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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under different sowing times and irrigation levels and validation of InfoCrop model
    (CCSHAU, 2017) Bali, Aradhana; Pannu, R.K.
    A field experiment was conducted during 2014-15 and 2015-16 at Research Farm of Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 29010' North latitude and 75046' East longitudes at an elevation of 215.2 m above mean sea level to study the growth, yield and quality parameters as affected by sowing times and irrigation levels. The experiment was laid out in strip plot design with three replications on sandy loam soil. Treatments comprised of four sowing times viz., October last week (D1), November 2nd week (D2), December last week (D3) and December last week (D4) and four irrigation levels viz., at CRI (I1), CRI + heading (I2) and CRI + jointing + milking (I3) and CRI + late tillering + heading + milking (I4) with 3 replications in strip plot design. The field soil was sandy loam in texture having shallow water table conditions. Crop phenophases delayed significantly with delay in sowing time except at early phases of growth. During 2014-15, theamount of rainfall received was exceptionally high so valid conclusions couldn‟t be drawn. During 2015- 16, the moisture content wasalways decreasing with delay in sowing except in the peaks where the moisture content in theprofile was always same due to recharging of profile by application of irrigation. Leaf water potential (LWP) decreased while, canopy temperature, CTD and RWC increased with delay in sowing. Chlorophyll index and CSI values decreased with each delay in sowing except at 5 and 10 DAA. Senescence score increased, while MSI decreased with each delay in sowing. PAR study at anthesis revealed that absorption coefficient decreased while transmissionand reflection coefficients increased with delay in sowing. RUE, TUE decreased with delayin sowing. Yield attributes decreased with each delay insowing. Grain growth rate increased significantly and grain growthduration decreased significantly with each delay in sowing. Delay in sowing beyond D2 resulted in significant effective tillers and grains/spike compared to earlier sowing dates. Per day reduction in grain yield increased with each delay in sowing. Per day reduction from D1 was 18.2, 15.6 and 29.7 kg/ha/day and 7.6, 15.4 and 19.2 for D2, D3 and D4 during 2014-15 and 2015-16, respectively.Quality parameters viz., protein content and sedimentation value increased whilehectoliter weight decreased with delay in sowing. NPK uptake was highest in D1 duringboth the years and it decreased with each delay in sowing. Increased irrigation frequencysignificantly delayed the development of reproductive phenophases. LWP and RWC increased with increasein number of irrigations and maximum value was attained in I4 during 2015-16. Canopy temperature and CTD decreased with each increase infrequency of irrigation. SPAD, CSI and MSI values increased with each increase inirrigation. With increased frequency of irrigation senescence score decreased. Irrigationapplication had a positive correlation with absorption coefficient and a negative association withtransmission and reflection coefficients of PAR. Highest values for RUE and HUE were obtained inirrigation application at I4. Crop did not respond toirrigation application during 2014-15 and significant results couldn‟t be drawn while in 2015-16,maximum yield was obtained in I4 and with eachreduction in irrigation levels, there was a significant reduction. Protein content decreased while, sedimentation value and hectoliter weight increased withincrease in the frequency of irrigation. The irrigation frequency increased theNPK uptake by the crop. It can be concluded that cropsown on last week of October (D1) performed significantly better in Hisar conditions. In dryseason, 4 irrigations applied at CRI + Late tillering + Heading + Milking (I4) proved to be betterfor higher growth and yield of the wheat. While in wet season, with shallow water table of Hisar,one irrigationat CRI (I1) is sufficient depending onthe amount and time of rainfall received during the crop season. Validated InfoCrop model for Hisar conditions can be used for estimation of phenophases, growth parameters and yield of wheat.