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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Cultivar identification in Soybean
    (CCSHAU, 2005) Ali, N.Mohammed; Verma, S.S.
    The present investigation comprised of 15 soybean cultivars. To substantiate results seed characters and biochemical test were studied in laboratory and plant morphological characters observed in the field. In seed characteristics hilum colour was most important for identification of off type plants. Among plant morphological characters hypocotyl colour, flower colour, pubescence colour and density were important qualitative traits in soybean cultivar identification and were highly stable and heritable. Growth habit, day to maturity, pod shape, seed shape, seed size, seed coat colour, stem termination type and pod colour too may be specific in expression and therefore, serve in identification of cultivars. Among biochemical characters peroxidase test was most important and not coincide with any other characters and not affected by the storability and quality of seed. The protein-banding pattern clearly differentiates the cultivars into different groups. In gradient gel more number of bands could identified than the single percentage gel. Studying the both morphological and biochemical characters either of the alone characters can’t differentiate the cultivars into clear-cut groups. Thus a combination of both morphological and biochemical characters are most important in identification of cultivars. By these characters an identification key could be developed for easy identification at any stage of seed multiplication. A minimum of three crop observations at seedling, flowering and maturity stages were critical for characterization of soybean cultivars on morphological characters.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of pickings on seed quality in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium arboreum)
    (CCSHAU, 2005) Sasan, Ashish Kumar; Duhan, J.C.
    Seed quality plays an important role in crop establishment and overall performance of the crop. Four picking stage viz. First, Second, Third, Fourth of the eight varieties/hybrids viz. AAH-1, HD-107, HD-123, HD-324, HHH-223, H-1098, H-1117, H-1226 of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium arboreum) were evaluated by various tests viz. Standard germination, Seedling length, Seedling dry matter, Vigour index-I, Vigour index-II, Dehydrogenase activity test, Electrical conductivity, Seed index, Seed density, Tetrazolium test in the Department of Seed Science and Technology at Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during 2003-2004. The quality of second picking seed was found significantly better as comparision to other pickings in all varieties/hybrids except seed index which was observed superior in the first picking seed.AAH-1 in desi cotton and HHH-223 variety in American cotton were found superior in seed quality and storability as compare to other varieties. In desi and American cotton AAH-1 and HHH-223 in second picking were recorded significantly higher interaction effect as compared to other combinations (pickings/varieties). These seed lots of various pickings were accelerated aged at 42±1oC for 72 hrs. for predicting the storability. The storability of second picking seed was observed significantly better as comparison to other pickings in all varieties / hybrids. AAH-1 in desi cotton and HHH-223 variety in American cotton wee found superior in storability as compare to other variation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of ageing and priming on seed storage proteins of barley. (Hordeum vulgare L.)
    (CCSHAU, 2005) Chauhan, Davender Singh; Punia, R.C.
    Barley owing to its suitability for salinity and water stress tolerance was selected to define variability available in improved cultivars for seed vigor, viability and storability. An effort was also made to study the effect of ageing and priming on seed storage proteins on the basis of total seed protein profiles. To undertake the above studies six improved genotypes viz. Alfa-93, BH-393, BH-75, BCU-73, RD-2552, K-551 were taken define the changes in storage protein in fresh and accelerated aged seeds. It was observed that all the six genotypes were quite variable for seed quality parameters. The fresh seed lots of all the genotypes were having standard germination above 90%. However, accelerated ageing reduced it to nearly 50%, owing an adverse effect on all the seed quality parameters. On the basis of seed storage protein profiles of fresh and accelerated aged seeds it was revealed that protein profile of fresh seeds was less variable over accelerated aged seeds. An effort was also made to enhance the value of deteriorated seeds (accelerated aged) of BH-75 and BH-393 by giving priming treatments. It was revealed that priming with water and aqueous solution of PEG 6000 significantly increased the standard germination, rate of germination, dehdrogenase activity and vigor index by boosting the repair mechanism of seed. The protein profile of primed seeds revealed that priming results in hydrolysis of seed storage proteins.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of pickings on seed quality in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium arboreum)
    (CCSHAU, 2005) Sasan, Ashish Kumar; Duhan, J.C.
    Seed quality plays an important role in crop establishment and overall performance of the crop. Four picking stage viz. First, Second, Third, Fourth of the eight varieties/hybrids viz. AAH-1, HD-107, HD-123, HD-324, HHH-223, H-1098, H-1117, H-1226 of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium arboreum) were evaluated by various tests viz. Standard germination, Seedling length, Seedling dry matter, Vigour index-I, Vigour index-II, Dehydrogenase activity test, Electrical conductivity, Seed index, Seed density, Tetrazolium test in the Department of Seed Science and Technology at Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during 2003-2004. The quality of second picking seed was found significantly better as comparision to other pickings in all varieties/hybrids except seed index which was observed superior in the first picking seed.AAH-1 in desi cotton and HHH-223 variety in American cotton were found superior in seed quality and storability as compare to other varieties. In desi and American cotton AAH-1 and HHH-223 in second picking were recorded significantly higher interaction effect as compared to other combinations (pickings/varieties). These seed lots of various pickings were accelerated aged at 42±1oC for 72 hrs. for predicting the storability. The storability of second picking seed was observed significantly better as comparison to other pickings in all varieties / hybrids. AAH-1 in desi cotton and HHH-223 variety in American cotton wee found superior in storability as compare to other variation.