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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Relative Performance of Moong (vigna Radiata (L) Wilczek) Varieties Growth During Summer Under Varying Quality of Irrigation Water
    (College of Agriculture Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University Hisar, 1980) JaJarwal, Som Datt; Sharma, H. C.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of Phenolic Compounds on Nitrogen Fixation in Cowpea (Vigna Ungulculata (L.) Walp
    (College of Basic Sciences and Humanities Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University Hisar, 1980) Singh, Mahipal; Swaraj, Km
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Socio-Economic Determinants of Rural Industrialisation in Haryana State
    (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural Univesity, Hisar, 1983) Grover, Ram Prakash; Sharma, M. L.
    The study of social organisation offers o n ~ of the most important avenues for understanding the of a society. The social foundation of an economy Can scone in the inter-relationship of the order with socio-economic and political institutions and the distinct social relation required by that economic system.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Socio-Economic Dimensions of Science and Technology for Integrated Rural Development of mewat In Haryana
    (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural Univesity, Hisar, 1983) Khan, Subhan; Sharma, M. L.
    This chapter introduces the major subject of study . It includes a resume of recent advancement of science and technology concert and importance of science, technology , integrated rural development relationship between science and technology , and science, technology and integrated rural development; theory of Socio-economic dimensions of science, technology and development ; history of development of science and technology; a sociological explanation; technology import contributor of Science and Technology to Rural Development, unfulfilled task science and technology priorities; dysfunctional consequences of application of science and technology; history of rural development in India; path of India development; critical appraisal ; causes of failure of rural development programmed: alternative path of development ; history of specific rural development experiments in Mewat i.e . Braynes Gurgaon Experiment, Amir-Ali's Testatrix Board Suggestion, and Khan• s State Level Development Board Suggestions; title of the present study and specific objectives .
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Study of Psycho Social Factors Affecting The behavior and Attitude of Parents Towards Birth and Upbringing of male and Female Child
    (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural Univesity, Hisar, 1984) Dhawan, Veena Rani; Kaur, Praveen
    A child is a future of any nation. In fa.ct he is an asset of any country. If growing children do not develop heel thy attitude and behavior toward their own self and the society as well, the future of the nation can not be expected to be a. bright one. There are many factors that influence his development. Among them heredity and environment. lt are the most crucial one. Studies show that heredity contribute wore towards physique and intellectual aspect of the child
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Changing Socio-Economic Conditions of Rural Artisans in The context of Modern Technology
    (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural Univesity, Hisar, 1984) Sangwan, Jagmati; Singh, Raj
    The bullock powered agriculture supported and supplemented by rural artisans is the signal characteristic of primitive Indian society. The agricultural economy was organised in Jajmani system which was a blend of economic and social aspects of rural life. Caste here operated not to weld the artisan permanently into the community but essentially to enable "special skill to be accumulated from generation to gene ration. Under this system each caste group in the village was expected to extend certain standardized services to the families of other castes. A Khati was to repair the agriculture implements made of wood and Lohar those of iron implements. A Nai has to dress hairs and perform many social functions; a Chamaar to help in fanning and shoe making and the Chura for cleaning work and assisting agriculture operations. Each man worked for a particular family or group of families and right to serve them was resumed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Study of Socio-Economic and Psychological Problems of Old Women in A village Community of Haryana
    (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural Univesity, Hisar, 1984) Dahiya, Kanta; Singh, Raj
    With the average span 0£ life considerably lengthened. l the problems of old age have now assumed social important, no less for the young, they too are, heading for old age. Annihilation of distances, the opening up of the village to urban influences, the breaking up of the joint family system and the attitude of older people and of younger generation towards old age - all these accentuate the problems of the ., elderly. Getting old today is, therefore, not so easy as it was 50 years ago. Aging and ageo represent a curious phenomenon in human life. The problems of old are net new, but they presented few problems in earlier societies than they have presented to us today. Human beings desire to live long, but wish to avoid the consequences of aging.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Economic Life in a village Community
    (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural Univesity, Hisar, 1984) Lata, Vidya; Puniya, Ram Kumar
    The economic historians have categorized the village economy as the lynch pin of development of human civilization. These communities were considered self sufficient economic units as these produced, distributed and consulted economic goods with in the community it self (Baan-Powell, 1972). Rural economy is predominantly based on agriculture and is sharply extinguisher. from urban industry by the fact that it is based on direct extraction from nature by man (Desai, 1969).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Social Structure and Social Relationship in A Prison Community In Haryana
    (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural Univesity, Hisar, 1984) Rathour, S. P.; Nath, M
    Although the practice of placing man in custody for the infliction of punishment is very old, only within last three hundred years or so, it has emerged as a major weapon of the state for dealing with the criminals. Crime in the broadest possible sense may be defined as any antisocial act which the group rejects on the part of human beings to escape from the boundaries of criminal behavior. Social definition regards crime as an act which the group regards sufficient menacing to its fundamental interests that justifies formal reaction to restrain the violate. Crime implies the behavior of the individual that interferes with the order of human relationship which society regards as primary condition of existence. Clark (1962) defined it as an act of omission prohibited by public law for the protection of public and made punishable by the state in the judicial proceedings in its own name. In a legal sense, crime is viewed as (i) that behavior which becomes criminal when it violates the criminal law, (ii) the Act cannot be assumed criminal until the actor has been found guilty through court procedure, (iii) it is contended that criminal law is particularly stable and responsible means of adjusting social control to changing condition. Biologists have defined crime in terms of biological deficiencies in the individual leading to crime.