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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Varietal response of okra to fertilizer and plant density
    (College of Agriculture Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University Hisar, 2003) Ramphal; Singh, Avtar
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the effect of storage conditions on the shelf life of tomato
    (College of Agriculture Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University Hisar, 2003) Elangovan, R.; Batra, Vinod
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Storage behaviour of potato as affected by time of haulm killing and harvesting
    (CCSHAU, 2005) Suhag, Munish; Nehra, B.K.
    The investigation “Storage behaviour of potato as affected by time of haulm killing and harvesting was conducted at vegetable research farm and laboratories of CCS HAU Hisar during 2001-02. The study was conducted under two sets. Ist set of samples was used for studies under ambient storage and IInd set was used for cold storage studies. The investigation consisted of eighteen combination of nine treatment of haulm killing at 90, 100 and 110 days after planting and field curing for 0, 10 and 20 days after haulm killing in each treatment with two varieties (Kufri Badshah and Kufri Sutlej). Total tuber yield increased from 246.9 q/ha to 277.4 q/ha in Kufri Badshah and from 216.3 to 248.3 q/ha in Kufri Sutlej with increase in crop duration from 90 to 110 days after planting. The mean weight loss under ambient condition decreased from 11.3% where crop duration was 90 days and no field curing was done to 7.4% where crop duration was 110 days and field curing was for 20 days in Kufri Badshah. Figures for these two treatment in Kufri Sutlej were 14.6 and 11.9% respectively. The mean weight loss increased from 0.9 to 27.5% as the storage period prolonged from 10 to 105 days. Similarly during cold storage mean weight loss decreased as crop duration and field curing increased. After cold storage also weight loss decreased with increase in crop duration and field curing. But after cold storage the mean weight loss increased from 10.1 to 23.5% within one month. Sprouting percentage was decreased from 54.0 to 47.6% in Kufri Badshah and 55.1 to 50.3% in Kufri Sutlej as the crop duration increased from 90 to 110 days and field curing was allowed for 20 days. Sprouting percentage increased from 22.5 to 76.1% during storage from 60 to 150 days. As the crop duration and field curing increased mean dry matter content also increased. It ranged from 16.5 to 18.1% in Kufri Badshah and 15.3 to 17.9% in Kufri Sutlej with increase in crop duration from 90 to 110 days and field curing was allowed from 0 to 20 days. The dry matter content also increased as the storage period increased. It ranged from 16.4 to 17.3% during storage of 30 to 150 days. Sugar content slightly increased with increase in crop duration and also with field curing, however there was no set pattern. During storage sugar content increased for the first 60 days and lateron it decreased.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance of different chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes for growth and developmental studies during spring-summer season
    (CCSHAU, 2004) Sodhi, Mahavir; Arora, S.K.
    The present investigation was carried out to calculate the performance of different chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes for growth, flowering, fruit set and total fruit yield during spring-summer season of 2001. 83 The evaluation of 20 chilli genotypes was carried out during the spring-summer season at Vegetable Department Farm in 2001 at Hisar. Various observations were collected on growth, flowering, fruit set, total fruit yield and quality characters. Maximum plant height was recorded in DC-16 while maximum number of primary branches was recorded in HC-28. Maximum number of secondary branches per plant was recorded in Phule Sai where as maximum number of days was taken for first flowering plants in Arka Lohit while LCA-334 took least number of days for first flowering. Flowering in 50% percent plant population was recorded earliest where as maximum number of flowers/cluster was recorded in KDCS-810. Fruit set was earliest in HC-28. Maximum number of fruits/truss and fruit set %age was recorded in KDCS-810. First fruit picking (green) was earliest in HC-28 while it was delayed in RHRC-50-1. Maximum length of the green fruit was recorded in Pant-C-3 where as Byadagi Dabbi experienced in width. Peduncle length was maximum in Pant-C-3. Maximum number of green fruit per kg was recorded in DC-24 where as minimum number of green fruits per kg was recorded in KTPL-19. Maximum weight of green fruits/plant, number of green fruit per plant, weight of green fruits (kg/plot), yield g/plant and yield of green fruits q/ha were recorded in DC-24. Fruits of HC-28 ripened earliest while in RHRC-50-1 registered maximum days to ripen first fruit. Maximum length of the fresh red ripe fruit was recorded in Pant-C-3 where as maximum width of red ripe was recorded in KTPL-19. Peduncle length was maximum in Pant-C-3. Number of fresh red ripe fruits per kg, weight of fresh red ripe fruits per plant, number of fresh red ripe fruits per plant, weight of green fruits (kg/plot) and yield of fresh red ripe fruits q/ha was maximum in DC-24. Number of seeds per fruit was recorded maximum in Byadagi Kaddi while test weight was maximum in LCA-334 The chilli genotypes namely, Arka Lohit, Byadagi Dabbi, Byadagi Kaddi, JCA-283, KDCS-810, KTPL-19, LCA-324, LCA-334, Phule Sai, PMR-57 were recorded green color fruits. While fruits of BC-30, HC-28, LCA-301, and Pant-C-3 were yellowish green in color. DC-16, KTPL-19, BC-14-2, DC-24, PSP-Selection, RHRC-50-1, Utkal Ragni were dark green colored fruits. On the basis of organoleptic assessment, it was found that fruits of KDCS-810 were more pungent in taste which was followed by DC-24 and HC-28.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Physiological responses of Chandrashura (Lepidium sativum L.) to salt stress
    (CCSHAU, 2004) Bhupinder Singh; VARSHNEY, U.K.
    The present study entitled “Effect of plant density and fertilizers on seed production of brinjal cv. HLB- 25” was carried out at Vegetable Research Farm of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during autumn-winter season of 2003-04. The experiment comprising three spacing viz., S1 (75 × 60 cm), S2 (60×60cm), S3 (60×50cm) and six fertilizer levels viz., F1 (recommended dose of NPK, 100:50:25 kg/ha), F2 (recommended dose of NPK + Azotobacter), F3 (75% of recommended dose of NPK), F4 (75% recommended dose of NPK + Azotobacter), F5 (50% of recommended dose of NPK), and F6 (50% of recommended dose of NPK + Azotobacter) was laid out in a factorial randomized block design with three replications and 3×3m plot size. Five competitive plants were randomly selected from each experimental treatment to record data on various parameters, which were influenced significantly by various spacing and fertility levels.The plant height increased significantly with decreasing level of spacing, whereas, days to 50% flowering and fruit ripening, total plant biomass, canopy area, fruit length and diameter, average fruit weight, fruits per plant, seed weight per fruits, seed yield per plant, test weight, seed germination and seed vigour index increased significantly with increasing spacing levels. Plant height, total plant biomass and canopy area, fruit length and diameter, average fruit weight, and number of fruits improved significantly with increasing levels of fertility. Similarly, results also showed significant differences for seed yield per plant and per hectare, test weight, seed germination, and seed vigour index. However, the increased fertility levels delayed the flowering and fruit ripening. Significant differences were observed in relation to interaction between spacing and fertility levels for plant height, total plant biomass, fruits per plant, and seed yield per plant and per hectare, which were absent for all other characters investigated. The study suggested that for getting maximum seed yield of brinjal cv. HLB- 25 the crop should be planted at 60x60 cm spacing and supplied with 100:50:25 kg/ha of NPK along with seedling inoculation with Azotobacter.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Diallel Analysis in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
    (CCSHAU, 2005) Gupta, Vishal; Nand Kishore
    The present investigation was undertaken to study correlation, path, combining ability, heterosis and gene effects using 9x9 half diallel set for sixteen characters in Randomized Block Design with three replications at the Vegetable Research Farm and Laboratory, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during spring-summer season, 2003. Analysis of variance indicated sufficient variability among parents and their hybrids. Significant positive correlations were observed for fruit length with number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight and total fruit yield per vine. Days to first female flower showed the highest direct contribution followed by number of fruits per plant and average fruit 9 weight towards yield while days to first fruit harvest exhibited its highest indirect contribution via days to first female flower followed by fruit length and fruit diameter via days to first fruit harvest. IC-44410 was the best general combiner for average fruit weight, number of fruits and total fruit yield per plant whereas, BL-237 for chlorophyll ‘b’ and ascorbic acid content. IC-44410 x IC-68316, Pusa Vishesh x BL-237 and IC-44410 x BL-237 were rated as the best crosses on the basis of their sca, heterotic effects and per se performance for yield and for one or other yield attributes. Component analysis revealed that all the characters showed non-additive type of gene effects. Medium heritability (ns) was recorded for node to first female flower, fruit diameter, average fruit weight and TSS. Four dominant genes were present for every recessive gene in parents for days to first fruit harvest and average fruit weight. The comparative evaluation of combining ability, component analysis and mean degree of dominance predicted that characters viz., fruit length, number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight, total fruit yield per plant, chlorophyll ‘a’, chlorophyll ‘b’, total chlorophyll, carotenoid, ascorbic acid and dry matter contents showed non-additive gene effects and hence these characters can be improved through hybridization.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Storage studies in pea under different types of polythene and storage conditions
    (CCSHAU, 2006) Singal, Vikramjeet; Malik, T.P.
    The present investigation was carried out at the Post Harvest Laboratory of the Department of Vegetable Science at CCS Haryana Agricultural University during the year 2006. The main objective was to enhance the shelf life of pea pods and grains of varieties i.e. Arkil under ambient room temperature and zero energy chamber using different types of packaging materials viz., polyethylene bags (LDPE, HDPE and PVC) and News paper bags of 1 kg capacity for pods. LDPE packing at zero energy chamber storage was most effective in checking the PLW and decay loss. There was continuous decrease in sugar, TSS, chlorophyll content irrespective of the packaging treatments. However carotenoids content showed an increasing trend. Penicillium sp., Colletotrichum sp., Fusarium sp. & Aspergillus sp. were the main causal organism responsible for the decay. Among different treatment LDPE pods and grains packing at zero energy chamber storage were the best in maintaining physical, biochemical and pathological parameters up to 12th and 8th day respectively of storage. Whereas maximum degradation of fruits was found in News paper stored at room temperature.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Production of hybrid seed using GA3 and genetic markers in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
    (CCSHAU, 2005) Ram Narayan Singh; Batra, Vinod
    The present study was conducted at CCS HAU, Hisar for production of hybrid seeds using different concentration of GA3 and genetic markers. Five lines, i.e., selection-21 (potato leaf type), CLN-2366A, CLN-2116D9F1-180-31-9-40, CLN-2-16-8-2-176 and EC-339357 (anthocyaninless type) were used as female parent. Three lines Hisar Arun, H-86 and VFN-8 were used as male parent are cut leaf type and anthocyanin present on the hypocotyl. Cut leaf type is dominant over potato leaf type and anthocyanin type is dominant over anthocyaninless type. GA3 was sprayed 40 and 60 days after transplanting as whole plant spray @ 50 and 100 ppm. Fifteen different crosses were made and observations for per cent fruit set, number of seeds per fruit, seed germination, seed vigour index I and II and percent hybrids plants. Confirmation of markers was done at early stage of seedling in the green house. Among all the treatments, the GA3 50 ppm was found best for fruit setting and seed germination. However, for the number of seeds per fruit and seed vigour index I and II, hand emasculation and hand pollination was at par with GA3 50 ppm. The per cent hybrid plants identified at seedling stage were non significant under different treatments. However, cost of producing hybrid seed was 38% less in GA3 50 ppm as compared to hand emasculation and hand pollination. The futuristic approach of hybrid seed production using different concentrations of GA3 on different genetic markers and ancillary investigations have been suggested.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of crop residues and FYM on yield and quality of carrot roots (Daucus carota L.)
    (CCSHAU, 2005) Ashwini Kumar; Rana, M.K.
    The present study entitled “Effect of crop residues and FYM on yield and quality of carrot roots (Daucus carota L.)” was carried out at Vegetable Research Farm of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during winter season of 2004-05. The experiment comprising twelve treatments, viz. T1 (maize root incorporation), T2 (sorghum root incorporation), T3 (pearl millet root incorporation), T4 (dhaincha root incorporation), T5 (maize root incorporation + recommended decomposed FYM), T6 (sorghum root incorporation + recommended decomposed FYM), T7 (pearl millet root incorporation + recommended decomposed FYM), T8 (dhaincha whole plant incorporation), T9 (recommended decomposed FYM), T10 (recommended un-decomposed FYM), T11 (recommended NPK), T12 (control) was laid out in a randomized block design with three replications and 3x3 m plot size. Ten competitive plants were randomly selected from each experimental treatment to record data on various parameters, which were influenced significantly by various treatments. The crop residues had negative effect on all the characters studied during the course of experimentation. Incorporation of recommended decomposed farmyard manure in soil increased the root length, shoot length, average crown diameter, dry matter content, TSS content, and carotene content, however, decreased the forking of carrot roots significantly. Similarly, application of recommended dose of NPK had significant positive effect on all the characters mentioned above in addition to cortex: core ratio, root: shoot ratio and yield. The study suggested that for getting maximum root yield of carrot the crop should be supplied with recommended dose of NPK, and so far quality was concerned farmyard manure and recommended NPK had similar effects, however, incorporation of crop residues produced adverse effect on growth, yield, and quality attributes.