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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of the repellent properties of indigenous essential oils against the rodent species
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-07-25) Varsha; Ravikant
    Rodents are one of the most persistent and ubiquitous vertebrate pests that affect the human population. It is an indoor pest, and various rodenticides are used for its management. Studies of the repellent effect of botanically extracted essential oils of plants citronella & cinnamon were conducted on Mus musculus in the Department of Zoology & Aquaculture. Among different concentrations (5, 10, 20%), the 20% concentration carries the maximum repellent effect on house mice (Mus musculus). There were different modes of application of essential oils. Still, among the four observed during the study (direct application on coarse wheat grains, application on gunny bags containing coarse wheat grains, mixing of essential oil with wax and coating it on gunny bags filled with wheat grains, wax blocks made using the essential oil, paraffin wax and coarse wheat grains); direct application of essential oil on coarse wheat grains has more effect as repellent meanwhile essential oil mixed with wax and wheat grains has longer lasting impact along with maintaining the efficient repellent property. There can be different frequencies of application and out of which three were used during the experiment (daily, alternate days, once a week), out of which daily application was comparatively more efficient than the remaining two. Still, when it comes to per cent repellency and overall efficiency, the weekly application was best. Overall, 20% concentration treatment of essential oil in wax blocks weekly has the best results. When comparing mean food consumption and weight gain between males and females, males consumed more food than females, and weight gain was also higher in males, but females were more active throughout. The overall effect of essential oil treatment on both gender, female mice were comparatively more repelled than male.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae on growth performance and hematological parameters of Catla catla L.
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-07) Sharma, Sakshi; Dahiya, Tejpal
    In the present study conducted for 90 days (3 months), probiotic S. cerevisiae was taken to observe its effect on growth performance and haematology of 160 healthy Catla fingerlings with an average weight and length of 9.3 gm , 7.2 cm respectively. Four treatment groups with four replicates were formed, Control without probiotic supplementation and three group T1, T2, T3 with different concentration of probiotic i.e 2%, 4% and 6% S. cerevisiae. All 160 fingerlings were distributed in four replicates of each group, with 10 fingerlings in each 100 L capacity tub. All growth parameters and water quality parameters were measured fortnightly. All three probiotic supplemented group showed significant (P ≤ 0.05) difference in growth and haematology as compared to control group. In comparison to unsupplemented control group all growth parameters were observed higher in all three supplemented group and maximum values were observed in T2 (4% probiotic). Maximum survival rate with value 95% was also observed in T2. All haematology parameters such as Hb, RBC, WBC, PCV all were observed significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher in T2 and least values in unsupplemented control group. Allmost water quality parameters monitored for whole experimental period were found within acceptable range. These results suggested that administration of probiotic (S. cerevisiae) in feed confers beneficial effects for fish culture, considering growth performance, haematology and water quality.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of heavy metals toxicity on mortality, bio-molecules and antioxidative enzymes of Eudrilus eugeniae
    (CCSHAU,HiSAR, 2020) Mahima; Gupta, R.K.
    Earthworms are potentially the most important constituents of the soil biota in respect of soil formation and maintenance of structure and fertility of soil. Recent years have witnessed the contamination of soil ecosystem by heavy metals, which are considered to be one of the major environmental issues. Earthworms are terribly affected by soil pollution because of their strong interaction with soil. Heavy metals in increased concentrations have a variety of harmful effects on the viability, density, cocoon production, sexual development and growth of worms. The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of heavy metals on mortality, bio-molecules and antioxidative enzymes of E. eugeniae. The results showed the acute toxicity of two heavy metals individually as well as in combination of different concentrations on earthworms in a dose dependent manner which was evaluated in terms of mortality, growth (length and weight), cocoon production, bio-molecules and antioxidative enzymes. Maximum reduction in length (4.30 cm) and weight (0.42 g) of earthworm was seen in case of soil treated with Zn-0.1 ppm as compared to control. Maximum mortality of earthworms was 30% and number of cocoons reduced upto 29.67 in case of Zn-0.1 ppm contaminated soil. The maximum reduction in bio-molecules i.e. 19.63% in crude protein 28.57% in carbohydrate and 42.41% in crude lipid concentration was seen in earthworms treated with Zn-0.1 ppm. In case of antioxidative enzymes, there was an increase in the activities of antixidative enzymes due to oxidative stress induced by heavy metals. SOD (Superoxide dismutase) and POD (peroxidise) showed a maximum increase in activity at highest concentration of Zn (0.1 ppm) which was 10.26 U/mg protein and 0.77 U/mg protein respectively. Thus the study proves that zinc is more toxic and detrimental to earthworms as compared to cobalt.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of losses due to Suidasia nesbitti (Acari: Acaridae) in pearl millet and its management
    (CCSHAU,HiSAR, 2020-06) Seema; Gulati, Rachna
    The average population of S. nesbitti increased significantly at each observation period. Pearl millet flour was found significantly better as more number of mites (364.14 mites/ 5g flour) were recorded than on pearl millet grains (277.28 mites/ 5g grain). The weight was 5.000 g at 0 day which decreased significantly to 4.875, 4.710 g in grain and flour at 180 days of infestation. Biochemical estimation of infested grains and flour revealed decrease in total soluble sugars (22.100, 21.067 mg/ g), non-reducing sugar (13.000, 12.36 mg/ g), starch (545.100, 468.100mg/g) and protein (106.133, 87.733mg/g) after 180 days of infestation, respectively as compared to 23.100, 14.440, 597 and 113.250 at 0 days. A significant negative correlation of S. nesbitti population with weight loss, total soluble sugar content, non-reducing sugars, starch, protein in grain (r= - 0.993, - 0.971, -0.991, - 0.790, -0.966) and flour (r= - 0.983, -0.999, -0.983, -0.991, -0.964) was obtained. Reducing sugars showed a significant increase from 8.660 to 9.100 mg/ g in pearl millet grains. Germination in grains decreased from 90 to 7.14 per cent after 120 days of infestation. In the last two durations (150 and 180 days), no seed was germinated in seeds having 518.66 and 662 mite population. Aqueous extracts of Aonla (Phyllanthus emblica) fruits, lemon (Citrus sinensis) and orange (Citrus limon) peels were evaluated under in vitro conditions against S. nesbitti. With higher concentrations of 4 and 8 per cent of both the botanicals, Aonla fruit and lemon peel provided 100 per cent protection against S. nesbitti except lemon peel at 4 per cent (81.65% protection). Aqueous extract of orange peel provided 100 per cent protection against S. nesbitti at 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 per cent concentration at 1day after treatment. Among the botanicals, orange peel extract is more toxic to S. nesbitti than the Aonla fruit and lemon peel extract.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of herbicides, organic wastes and seasonal variations on growth parameters and fecundity of E.fetida
    (CCSHAU,HiSAR, 2020-06) Anshu; Dharambir Singh
    Earthworms are major contributors to soil biodiversity; they are basic driver of abiotic and biotic soil properties,therefore also known as major ecosystem engineers in terrestrial soils due to their contribution in pedogenesis. E. fetida minimizes the pollution danger caused by organic wastes degradation and internationally used as reference animal for toxicity tests. Environmental variations in temperature and organic waste affect the respiration, metabolism, growth parameters and reproductive potential of earthworms. Use of agrochemicals like pesticides, herbicides and inorganic fertilizers on large scale to enhance agriculture production have negative effects on earthworms and they are killed as non targeted organisms. Non judicious use of agrochemicals could induce the damage at genetic level, disruption in enzyme activities, reduction in survival, reproduction and growth rate and ultimately decrease in the total earthworm biomass. The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of herbicides, organic wastes and seasonal variations on survival, growth parameters, fecundity and immune system of E. fetida. Different doses of herbicides viz. Pendimethalin and Glyphosate were used individually and in combinations. Survival and fecundity were affected and minimum number of survived adult earthworm and cocoon collected were 17.6±0.33 and 19.6±0.66, respectively in worms treated with Pendimethalin+Glyphosate @1.50+2.50 μl/kg after 90th day of experiment. Similarly, minimum body weight (0.40±0.06 gram) and length gain (6.56±0.34 cm) were observed in the same treatment. Immune system was also affected and significant reduction in the total number and types of coelomocytes (65.6%), eleocytes, amoebocytes-I, amoebocytes-II, granulocytes-I and granulocytes- II was recorded in worms exposed to Pendimethalin+ Glyphosate @1.50+2.50μl/kg. Different season and substrates significantly affected the growth and survival of earthworms. Mixed substrate (Cow+ Buffalo dung) among the three was found most appropriate for rearing earthworms and maximum survived adult worms, cocoons count, length and body weight was 48, 69.6, 79 cm and 0.82gms, respectively during summer season. Buffalo dung was more suitable in summer season whereas, cow dung in winter.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Efficacy of different dietary protein sources on the growth performance and carcass composition of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L.
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021) Pooja Rani; Ahalavat, Shikha
    Efficacy of different dietary protein sources on the growth performance and carcass composition of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. was evaluated in a 90 days of experimental period. Nine distinct types of feed ingredients with different protein content in Rice bran (RB) 12.70%, Mustard oil cake (MOC) 35.10%, Soyabean meal (SM) 44.75% and Fish meal (FM) 46.24% respectively were taken. All the feed stuffs were formulated as T1 (RB+MOC), T2 (RB+28% SM), T3 (RB+32% SM), T4 (RB+36% SM), T5 (RB+40% SM), T6 (RB+28% FM), T7 (RB+32% FM), T8 (RB+36% FM) and T9 (RB+40% FM) using Pearson square method. Twenty-seven uniformly sized experimental aquaria of 60*30*30 cm3 size taken in triplicate for each treatment were used. C. carpio L. experiment was started with fingerlings having an average weight and length of (1.71g) and (2.69cm) respectively. The growth rate of C. carpio was maximum for T9 (RB+40% FM) (15.52 g) followed by T5 (RB+40% SM) (15.16 g) however no significant difference was recorded between these two treatments. Body weight after 90 days was in order T9 (RB+40%FM) followed by T5 (RB+40% SM), T4 (RB+36% SM) and T8 (RB+36% FM), T7 (RB+32% FM) and T3 (RB+32% SM), T2 (RB+28% SM) and T6 (RB+28% FM) minimum in T1 (RB+MOC). The lowest FCR was obtained from T9 (1.42) and highest in T1 (1.70). Economics of feed containing 40% dietary protein of soyabean meal (Rs.0.047/g) was considered better than all the other diets including control diet T1 (RB+MOC) (Rs. 0.087/g). Moisture, crude fibre and crude lipid were in decreasing trend as the dietary proteins increased. However, carcass protein content was in increasing trend as protein percentage in feed increase. After 90 days of feeding trial, percentage of protein was ranged from 66.88% in T1 (RB+MOC) to 69.42% in T5 (RB+40% SM). The water quality parameters (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity, total hardness, conductivity, total dissolved solids) monitored during the experimental period showed that they were well within conductive limits and no significant (p<0.05) difference observed between them except ammonia and nitrite. Ammonia (0.20ppm) and nitrite (0.12 ppm) concentration was highest in T1 (RB+MOC). From the present study it can be concluded that fish meal and soyabean meal have similar efficacy on growth performance and carcass composition without affecting survivality and water parameters in C. carpio fingerlings.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of different salinity on growth, survival and hematology of Amur carp
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-07) Nikki; Ahalavat, Shikha
    Effect of different salinity on growth, survival and hematology of Amur carp, Cyprinus carpio haematopterus (Linnaeus, 1758) was evaluated in a 60 days experiment. Three hundred fingerlings having average weight 8.38 ± 0.04 g, were equally distributed in 5 treatment groups: Control (0 ppt), T1 (3 ppt), T2 (6 ppt), T3 (9 ppt) and T4 (12 ppt) with 3 replicates in 500 L FRP tanks followed by complete randomized design (CRD) after acclimatization. The behavioural changes like swimming activity and appetite changes were observed in 9 ppt and 12 ppt during the experiment. The maximum survival rate was recorded in control with 100 % survivability while minimum in 9 and 12 ppt. There were no significant differences observed in water parameters like pH, Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) while parameters like ammonia, nitrite, TDS (Total Dissolved Solute) and conductivity increase significantly with increase in salinity of water. Fish growth (ADG, SGR and TWG) decline significantly (P≤0.05) from control to T4 respectively while FCR increase significantly with increase in salinity. Due to salinity stress there was significantly increase in haematological parameters including RBC, WBC, PCV and Hb. Significant changes in biochemical parameters of blood also occurs under different salinity. There was significantly decline in serum glucose level (P≤0.05) while significantly increase in Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Aspartate amino Transferase (AST) and Alanine amino Transferase (ALT) level. The results suggested that Amur carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) can be cultured ≤ 6 ppt most probably upto 5 ppt.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Efficacy of sewage treated water on fish production
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Reecha; Gulati, Rachna
    During present investigation, growth parameters of Pangasius hypopthalamus, Cyprinus carpio haematopterus, Clarias batrachus and Catla catla were recorded in sewage treated water. The weight (18.16g), length (12.82 cm), weight gain (745.59 g), biomass (817.2 g), percent increment in weight (1021%) and percent increment in length (106.5%) was highest for P. hypopthalamus fishes cultured in sewage treated water with feed whereas these parameters significantly declined for fishes reared in sewage treated water without feed (165.09 g, 240.42 g, 254%, 74.9%). The survivability in sewage treated water without feed was 90 percent as compared to 100 percent in freshwater and sewage treated water with feed. The feed conversion ratio for fishes reared in sewage treated water with feed at 90th day was less (2.09) than that recorded in freshwater (2.41). The fishes cultured in sewage treated water with feed has higher specific growth rate (1.16%) and average daily weight gain (0.41 g/ day) as compared to fresh water (0.99%, 0.27 g/day) and sewage treated water without feed (0.61%, 0.10 g/day). The growth of P. hypophthalmus showed significant positive correlation with temperature, conductivity, total soluble solids, dissolved oxygen and hardness and salinity of sewage treated water, however, ammonia, nitrite and alkalinity had no correlation. Sewage treated water showed significantly lower weight and length of C. carpio haematopterus and C. catla as compared to freshwater. Maximum weight and length of C. batrahus was recorded at 60th day (11.08g, 11.22 cm) as compared to 30th day (6.46g, 8.71cm) and 0th day (1.86g, 6.21cm). Significant positive correlation between weight, length of C. batrachus and temperature (0.93, 0.91), conductivity (0.98, 0.94), total dissolved solids (0.92, 0.94), salinity (1.00, 0.98), dissolved oxygen (0.87, 0.81) and ammonia (0.87, 0.89) was recorded. A significant negative correlation was recorded with pH (0.87, 0.85) and alkalinity (0.93, 0.90) whereas nitrite content did not show any correlation with C. batrachus growth parameters. The net accumulation of heavy metal in fish tissues was in the order: Fe>Mn> Cu > Zn. The bioaccumulation trend among the five fish organs were: Gills > Muscle > Brain > Heart > Stomach. Nickel and chromium were not found in sewage treated water. The sewage treated and biofiltered Azolla water were statistically comparable with each other in terms of change in P. hypopthalamus weight and length. There was significant decrease in the conductivity, total dissolved solids, salinity, ammonia, hardness and alkalinity of sewage treated water due to Azolla culture after 21 days as compared to 0 day. Azolla culture significantly reduced the heavy metal concentration (0.035 mg/l) in sewage treated water after 21 days from 0.107 mg/l at 0 day. Among the heavy metals, iron concentration was significantly higher (0.140 mg/l) than zinc (0.113 mg/l), copper (0.027 mg/l) and manganese (0.005 mg/l) although all were well below the permissible limits.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of turmeric (Curcuma longa) supplemented feed on growth performance and hematological parameters on Pangasius hypopthalmus
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Sakshi; Dharambir Singh
    The use of non-specific immunostimulants and plant products is gaining attention in aquaculture all over the world, which have beneficial effects for enhancing growth performance and improve immunity to control diseases in fishes. One of such herbs is turmeric (Curcuma longa), belonging to Zingiberaceae family, commonly used as an immuno-stimulant and an important ingredient in medicine. Pangasius is relatively new and fast-growing fish species for culture fisheries and has great potential to meet the growing demand of cheap quality food. The aim of present study was to evaluate the effect of turmeric (Curcuma longa) supplemented feed on growth performance, hematological and biochemical parameters of Pangasius hypopthalmus. The experiment was conducted in College of Fisheries Science, CCS HAU, Hisar for 90 days, using 500 L capacity glass aquaria and 240 fingerlings were randomly divided into 3 treatments and a control group. Three experimental diets were prepared by supplementing turmeric @3 gm/kg (T1), 6 gm/kg (T2) and 9 gm/kg (T3) with basal diet (mustard oil cake and rice bran) and control diet without turmeric. After 90 days of feeding trial, fishes fed with 6gm/kg turmeric (T2) exhibited significant (p0.05) increase in RBC, Hb, PCV and MCHC whereas significant increase in WBC counts was recorded. MCV decreased non-significantly (p>0.05) from initial to the final day along with MCH. Biochemical parameters like AST, ALT, ALP and blood glucose level were also decreased significantly (p<0.05) in treated fishes as compared to control group. Hence, the results revealed that supplementation of turmeric can improve the growth performance, hematological and biochemical parameters of catfish.