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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Resource use efficiency in Haryana Agriculture
    (College of Basic Sciences and Humanities Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University Hisar, 1986) Singh, Vinod Kumar; Gupta, D. D.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Resource use Efficiency in Haryana Agriculture
    (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural Univesity, Hisar, 1991) Singh, Vinod Kumar; Gupta, D.D
    Indian economy is predominantly an agricultural economy characterised by small scale, fragmented farming, employing traditional technology. The introduction of modern technology in agriculture has resulted into a remarkable increase in agricultural production. But, it is probably not uniform in different regions among different size· of farms and even within the crops having relatively low technological breakthrough.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Resource use efficiency in Haryana Agriculture
    (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, 1991) Singh, Vinod Kumar; Gupta, D. D.
    Indian economy is Predominantly an Agricultural Economy Characteristic by small Small, fragmented farming, employing individual technology. The introduction of modern technology in agriculture has resulted into a remarkable increase in agricultural production. But, it is probably not uniform in different regions among different size of farms and even within the crops having relatively low technological breakthrough. However, agricultural development in India has initiated the shift from traditional to modern farming system. Due lo Predominant of Agriculturist in the National Economy the overall rule of economic growth depends to a Large Extent on the growth of agricultural sector.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Study of the Spatial Distribution of Institutional loan for Agriculture in Irrigated Region of Haryana
    (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural Univesity, Hisar, 1980) Singh, Vinod Kumar; Pandey, Uma Kant
    Agriculture like any other industry also needs investment capital for the development and to realize higher production. Investment in agriculture assumes more significance in our country where about Fifty per cent o! the national income is derived from agriculture and in which a majority of its population depends for their livelihood As a result it has got priority in the allocation of funds under different Five-Year plans. Despite such Priorities and Investment of large funds from scarce resources, production in the agriculture sector would hardly match the growth in population. In fact the economic development of the country is not only complex but also seems be impossible without agricultural development. With the introduction of modern technology during the mid-sixties farming has become more capital. intensive. The capital investment requirement cannot be met fully by the farmers out of their own savings unless they get some financial assistance from credit Institutions. In fact agricultural credit has become a sine-qua-non tor agricultural development. But the role of agricultural -credit has not been fully appreciated. in the agricultural credit policy. !here seems to be skewed distribution of agricultural credit not only at the state level but also at the regional and district levels.