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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on combining ability and economic heterosis in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Manish Kumar; Nirania, K.S.
    The present study was undertaken to estimate economic heterosis with the objective of exploring possibilities of its commercial utilization and to study the combining ability effects. The material for the present investigation comprised of 70 upland cotton genotype viz., 52 hybrids developed on 4 female parents (testers) using 13 male parents (lines) in line x testers mating design along with their 17 parents (4 females and 13 males) and one standard check (Hybrid HHH-223).The experimental material was grown at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Cotton Research Station Sirsa, during Kharif 2010 in a randomized block design with three replications. Observations were recorded for nine characters namely, plant height, days to first flower, number of monopods, number of bolls, boll weight, ginning out turn, seed index, lint index and seed cotton yield per plant. The economic heterosis for all these characters was calculated over standard check HHH-223. Considerable amount of heterosis were recorded for seed cotton yield and other related characters under study. The hybrids H1226 x HS-1 and H1098 x DELTA SL exhibited heterosis of more than 65 per cent and hence warrant their further testing over locations for commercial utilization. The combining ability analysis revealed that both additive and non additive variances were present in the expression of all the characters with former playing major role for majority of the characters. In general, none of the male and female parents was found to posses high gca effects for all the characters under study. However, considering the economic importance of various characters DELCOT-517, F-1378, AUBURN NE-165, REX-66 and RS-875 among the males and H1226 among females may be used for future breeding programmes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Characterization of cytoplasmic male sterile lines in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
    (CCSHAU, 2006) Rana, Jyoti; Sethi, S.K.
    The present investigation was carried out during 2005-2006 at experimental area of wheat section, Department of Plant Breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. In this experiment various floral and agronomic traits and protein profiles of 16 cytoplasmic male sterile lines (A lines) of wheat representing two different cytoplasmic sources and their corresponding maintainer lines (B lines) were studied under timely and late sown conditions. Significant variation between the CMS lines and B lines was observed with respect to floral traits viz., anther size, filament length, ovary size, length of style and anther colour, glumes opening angle, stigma receptivity, pollen viability, out crossing and agronomic traits namely number of tillers, plant height, spikelets, number of spikelets per spike. The mean values for different floral traits in the CMS lines was lesser than an equal to that of their fertile counterparts opened. Glumes angle had maximum variation, stigma receptivity had the least variation, which ranged from 4 to 5 days. Among various CMS lines all the CMS lines except three exhibited complete male sterility under both dates of sowing. The number of tillers per plant and plant height was reduced in CMS lines as compare to maintainer lines. For traits like spike length, number of spikelets per spike, reduction was in both direction negative and positive. In this way, the interaction of cytoplasm with different nuclear backgrounds can be in positive as well as in negative direction. CMS lines flowered later than respective B lines. In electrophoresis a polymorphic band was observed while it was absent in majority of CMS lines and present in all the maintainer lines. The result of present study indicate more or less stable performance of sixteen CMS lines studied with respect of floral, agronomic traits and protein profile.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on drought tolerance, genetic divergence and character association in mothbean [Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Marechal]
    (CCSHAU, 2006) Ranjit Singh; Jaivir Singh
    The objectives of the present study were to study the physiological basis of drought tolerance in mothbean, to determine the yield component under dry land conditions, to identify diverse and elite genotypes and suggesting breeding method for further improvement in mothbean. The experiment was conducted during Kharif, 2002 at research area, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. In the present investigation, 43 genotypes of mothbean were grown in randomized block design with four replication accommodating spacing 30× 10 cm. Observation on 5 competitive plants for recording of data on different physiological traits and yield components were taken. Substantial amount of coefficient of variation was observed for all the traits/characters under study. A wide range for different traits/characters were also observed. The higher phenotypic coefficient of variation over genotypic coefficient of variation showed in almost all the traits/characters. The estimation of -iv- -4- high heritability with high genetic advance was recorded for pod per plant in both the environments while in case of physiological traits it was observed for water retention. On the basis of D2-value 43 genotypes were grouped into nine cluster in E1 and eight in E2. There was no association between clustering pattern and ecogeographical distribution of the genotypes. RMO 257, RMO 40 and Jwala are released varieties were clustered into same cluster in both the environment. In almost all the cases phenotypic correlation coefficient was more than genotypic correlation coefficient. Correlation studied revealed significant positive association of seed yield per plot with 100-seed weight, seed yield per plant, pod per plant, pod per cluster in both environment. Path analysis revealed that maximum direct effect on seed yield per plant was through yield per plot and pod per cluster in E1 and E2 respectively. An examination of the trend of correlation revealed that the yield per plot, pod per plant, pod per cluster, pod length and 100-seed weight were the important characters that exerted the greatest influence both directly and indirectly upon seed yield per plant. These characters were important components in almost all correlations that involved seed yield. On basis of membrane stability the best performing genotypes/varieties were IC 329051, IC 311448, IC 329044 and RMO 257. On basis of the canopy temperature depression the best performing genotypes/varieties were IC 329051, IC 311448, IC 329044, IC 329090, IC 370471, IC 329037, IC 311427 and RMO 40. RMO 40 and RMO 257 were observed as best performer for high water retention.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic divergence and correlation analysis in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
    (CCSHAU, 2006) Soni Kumari; Sheoran, R.K.
    In the present investigation, 80 genotypes of sunflower were grown in randomized block design with three replications accomodating each genotype in 4 m long single row plot with row to row and plant to plant spacing at 45 cm and 30 cm, respectively, at the experimental research area of oilseeds section, Department of Plant Breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during spring season of 2005 with objective to determine variability, correlation path coefficient, genetic divergence, identification of genetically diverse and agronomically desirable germplasm and selection indices. Observations on five competitive plants for 12 metric characters were recorded. Substantial amount of genetic variability was observed for all the characters under study. The seed yield per plant showed positive and significant correlation with number of seeds per capitulum and 100 seed weight. The path coefficient analysis recorded that number of seeds per capitulum, 100 seed weight, plant height, palmitic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid were the main contributors towards seed yield per plant. Based on D2 values, the genotypes were grouped into 10 clusters. There was little association between clustering pattern and agro-ecological distributions of genotypes. However, the genotypes of same agro-ecological origin had shown some tendency to come together in the same cluster. The genotypes included in clusters V, VIII, IX and X were identified as divergent as well as higher mean values for important yield component characters. The genotype viz. DRSF-120R, P70R, Nandyal-1 and RHA-586 were divergent and superior performers for most of the yield and quality attributing characters and could be exploited in future sunflower breeding programme. Combination of characters viz. number of seeds per capitulum and seed yield per plant was superior to straight selection for yield. Therefore, breeder engaged in the improvement of sunflower, should lay greater emphasis on this combination.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on genetic variability and phenotypic stability in pea (Pisum sativum L.)
    (CCSHAU, 2006) Ram Avtar; Yadav, Ram Kumar
    The present study was undertaken to assess the differential response of 48 diverse genotypes of peas (Pisum sativum L.) over different environments and to estimate the genetic variability. The experiments were conducted at three locations viz., Hisar, Bawal and Kaul for two years 2003-04 and 2004-05. Observations were recorded for ten traits. The joint regression analysis indicated that bulk of genotype x environment (g x e) interaction was a linear function of the environmental means, although both linear and non linear function played an important role in building up of total genotype x environment (g x e) interaction. However, relative magnitude of both these portions i.e. liner and non- liner varied with the characters. In the present studies the linear portion of genotype x environment interaction was significant for the characters days to 50% flowering, Days to maturity, Primary branches per plant, plant height, number of pods per plant, length of pod, seeds per pod, 100 seed weight, yield per plant and yield per hectare. Based on the environment index, environment E1 was observed to be the most favorable environment for yield and most of its contributing traits. The genotypes included in the present study did not exhibit uniform stability and responsiveness pattern of different traits. None of the genotypes was found suitable with respect to all the traits. Considering the seed yield and its contributing trait; HFP-9907B was observed to be promisinged stable for six traitsand DMR51 was observed to be promisinged stable for five traits. The other promisinged genotypes namely Jayanti, IFPD-3-6, HFP-9907A, HFP-2008, and KMPR 706 were observed to be stable and average responsive for four traits, as indicated by their high mean performance, average to above average response and non significant values. Characters like length of pod, days to 50% flowering and days to maturity had relatively low genetic variability as well as genetic advance. Length of pod, yield per plant and yield per hectare showed low to medium heritability. The important attributing characters for yield such as days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, pods per plant and primary branches per plant had high heritability. Breeding through selection for these traits for improving seed yield may prove fruitful. Implications of these results have been discussed in the present study.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of hybrids for stability of grain yield and its attributing traits in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. R. Br.)
    (CCSHAU, 2006) Abhay Bikash; Yadav, I.S.
    An experiment was conducted to study the stability, correlation and path coefficient for 11 traits in 30 hybrids of pearl millet at four locations. Significant genotypic differences were observed for all the traits in all the four environments. Estimates of environment index revealed that E1 (irrigated condition at Hisar) was the most favourable environment for majority of the characters. The G x E interaction was highly significant for all the characters and its partitioning into linear and non linear component revealed preponderance of linear component for almost all the characters except ear girth and total tillers per plant where non linear component was dominant. The estimates of stability parameters of individual genotype revealed that hybrid 97111A x CSSC46-2 was the most ideal hybrid. Besides high grain yield, it exhibited stable performance across the environments for harvest index, plant height and ear length. Correlation study revealed that grain yield was significantly and positively correlated with harvest index, ear girth, effective tillers, dry fodder yield and biological yield in all the four environments. The path coefficient analysis suggested the importance of biological yield as it has direct positive effect and indirect effect on grain yield in all four environments. Hence, while breeding for increased grain yield main emphasis should be given on biological yield.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on drought tolerance, genetic divergence and character association in mothbean [Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) marechal]
    (CCSHAU, 2006) Ranjit Singh; Jai Vir Singh
    The objectives of the present study were to study the physiological basis of drought tolerance in mothbean, to determine the yield component under dry land conditions, to identify diverse and elite genotypes and suggesting breeding method for further improvement in mothbean. The experiment was conducted during Kharif, 2002 at research area, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. In the present investigation, 43 genotypes of mothbean were grown in randomized block design with four replication accommodating spacing 30× 10 cm. Observation on 5 competitive plants for recording of data on different physiological traits and yield components were taken. Substantial amount of coefficient of variation was observed for all the traits/characters under study. A wide range for different traits/characters were also observed. The higher phenotypic coefficient of variation over genotypic coefficient of variation showed in almost all the traits/characters. The estimation of high heritability with high genetic advance was recorded for pod per plant in both the environments while in case of physiological traits it was observed for water retention. On the basis of D2-value 43 genotypes were grouped into nine cluster in E1 and eight in E2. There was no association between clustering pattern and ecogeographical distribution of the genotypes. RMO 257, RMO 40 and Jwala are released varieties were clustered into same cluster in both the environment. In almost all the cases phenotypic correlation coefficient was more than genotypic correlation coefficient. Correlation studied revealed significant positive association of seed yield per plot with 100-seed weight, seed yield per plant, pod per plant, pod per cluster in both environment. Path analysis revealed that maximum direct effect on seed yield per plant was through yield per plot and pod per cluster in E1 and E2 respectively. An examination of the trend of correlation revealed that the yield per plot, pod per plant, pod per cluster, pod length and 100-seed weight were the important characters that exerted the greatest influence both directly and indirectly upon seed yield per plant. These characters were important components in almost all correlations that involved seed yield. On basis of membrane stability the best performing genotypes/varieties were IC 329051, IC 311448, IC 329044 and RMO 257. On basis of the canopy temperature depression the best performing genotypes/varieties were IC 329051, IC 311448, IC 329044, IC 329090, IC 370471, IC 329037, IC 311427 and RMO 40. RMO 40 and RMO 257 were observed as best performer for high water retention.