in 65 (10.12%) genitalia.The common pathological abnormalities were bent cervix (31%), parovarian cysts (1.5%), cystic ovary (1.5%) and pyometra (1.16%) while those that were less prevalent were parasitic cysts (0.8%) foetal macerations (0.8%), uterus unicornis (0.33%), oophoritis (0.33%) and fallopian tube adhesions(0.33%).Ovarian tumor(0.16%) and uterine melanosis(0.16%) were very less prevalent. Bent cervix had lateral kink and was characterised by excessive fibrosis. Parovarian cysts were oval or round in shape and were either unilateral or bilateral. Similarly, luteal cysts were also either unilateral or bilateral. Cystic corpora lutea were distinguishable from anovulatory luteal cysts by the presence of the ovulation papillae and the prominent luteal tissue grossly.Pyometra was grossly presented as unilateral or bilateral distension of uterus with varied amount of pus. Purulent metritis was predominantly observed. The exudate revealed numerous neutrophils. The uteri, containing the macerated foeti, were swollen from outside and had a crepitation sound on palpation. There foetal remnants were dark black and consisted of foetal tissues and bones. Purulent endometritis, cervicitis and vaginitis were seen predominantly associated with them. Parasitic cysts of Cysticercus tenuicolis, inciting inflammatory response, were found attached directly attached to reproductive tract externally. The uteri containing retained placenta had brown necrosed placental fragments in it along with severe endometritis. Uterus Unicornis in a gravid case had cystic uterine glands. Oophoritis was suppurative in nature. Fallopian tube adhesions were within itself forming an irregular mass. Histologically the adhesion zone revealed presence of connective tissue heavily infiltrated with polymorphonuclear cells and mononuclear cells .The fallopian tube revealed mild salpingitis and desquamation of mucosal folds.Uterine melanosis, which was observed in only one case and showed spotly presence of melanin pigment in the caruncles only while inter-caruncular areas were devoid of it. Only one case of ovarian tumour was found in which a large mass of 5.7 kg with dimensions of 15 cm by 13 cm was seen which resembled histologically to Granulosa cell tumor, Histochemical studies revealed intense response of acid mucopolysaccharides and mast cells in cervices of organs affected with pyometra compared to macerated fetus. It was concluded that the prevention of foetal loss and reproductive disorders would promote the reproductive performance of sheep to a large extent.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Pathology Of Lymphoid Organs In Commonly Occurring Diseases Of Broiler Chickens In Kashmir Valley
    (SKUAST Kashmir, 2014) Wani, Basharat Maqbool; Darzi, M.M.
    The present study was made to assess the pathological status of lymphoid organs in commonly encountered diseases of broiler chickens in Ganderbal district of Kashmir valley. The affected lymphoid organs were collected from various disease outbreaks affecting broiler chickens of different age groups. Overall five types of disease outbreaks which included three of single infections like Infectious bursal disease, Newcastle disease and Collibacillosis, and two outbreaks of concurrent infections of IBD-ND and IBD-Coccidiosis. The samples were collected from different age groups of; 18, 21, 23, 25 and 27 days. In case of IBD, the gross and histopathological changes were mainly in bursa of Fabricius which included enlargement, oedema, congestion, haemorrhages, necrosis, lymphocyte depletion, epithelial desquamation followed by changes in thymus, spleen, caecal tonsils, Harderian gland and bone marrow. In ND, the severity of lesions like enlargement, stippled appearance, congestion, necrosis and lymphocyte depleted areas were more in spleen and caecal tonsils whereas, in Collibacillosis pathological changes were more detectable in spleen viz; enlargement, stippled appearance, congestion and necrotic areas. In mixed infections of IBD-Coccidiosis and IBD-ND, deep red to blackish red discolouration was observed in bursa. Thymus and caecal tonsils were oedematous and had petechial haemorrhages on their mucosal surfaces. The spleen was congested, enlarged and had a stippled appearance. The Harderian gland and bonemarrow were the least affected organs. The histopathological changes in mixed infections included severe follicular haemorrhages, necrosis, disorganization, depopulation, epithelial desquamation and deposition of eosinophilic material in the bursal follicles. In thymus, congestion, mild corticular depletion and necrosis was present. Caecal tonsils and spleen revealed lymphoid depletion and necrotic changes in the lymphoid follicles. Harderian gland showed alveolar narrowing, congestion and epithelial desquamation. Qualitative increase in acid mucopolysaccharide was detected in epithelial areas of bursa, caecal tonsils and Harderian gland in all the disease groups. Histoenzymic study in IBD and Newcastle disease revealed scant acid phosphatase (ACPase) activity in bursa, caeca and in alveolar epithelium of Harderian gland. In Colibacillosis, a mild acid phosphatase (ACPase) activity was detected only in spleen. Mild alkaline phosphatase (AKPase) activity was detected in IBD in inflammatory zones around the epithelial region of bursa, caecal tonsils and Harderian gland. In ND, the AKPase activity was only observed in caecal tonsils whereas in Colibacillosis very mild enzyme activity was observed in spleen. The bone marrow examination revealed that there was a significant difference in the cellular composition between control and diseased broiler chickens. Among the three diseases, the bone marrow examination revealed decrease in the percentage of cells from the myeloid series. However, no such effect was seen on the cells from erythroid series. This was more evident in Infectious bursal disease and Newcastle disease each having a myeloid / erythroid ratio of 1.18 and 1.20, respectively compared to the values obtained in normal broilers and those affected with Collibacillosis which had a ratio of 1.26 and 1.24, respectively, and did not differ significantly. Micronutrient estimation revealed that normally a positive correlation existed between the age group and concentration of minerals like Copper, zinc and manganese in the various lymphoid organs of broiler chickens. The mean tissue copper concentration in all the lymphoid organs of infected broiler chickens was found to be reduced with more pronounced effect in case of mixed infections of IBD-coccidiosis and IBD-ND. It was followed by IBD and other two diseases viz. ND and Colibacillosis. All the diseases showed a significant (P<0.05) reduction in copper concentration than from the uninfected controls. Compared to copper, the mean tissue values of the other minerals like zinc and manganese showed higher tissue concentrations. Highest values were observed in case of mixed infections followed by IBD and other two diseases. The variations were significant compared to the uninfected controls (P<0.05). It was derived from the study that the commercially raised boiler chickens had poor immunological status during the outbreaks of the diseases thereby might have predisposed the birds to various infections resulting in huge economic losses in terms of morbidity, mortality, treatment and management.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Pathology of Sodium Bicarbonate induced gout in broiler chicken and its amelioration with Colchicum luteum
    (SKUAST Kashmir, 2016) Rayeesa Ali; Kamil, S. A.
    The present study was conducted to investigate the clinical, hemato-biochemical and pathological changes due to Sodium bicarbonate induced gout in broiler chickens and to evaluate the protective effects of Colchicum luteum extract in reversing the adverse effects of Sodium bicarbonate toxicity. For the purpose, 72 (day old) broiler chicks were randomly divided into 6 groups, each group comprising of 12 birds. Group I served as control, group II and III birds were given Sodium bicarbonate @ 2.5% and 5%, respectively. Group IV and V were given Sodium bicarbonate @ 2.5% + CLE @ 50mg/kg Bwt and Sodium bicarbonate @ 5% + CLE @ 50mg/kg Bwt, respectively. Group VI birds were given only CLE @ 50mg/kg Bwt. Clinical signs like dullness, ruffled feathers, closed eyes, dropped wings and anorexia developed in Sodium bicarbonate intoxicated groups from day 4th of the exposure with increasing severity till the end of experiment, resulting in 25% mortality in group II birds and 58.33% mortality in group III birds. A significant increase in hematological parameters (Hb, PCV, TEC, TLC and Heterophil) and biochemical parameters (AST, ALT, Uric acid, BUN, Creatinine, Total protein and Albumin) were observed in Sodium bicarbonate intoxicated groups. Also, intoxicated groups revealed oxidative stress which included increased levels of LPO and XO and decreased activity of CAT and SOD. All these parameters however, showed normal activity in the birds given Colchicum luteum extract. Also heterophil and monocyte counts were decreased significantly in group VI birds, supplemented with Colchicum luteum extract only with no adverse effect on health of birds. Prominent gross pathological lesions included deposits of enormous chalky white urates in kidneys, liver, heart and Proventriculus. Histopathological examination of kidneys and liver revealed severe degeneration and necrosis, infiltration of heterophils, fibrosis, congestion of central vein, fatty change and urate deposits in form of pink radiating mass; Heart showed degeneration of muscle fibers; Lungs showed congestion and fibrosis; Spleen, Thymus and Intestines revealed congestion. De Galantha’s staining revealed urate crystals as black needles and Masson’s trichrome revealed fibrous connective tissue as bluish spindle shaped fibers. The changes were mild in Colchicum luteum treated birds and were not observed towards the end of experiment.